198 research outputs found

    Binding Specificity of Sea Anemone Toxins to Nav 1.1-1.6 Sodium Channels UNEXPECTED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM DIFFERENCES IN THE IV/S3-S4 OUTER LOOP

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    Sea anemones are an important source of various biologically active peptides, and it is known that ATX-II from Anemonia sulcata slows sodium current inactivation. Using six different sodium channel genes (from Nav1.1 to Nav1.6), we investigated the differential selectivity of the toxins AFT-II (purified from Anthopleura fuscoviridis) and Bc-III (purified from Bunodosoma caissarum) and compared their effects with those recorded in the presence of ATX-II. Interestingly, ATX-II and AFT-II differ by only one amino acid (L36A) and Bc-III has 70% similarity. The three toxins induced a low voltage-activated persistent component primarily in the Nav1.3 and Nav1.6 channels. An analysis showed that the 18 dose-response curves only partially fit the hypothesized binding of Lys-37 (sea anemone toxin Anthopleurin B) to the Asp (or Glu) residue of the extracellular IV/S3-S4 loop in cardiac (or nervous) Na+ channels, thus suggesting the substantial contribution of some nearby amino acids that are different in the various channels. As these channels are atypically expressed in mammalian tissues, the data not only suggest that the toxicity is highly dependent on the channel type but also that these toxins and their various physiological effects should be considered prototype models for the design of new and specific pharmacological tools

    Heritability and intrafamilial aggregation of arterial characteristics

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated the heritability and familial aggregation of various indexes of arterial stiffness and wave reflection and we partitioned the phenotypic correlation between these traits into shared genetic and environmental components. METHODS: Using a family-based population sample, we recruited 204 parents (mean age, 51.7 years) and 290 offspring (29.4 years) from the population in Cracow, Poland (62 families), Hechtel-Eksel, Belgium (36), and Pilsen, the Czech Republic (50). We measured peripheral pulse pressure (PPp) sphygmomanometrically at the brachial artery; central pulse pressure (PPc), the peripheral augmentation indexes (PAIxs) and central augmentation indexes (CAIxs) by applanation tonometry at the radial artery; and aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) by tonometry or ultrasound. In multivariate-adjusted analyses, we used the ASSOC and PROC GENMOD procedures as implemented in SAGE and SAS, respectively. RESULTS: We found significant heritability for PAIx, CAIx, PPc and mean arterial pressure ranging from 0.37 to 0.41; P </= 0.0001. The method of intrafamilial concordance confirmed these results; intrafamilial correlation coefficients were significant for all arterial indexes (r >/= 0.12; P </= 0.02) with the exception of PPc (r = -0.007; P = 0.90) in parent-offspring pairs. The sib-sib correlations were also significant for CAIx (r = 0.22; P = 0.001). The genetic correlation between PWV and the other arterial indexes were significant (rhoG >/= 0.29; P < 0.0001). The corresponding environmental correlations were only significantly positive for PPp (rhoE = 0.10, P = 0.03). CONCLUSION: The observation of significant intrafamilial concordance and heritability of various indexes of arterial stiffness as well as the genetic correlations among arterial phenotypes strongly support the search for shared genetic determinants underlying these traits

    Model of the distribution of diastolic left ventricular posterior wall thickness in healthy adults and its impact on the behavior of a string of virtual cardiomyocytes

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    Correlation of the thickness of the left ventricular posterior wall (LVPWd) with various parameters, including age, gender, weight and height, was investigated in this study using regression models. Multicenter derived database comprised over 4,000 healthy individuals. The developed models were further utilized in the in vitro-in vivo (IVIV) translation of the drug cardiac safety data with use of the mathematical model of human cardiomyocytes operating at the virtual healthy population level. LVPWd was assumed to be equivalent to the length of one-dimensional string of virtual cardiomyocyte cells which was presented, as other physiological factors, to be a parameter influencing the simulated pseudo-ECG (pseudoelectrocardiogram), QTcF and Δ\DeltaQTcF, both native and modified by exemplar drug (disopyramide) after IKrI_{Kr} current disruption. Simulation results support positive correlation between the LVPWd and QTcF/Δ\DeltaQTc. Developed models allow more detailed description of the virtual population and thus inter-individual variability influence on the drug cardiac safet

    Safety in home care: A research protocol for studying medication management

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Patient safety is an ongoing global priority, with medication safety considered a prevalent, high-risk area of concern. Yet, we have little understanding of the supports and barriers to safe medication management in the Canadian home care environment. There is a clear need to engage the providers and recipients of care in studying and improving medication safety with collaborative approaches to exploring the nature and safety of medication management in home care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A socio-ecological perspective on health and health systems drives our iterative qualitative study on medication safety with elderly home care clients, family members and other informal caregivers, and home care providers. As we purposively sample across four Canadian provinces: Alberta (AB), Ontario (ON), Quebec (QC) and Nova Scotia (NS), we will collect textual and visual data through home-based interviews, participant-led photo walkabouts of the home, and photo elicitation sessions at clients' kitchen tables. Using successive rounds of interpretive description and human factors engineering analyses, we will generate robust descriptions of managing medication at home within each provincial sample and across the four-province group. We will validate our initial interpretations through photo elicitation focus groups with home care providers in each province to develop a refined description of the phenomenon that can inform future decision-making, quality improvement efforts, and research.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The application of interpretive and human factors lenses to the visual and textual data is expected to yield findings that advance our understanding of the issues, challenges, and risk-mitigating strategies related to medication safety in home care. The images are powerful knowledge translation tools for sharing what we learn with participants, decision makers, other healthcare audiences, and the public. In addition, participants engage in knowledge exchange throughout the study with the use of participatory data collection methods.</p

    Action potentials in abscisic acid-deficient tomato mutant generated spontaneously and evoked by electrical stimulation

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    Action potentials generated spontaneously (SAPs) and evoked by electrical stimulation (APs) in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv. Micro-Tom ABA-deficient mutants (sitiens—MTsit) and its wild type (MTwt) were characterized by continuous monitoring of electrical activity for 66 h and by application of an electrical stimulation supplied extracellularly. MTsit generated SAPs which spread along the stem, including petioles and roots with an amplitude of 44.6 ± 4.4 mV, half-time (t½) of 33.1 ± 2.9 s and velocity of 5.4 ± 1.0 cm min−1. Amplitude and velocity were 43 and 108 % higher in MTsit than in MTwt, respectively. The largest number of SAPs was registered in the early morning in both genotypes. MTsit was less responsive to electrical stimuli. The excitation threshold and the refractory period were greater in MTsit than in MTwt. After current application, APs were generated in the MTwt with 21.2 ± 2.4 mV amplitude and propagated with 5.6 ± 0.5 cm min−1 velocity. Lower intensity stimuli did not trigger APs in these plants. In MTsit APs were measured with amplitude of 26.8 ± 4.8 mV and propagated with velocity of 8.5 ± 0.1 cm min−1

    Variability in school closure decisions in response to 2009 H1N1: a qualitative systems improvement analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>School closure was employed as a non-pharmaceutical intervention against pandemic 2009 H1N1, particularly during the first wave. More than 700 schools in the United States were closed. However, closure decisions reflected significant variation in rationales, decision triggers, and authority for closure. This variability presents the opportunity for improved efficiency and decision-making.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We identified media reports relating to school closure as a response to 2009 H1N1 by monitoring high-profile sources and searching Lexis-Nexis and Google news alerts, and reviewed reports for key themes. News stories were supplemented by observing conference calls and meetings with health department and school officials, and by discussions with decision-makers and community members.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was significant variation in the stated goal of closure decision, including limiting community spread of the virus, protecting particularly vulnerable students, and responding to staff shortages or student absenteeism. Because the goal of closure is relevant to its timing, nature, and duration, unclear rationales for closure can challenge its effectiveness. There was also significant variation in the decision-making authority to close schools in different jurisdictions, which, in some instances, was reflected in open disagreement between school and public health officials. Finally, decision-makers did not appear to expect the level of scientific uncertainty encountered early in the pandemic, and they often expressed significant frustration over changing CDC guidance.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The use of school closure as a public health response to epidemic disease can be improved by ensuring that officials clarify the goals of closure and tailor closure decisions to those goals. Additionally, authority to close schools should be clarified in advance, and decision-makers should expect to encounter uncertainty disease emergencies unfold and plan accordingly.</p

    Оценка качества образования на основе компетентностного подхода

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    В работе представлен практический опыт оценки качества образования в новом формате компетентностного подход