5,926 research outputs found

    Genetic susceptibility in the development of colorectal adenomas according to family history of colorectal cancer

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    Our study aimed to evaluate the relevance of genetic susceptibility in the development of colorectal adenomas (CRA) and its relationship with the presence of family history of colorectal cancer (CRC). Genomic DNA from 750 cases (first degree relatives of patients with CRC) and 750 controls (subjects with no family history of CRC) was genotyped for 99 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously associated with CRC/CRA risk by GWAS and candidate gene studies by using the MassArray™ (Sequenom) platform. Cases and controls were matched by gender, age and histological lesion. Eight hundred and fifty-eight patients showed no neoplastic lesions, whereas 288 patients showed low-risk adenomas, and 354 patients presented high-risk adenomas. Two SNPs (rs10505477, rs6983267) in the CASC8 gene were associated with a reduced risk of CRA in controls (log-additive models, OR: 0.67, 95%CI:0.54–0.83, and OR:0.66, 95%CI:0.54–0.84, respectively). Stratified analysis by histological lesion revealed the association of rs10505477 and rs6983267 variants with reduced risk of low- and high-risk adenomas in controls, being this effect stronger in low-risk adenomas (log-additive models, OR:0.63, 95%CI:0.47–0.84 and OR:0.64, 95%CI:0.47–0.86, respectively). Moreover, 2 SNPs (rs10795668, rs11255841) in the noncoding LINC00709 gene were significantly associated with a reduced risk of low-risk adenomas in cases (recessive models, OR:0.22, 95%CI:0.06–0.72, and OR:0.08, 95%CI:0.03–0.61) and controls (dominant models, OR:0.50, 95%CI:0.34–0.75, and OR:0.52, 95%CI:0.35–0.78, respectively). In conclusion, some variants associated with CRC risk (rs10505477, rs6983267, rs10795668 and rs11255841) are also involved in the susceptibility to CRA and specific subtypes. These associations are influenced by the presence of family history of CRC

    Colonoscopy versus fecal immunochemical testing in colorectal-cancer screening

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    Colonoscopy and fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) are accepted strategies for colorectal-cancer screening in the average-risk population. METHODS: In this randomized, controlled trial involving asymptomatic adults 50 to 69 years of age, we compared one-time colonoscopy in 26,703 subjects with FIT every 2 years in 26,599 subjects. The primary outcome was the rate of death from colorectal cancer at 10 years. This interim report describes rates of participation, diagnostic findings, and occurrence of major complications at completion of the baseline screening. Study outcomes were analyzed in both intention-to-screen and as-screened populations. RESULTS: The rate of participation was higher in the FIT group than in the colonoscopy group (34.2% vs. 24.6%, P<0.001). Colorectal cancer was found in 30 subjects (0.1%) in the colonoscopy group and 33 subjects (0.1%) in the FIT group (odds ratio, 0.99; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.61 to 1.64; P=0.99). Advanced adenomas were detected in 514 subjects (1.9%) in the colonoscopy group and 231 subjects (0.9%) in the FIT group (odds ratio, 2.30; 95% CI, 1.97 to 2.69; P<0.001), and nonadvanced adenomas were detected in 1109 subjects (4.2%) in the colonoscopy group and 119 subjects (0.4%) in the FIT group (odds ratio, 9.80; 95% CI, 8.10 to 11.85; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Subjects in the FIT group were more likely to participate in screening than were those in the colonoscopy group. On the baseline screening examination, the numbers of subjects in whom colorectal cancer was detected were similar in the two study groups, but more adenomas were identified in the colonoscopy groupSupported by grants from Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (Fundación Científica and Junta de Barcelona), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI08/90717), FEDER funds, and Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (2009SGR849). Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd) is funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III. In the Basque Country, the study received additional grants from Obra Social de Kutxa, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (DFG 07/5), Departamento de Sanidad del Gobierno Vasco, EITB-Maratoia (BIO 07/ CA/19), and Acción Transversal contra el Cáncer del CIBERehd (2008). In Galicia, this work was supported by Dirección Xeral de Innovación e Xestión da Saúde Pública, Conselleria de Sanidade, and Xunta de Galicia. Eiken Chemical of Japan and its Spanish representatives, Palex Medical and Biogen Diagnóstica, donated supplies and automated analyzers used for FI

    CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey: I. Survey presentation

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    We present here the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey, which has been designed to provide a first step in this direction.We summarize the survey goals and design, including sample selection and observational strategy.We also showcase the data taken during the first observing runs (June/July 2010) and outline the reduction pipeline, quality control schemes and general characteristics of the reduced data. This survey is obtaining spatially resolved spectroscopic information of a diameter selected sample of 600\sim600 galaxies in the Local Universe (0.005< z <0.03). CALIFA has been designed to allow the building of two-dimensional maps of the following quantities: (a) stellar populations: ages and metallicities; (b) ionized gas: distribution, excitation mechanism and chemical abundances; and (c) kinematic properties: both from stellar and ionized gas components. CALIFA uses the PPAK Integral Field Unit (IFU), with a hexagonal field-of-view of \sim1.3\sq\arcmin', with a 100% covering factor by adopting a three-pointing dithering scheme. The optical wavelength range is covered from 3700 to 7000 {\AA}, using two overlapping setups (V500 and V1200), with different resolutions: R\sim850 and R\sim1650, respectively. CALIFA is a legacy survey, intended for the community. The reduced data will be released, once the quality has been guaranteed. The analyzed data fulfill the expectations of the original observing proposal, on the basis of a set of quality checks and exploratory analysis. We conclude from this first look at the data that CALIFA will be an important resource for archaeological studies of galaxies in the Local Universe.Comment: 32 pages, 29 figures, Accepted for publishing in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Measurement of J/ψ production in association with a W ± boson with pp data at 8 TeV

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    A measurement of the production of a prompt J/ψ meson in association with a W± boson with W± → μν and J/ψ → μ+μ− is presented for J/ψ transverse momenta in the range 8.5–150 GeV and rapidity |yJ/ψ| &lt; 2.1 using ATLAS data recorded in 2012 at the LHC. The data were taken at a proton-proton centre-of-mass energy of s = 8 TeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. The ratio of the prompt J/ψ plus W± cross-section to the inclusive W± cross-section is presented as a differential measurement as a function of J/ψ transverse momenta and compared with theoretical predictions using different double-parton-scattering cross-sections. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Revealing the last 13,500 years of environmental history from the multiproxy record of a mountain lake (Lago Enol, northern Iberian Peninsula)

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-009-9387-7.We present the Holocene sequence from Lago Enol (43°16′N, 4°59′W, 1,070 m a.s.l.), Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain. A multiproxy analysis provided comprehensive information about regional humidity and temperature changes. The analysis included sedimentological descriptions, physical properties, organic carbon and carbonate content, mineralogy and geochemical composition together with biological proxies including diatom and ostracod assemblages. A detailed pollen study enabled reconstruction of variations in vegetation cover, which were interpreted in the context of climate changes and human impact. Four distinct stages were recognized for the last 13,500 years: (1) a cold and dry episode that includes the Younger Dryas event (13,500–11,600 cal. year BP); (2) a humid and warmer period characterizing the onset of the Holocene (11,600–8,700 cal. year BP); (3) a tendency toward a drier climate during the middle Holocene (8,700–4,650 cal. year BP); and (4) a return to humid conditions following landscape modification by human activity (pastoral activities, deforestation) in the late Holocene (4,650–2,200 cal. year BP). Superimposed on relatively stable landscape conditions (e.g. maintenance of well established forests), the typical environmental variability of the southern European region is observed at this site.The Spanish Inter-Ministry Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), the Spanish National Parks agency, the European Commission, the Spanish Ministry of Science, and the European Social Fund

    Revealing the last 13,500 years of environmental history from the multiproxy record of a mountain lake (Lago Enol, northern Iberian Peninsula)

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-009-9387-7.We present the Holocene sequence from Lago Enol (43°16′N, 4°59′W, 1,070 m a.s.l.), Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain. A multiproxy analysis provided comprehensive information about regional humidity and temperature changes. The analysis included sedimentological descriptions, physical properties, organic carbon and carbonate content, mineralogy and geochemical composition together with biological proxies including diatom and ostracod assemblages. A detailed pollen study enabled reconstruction of variations in vegetation cover, which were interpreted in the context of climate changes and human impact. Four distinct stages were recognized for the last 13,500 years: (1) a cold and dry episode that includes the Younger Dryas event (13,500–11,600 cal. year BP); (2) a humid and warmer period characterizing the onset of the Holocene (11,600–8,700 cal. year BP); (3) a tendency toward a drier climate during the middle Holocene (8,700–4,650 cal. year BP); and (4) a return to humid conditions following landscape modification by human activity (pastoral activities, deforestation) in the late Holocene (4,650–2,200 cal. year BP). Superimposed on relatively stable landscape conditions (e.g. maintenance of well established forests), the typical environmental variability of the southern European region is observed at this site.The Spanish Inter-Ministry Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), the Spanish National Parks agency, the European Commission, the Spanish Ministry of Science, and the European Social Fund

    Physics of leptoquarks in precision experiments and at particle colliders

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    We present a comprehensive review of physics effects generated by leptoquarks (LQs), i.e., hypothetical particles that can turn quarks into leptons and vice versa, of either scalar or vector nature. These considerations include discussion of possible completions of the Standard Model that contain LQ fields. The main focus of the review is on those LQ scenarios that are not problematic with regard to proton stability. We accordingly concentrate on the phenomenology of light leptoquarks that is relevant for precision experiments and particle colliders. Important constraints on LQ interactions with matter are derived from precision low-energy observables such as electric dipole moments, (g-2) of charged leptons, atomic parity violation, neutral meson mixing, Kaon, B, and D meson decays, etc. We provide a general analysis of indirect constraints on the strength of LQ interactions with the quarks and leptons to make statements that are as model independent as possible. We address complementary constraints that originate from electroweak precision measurements, top, and Higgs physics. The Higgs physics analysis we present covers not only the most recent but also expected results from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We finally discuss direct LQ searches. Current experimental situation is summarized and self-consistency of assumptions that go into existing accelerator-based searches is discussed. A progress in making next-to-leading order predictions for both pair and single LQ productions at colliders is also outlined.Comment: 136 pages, 22 figures, typographical errors fixed, the Physics Reports versio

    Characterization and dating of coastal deposits of NW Portugal (Minho - Neiva area): a record of climate, eustasy and crustal uplift during the Quaternary

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    This study presents the characterization and numerical dating of Quaternary coastal deposits of NW Portugal, located between the mouths of the Minho and Neiva rivers. They record continental (small alluvial fans and streams) and transitional (aeolian dunes, interdune ponds, estuary, sandy and gravelly beaches) paleoenvironments. Quartz and K-feldspar optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is employed as well as AMS C-14 dating. A staircase of coastal terraces (abrasion shore platforms) was identified (altimetry, a.s.l.) and ascribed to the following probable Marine Isotope Stages (MIS): T1 - 20-18 m (MIS11); T2 - ca. 13 m (MIS9); T3 - 9.3-7.3 m (MIS7); T4 - 5.5-4.5 m (MIS5); T5 - 3.5-2.0 m (MIS5). The terraces have some preserved sedimentary facies that includes coeval beach sediments on the lowest four. A late Pleistocene to Holocene sedimentary cover comprises four sub-units: a) the lower sub-unit, corresponding to ferruginous stream deposits and aeolian dunes dated ca. 67-61 ka (MIS4), probably related with sub-humid to arid mid-cold conditions; b) on the slopes, the lower sub-unit is overlapped by sandy-silty colluvium and sandy alluvial deposits dated ca. 56-28 ka (MIS3) and probably reflecting cold/mid-cold and wet/dry climate conditions; c) this sub-unit is topped by soliflucted lobes and sandy-silty/silty deposits recording cold and dry climate dated 20-13 ka (MIS2), and d) a top subunit dated to 16-18th century, recording Little Ice Age events, consisting of fluvial sediments coeval with temperate climate evolving to aeolian dunes from the Maunder Minimum (cold windy dry conditions).Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) - grant SFRH/BD/16438/2004 - project PTDC/GEO-GEO/2860/2012 - Sabbatical Leave Grant ref. SFRH/BSAB/1289/2012 - Research also has been supported by both Aarhus University and Risø DTU (Denmark