3,486 research outputs found

    Paralleelmehhanismide kinetostaatiliste jõudlusindeksite uuring ning võrdlus

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    Nii kaua, kui on kasutusel olnud robotid, on käinud teadusuuringud nende kasutamiseks ning töö optimeerimiseks meie igapäevases elus. Samal ajal, kui meie teadmised robotite teemal on suuresti arenenud, on kasvanud ka vastavate struktuuride keerukus. Seega on arendatud mitmeid meetodeid ja indekseid, aitamaks disaneritel ning inseneridel välja selgitada parimad seadmed vastavate ülesannete lahendamiseks. Lisaks on huvi paralleelmehhanismide suunas viimaste aastate jooksul märgatavalt kasvanud. Peamiseks põhjuseks on paljudes valdkondades märgatavalt parem sooritusvõime võrreldes seriaalmanipulaatoritega. Ometi pole arendatud veel ühtegi globaalset jõudlusindeksit, mis võimaldaks täpsuse perspektiivis paralleelmanipulaatorite omavahelise võrdluse. Käesoleva lõputöö fookuseks on kintestaatilise jõuldusindeksi arendustööst ülevaate pakkumine. Uuritav indeks peab robustselt suutma hinnata läbi vastava indeksi paralleelmanipulaatorite täpsust.For as long as we have used robots there has also been ongoing research to allow us to use and improve efficiency of automation in our daily lives. As our knowledge about robots has largely improved, so has the complexity of their structures. Thus, various methods and indices have been developed to help designers and engineers determine the best manipulator for a specific task. In addition, the interest towards parallel manipulators has seen growth in the last couple of years due to significantly better performance in various areas in comparison to serial mechanisms. However, no global performance index to evaluate accuracy and allow comparison in that perspective between parallel mechanisms has been developed. This thesis focuses on giving an overview on the developments towards finding a robust kinematic sensitivity index to measure accuracy performance of parallel manipulators

    A comprehensive survey of the analytical, numerical and experimental methodologies for dynamics of multibody mechanical systems with clearance or imperfect joints

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    "Available online 19 December 2017"A comprehensive survey of the literature of the most relevant analytical, numerical, and experimental approaches for the kinematic and dynamic analyses of multibody mechanical systems with clearance joints is presented in this review. Both dry and lubricated clearance joints are addressed here, and an effort is made to include a large number of research works in this particular field, which have been published since the 1960′s. First, the most frequently utilized methods for modeling planar and spatial multibody mechanical systems with clearance joints are analyzed, and compared. Other important phenomena commonly associated with clearance joint models, such as wear, non-smooth behavior, optimization and control, chaos, and uncertainty and links’ flexibility, are then discussed. The main assumptions procedures and conclusions for the different methodologies are also examined and compared. Finally, future developments and new applications of clearance joint modeling and analysis are highlighted.This research was supported in part by the China 111 Project (B16003) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 11290151, 11472042 and 11221202. The work was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Function Analysis of Industrial Robot under Cubic Polynomial Interpolation in Animation Simulation Environment

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    In order to study the effect of cubic polynomial interpolation in the trajectory planning of polishing robot manipulator, firstly, the articular robot operating arm is taken as the research object, and the overall system of polishing robot operating arm with 7 degrees of freedom is constructed. Then through the transformation of space motion and pose coordinate system, Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) Matrix is introduced to describe the coordinate direction and parameters of the adjacent connecting rod of the polishing robot, and the kinematic model of the robot is built, and the coordinate direction and parameters of its adjacent link are described. A multi-body Dynamic simulation software, Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems (ADAMS), is used to analyze the kinematic simulation of the robot operating arm system. Finally, the trajectory of the robot manipulator is planned based on the cubic polynomial difference method, and the simulation is verified by Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB). Through calculation, it is found that the kinematic model of polishing robot operating arm constructed in this study is in line with the reality; ADAMS software is used to generate curves of the rotation angles of different joint axes and the displacement of end parts of the polishing robot operating arm changing with time. After obtaining relevant parameters, they are put into the kinematic equation constructed in this study, and the calculated position coordinates are consistent with the detection results; moreover, the polishing robot constructed in this study can realize the functions of deburring, polishing, trimming, and turning table. MATLAB software is used to generate the simulation of the movement trajectory of the polishing robot operating arm, which can show the change curve of angle and angular velocity. The difference between the angle at which the polishing robot reaches the polishing position, the change curve of angular velocity, and the time spent before and after the path optimization is compared. It is found that after path optimization based on cubic polynomial, the change curve of the polishing robot's angle and angular velocity is smoother, and the time is shortened by 17.21s. It indicates that the cubic polynomial interpolation method can realize the trajectory planning of the polishing robot operating arm, moreover, the optimized polishing robot has a continuous and smooth trajectory, which can improve the working efficiency of the robot

    Robotic and clinical evaluation of upper limb motor performance in patients with Friedreich's Ataxia: an observational study

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    Background: Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA) is the most common hereditary autosomal recessive form of ataxia. In this disease there is early manifestation of gait ataxia, and dysmetria of the arms and legs which causes impairment in daily activities that require fine manual dexterity. To date there is no cure for this disease. Some novel therapeutic approaches are ongoing in different steps of clinical trial. Development of sensitive outcome measures is crucial to prove therapeutic effectiveness. The aim of the study was to assess the reliability and sensitivity of quantitative and objective assessment of upper limb performance computed by means of the robotic device and to evaluate the correlation with clinical and functional markers of the disease severity. Methods: Here we assess upper limb performances by means of the InMotion Arm Robot, a robot designed for clinical neurological applications, in a cohort of 14 children and young adults affected by FRDA, matched for age and gender with 18 healthy subjects. We focused on the analysis of kinematics, accuracy, smoothness, and submovements of the upper limb while reaching movements were performed. The robotic evaluation of upper limb performance consisted of planar reaching movements performed with the robotic system. The motors of the robot were turned off, so that the device worked as a measurement tool. The status of the disease was scored using the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA). Relationships between robotic indices and a range of clinical and disease characteristics were examined. Results: All our robotic indices were significantly different between the two cohorts except for two, and were highly and reliably discriminative between healthy and subjects with FRDA. In particular, subjects with FRDA exhibited slower movements as well as loss of accuracy and smoothness, which are typical of the disease. Duration of Movement, Normalized Jerk, and Number of Submovements were the best discriminative indices, as they were directly and easily measurable and correlated with the status of the disease, as measured by SARA. Conclusions: Our results suggest that outcome measures obtained by means of robotic devices can improve the sensitivity of clinical evaluations of patients’ dexterity and can accurately and efficiently quantify changes over time in clinical trials, particularly when functional scales appear to be no longer sensitive


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    Stepper motors can be used to provide open-loop motion control in mechanisms. Unlike servo controlled mechanisms, however, the rotational drive input error cannot be resolved below the step error in the motor. Therefore, there is a fixed level of rotational position error that must be accepted in stepper driven mechanisms, and this rotational position error will inevitably propagate to kinematic position error in the mechanism. In this paper, the direct linearization method will be used to derive a model for kinematic position error based on uncertainty in the rotational input angle of a mechanism. Using this model, a method of constrained optimization to design a mechanism to minimize the effect of uncertain input conditions on kinematic position will be presented. The method is based on entropy minimization techniques that have been applied in a variety of robotic system applications. The method will be demonstrated in a case study, and will be shown to optimize the positioning reliability of a mechanism under input angle errors. The method will be shown to accurately predict drive error propagation, through comparison to Monte Carlo simulation. When coupled with entropy-based system reliability optimization methods, optimal mechansims can be synthesized in response to various positioning constraints

    Synthesis of Planar Parallel Mechanism

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    Parallel mechanisms are found as positioning platforms in several applications in robotics and production engineering. Today there are various types of these mechanisms based on the strcture, type of joints and degree of freedom. An important and basic planar mechanism providing three degree of freedom at the end-effector (movable platform) is a 3-RPR linkage. Here the underscore below P indicates the presence of actuated prismatic joints and 3 indicates the number of legs used to carry the mobile platform. A lot of work has been done on this mechanism since 1988. In the present work, the kinematics of 3-RPR linkage is specifically studied to understand the synthesis procedure. The forward kinematics in parallel mechanisms is a multi-solution problem and involves cumbersome calculations compared to inverse kinematics. In inverse kinematics, we design the actuator input kinematic parameters for a known table center coordinates. In other words it is a transformation of platform pose vector to the actuator degrees of freedom. In 3-RPR mechanism considered in present task, the actuators are sliders and hence the slider displacements reflect the input degrees of freedom. On the other hand, for a known posture (available slider displacement status), the table center coordinates are predicted in forward kinematics. In present work, forward kinematics solutions are obtained by defining error function and optimizing it using genetic algorithms programs. Also, the workspace and Jacobian matrices are computed at corresponding solution and singularity analysis is briefly highlighted