3,345 research outputs found

    Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture

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    Because of the large contrast between the dielectric constant of liquid water and that of dry soil at microwave wavelength, there is a strong dependence of the thermal emission and radar backscatter from the soil on its moisture content. This dependence provides a means for the remote sensing of the moisture content in a surface layer approximately 5 cm thick. The feasibility of these techniques is demonstrated from field, aircraft and spacecraft platforms. The soil texture, surface roughness, and vegetative cover affect the sensitivity of the microwave response to moisture variations with vegetation being the most important. It serves as an attenuating layer which can totally obscure the surface. Research indicates that it is possible to obtain five or more levels of moisture discrimination and that a mature corn crop is the limiting vegetation situation

    Radiometric Correction of Observations from Microwave Humidity Sounders

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    The Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B (AMSU-B) and Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) are total power microwave radiometers operating at frequencies near the water vapor absorption line at 183 GHz. The measurements of these instruments are crucial for deriving a variety of climate and hydrological products such as water vapor, precipitation, and ice cloud parameters. However, these measurements are subject to several errors that can be classified into radiometric and geometric errors. The aim of this study is to quantify and correct the radiometric errors in these observations through intercalibration. Since the bias in the calibration of microwave instruments changes with scene temperature, a two-point intercalibration correction scheme was developed based on averages of measurements over the tropical oceans and nighttime polar regions. The intercalibration coefficients were calculated on a monthly basis using measurements averaged over each specified region and each orbit, then interpolated to estimate the daily coefficients. Since AMSU-B and MHS channels operate at different frequencies and polarizations, the measurements from the two instruments were not intercalibrated. Because of the negligible diurnal cycle of both temperature and humidity fields over the tropical oceans, the satellites with the most stable time series of brightness temperatures over the tropical oceans (NOAA-17 for AMSU-B and NOAA-18 for MHS) were selected as the reference satellites and other similar instruments were intercalibrated with respect to the reference instrument. The results show that channels 1, 3, 4, and 5 of AMSU-B on board NOAA-16 and channels 1 and 4 of AMSU-B on board NOAA-15 show a large drift over the period of operation. The MHS measurements from instruments on board NOAA-18, NOAA-19, and MetOp-A are generally consistent with each other. Because of the lack of reference measurements, radiometric correction of microwave instruments remain a challenge, as the intercalibration of these instruments largely depends on the stability of the reference instrument

    Development of UHF radiometer

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    A wideband multifrequency UHF radiometer was initially developed to operate in the 500 to 710 MHz frequency range for the remote measurement of ocean water salinity. However, radio-frequency interference required a reconfiguration to operate in the single-frequency radio astronomy band of 608 to 614 MHz. Details of the radiometer development and testing are described. Flight testing over variable terrain provided a performance comparison of the UHF radiometer with an L-band radiometer for remote sensing of geophysical parameters. Although theoretically more sensitive, the UHF radiometer was found to be less desirable in practice than the L-band radiometer

    Assessing the utility of geospatial technologies to investigate environmental change within lake systems

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    Over 50% of the world's population live within 3. km of rivers and lakes highlighting the on-going importance of freshwater resources to human health and societal well-being. Whilst covering c. 3.5% of the Earth's non-glaciated land mass, trends in the environmental quality of the world's standing waters (natural lakes and reservoirs) are poorly understood, at least in comparison with rivers, and so evaluation of their current condition and sensitivity to change are global priorities. Here it is argued that a geospatial approach harnessing existing global datasets, along with new generation remote sensing products, offers the basis to characterise trajectories of change in lake properties e.g., water quality, physical structure, hydrological regime and ecological behaviour. This approach furthermore provides the evidence base to understand the relative importance of climatic forcing and/or changing catchment processes, e.g. land cover and soil moisture data, which coupled with climate data provide the basis to model regional water balance and runoff estimates over time. Using examples derived primarily from the Danube Basin but also other parts of the World, we demonstrate the power of the approach and its utility to assess the sensitivity of lake systems to environmental change, and hence better manage these key resources in the future

    Remote sensing observatory validation of surface soil moisture using Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer E, Common Land Model, and ground based data: Case study in SMEX03 Little River Region, Georgia, U.S.

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    Optimal soil moisture estimation may be characterized by intercomparisons among remotely sensed measurements, ground‐based measurements, and land surface models. In this study, we compared soil moisture from Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer E (AMSR‐E), ground‐based measurements, and a Soil‐Vegetation‐Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) model for the Soil Moisture Experiments in 2003 (SMEX03) Little River region, Georgia. The Common Land Model (CLM) reasonably replicated soil moisture patterns in dry down and wetting after rainfall though it had modest wet biases (0.001–0.054 m3/m3) as compared to AMSR‐E and ground data. While the AMSR‐E average soil moisture agreed well with the other data sources, it had extremely low temporal variability, especially during the growing season from May to October. The comparison results showed that highest mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) were 0.054 and 0.059 m3/m3 for short and long periods, respectively. Even if CLM and AMSR‐E had complementary strengths, low MAE (0.018–0.054 m3/m3) and RMSE (0.023–0.059 m3/m3) soil moisture errors for CLM and soil moisture low biases (0.003–0.031 m3/m3) for AMSR‐E, care should be taken prior to employing AMSR‐E retrieved soil moisture products directly for hydrological application due to its failure to replicate temporal variability. AMSR‐E error characteristics identified in this study should be used to guide enhancement of retrieval algorithms and improve satellite observations for hydrological sciences

    A multi-sensor data-driven methodology for all-sky passive microwave inundation retrieval

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    We present a multi-sensor Bayesian passive microwave retrieval algorithm for flood inundation mapping at high spatial and temporal resolutions. The algorithm takes advantage of observations from multiple sensors in optical, short-infrared, and microwave bands, thereby allowing for detection and mapping of the sub-pixel fraction of inundated areas under almost all-sky conditions. The method relies on a nearest-neighbor search and a modern sparsity-promoting inversion method that make use of an a priori dataset in the form of two joint dictionaries. These dictionaries contain almost overlapping observations by the Special Sensor Microwave Imager and Sounder (SSMIS) on board the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F17 satellite and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board the Aqua and Terra satellites. Evaluation of the retrieval algorithm over the Mekong Delta shows that it is capable of capturing to a good degree the inundation diurnal variability due to localized convective precipitation. At longer timescales, the results demonstrate consistency with the ground-based water level observations, denoting that the method is properly capturing inundation seasonal patterns in response to regional monsoonal rain. The calculated Euclidean distance, rank-correlation, and also copula quantile analysis demonstrate a good agreement between the outputs of the algorithm and the observed water levels at monthly and daily timescales. The current inundation products are at a resolution of 12.5 km and taken twice per day, but a higher resolution (order of 5 km and every 3 h) can be achieved using the same algorithm with the dictionary populated by the Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Microwave Imager (GMI) products.Comment: 12 pages, 9 Figure

    Remote sensing of water vapor over land using the advanced microwave sounding unit

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    Includes bibliographical references.Water vapor is a fundamentally important variable in the atmosphere for making accurate forecasts. Its global distribution is a challenge to determine and can change rapidly in both space and time. Several ground and space based methods are currently employed to determine its spatial and temporal variability. The microwave spectrum is very useful for remote sensing due to its ability to penetrate through clouds at most frequencies. Microwave satellite sensors have been used to retrieve atmospheric state parameters for several decades, however the retrievals of certain parameters have not been performed satisfactorily over land thus far. Retrievals rely on the ability to extract the atmospheric state from the upwelling radiation, most of which comes from emission from the surface. Knowing the surface emissivity to a high degree of accuracy is essential for calculating the land surface temperature, however it is also important because this emission must be removed in order to retrieve the atmospheric parameters desired. Land type, vegetation, snow, ice, rain, urbanization effects, and many other factors have an effect on the aggregate emission within each viewing scene and results in a strong sensitivity and variability of microwave emissivity on small scales. A physically based iterative optimal estimation retrieval has been implemented to retrieve atmospheric parameters from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU). This retrieval is based on the method of Engelen and Stephens (1999). The retrieval uses a first guess of water vapor and temperature profiles (currently from radiosondes, but will soon be from GDAS), and uses a first guess of emissivity at each of five frequencies (from the MEM). The retrieval was run with a highly accurate first guess in order to detect bias, and the total precipitable water amounts were validated against a radiosonde match-up dataset. The match-up showed fair agreement between the radiosondes and the retrieval (within 20%), however a systematic bias was detected due mostly to coastline contamination. Data from the Global Positioning System (GPS) was also used to validate the total precipitable water, however the results showed less agreement than the radiosonde results (variations of ~20-35%). Most of this disagreement stemmed from geographical co-location differences. The analytical Jacobian was also examined to determine the sensitivities of all channels to the state vector parameters. This enables any retrieval user to pick a channel configuration that gives the desired sensitivities. Vertical profiles of water vapor sensitivities at four varying emissivities were investigated. Sensitivities of water vapor to emissivity were also examined at three distinct atmospheric pressure levels. The Jacobian determined that water vapor is able to be detected throughout a vertical column with adequate skill, although problematic areas occurred between 600 and 800 mb as the emissivity approached unity (e>0.99) for a wet atmospheric case. These results give confidence that AMSU can detect TPW over land for both weather forecasting and for climate studies. The current capabilities may be improved further once bias sources are dealt with satisfactorily.Research was supoprted in part by Cloud Sat at NASA-Goddard under Contract Agreement NAS5-99237, the DoD Center for Geosciences/Atmospheric Research at Colorado State University under the Cooperative Agreement DAAD19-02-2-0005 with the Army Research Lab, and by the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) Program via NOAA grant NA17RJ1228#15 under CIRA's Cooperative Agreement with NOAA

    Quantifying Uncertainties in Land Surface Microwave Emissivity Retrievals

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    Uncertainties in the retrievals of microwave land surface emissivities were quantified over two types of land surfaces: desert and tropical rainforest. Retrievals from satellite-based microwave imagers, including SSM/I, TMI and AMSR-E, were studied. Our results show that there are considerable differences between the retrievals from different sensors and from different groups over these two land surface types. In addition, the mean emissivity values show different spectral behavior across the frequencies. With the true emissivity assumed largely constant over both of the two sites throughout the study period, the differences are largely attributed to the systematic and random errors in the retrievals. Generally these retrievals tend to agree better at lower frequencies than at higher ones, with systematic differences ranging 1~4% (3~12 K) over desert and 1~7% (3~20 K) over rainforest. The random errors within each retrieval dataset are in the range of 0.5~2% (2~6 K). In particular, at 85.0/89.0 GHz, there are very large differences between the different retrieval datasets, and within each retrieval dataset itself. Further investigation reveals that these differences are mostly likely caused by rain/cloud contamination, which can lead to random errors up to 10~17 K under the most severe conditions

    Microwave remote sensing of soil moisture, volume 1

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    Multifrequency sensor data from NASA's C-130 aircraft were used to determine which of the all weather microwave sensors demonstrated the highest correlation to surface soil moisture over optimal bare soil conditions, and to develop and test techniques which use visible/infrared sensors to compensate for the vegetation effect in this sensor's response to soil moisture. The L-band passive microwave radiometer was found to be the most suitable single sensor system to estimate soil moisture over bare fields. The perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) as determined from the visible/infrared sensors was useful as a measure of the vegetation effect on the L-band radiometer response to soil moisture. A linear equation was developed to estimate percent field capacity as a function of L-band emissivity and the vegetation index. The prediction algorithm improves the estimation of moisture significantly over predictions from L-band emissivity alone