27 research outputs found

    Genetic Algorithm With Random Crossover and Dynamic Mutation on Bin Packing Problem

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    Bin Packing Problem (BPP) is a problem that aims to minimize the number of container usage by maximizing its contents. BPP can be applied to a case, such as maximizing the printing of a number of stickers on a sheet of paper of a certain size. Genetic Algorithm is one way to overcome BPP problems. Examples of the use of a combination of BPP and Genetic Algorithms are applied to printed paper in Digital Printing companies. Genetic Algorithms adopt evolutionary characteristics, such as selection, crossover and mutation. Repeatedly, Genetic Algorithms produce individuals who represent solutions. However, this algorithm often does not achieve maximum results because it is trapped in a local search and a case of premature convergence. The best results obtained are not comprehensive, so it is necessary to modify the parameters to improve this condition. Random Crossover and Dynamic Mutation were chosen to improve the performance of Genetic Algorithms. With this application, the performance of the Genetic Algorithm in the case of BPP can overcome premature convergence and maximize the allocation of printing and the use of paper. The test results show that an average of 99 stickers can be loaded on A3 + size paper and the best generation is obtained on average in the 21st generation and the remaining space is 3,500mm2

    From Parameter Tuning to Dynamic Heuristic Selection

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    The importance of balance between exploration and exploitation plays a crucial role while solving combinatorial optimization problems. This balance is reached by two general techniques: by using an appropriate problem solver and by setting its proper parameters. Both problems were widely studied in the past and the research process continues up until now. The latest studies in the field of automated machine learning propose merging both problems, solving them at design time, and later strengthening the results at runtime. To the best of our knowledge, the generalized approach for solving the parameter setting problem in heuristic solvers has not yet been proposed. Therefore, the concept of merging heuristic selection and parameter control have not been introduced. In this thesis, we propose an approach for generic parameter control in meta-heuristics by means of reinforcement learning (RL). Making a step further, we suggest a technique for merging the heuristic selection and parameter control problems and solving them at runtime using RL-based hyper-heuristic. The evaluation of the proposed parameter control technique on a symmetric traveling salesman problem (TSP) revealed its applicability by reaching the performance of tuned in online and used in isolation underlying meta-heuristic. Our approach provides the results on par with the best underlying heuristics with tuned parameters.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Research objective 2 1.3 Solution overview 2 2 Background and RelatedWork Analysis 3 2.1 Optimization Problems and their Solvers 3 2.2 Heuristic Solvers for Optimization Problems 9 2.3 Setting Algorithm Parameters 19 2.4 Combined Algorithm Selection and Hyper-Parameter Tuning Problem 27 2.5 Conclusion on Background and Related Work Analysis 28 3 Online Selection Hyper-Heuristic with Generic Parameter Control 31 3.1 Combined Parameter Control and Algorithm Selection Problem 31 3.2 Search Space Structure 32 3.3 Parameter Prediction Process 34 3.4 Low-Level Heuristics 35 3.5 Conclusion of Concept 36 4 Implementation Details 37 4.2 Search Space 40 4.3 Prediction Process 43 4.4 Low Level Heuristics 48 4.5 Conclusion 52 5 Evaluation 55 5.1 Optimization Problem 55 5.2 Environment Setup 56 5.3 Meta-heuristics Tuning 56 5.4 Concept Evaluation 60 5.5 Analysis of HH-PC Settings 74 5.6 Conclusion 79 6 Conclusion 81 7 FutureWork 83 7.1 Prediction Process 83 7.2 Search Space 84 7.3 Evaluations and Benchmarks 84 Bibliography 87 A Evaluation Results 99 A.1 Results in Figures 99 A.2 Results in numbers 10

    Metaheuristics “In the Large”

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    Many people have generously given their time to the various activities of the MitL initiative. Particular gratitude is due to Adam Barwell, John A. Clark, Patrick De Causmaecker, Emma Hart, Zoltan A. Kocsis, Ben Kovitz, Krzysztof Krawiec, John McCall, Nelishia Pillay, Kevin Sim, Jim Smith, Thomas Stutzle, Eric Taillard and Stefan Wagner. J. Swan acknowledges the support of UK EPSRC grant EP/J017515/1 and the EU H2020 SAFIRE Factories project. P. GarciaSanchez and J. J. Merelo acknowledges the support of TIN201785727-C4-2-P by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. M. Wagner acknowledges the support of the Australian Research Council grants DE160100850 and DP200102364.Following decades of sustained improvement, metaheuristics are one of the great success stories of opti- mization research. However, in order for research in metaheuristics to avoid fragmentation and a lack of reproducibility, there is a pressing need for stronger scientific and computational infrastructure to sup- port the development, analysis and comparison of new approaches. To this end, we present the vision and progress of the Metaheuristics “In the Large”project. The conceptual underpinnings of the project are: truly extensible algorithm templates that support reuse without modification, white box problem descriptions that provide generic support for the injection of domain specific knowledge, and remotely accessible frameworks, components and problems that will enhance reproducibility and accelerate the field’s progress. We argue that, via such principled choice of infrastructure support, the field can pur- sue a higher level of scientific enquiry. We describe our vision and report on progress, showing how the adoption of common protocols for all metaheuristics can help liberate the potential of the field, easing the exploration of the design space of metaheuristics.UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) EP/J017515/1EU H2020 SAFIRE Factories projectSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness TIN201785727-C4-2-PAustralian Research Council DE160100850 DP20010236

    Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Container-based Cloud Applications: The SWITCH and ENTICE Workbenches

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    Many emerging smart applications rely on the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide solutions to time-critical problems. When building such applications, a software engineer must address multiple Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs), including requirements for fast response time, low communication latency, high throughput, high energy efficiency, low operational cost and similar. Existing modern container-based software engineering approaches promise to improve the software lifecycle; however, they fail short of tools and mechanisms for NFRs management and optimisation. Our work addresses this problem with a new decision-making approach based on a Pareto Multi-Criteria optimisation. By using different instance configurations on various geo-locations, we demonstrate the suitability of our method, which narrows the search space to only optimal instances for the deployment of the containerised microservice.This solution is included in two advanced software engineering environments, the SWITCH workbench, which includes an Interactive Development Environment (IDE) and the ENTICE Virtual Machine and container images portal. The developed approach is particularly useful when building, deploying and orchestrating IoT applications across multiple computing tiers, from Edge-Cloudlet to Fog-Cloud data centres

    Development and Integration of Geometric and Optimization Algorithms for Packing and Layout Design

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    The research work presented in this dissertation focuses on the development and application of optimization and geometric algorithms to packing and layout optimization problems. As part of this research work, a compact packing algorithm, a physically-based shape morphing algorithm, and a general purpose constrained multi-objective optimization algorithm are proposed. The compact packing algorithm is designed to pack three-dimensional free-form objects with full rotational freedom inside an arbitrary enclosure such that the packing efficiency is maximized. The proposed compact packing algorithm can handle objects with holes or cavities and its performance does not degrade significantly with the increase in the complexity of the enclosure or the objects. It outputs the location and orientation of all the objects, the packing sequence, and the packed configuration at the end of the packing operation. An improved layout algorithm that works with arbitrary enclosure geometry is also proposed. Different layout algorithms for the SAE and ISO luggage are proposed that exploit the unique characteristics of the problem under consideration. Several heuristics to improve the performance of the packing algorithm are also proposed. The proposed compact packing algorithm is benchmarked on a wide variety of synthetic and hypothetical problems and is shown to outperform other similar approaches. The physically-based shape morphing algorithm proposed in this dissertation is specifically designed for packing and layout applications, and thus it augments the compact packing algorithm. The proposed shape morphing algorithm is based on a modified mass-spring system which is used to model the morphable object. The shape morphing algorithm mimics a quasi-physical process similar to the inflation/deflation of a balloon filled with air. The morphing algorithm starts with an initial manifold geometry and morphs it to obtain a desired volume such that the obtained geometry does not interfere with the objects surrounding it. Several modifications to the original mass-spring system and to the underlying physics that governs it are proposed to significantly speed-up the shape morphing process. Since the geometry of a morphable object continuously changes during the morphing process, most collision detection algorithms that assume the colliding objects to be rigid cannot be used efficiently. And therefore, a general-purpose surface collision detection algorithm is also proposed that works with deformable objects and does not require any preprocessing. Many industrial design problems such as packing and layout optimization are computationally expensive, and a faster optimization algorithm can reduce the number of iterations (function evaluations) required to find the satisfycing solutions. A new multi-objective optimization algorithm namely Archive-based Micro Genetic Algorithm (AMGA2) is presented in this dissertation. Improved formulation for various operators used by the AMGA2 such as diversity preservation techniques, genetic variation operators, and the selection mechanism are also proposed. The AMGA2 also borrows several concepts from mathematical sciences to improve its performance and benefits from the existing literature in evolutionary optimization. A comprehensive benchmarking and comparison of AMGA2 with other state-of-the-art optimization algorithms on a wide variety of mathematical problems gleaned from literature demonstrates the superior performance of AMGA2. Thus, the research work presented in this dissertation makes contributions to the development and application of optimization and geometric algorithms

    Human derived heuristic enhancement of an evolutionary algorithm for the 2D Bin Packing Problem

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    Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI. 16th International Conference, PPSN 2020, Leiden, The Netherlands, 5 - 9 September 2020This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this recordThe 2D Bin-Packing Problem (2DBPP) is an NP-Hard combinatorial optimisation problem with many real-world analogues. Fully deterministic methods such as the well-known Best Fit and First Fit heuristics, stochastic methods such as Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), and hybrid EAs that combine the deterministic and stochastic approaches have all been applied to the problem. Combining derived human expertise with a hybrid EA offers another potential approach. In this work, the moves of humans playing a gamified version of the 2DBPP were recorded and four different Human-Derived Heuristics (HDHs) were created by learning the underlying heuristics employed by those players. Each HDH used a decision tree in place of the mutation operator in the EA. To test their effectiveness, these were compared against hybrid EAs utilising Best Fit or First Fit heuristics as well as a standard EA using a random swap mutation modified with a Next Fit heuristic if the mutation was infeasible. The HDHs were shown to outperform the standard EA and were faster to converge than – but ultimately outperformed by – the First Fit and Best Fit heuristics. This shows that humans can create competitive heuristics through gameplay and helps to understand the role that heuristics can play in stochastic search.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Multiobjective Optimization in Cloud Brokering Systems for Connected Internet of Things

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    Currently, over nine billion things are connected in the Internet of Things (IoT). This number is expected to exceed 20 billion in the near future, and the number of things is quickly increasing, indicating that numerous data will be generated. It is necessary to build an infrastructure to manage the connected things. Cloud computing (CC) has become important in terms of analysis and data storage for IoT. In this paper, we consider a cloud broker, which is an intermediary in the infrastructure that manages the connected things in CC. We study an optimization problem for maximizing the profit of the broker while minimizing the response time of the request and the energy consumption. A multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) is proposed to solve the problem. The performance of the proposed MOPSO is compared with that of a genetic algorithm and a random search algorithm. The results show that the MOPSO outperforms a well-known genetic algorithm for multiobjective optimization

    A methodological framework for cloud resource provisioning and scheduling of data parallel applications under uncertainty

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    Data parallel applications are being extensively deployed in cloud environmentsbecause of the possibility of dynamically provisioning storage and computation re-sources. To identify cost-effective solutions that satisfy the desired service levels,resource provisioning and scheduling play a critical role. Nevertheless, the unpre-dictable behavior of cloud performance makes the estimation of the resources actu-ally needed quite complex. In this paper we propose a provisioning and schedulingframework that explicitly tackles uncertainties and performance variability of thecloud infrastructure and of the workload. This framework allows cloud users to es-timate in advance, i.e., prior to the actual execution of the applications, the resourcesettings that cope with uncertainty. We formulate an optimization problem wherethe characteristics not perfectly known or affected by uncertain phenomena arerepresented as random variables modeled by the corresponding probability distri-butions. Provisioning and scheduling decisions \u2013 while optimizing various metrics,such as monetary leasing costs of cloud resources and application execution time \u2013take fully account of uncertainties encountered in cloud environments. To test our framework, we consider data parallel applications characterized by a deadline con-straint and we investigate the impact of their characteristics and of the variabilityof the cloud infrastructure. The experiments show that the resource provisioningand scheduling plans identified by our approach nicely cope with uncertainties andensure that the application deadline is satisfied

    A learning automata based multiobjective hyper-heuristic

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    Metaheuristics, being tailored to each particular domain by experts, have been successfully applied to many computationally hard optimisation problems. However, once implemented, their application to a new problem domain or a slight change in the problem description would often require additional expert intervention. There is a growing number of studies on reusable cross-domain search methodologies, such as, selection hyper-heuristics, which are applicable to problem instances from various domains, requiring minimal expert intervention or even none. This study introduces a new learning automata based selection hyper-heuristic controlling a set of multiobjective metaheuristics. The approach operates above three well-known multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and mixes them, exploiting the strengths of each algorithm. The performance and behaviour of two variants of the proposed selection hyper-heuristic, each utilising a different initialisation scheme are investigated across a range of unconstrained multiobjective mathematical benchmark functions from two different sets and the realworld problem of vehicle crashworthiness. The empirical results illustrate the effectiveness of our approach for cross-domain search, regardless of the initialisation scheme, on those problems when compared to each individual multiobjective algorithm. Moreover, both variants perform signicantly better than some previously proposed selection hyper-heuristics for multiobjective optimisation, thus signicantly enhancing the opportunities for improved multiobjective optimisation