4,348 research outputs found

    Casimir force in Schwarzschild metric: Progress report

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    In this paper I report progress on both theoretical and experimental aspects. I describe two approaches to calculating putative effects of gravitational curvature on the Casimir force. The work I describe continues the quest to answer the question: do virtual field excitations follow geodesics


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    Studi ini adalah tentang wacana pembubaran partai politik yang korup di Indonesia. Studi ini menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana gagasan pembubaran partai politik yang ideal terhadap partai politik korup di Indonesia. Studi ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undagan dan pendekatan konseptual. Aritinya semua bahan hukum terkait dengan pembubaran partai politik dinalisis dan menetukan model ideal pembubaran partai politik yang korup. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa partai politik adalah salah satu lembaga terkorup di Indonesia. Terdapat beberapa aturan yang mengatur tentang pembubaran partai politik yang kewenanangannya oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi, namun sampai saat ini kewenangan tersebut belum pernah terjadi. Meskipun yang korupsi adalah oknum partai politik, namun oknum tersebut menjabat di pemerintahan adalah berkat usungan dari partai politik, sehingga daat dikatakan bahwa perbuatan korupsi tersebut telah menimbulkan perbuatan melawan hukum, yaitu UUD 1945 sebegaimana yang diatur dalam Pasal 2 Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 Tentang Prosedur Beracara Dalam Pembubaran Partai Politik. Dengan begitu, partai politik dapat dibubarka

    Improving Speaking Skills through the Learning Community Technique

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    The aim of the study was to find out if there was an improvement in students’ English speaking skills through the Learning Community Technique (LCT) than through the conventional way (teacher-centered) of teaching English speaking skills. The subjects of the study were the students in class eleven in a high school in Bireuen, Aceh Province. This study is a collaborative classroom action research project carried out in two cycles, and each cycle was conducted over three meetings. The data was collected using observation sheets, self-assessments of participation in groups, and questionnaires. The findings were then presented after the data was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative data processing procedures. Based on the result of the teacher’s observation sheet in cycle 1, there were some aspects of his activities that should be redesigned since he did not conduct the activities fully according to the lesson plan. Based on the result of the data analysis in cycle 1, there were several aspects of the students’ activities that were still far from the required standards. Furthermore, the result of the questionnaire on the responses of the students to the implementation of LCT revealed that they had good responses toward its implementation. In addition, they did self-assessment of participation in groups that aimed at evaluating their own progress in learning and how well they performed their tasks.

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Sifat-Sifat Cahaya Melalui Penggunaan Metode Eksperimen Pada Kelas V SD Inpres 2 Lontio

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Sifat-Sifat Cahaya. Pembelajaran menggunakan Metode Eksperimen pada siswa kelas V SD Inpres 2 Lontio. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan model siklus yang dikembangkan oleh Kurt Lewin. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, tes akhir, tindakan, wawancara, dan lembar penilaian sikap. Penilaian pada siklus I menunjukkan bahwa dari 18 siswa terdapat 5 siswa yang tidak memenuhi KKM (65) atau prosentase klasikal 72 %. Sementara pada siklus II terdapat 18 siswa tuntas atau ketuntasan secara klasikal 100 %. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Metode Eksperimen dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar sifat-sifat cahaya pada siswa kelas V SD Inpres 2 Lontio

    Business Intelligence Framework for Mapping Analysis of Crafts Creative Industry Products Exports in West Java, Indonesia

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    This paper aims to develop a framework model of a business intelligence system for mapping exports of the creative craft industry in West Java. The main problem is the lagging of the craft industry exports due to the lack of responsiveness in capturing export opportunities. In addition, the absence of a business intelligence system in the craft industry to analyze export mapping in the global market is why this study is important. The research methods used in this literature are data collection and consolidation, identification of information needs, and business intelligence framework design. The data studied in this study are primary data related to export sales of handicrafts in West Java in the form of exporter data, export commodity data (HS code), export trade transactions, export destination country data, and the total value and volume of exports. The proposed model is a BI framework for mapping the creative craft industry exports and the stages of the BI implementation process. Based on the results and discussion, the proposed BI framework design can provide a framework for implementing a business intelligence system to analyze the export mapping of handicraft products in West Java, Indonesia. Keywords: Business Intelligence System (BIS), decision support system, mapping analysis of craft product exports, craft business indicator

    Efforts to accelerate the export of creative craft industries through business intelligence model framework

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    This article seeks to develop a framework model for a business intelligence system mapping West Java's exports of creative crafts. The fundamental issue is that the craft industry's exports are underperforming due to a lack of responsiveness in capturing export opportunities. In addition, the lack of a business intelligence system in the craft industry to evaluate export mapping on the global market emphasizes the importance of this research. This body of literature employs the research methods of data gathering and consolidation, determining information needs, and developing a framework for business intelligence. This study investigates primary data regarding the export of handicrafts from West Java, including exporter data, export commodity data (HS code), export trade transactions, export destination country data, and the overall export value and volume. The proposed model is a framework for mapping the export of craft creative industries and the stages of business intelligence (BI) deployment. Based on the results and discussion, the proposed BI framework can serve as a basis for developing a business intelligence system to evaluate the export mapping of handcraft products in West Java

    Applying Value Creation Framework to Offer Public Transport Improvement

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    Public Transportation in urban areas is expected to be main choice for people's mobility. The aim of this research is apply value creation framework based on S-D Logic and Trans Jogja from Yogyakarta and Värmlandstrafik AB Sweden are the case study. This research use direct observation and interview to the related person/ company as the primary data, and to support them use group discussion with the users. This research also use secondary data from some journals, reports, documentations, etc. From the analysis and discussion Värmlandstrafik AB is address the value creation service and opportunity more than Trans Jogja. From conclusion, the need of applying value creation framework in Trans Jogja is to offer public transport improvement as has been illustrated by Trans Jogja. Although the achievement of value creation opportunities are not as high as that achieved by Värmlandstrafik AB, but Trans Jogja should learn about what needs should be improved
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