116 research outputs found

    Emerging climate-driven disturbance processes: Widespread mortality associated with snow-to-rain transitions across 10° of latitude and half the range of a climate-threatened conifer

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    Climate change is causing rapid changes to forest disturbance regimes worldwide. While the consequences of climate change for existing disturbance processes, like fires, are relatively well studied, emerging drivers of disturbance such as snow loss and subsequent mortality are much less documented. As the climate warms, a transition from winter snow to rain in high latitudes will cause significant changes in environmental conditions such as soil temperatures, historically buffered by snow cover. The Pacific coast of North America is an excellent test case, as mean winter temperatures are currently at the snow–rain threshold and have been warming for approximately 100 years post-Little Ice Age. Increased mortality in a widespread tree species in the region has been linked to warmer winters and snow loss. Here, we present the first high-resolution range map of this climate-sensitive species, Callitropsis nootkatensis (yellow-cedar), and document the magnitude and location of observed mortality across Canada and the United States. Snow cover loss related mortality spans approximately 10° latitude (half the native range of the species) and 7% of the overall species range and appears linked to this snow–rain transition across its range. Mortality is commonly >70% of basal area in affected areas, and more common where mean winter temperatures is at or above the snow–rain threshold (>0 °C mean winter temperature). Approximately 50% of areas with a currently suitable climate for the species (< 2 °C) are expected to warm beyond that threshold by the late 21st century. Regardless of climate change scenario, little of the range which is expected to remain suitable in the future (e.g., a climatic refugia) is in currently protected landscapes (<1–9%). These results are the first documentation of this type of emerging climate disturbance and highlight the difficulties of anticipating novel disturbance processes when planning for conservation and management.Ye

    The Quamoco product quality modelling and assessment approach

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    Published software quality models either provide abstract quality attributes or concrete quality assessments. There are no models that seamlessly integrate both aspects. In the project Quamoco, we built a comprehensive approach with the aim to close this gap. For this, we developed in several iterations a meta quality model specifying general concepts, a quality base model covering the most important quality factors and a quality assessment approach. The meta model introduces the new concept of a product factor, which bridges the gap between concrete measurements and abstract quality aspects. Product factors have measures and instruments to operationalise quality by measurements from manual inspection and tool analysis. The base model uses the ISO 25010 quality attributes, which we refine by 200 factors and 600 measures for Java and C# systems. We found in several empirical validations that the assessment results fit to the expectations of experts for the corresponding systems. The empirical analyses also showed that several of the correlations are statistically significant and that the maintainability part of the base model has the highest correlation, which fits to the fact that this part is the most comprehensive. Although we still see room for extending and improving the base model, it shows a high correspondence with expert opinions and hence is able to form the basis for repeatable and understandable quality assessments in practice

    A lightweight, inexpensive robotic system for insect vision

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    Designing hardware for miniaturized robotics which mimics the capabilities of flying insects is of interest, because they share similar constraints (i.e. small size, low weight, and low energy consumption). Research in this area aims to enable robots with similarly efficient flight and cognitive abilities. Visual processing is important to flying insects' impressive flight capabilities, but currently, embodiment of insect-like visual systems is limited by the hardware systems available. Suitable hardware is either prohibitively expensive, difficult to reproduce, cannot accurately simulate insect vision characteristics, and/or is too heavy for small robotic platforms. These limitations hamper the development of platforms for embodiment which in turn hampers the progress on understanding of how biological systems fundamentally works. To address this gap, this paper proposes an inexpensive, lightweight robotic system for modelling insect vision. The system is mounted and tested on a robotic platform for mobile applications, and then the camera and insect vision models are evaluated. We analyse the potential of the system for use in embodiment of higher-level visual processes (i.e. motion detection) and also for development of navigation based on vision for robotics in general. Optic flow from sample camera data is calculated and compared to a perfect, simulated bee world showing an excellent resemblance

    The Second Reactive Synthesis Competition (SYNTCOMP 2015)

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    We report on the design and results of the second reactive synthesis competition (SYNTCOMP 2015). We describe our extended benchmark library, with 6 completely new sets of benchmarks, and additional challenging instances for 4 of the benchmark sets that were already used in SYNTCOMP 2014. To enhance the analysis of experimental results, we introduce an extension of our benchmark format with meta-information, including a difficulty rating and a reference size for solutions. Tools are evaluated on a set of 250 benchmarks, selected to provide a good coverage of benchmarks from all classes and difficulties. We report on changes of the evaluation scheme and the experimental setup. Finally, we describe the entrants into SYNTCOMP 2015, as well as the results of our experimental evaluation. In our analysis, we emphasize progress over the tools that participated last year.Comment: In Proceedings SYNT 2015, arXiv:1602.0078

    The 3rd Reactive Synthesis Competition (SYNTCOMP 2016): Benchmarks, Participants & Results

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    We report on the benchmarks, participants and results of the third reactive synthesis competition(SYNTCOMP 2016). The benchmark library of SYNTCOMP 2016 has been extended to benchmarks in the new LTL-based temporal logic synthesis format (TLSF), and 2 new sets of benchmarks for the existing AIGER-based format for safety specifications. The participants of SYNTCOMP 2016 can be separated according to these two classes of specifications, and we give an overview of the 6 tools that entered the competition in the AIGER-based track, and the 3 participants that entered the TLSF-based track. We briefly describe the benchmark selection, evaluation scheme and the experimental setup of SYNTCOMP 2016. Finally, we present and analyze the results of our experimental evaluation, including a comparison to participants of previous competitions and a legacy tool.Comment: In Proceedings SYNT 2016, arXiv:1611.0717

    A descriptive analysis of the Canadian prehospital and transport transfusion (CAN-PATT) network

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    Objective Out-of-hospital blood transfusion (OHBT) is becoming increasingly common across the prehospital environment, yet there is significant variability in OHBT practices. The Canadian Prehospital and Transport Transfusion (CAN-PATT) network was established to collaborate, standardize, and evaluate the effectiveness of out-of-hospital blood transfusion (OHBT) across Canada. The objectives of this study are to describe the setting and organizational characteristics of CAN-PATT member organizations and to provide a cross-sectional examination of the current OHBT practices of CAN-PATT organizations. Methods This was a cross-sectional examination of all six critical care transport organizations that are involved in CAN-PATT network. Surveys were sent to identified leads from each organization. The survey focused on three main areas of interest: 1) critical care transport organizational service and coverage, 2) provider, and crew configurations, and 3) OHBT transfusion practices. Results All six surveys were completed and returned. There are a total of 30 critical care transport bases (19 rotor-wing, 20 fixed-wing and 6 land) across Canada and 11 bases have a blood-on-board program. Crew configurations very between organizations as either dual paramedic or paramedic/nurse teams. Median transport times range from 30 to 46 minutes for rotor-wing assets and 64 to 90 minutes for fixed-wing assets. Half of the CAN-PATT organizations started their out-of-hospital blood transfusion programs within the last three years. Most organizations carry at least two units of O-negative, K-negative red blood cells and some organizations also carry group A thawed plasma, fibrinogen concentrate and/or prothrombin complex concentrate. All organizations advocate for early administration of tranexamic acid for injured patients suspected of bleeding. All organizations return un-transfused blood components to their local transfusion medicine laboratory within a predefined timeframe to reduce wastage. Conclusions Variations in OHBT practices were identified and we have suggested considerations for standardization of transfusion practices and patient care as it relates to OHBT. This standardization will also enable a robust means of data collection to study and optimize outcomes of patients receiving OHBT. A fulsome description of the participating organizations within CAN-PATT should enhance interpretation of future OHBT studies that will be conducted by this network

    Sicherung von Dämmen, Deichen und Stauanlagen : Handbuch für Theorie und Praxis ; Vol. V - 2015

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    Die Universität Siegen beschäftigt sich seit über 15 Jahren wissenschaftlich und im Bereich der anwendungsorientierten Forschung mit diesem Thema und hat dazu mittlerweile fünf Symposien durchgeführt. Mit der Veröffentlichung soll die langjährige Tradition als etablierte wissenschaftliche Plattform mit einem Wissensaustausch auf europäischer Ebene fortgesetzt werden. Die Bearbeitung dieser Thematik erfolgt auf der Basis der bewährten Kooperation zwischen Geotechnik und Wasserbau an der Universität Siegen. Aktuelle Ereignisse, wie z.B. die aus England oder Australien im Februar des Jahres 2014, machen uns aber auch deutlich, dass ein absoluter Schutz gegen Extremereignisse nicht möglich ist. Sie zeigen aber auch, dass dort wo technischer Hochwasserschutz konsequent umgesetzt wurde Schäden vermieden werden konnten. Wir sind nach den Ereignissen in den vergangenen Jahren aufgefordert wissenschaftlich noch leistungsfähigere und duktilere Systeme zu entwickeln. Weiter ist die Wissenschaft in der Pflicht, die Zivile Sicherheit im Hochwasser-schutz permanent zu bewerten, zu bearbeiten und ganzheitliche-interdisziplinäre und länderübergreifende Lösungen für die Zivilgesellschaft einzufordern

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    This work is on the Physics of the B Factories. Part A of this book contains a brief description of the SLAC and KEK B Factories as well as their detectors, BaBar and Belle, and data taking related issues. Part B discusses tools and methods used by the experiments in order to obtain results. The results themselves can be found in Part C