8 research outputs found

    Hitchhiking into the Deep: How Microplastic Particles are Exported through the Biological Carbon Pump in the North Atlantic Ocean

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    Understanding residence times of plastic in the ocean is a major knowledge gap in plastic pollution studies. Observations report a large mismatch between plastic load estimates from worldwide production and disposal and actual plastics floating at the sea surface. Surveys of the water column, from the surface to the deep sea, are rare. Most recent work, therefore, addressed the “missing plastic” question using modeling or laboratory approaches proposing biofouling and degradation as the main removal processes in the ocean. Through organic matrices, plastic can affect the biogeochemical and microbial cycling of carbon and nutrients. For the first time, we provide in situ measured vertical fluxes of microplastics deploying drifting sediment traps in the North Atlantic Gyre from 50 m down to 600 m depth, showing that through biogenic polymers plastic can be embedded into rapidly sinking particles also known as marine snow. We furthermore show that the carbon contained in plastic can represent up to 3.8% of the total downward flux of particulate organic carbon. Our results shed light on important pathways regulating the transport of microplastics in marine systems and on potential interactions with the marine carbon cycle, suggesting microplastic removal through the “biological plastic pump”

    Dynamics and enzymatic degradation of exopolymer particles under increasing concentrations of silver ions and nanoparticles during a marine mesocosm experiment

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    Pollution of the marine environment is an emerging threat. Nowadays, engineered nanoparticles (<100 nm) such as zinc, copper and silver are widely used as antimicrobial agents, therefore often present in daily-life products. Consequently, the demand and production of nanoparticles are expected to increase. Here, we specifically focus on silver nanoparticles (AgNP). Once released into the environment, AgNPs pose an obvious ecotoxicological risk, potentially affecting ecosystem structure and functioning. For instance, phytoplankton-derived exudates, rich in acidic polysaccharides and amino acids, can abiotically aggregate into microgels such as transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and Coomassie stainable particles (CSP). Hence, microgels can bridge dissolved and particulate size fractions and facilitate aggregate formation with organic and mineral particles. Both physical and chemical properties make TEP and CSP attractive nutrient hotspots for heterotrophic bacterioplankton. Bacteria, in turn, utilize extracellular enzymes to access these carbon and nitrogen pools. However, knowledge about the mechanisms by which AgNPs might interact with and affect the biogeochemical cycling of TEP and CSP is still insufficient. Therefore, we conducted a mesocosm experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and investigated the effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of silver ions (Ag+) and AgNP on the properties of TEP and CSP (i.e., area and abundance) along with enzymatic activity measurements. Our results showed that cyanobacteria were likely the primary source of CSP in the ultra-oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea. Also, CSP contributed more to the microgel pool than TEP, as indicated by a strong relationship between CSP and heterotrophic microbial dynamics. While silver (i.e., Ag+ or AgNP) had overall only marginal effects, both species affected the relationships between cell-specific LAPase activity and CSP and cell-specific APase activity and phosphate levels. Thus, Ag+ and AgNP have the potential to regulate microgel dynamics. However, future studies are needed to derive a robust understanding of the effects of silver pollution on the coupling of microgel formation and degradation and the follow-on effect on biogeochemical cycles

    Pan-Atlantic connectivity of marine biogeochemical and ecological processes and the impact of anthropogenic pressures, SO287, 11.12.2021 - 11.01.2022, Las Palmas (Spain) - Guayaquil (Ecuador)

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    The transit of RV SONNE from Las Palmas (departure: 11.12.2021) to Guayaquil, Ecuador (arrival: 11.01.2022) is directly related to the international collaborative project SO287-CONNECT of GEOMAR in cooperation with Hereon and the University of Bremen, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) between October 15 2021 and January 15 2024. The research expedition was conducted to decipher the coupling of biogeochemical and ecological processes and their influence on atmospheric chemistry along the transport pathway of water from the upwelling zones off Africa into the Sargasso Sea and further to the Caribbean and the equatorial Pacific. Nutrient-rich water rises from the deep and promotes the growth of plant and animal microorganisms, and fish at the ocean surface off West Africa. The North Equatorial Current water carries the water from the upwelling, which contains large amounts of organic material across the Atlantic to the Caribbean, supporting bacterial activity along the way. But how the nutritious remnants of algae and other substances are processed on their long journey, biochemically transformed, decomposed into nutrients and respired to carbon dioxide, has so far only been partially investigated. Air, seawater and particles were sampled in order to provide new details about the large cycles of carbon and nitrogen, but also of many other elements such as oxygen, iodine, bromine and sulfur. Inorganic and organic bromine and iodine compounds are generally emitted naturally from the ocean into the atmosphere, promote cloud formation and affect climate, and some even reach the stratosphere where they contribute to ozone depletion. We measured how much of these compounds are released from the ocean, and at what locations and how they are transformed in the ocean and in the atmosphere. Sargassum algae, which have become a nuisance on beaches in the western and eastern Atlantic, support life and contribute to carbon cycling in the middle of the Atlantic, the Sargasso Sea and in the Caribbean, while their contribution to halogen cycling and marine bromine and iodine emissions was previously unknown. We investigated the influence of various natural parameters such as temperature and solar radiation on the biogeochemical transformation processes in order to understand the influence of climate change on these processes in incubation experiments with seawater and algae. We investigated how anthropogenic signals such as shipping traffic influence the nitrogen and sulphur cycle in the ocean, as well as the impact of nitrogen oxides from ship exhaust and sulphurous, acidic and dirty water from purification systems on organisms and biochemical processes. Plastic debris was sampled from the surface waters to investigate its contribution to global biogeochemical transformation processes. The working hypotheses of the research program were: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon in surface waters decreases along the productivity gradient and transport pathway from the Eastern to the Western Tropical North Atlantic. Nutrient gradients from East to West constrain the microbial utilization of organic matter- contributing to an accumulation of C-rich organic matter due to a) limited mineralization and b) enhanced exudation- also leading to gel-like particles accumulation in the western tropical North Atlantic and Sargasso Sea. Tropospheric and stratospheric ozone are strongly impacted by biogeochemical and ecological processes occurring around and in the NA gyre system related to marine iodine and bromine cycles. The long-range transport of natural and anthropogenic organic matter in water and of gases and aerosols in the air impact carbon-export, biogeochemical cycles in the water column, and the release of gases and particles from the ocean significantly. 4 SONNE -Berichte, SO287, Las Palmas - Guayaquil, 11.12.2021 - 11.01.202 The data and samples obtained specifically target carbon, nutrient and halogen cycling, the composition of phytoplankton, bacteria, the transport and sequestration of macro algae and the air-sea exchange processes of climate relevant gases and aerosols. The influence of ecological and transport processes, as well as anthropogenic impacts on the North Atlantic gyre system, specifically in the Sargasso Sea and the influence of ship emissions throughout the Atlantic towards the west and into the Pacific will be investigated with the data

    Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Marine Gels and Pelagic Biogeochemistry: A mesocosm experiment

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    The increasing production of Silver Nanoparticles (AgNP) is of environmental concern, mainly because of their antimicrobial properties. In the marine environment, Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS), which can aggregate to form marine gels may help mitigate the toxic effects. Two well researched groups of marine gels are the polysaccharidic Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) and the proteinaceous Coomassie Stainable Particles (CSP). TEP are especially known to bind abiotic particles and increase their draw-down by sinking. A combination of experimental and computational methods is useful in studying complex questions. Optimality based models can reproduce meso-cosm experiments well. Pairing them with sensitivity analysis allows to increase our understanding of natural systems. During this study, I observed the effects of a daily low dose addition of silver nitrate (Ag) and AgNPs on TEP and CSP abundance and concentration over the course of an eleven day mesocosm experiment with coastal water from the Cretan Sea (south Agean). During the experiment, the experimental treatments (Ag and AgNP) were added 50ppt of silver dissolved in MilliQ daily for the first ten days, while the control mesocosms received the same amount of MilliQ water each day. TEP and CSP samples were taken in duplicates daily and analyzed microscopically. The optimality based model was extended to include the formation of CSP and hand-tuned to simulate the experimental observations of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC/N), chlorophyll a, TEP, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and relative changes in CSP. Observed treatment effects were then simulated by the model. There were only little overall treatment effects. On TEP and CSP overall effects were insignificant. While no clear time or treatment effect could be observed for TEP, during the first five days of the experiment there was significant increase in the abundance and concentration of CSP. This increase was most pronounced in the Ag treatment but insignificant in the AgNP treatment, likely due to the high spread in the data noted. After day seven, CSP concentrations stayed constant in all treatments. The model was able to reproduce the experimental observations. However it was not able to reproduce the drastic decrease in CSP concentration on day six of the experiment. According to model results the system was more susceptible to the addition of silver-nitrate than to the addition of AgNP as seen in the more drastic decrease of the remineralisation rates. This study supports the observation that TEP and CSP are different classes of particles. Both types of particles did not correlate well with chl a concentrations. While there was no aggregation of TEP due to the low concentration of particles, CSP was formed by broken cells, supporting the model assumption. The treatment dependent difference in the increase could be explained by the inhibition of nitrogen cycling by the presence of dissolved silver. Based on experimental observations and the results of the sensitivity analysis, the effects of AgNP on CSP are of indirect nature, by the dissolution of silver ions into the water

    The Development and Training of Hand Dominance: V. Training of Handedness

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    Spezielle Pathologie des Gesichtsfeldes

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