20 research outputs found


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    Antička je Tarsatika kao civitas peregrinorum osnovana tijekom druge polovine prvog stoljeća na desnoj obali utoka Rječine u Kvarnerski zaljev, na mjestu prapovijesnog emporija okolnih gradinskih naseobina na Velom Vrhu, Pulcu, Trsatu, Sv Križu. Razloge nastaka treba vidjeti u pomorskoj trgovačkoj tradiciji i prapovijesnim kopnenim pravcem prema vodotoku Kupe. Antička statio na okosnici Aquileia - Tergeste - Senia - Siscia prerasta u gradsko naselje kojemu su imanenti svi tadašnji urbani dosezi; ortogonalna rasterna shema insula, organizirane nekropole, trgovačka luka, urbane vile od kojih je jedna, klasične arhitektonske kompozicije u samom središtu grada apostrofirana u ovom radu. Njen je triklinij, po svemu sudeći u kasnoj antici, adaptiran u funerarnu celu, jednu cemeterijalno-sakralnu prostoriju - ranokršćanski oratorij. Tarsatičko kasnoantičko zapovjedništvo Alpske klaustre za jugozapad u središtu grada ukazalo je na njegov snažan militarni aspekt već od polovice 3. stoljeća, a postoje indicije da se ova transformacija civilog u vojni grad počela događati već pred sam kraj 2. stoljeća. Istraživanja modularnih karakteristika Principije omogućila su pretpostavku idealne, primarne gradske insule Tarsatike u prostorima obostrano uz dekuman. Ranokršćanski gradski kompleks 5. stoljeća ustanovljen je na trgu Pul vele crekve. Trobrodna bazilika sa narteksom zatvorenog tipa i aneksnim memorijalnim ambijentima, začeljnim dijelom prekrivena današnjom crkvom Uzašašća B. D. Marije, opođena mozaicima geometrijskog dizajna, ukazuje na kontinuitet grada prema srednjem vijeku i ranu recepciju kršćanstva u vrhu Kvarnera.Ancient Tarsatica was founded as civitas peregrinorum during the second half of the 1st century along the right bank of the Rječina River right on its mouth in the Bay of Kvarner, on the site of a prehistoric harbour of Veli Vrh, Pulac, Trsat and Sv. Križ hillforts. Reasons for founding the settlement should be looked in maritime commercial tradition and prehistoric continental route along the f low of the Kupa River. Originally an ancient statio along the Aquileia - Tergeste - Senia - Siscia route grew into a settlement with all known urban achievements; organised necropolises, mercantile harbour (emporium), urban villas of which the author emphasises the one with classical architectonic composition situated at the very centre of the city. Considering all the data, its triclinium was transformed in Late Antiquity into a sacral room of funerary character - an Early Christian oratorium. Late Roman military headquarters within the system known by the name of Claustra Alpium Iuliarum or Fortress Wall of the Iulian Alps located in the historic core of the city of Rijeka were an especially significant military point since the middle of the 3rd century. Leads exist that the transformation of urban into military character of the settlement took place as soon as the end of the 2nd century. Researches into modular characteristics of the Tarsatica Principia enabled the assumption of an ideal original insula existing on both sides of the decumanus street. An Early Christian religious complex existing in the city in the 5th century was located at today’s Pul vele crekve Square. The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built on the ruins of the three-naved basilica with a roofed narthex and annexes of memorial character. The f loors of the basilica (dating from the 5th century) were covered in mosaics with geometric motifs, and the building itself indicates continuation of building tradition towards the Middle Ages, as well as an early reception of Christian religion in the Kvarner area


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    L\u27autore ripercorrendo la cronologia delle ricerche compiute nella Cittavecchia di Fiume e dibattendo criticamente i prolegomeni dello studio urbanistico di Tarsatica antica, con l\u27ausilio di una ricca fotodocumentazione dell \u27attuale aspetto esterno cittadino, propone la strategia delle ricerche archeologiche future nella Cittavecchia fiumana.Prije pola stoljeca Rijeka je dobila svoju prvu arheoloSku topografiju, kadaje R. Gigante zakljucilo daje suma saznanja o rimskoj Tarsatici dosegla onu kriticnu masu implozije u kolektivnu memoriju. Spoznata kulturna artefaktura rijeckoga Staroga grada kao u2a tematika apostrofirana je u naslovu, ali Grad u kontinuitetu i integritetu cilj je ovog rada, a o n je podrucje i izvan duhovnog i fizickog recinkta bedema, njemu "pripada" generativni prostor u interakciji - kao njihova genetika i iskazi su im apsolutno nerazdvojni . Prva dva poglavlja ovog priloga posvecena su "kronoliji istra2ivanja rijeckog Starog grada i tarsatièkoga areala" te "Prelogomeni urbani stickoj studiji anticke Tarsatike". U tom uv odo m dijelu o ve studije naglaSeno je da je svaka prostorna kulturna topografija, pa tako i arheoloSka topografija rijeckog Starog grada, 2ivi organizam koji se hrani i kontinuirano dopunjava novim spoznaj. Obrnuti proces, kojim prostorna, kultumo-povijesna spoznaja involuira je barbarizam prema baStini. Ovaj termin nije jednoznaèan, naprotiv, razvijen je u siroku lepezu Cije su samo najzamjetnije posljedice brahijalna devastiranja sedimenata humanog prostora, kao globalni "moderni" iskaz antickog pojma damnatio memoriae. Posebnu pa2nju autor posvecuje i strategiji budieih terenskih arheoloSkih istra2ivanja (III poglavlje), koju iznosi na temeljima relevantnih rezultata svih prethodnika, koji su se u okvirima raznovrsnih struka bavili ranim kulturnim naslijedem rijeckoga Staroga, ali i uopCe antièkoga i srednjovjekovnoga grada, te je utoliko ovo "timski" rad. Osnovni kriteriji pri tom su: a) Stupanj i razvoj spoznaje pojedinoga gradskoga elementa ili cjelovitog ambijenta. b) Interna tarsaticka, odnosno globalna kulturno povijesna, civilizacijska valorizacija baStine. c) Realna mogucnost reanimacijskog procesa, od primarnog istra2ivanja do prezentacije, dakle reintegriranjadijakronijskih slojeva grada u jedinstven korpus. d) Obveza analitickoga i sintetskoga znanstvenoga izricaj a. U zavrSnom poglavlju autor iznosi bogatu fotodokumentaciju trenutka - eksterijer Tarsatike

    News Cohesiveness: an Indicator of Systemic Risk in Financial Markets

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    Motivated by recent financial crises significant research efforts have been put into studying contagion effects and herding behaviour in financial markets. Much less has been said about influence of financial news on financial markets. We propose a novel measure of collective behaviour in financial news on the Web, News Cohesiveness Index (NCI), and show that it can be used as a systemic risk indicator. We evaluate the NCI on financial documents from large Web news sources on a daily basis from October 2011 to July 2013 and analyse the interplay between financial markets and financially related news. We hypothesized that strong cohesion in financial news reflects movements in the financial markets. Cohesiveness is more general and robust measure of systemic risk expressed in news, than measures based on simple occurrences of specific terms. Our results indicate that cohesiveness in the financial news is highly correlated with and driven by volatility on the financial markets


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    U uvodnom dijelu autori se b~ve pit~njima vezanim za osnutak Fulfinuma (Omišlja), odnosom novonastalog grada i omišaljske gr~dine, te odnosom Fulfinuma i Curicuma (Krka) nastojeći protumačiti zbivanja koja su prethodil~ utemeljenju i gradnji sakralnog kompleksa na Mirinama. Potom iznose rezultate arheoloških istraživanja, koja su 1993. godine provedena u unutrašnjosti crkve, te po,ebno apostrofiraju integralni aspekt spomc:ničke zaštite crkve na Mirinama i njenog kulturno-povijesnoga okoliša.The scholarly world was introduced to the early Christian church in Mirine in the Sapan Bay near Omišalj in early 20th century through the works of A. Gnirs and G. Szabo. In midcentury, trial trenches were dug by the Institute for Protection of Monuments, Rijeka. It was sporadically surveyed by archaeologists working in ancient Fulfinum. The church, which occupies thc central position in the complex, belongs to the early type of Christian church which had a cross-shaped ground plan, with a flat back wall, a subselium inscribed in its eastern arm, pastophories, transept, nartex, a tower by its facade and a portico to the south. In spite of all of these particulars there are still many problems concerning this complex: general and particular geographical location; original architectural articulation; its relation to the historical landscape in which it originated, lasted, and underwent many changes; and eventually, its chronology and datation. In an attempt to solve these problems the author used three parallel approaches whose aims were to survey and protect the entire complex. The first approach offers a global historical genesis of those settlements which show continuity of life in the north-western part of the Island of Krk on which the early Christian complex in Mirine originated and endllred. These are Omišalj -whose chronology ranges from prehistoric hillfort, over an ancient satellite settlemcnt to a mediaeval town, anci Fulfinum -a classical ancient town and mllnicipium, a newly designed town in the Sapan Bay. To date, a poorly known ancient and early mediaeval component of the historical continuity of thc Omišalj hillfort has been stressecI as well as the rival parallelism of ancient municipiums on the Island of Krk: that of Curicllm and Fulfinum which might have been reflected in the process of the formation of their early Christian communes. Protective research works carried out by RRI in 1993 included relevant parts of the nave and portico facing the Sapan Bay. At the same time, church walls and the area of nearby ancient Fulfinum were surveyed. Special attention was paid to the interior behind the facade wall where graves and a part of a lime-kiln from the beginning of ancient Fulfinum were discovered. At this time trenches which were made 50 years prior were revised to define articulation of thc church interior. Foundations which were discovered opposite the groove on the northern wall (the base of a pilar) show that the church had cl nave and two aisles. On the basis of those grooves left by the arcades the author concludcd that the original church interior was in a later phase divided by arcades in three parts. This adaptation, however, may be considered as a completely indepcndent phase when the entire complex was fortified. The impression is strcngthened by meticulously built-in openings for windows along the longitudinal walls of the church atrium. Research on the eastern arm of the church have only just started on the groundplan projection of the triumphal arch. The wall foundations, which were found, suggest that any solution might bc possible for the triumphal arch including a "classical" one. This impressive arch, with a 9 m span, rests on a pilar and a massive column wbich were statically reinforced by a console. The central part of the transept might have been separated from the eastern arm of the church by a wall into which a triumphal arch of modest dimensions with a door leading behind subselium was made. Although there were alsu separate pastoforias, subselium may have preserved its function. The portico and the building whose ground floor was connected tu the nartex and to the south with the area outside the church (which can be defined as a bell tower, and in one phase even a "mausoleum"), have been researched. Although the soil was rather eroded it was possible to reconstruct the rhythm of the arcades, the architecture and the appearance of the entire portico owing to vague traces of foundation architecture on the bed rock, and marks of the roof construction on the southern perimetral wall. Multidisciplinary research of the church complex -a one time center of spiritual life and ancient civilization -started in 1993. The aim of the research is to establish its future which hopefulJy is a multi-purpose ambience of cultural (material and spiritual) activity, which would counterbalance the destruction and the attempt to sacrify it to "gods of energy" surrounding it. This is the reason for the necessity to continuously conserve and preselve the activity of this monument and why it is so strongly stressed. So a large number of suggestions, ideal reconstructions of architectonic elements, segments and wholcs should be taken as "working material" which will be completed by further research, and when fully defined, become a nucleus of the final project. Together with the first phase of field work, this paper presents some introductory observations concerning the typology of church es with inscribed crosses to which the Mirine church belongs and their acceptance, indirectly, from the East through Ambrosiano-Milanese as terminus post quem Ravenatian and Aquileian-Istrian building practices, that is, historical, political and religious influences. The possible existence of early Christian monastic enclaves in this area has also been researched

    Referentne vrijednosti i utjecaj spola i dobi na hemogram i kliničku biokemiju zaštićene i ugrožene pasmine međimurski konj

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    The aim of this study was to establish the exact haematological and clinical biochemistry reference values for horses of the Murinsulaner breed, using the complete population in Croatia (n = 33) for the sampling. Haemoglobin concentrations (HB), red blood cell count (RBC), white blood cell count (WBC), packed cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), platelet count and differential white blood cell counts were determined. Clinical biochemistry included the activity of GGT, AST, ALT, CK, ALP, LDH and AMYL, concentrations of glucose (GLUC), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), cholesterol (CHOL), triglycerides (TRI), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), urea (UREA), creatinine (CREA) and total bilirubin (TBIL). The animals were sorted into groups according to sex and age, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was preformed using the GLM procedure and Tukey’s studentized range test. The results of the two-way ANOVA showed a significantly higher mean for CREA in stallions, for ALB in old horses and CK in young horses. The two-way ANOVA showed significant differences in the means for HB, PCV, and globulins, CK, GLUC, ALB and CREA. The significantly higher means of HB, PCV, GLUC and CREA in the group of old stallions should be further investigated. The influence of age and sex is difficult to interpret due to the critically small population. The reference values for Murinsulaner horses are within ranges for other cold-blooded breeds except TP, Ca and UREA.Svrha ovoga rada bila je utvrditi referentne vrijednosti hematologije i kliničke biokemije za konje pasmine međimurski konj, pri čemu je korištena cjelokupna preostala populacija (n = 33). Također se želio utvrditi utjecaj dobi i spola na vrijednosti krvne slike i kliničke biokemije. Dobiveni rezultati jesu referentne vrijednosti za pasminu međimurski konj. Također upućuju na razlike među spolovima za hematokrit i hemoglobin. Nije bilo razlike među dobnim skupinama za ukupni bilirubin, ureju, Ca, AP, AST, LDH, GGT, TP, globulin i MCH, iako je postojala neznatna razlika za CK i albumine. Referentne vrijednosti za konje pasmine međimurski konj uklapaju se u već objavljene referentne vrijednosti za ostale pasmine hladnokrvnih konja, iako od njih neznatno odstupaju. Znatno odstupaju TP, Ca i ureja. Potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo radi li se o pasminskom svojstvu ili o nečemu drugom. Bilo bi korisno provesti niz mjerenja s ponavljanjem uzorkovanja krvi, kako bi se točno utvrdilo o čemu se radi


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    vod: Dijabetička ketoacidoza (DKA) jedna je od najozbiljnijih akutnih komplikacija šećerne bolesti (ŠB). Pojedina istraživanja su pokazala da su infekcije precipitirajući čimbenik u polovice ispitanika. Nekoliko novijih istraživanja naglašava da je loše pridržavanje liječenja također česti uzrok DKA. Cilj: Identifi cirati najčešće precipitirajuće čimbenike za DKA u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ispitanici i postupci: Ovo retrospektivno multicentrično istraživanje uključivalo je bolesnike sa ŠB-om tipa 1 ili tipa 2 s dijagnozom DKA između 1. siječnja 2014. i 31. prosinca 2018. i liječenih u 5 različitih središta za liječenje ŠB-a: Dubrovnik, Našice, Split, Zagreb i Osijek. U analizu je uključena samo prve epizoda DKA. Pacijenti koji boluju od steroidnog ŠB-a i ŠB-a zbog endokrinih poremećaja kao što su akromegalija i Cushingov sindrom bili su isključeni. Rezultati: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 160 bolesnika (55 % muškaraca), od kojih je 68% imalo ŠB tip 1. Srednja dob ispitanika bila je 42 godine (od 18 do 89). Najčešći uzrok DKA bila je infekcija (57 %), zatim slabo kontrolirani ŠB (37 %) i prva prezentacija ŠB-a (9 %), dok je u 7% bolesnika DKA bila uzrokovana ostalim uzrocima kao što su kvar inzulinske pumpe, moždani ili srčani udar. U skupini bolesnika s infekcijama najčešće su bile infekcije mokraćnog sustava (30 %), probavne infekcije (30 %) i infekcije respiratornog trakta (19 %), dok je 21 % bolesnika imalo druge izvore infekcije. U 36 ovih bolesnika uz infekciju je bio prisutan i prethodno loše kontroliran ŠB, a u 12 % DKA uzrokovana infekcijom bila je prvo očitovanje bolesti. U bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 2 infekcije su češće bile uzrok DKA nego u bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 1 (P < 0,05). U bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 1, slabo regulirana glikemija je češće uzrok DKA (31%) nego u bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 2 (18 %). Zaključak: Najčešći precipitirajući čimbenici za razvoj DKA su infekcije i loša regulacija ŠB-a. Potrebna je bolja edukacija bolesnika o važnosti redovite primjene inzulina i korekcije terapije tijekom akutne bolesti.Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the most serious acute complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). In some studies, infections have been found to be a precipitating factor in more than half of the subjects. On the other hand, several recent studies emphasize that poor treatment adherence is also a common cause of DKA. Objective: To identify the most common precipitating factors for DKA in Croatia. Patients and Methods: This retrospective, multicenter study included DM type 1 or DM type 2 patients diagnosed with DKA between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2018, and treated in 5 different DM treatment centers, i.e., Dubrovnik, Našice, Split, Zagreb and Osijek. Only the fi rst episode of DKA was included in the analysis. Patients receiving steroids and DM due to endocrine disorders such as acromegaly and Cushing\u27s syndrome were excluded. Results: The study included 160 patients (55% of men), of whom 68% had DM type 1. The mean age of the respondents was 42 (18-89) years. The most common cause of DKA was infection (57%), followed by poorly controlled DM (37%) and fi rst presentation of DM (9%), while in 7% of patients DKA was due to other causes such as insulin pump failure, stroke or myocardial infarction. In the group of patients with infections, urinary tract infections (30%), gastrointestinal infections (30%) and respiratory tract infections (19%) were most common, whereas 21% of patients had other sources of infection. In 36% of these patients, the infection was associated with previously poorly controlled diabetes, and in 12% of them, DKA caused by the infection was the fi rst manifestation of the disease. In patients with type 2DM, infections were more often the cause of DKA than in patients with type 1DM (p<0.05).Poorly controlled glycemia appeared to be a more frequent cause of DKA in patients with type 1 DM (31%) than in patients with type 2 DM (18%). Conclusion: The most common precipitating factors for the development of DKA were infections and poor diabetes management. Better education of patients about the importance of regular insulin administration and correction of therapy in acute illness could reduce the risk of DKA

    A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has increased negative emotions and decreased positive emotions globally. Left unchecked, these emotional changes might have a wide array of adverse impacts. To reduce negative emotions and increase positive emotions, we tested the effectiveness of reappraisal, an emotion-regulation strategy that modifies how one thinks about a situation. Participants from 87 countries and regions (n = 21,644) were randomly assigned to one of two brief reappraisal interventions (reconstrual or repurposing) or one of two control conditions (active or passive). Results revealed that both reappraisal interventions (vesus both control conditions) consistently reduced negative emotions and increased positive emotions across different measures. Reconstrual and repurposing interventions had similar effects. Importantly, planned exploratory analyses indicated that reappraisal interventions did not reduce intentions to practice preventive health behaviours. The findings demonstrate the viability of creating scalable, low-cost interventions for use around the world