867 research outputs found

    Community energy storage: A smart choice for the smart grid?

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    Energy storage can help integrate local renewable generation, however the best deployment level for storage remains an open question. Using a data-driven approach, this paper simulates 15-min electricity consumption for households and groups them into local communities of neighbors using real locations and the road network in Cambridge, MA. We then simulate PV for these households and use this framework to study battery economics in a high PV adoption, high electricity cost scenario, in order to demonstrate significant storage adoption. We compare the results of storage adoption at the level of individual households to storage adoption on the community level using the aggregated community demands. Under the simulated conditions, we find that the optimum storage at the community level was 65% of that at the level of individual households and each kWh of community battery installed was 64–94% more effective at reducing exports from the community to the wider network. Therefore, given the current increasing rates of residential battery deployment, our research highlights the need for energy policy to develop market mechanisms which facilitate the deployment of community storage

    Dinaciclib as an effective pan-cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor in platinum resistant ovarian cancer

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    Background: Ovarian cancer (OC) is amongst the most lethal of common cancers in women. Lacking in specific symptoms in the early stages, OC is predominantly diagnosed late when the disease has undergone metastatic spread and chemotherapy is relied on to prolong life. Platinum-based therapies are preferred and although many tumors respond initially, the emergence of platinum-resistance occurs in the majority of cases after which prognosis is very poor. Upregulation of DNA damage pathways is a common feature of platinum resistance in OC with cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs) serving as key regulators of this process and suggesting that CDK inhibitors (CDKis) could be effective tools in the treatment of platinum resistant and refractory OC.Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of CDKis in platinum resistant OC models and serve as a predictor of potential clinical utility.Methods: The efficacy of CDKi, dinaciclib, was determined in wildtype and platinum resistant cell line pairs representing different OC subtypes. In addition, dinaciclib was evaluated in primary cells isolated from platinum-sensitive and platinum-refractory tumors to increase the clinical relevance of the study.Results and conclusions: Dinaciclib proved highly efficacious in OC cell lines and primary cells, which were over a thousand-fold more sensitive to the CDKi than to cisplatin. Furthermore, cisplatin resistance in these cells did not influence sensitivity to dinaciclib and the two drugs combined additively in both platinum-sensitive and platinum-resistant OC cells suggesting a potential role for pan-CDKis (CDKis targeting multiple CDKs), such as dinaciclib, in the treatment of advanced and platinum-resistant OC

    Gestión de una herramienta tecnológica en el årea de compras y almacén de la compañía Tecnioriente S.A.S.

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    Implementar una herramienta tecnolĂłgica en el ĂĄrea de compras y almacĂ©n en la organizaciĂłn Tecnioriente Well Service and Generation S.A.S, que se dedica a actividades econĂłmicas relacionadas con proyectos, mantenimiento, obras civiles y mecĂĄnicas. Este documento es la formulaciĂłn del proyecto donde se realizĂł un proceso de anĂĄlisis de involucrados mediante entrevistas y encuestas para determinar el problema central que afecta a la organizaciĂłn, bajo este criterio se detectĂł que la cadena de suministros estĂĄ afectando de forma directa a los frentes de trabajo de todas las ĂĄreas de la organizaciĂłn que en Ășltima instancia resulta en una afectaciĂłn de los resultados de los entregables de sus servicios y una disminuciĂłn en la competitividad de la organizaciĂłn en el mercado. Se plantea entonces, implementar una herramienta tecnolĂłgica con mĂłdulos de compras y de almacĂ©n. Este proceso tambiĂ©n involucra la reorganizaciĂłn de los sistemas de gestiĂłn de la compañía con el fin de adecuar sus procesos a la herramienta tecnolĂłgica y poder obtener un instrumento eficiente que genere valor agregado a la compañía.Implement a technological tool in the purchasing and warehouse area in the Tecnioriente Well Service and Generation S.A.S organization, which is dedicated to economic activities related to projects, maintenance, civil and mechanical works. This document is the formulation of the project where a process of stakeholder analysis was carried out through interviews and surveys to determine the central problem that affects the organization, under this criterion it was detected that the supply chain is directly affecting the fronts of work of all areas of the organization that ultimately results in an impact on the results of the deliverables of its services and a decrease in the competitiveness of the organization in the market. It is then proposed to implement a technological tool with purchasing and warehouse modules. This process also involves the reorganization of the company's management systems in order to adapt its processes to the technological tool and to be able to obtain an efficient instrument that generates added value to the company

    ConfiguraciĂłn e implementaciĂłn de servicios de infraestructura IT, bajo Zentyal Server

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    En este artículo se busca abordar la importancia de Zentyal Server como plataforma para la administración de la Infraestructura IT dentro de una organización que quiera estar a la vanguardia tecnológica, donde se explicarå de manera técnica la implementación de esta importante herramienta de acuerdo a lo solicitado por el curso e identificando los posibles errores.This article seeks to address the importance of Zentyal Server as a platform for the administration of IT Infrastructure within an organization that wants to be at the forefront of technology, where the implementation of this important tool will be explained in a technical manner according to what was requested by the course and identifying possible errors

    Dementia in Latin America:Assessing the present and envisioning the future

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    The demographic structure of Latin American countries (LAC) is fast approaching that of developing countries, and the predicted prevalence of dementia in the former already exceeds the latter. Dementia has been declared a global challenge, yet regions around the world show differences in both the nature and magnitude of such a challenge. This article provides evidence and insights on barriers which, if overcome, would enable the harmonization of strategies to tackle the dementia challenge in LAC. First, we analyze the lack of available epidemiologic data, the need for standardizing clinical practice and improving physician training, and the existing barriers regarding resources, culture, and stigmas. We discuss how these are preventing timely care and research. Regarding specific health actions, most LAC have minimal mental health facilities and do not have specific mental health policies or budgets specific to dementia. In addition, local regulations may need to consider the regional context when developing treatment and prevention strategies. The support needed nationally and internationally to enable a smooth and timely transition of LAC to a position that integrates global strategies is highlighted. We focus on shared issues of poverty, cultural barriers, and socioeconomic vulnerability. We identify avenues for collaboration aimed to study unique populations, improve valid assessment methods, and generate opportunities for translational research, thus establishing a regional network. The issues identified here point to future specific actions aimed at tackling the dementia challenge in LAC.Alzheimer's Society UK grants AS-R42303 AS-SF-14-008 CONICYT-Fondecyt 117001

    Management of Brain Tumors in Eloquent Areas with Awake Patient

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    This chapter aims to provide an overview of the transdisciplinary work of the Neurosurgeon, Neuroanesthesiologist and Neuropsychologist before, during and after the resection of a neoplasm in eloquent areas with the patient conscious under the 3A anesthesia modality (asleep, awake, asleep). The diagnostic approach and the logistics to carry out this procedure and achieve better results will be shown. At present there is growing evidence regarding the benefits of surgery in awake patients, with application in the treatment of epilepsy, abnormal movements and oncological surgery. The benefits of awake craniotomy are increased lesion removal, with improved survival benefit, whilst minimizing damage to eloquent cortex and resulting postoperative neurological dysfunction. Other advantages include a shorter hospitalization time, hence reduced cost of care, and a decreased incidence of postoperative complications. This approach has allowed to achieve a higher degree of resection with less morbidity and a higher quality of life

    Aprendizajes de la reciente historia de Fabricato: Mecanismos para construir el futuro en un quinquenio positivo (2012-2017)

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    Fabricato ha sido una de las organizaciones que ha contribuido fuertemente en la historia empresarial antioqueña con sus desarrollos, tecnologĂ­as y el crecimiento econĂłmico. AsĂ­ mismo, ha sido muy cercana a la Universidad EAFIT, aportando al crecimiento educativo de Antioquia y por ende de Colombia. Para un estudiante de MaestrĂ­a en AdministraciĂłn (MBA), de la Universidad EAFIT, es muy importante el acercamiento que pueda tener con las dinĂĄmicas organizacionales de los diferentes sectores, pues permite contrastar el conocimiento adquirido en el aula de clase, enriquecido con las discusiones que se genera a partir de la experiencia de cada uno de los sectores y disciplinas que allĂ­ confluyen, con la realidad, trayectoria y formas particulares de actuaciĂłn que se genera en dichas organizaciones. Permitir que estudiantes del MBA de la Universidad EAFIT, pudieran desarrollar su trabajo de grado, en una empresa como Fabricato, con trayectoria, historia, particularidades y personajes que han permitido llevar a esta organizaciĂłn a tener las claridades que hoy demuestra, a partir de las diferentes dinĂĄmicas y decisiones, genera en nuestros estudiantes un aprendizaje enriquecido que es reflejado en los casos y propuestas presentados en el presente texto y que esperamos pueda ser herramienta de estudio para los diferentes programas acadĂ©micos. En el primer capĂ­tulo, Diana Carolina Monclou Llorente describe el proceso de recuperaciĂłn de la empresa colombiana Fabricato S. A. para establecer un modelo de recuperaciĂłn de organizaciones que presentan crisis econĂłmicas considerables, desde la perspectiva de la importancia del liderazgo para el relacionamiento con proveedores y clientes. Se presenta en este estudio el caso de la empresa Fabricato S. A. en comparaciĂłn con el modelo The second shift, diseñado e implementado por la alcaldĂ­a de Lansing, Michigan, Estados Unidos, para retener a la empresa General Motors (GM) una vez habĂ­a decidido cerrar una de sus plantas en dicha ciudad. En el segundo capĂ­tulo, Juan Pablo Parra Urrea A travĂ©s de la metodologĂ­a de teorĂ­a fundamentada (grounded theory), esta investigaciĂłn provee un caso de estudio del proceso de cambio estratĂ©gico de Fabricato (empresa colombiana de la industria textil). Proporcionado un marco teĂłrico para el entendimiento del intento de cambio estratĂ©gico a travĂ©s de los procesos de construir sentido (sensemaking) y dotar sentido (sensegiving) y la importancia del rol del CEO y el equipo administrativo. El tercer capĂ­tulo de autorĂ­a de Juan David Giraldo GĂłmez se describe cĂłmo la reestructuraciĂłn de los procesos y la actualizaciĂłn tecnolĂłgica que acompañó el proceso de recuperaciĂłn de Fabricato S. A, empresa textilera de destacada trayectoria en el mercado colombiano. Se utilizĂł en este estudio la herramienta de auditoria tecnolĂłgica (ACT) desarrollada por el Banco Mundial y testeada en Corea del Sur para evaluar la madurez de Fabricato S. A. respecto a las habilidades tecnolĂłgicas. Como resultado de dicho diagnĂłstico se encontrĂł que es una empresa proactiva en la gestiĂłn de sus habilidades tecnolĂłgicas, incorpora de manera permanente mejores competencias a su proceso mediante la investigaciĂłn, la planificaciĂłn y la ejecuciĂłn de proyectos industriales para asĂ­ estar a la vanguardia en el mercado textil. En el cuarto capĂ­tulo, Lina Marcela FiscĂł Vargas analiza la evoluciĂłn financiera que tuvo Fabricato de 2012 al primer trimestre de 2017. En lo fundamental se revisaron las estrategias ejecutadas con la llegada de un nuevo presidente, asĂ­ como el detalle de cĂłmo se afrontaron situaciones adversas. Se describiĂł la historia de Fabricato y a travĂ©s de la metodologĂ­a del caso se revisa, desde la perspectiva de la teorĂ­a, cuĂĄles opciones se les presentan a las compañías cuando no tienen acceso a las fuentes tradicionales de financiaciĂłn. MĂĄs tarde se procediĂł a una recolecciĂłn de informaciĂłn pĂșblica y se aplicaron entrevistas a empleados directos de la compañía, lo que permitiĂł evidenciar la forma en que Fabricato gestionĂł una situaciĂłn tan difĂ­cil y a finales del año 2017 se muestra como una empresa con una estructura sĂłlida.APRENDIZAJES DE LA RECIENTE HISTORIA DE FABRICATO: MECANISMOS PARA CONSTRUIR EL FUTURO EN UN QUINQUENIO POSITIVO (2012-2017) -- 2. INTRODUCCIÓN -- 10. CAPÍTULO 1: CÓMO RESURGIR CUANDO EL CAMINO PARECE PERDIDO: CASO FABRICATO S. A. -- 12. CAPÍTULO 2: EL CAMBIO ESTRATÉGICO DE FABRICATO -- 55. CAPÍTULO 3: REESTRUCTURACIÓN DE PROCESOS Y ACTUALIZACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA: EL CASO DE FABRICATO 2012-2017 -- 89. CAPITULO 4: ALIANZAS, UNA OPCIÓN DE FINANCIACIÓN: EL CASO DE FABRICATO -- 124. Conclusiones -- 137. Referencias -- 138

    Measurement of the cross-section of high transverse momentum vector bosons reconstructed as single jets and studies of jet substructure in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    This paper presents a measurement of the cross-section for high transverse momentum W and Z bosons produced in pp collisions and decaying to all-hadronic final states. The data used in the analysis were recorded by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 7 TeV;{\rm Te}{\rm V}andcorrespondtoanintegratedluminosityof and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.6\;{\rm f}{{{\rm b}}^{-1}}.ThemeasurementisperformedbyreconstructingtheboostedWorZbosonsinsinglejets.ThereconstructedjetmassisusedtoidentifytheWandZbosons,andajetsubstructuremethodbasedonenergyclusterinformationinthejetcentre−of−massframeisusedtosuppressthelargemulti−jetbackground.Thecross−sectionforeventswithahadronicallydecayingWorZboson,withtransversemomentum. The measurement is performed by reconstructing the boosted W or Z bosons in single jets. The reconstructed jet mass is used to identify the W and Z bosons, and a jet substructure method based on energy cluster information in the jet centre-of-mass frame is used to suppress the large multi-jet background. The cross-section for events with a hadronically decaying W or Z boson, with transverse momentum {{p}_{{\rm T}}}\gt 320\;{\rm Ge}{\rm V}andpseudorapidity and pseudorapidity |\eta |\lt 1.9,ismeasuredtobe, is measured to be {{\sigma }_{W+Z}}=8.5\pm 1.7$ pb and is compared to next-to-leading-order calculations. The selected events are further used to study jet grooming techniques
