66 research outputs found

    Isolasi Senyawa Flavonoid dari Ekstrak Metanol Daun Katuk (Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr), Euphorbiaceae

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    Katuk (Sauropus androgyrus (L.) Merr) is one of the plants used for medicinal purposes. It has been carried out the research to isolate and to identify flavonoid compounds in the methanol extract of katuk leaves using paper chromatography and spectrophotometry ultraviolet-visible. The results demonstrated that light spectrum of uv-visible in the presence of a reagent gave an isolate NB-3 which was a compound suspected of flavonol with OH group in positions 5,7,4 ‘and o-di OH groups in the position of the A-ring (6,7 or 7,8) whrereas NB-4 isolate was suspected as flavonoids with OH groups at 5.7 and the prenil groups in position 6, methylation or glycosylation at OH group in a position 3 and o-di OH groupsin position of the a-ring (6,7 or 7,8).Katuk (Sauropus androgynus (L.)Merr) adalah salah satu tumbuhan yang digunakan untuk tujuan pengobatan. Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap daun katuk meliputi isolasi dan identifikasi golongan senyawa flavonoid dari ekstrak metanol daun katuk (Sauropus androgyrus (L.)Merr) menggunakan metode kromatografi kertas dan diidentifikasi secara spektrofotometri ultraviolet-cahaya tampak. Hasil spektrum uv-cahaya tampak dengan menggunakan pereaksi geser diperoleh isolat NB-3 yang diduga merupakan senyawa flavonol dengan gugus OH pada posisi 5,7,4’ serta gugus o-di OH pada cincin A (6,7 atau 7,8), dan isolat NB-4 yang diduga sebagai senyawa flavon dengan gugus OH pada 5,7, dengan gugus prenil pada posisi 6, metilasi atau glikosilasi pada gugus OH posisi 3 serta gugus o-di OH pada cincin A (6,7 atau 7,8)

    Aktivitas Ekstrak dan Tablet Nanopartikel Buah Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench.) Sebagai Anti- Dislipidemia Pada Tikus Yang Diberi High Fat Diet

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    Dyslipidemia is a condition caused by disruption of lipid metabolism due to the interaction of genetic factors and environmental factors. There is strong evidence of an association between LDL cholesterol and cardiovascular events based on clinical outcome studies, so LDL cholesterol is the main target in the management of dyslipidemia. In addition to using synthetic drugs, dyslipidemia can be treated by consuming natural ingredients, one of which is okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench). The form of nanoparticles and nanoparticle tablets of okra fruit extract is an effort to increase antidyslipidemic activity and to make it easier to use. This study aims to obtain nanoparticle extracts and nanoparticle tablets of okra fruit extract which have antidyslipidemic activity in vivo against mice given the High Fat Diet (HFD). The research used 24 rats divided into 6 treatment groups, namely group I as normal control, group II as positive control using simvastatin as the control control, group III as a negative control, group IV as a control treatment of ethanol extract 70% okra fruit, group V as a control treatment of okra fruit extract nanoparticles, and group VI as a treatment of okra fruit extract nanoparticles tablets. All test substances are given for 14 days. Blood sampling was carried out on days 0, 14, and 28, with the parameters measured were lipid profiles including total cholesterol (KT), LDL, Triglycerides (TG) and HDL. 70% ethanol extract, extract nanoparticles, and okra fruit extract nanoparticle tablets can decrease KT levels by 33.14%, 46.31%, 45.42%, decrease TG levels by 39.46%, 43.56%, 41, 62%, decrease LDL levels by 45.22%, 68.76%, 59.94%, and can increase HDL levels by 103.80%, 119.20%, 114.39%. Based on the lipid profile of mice given HFD, 70% ethanol extract, nanoparticles, and okra fruit extract nanoparticle tablets had antidyslipidemic activity.Berdasarkan studi luaran klinis, kolesterol LDL merupakan target utama dalam tatalaksana dislipidemia, obat bahan alam salah satunya buah okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench) dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam mengatasi kondisi dislipidemia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji aktivitas antisislipidemia ekstrak nanopartikel dan tablet nanopartikel estrak buah okra. Tikus dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok , yaitu kelompok kontrol normal, kelompok kontrol positif (simvastatin) sebagai kontrol pembanding, kelompok III kontrol negatif, kelompok IV perlakuan ekstrak etanol 70% buah okra, kelompok V perlakuan nanopartikel ekstrak buah okra, dan kelompok VI perlakuan tablet nanopartikel ekstrak buah okra. Semua zat uji diberikan selama 14 hari, tikus sebelumnya diberikan HFD dalam bentuk emulsi yang diberi secara oral. Pengambilan darah dilakukan pada hari ke-0, 14, dan 28,parameter yang diukur adalah profil lipid meliputi kadar kolesterol total (KT), LDL, Trigliserida (TG) dan HDL. Ekstrak etanol 70%, nanopartikel ekstrak, dan tablet nanopartikel ekstrak buah okra dapat menurunkan kadar KT sebesar 33,14%, 46,31%, 45,42%, menurunkan kadar TG sebesar 39,46%, 43,56%, 41,62%, menurunkan kadar LDL sebesar 45,22%, 68,76%, 59,94%, dan dapat meningkatkan kadar HDL sebesar 103,80%, 119,20%,114,39%. Berdasarkan profil lipid tikus yang diberikan HFD maka ekstrak etanol 70%, nanopartikel, dan tablet nanopartikel ekstrak buah okra memiliki aktivitas sebagai antidislipidemia


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    Hand sanitizer di saat pandemik ini menjadi primadona sehingga bahan-bahannya menjadi langka dan harganya melonjak berlipat-lipat, hal ini menyebabkan masyarakat melakukan pembuatan hand sanitizer sendiri, namun seringkali masayarakat menggunakan bahan-bahan yang berdampak buruk pada Kesehatan. Enzim dari “sampah” ini adalah salah satu cara manajemen sampah yang memanfaatkan sisa-sisa dapur untuk sesuatu yang sangat bermanfaat, dengan demikian sangat logis bila eco-enzyme ini disebut dengan istilah “cairan ajaib”. .Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) dengan program kemitraan masyarakat ini berupa kegiatan dalam bentuk edukasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan pengolahan sampah organik menjadi cairan eco-enzyme sebagai bahan hand sanitizer pada POSDAYA SOKA yang beralamat Jalan Bungur 2 Kp. Duku., RT. 02/12 Kelurahan Kebayoran Lama Selatan, Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan. Hasil kegiatan, anggota POSDAYA SOKA dapat mengelola dan memanfaatkan sampah organik menjadi cairan eco-enzyme untuk bahan hand sanitizer, sehingga terjadi peningkatan kemandirian kesehatan anggota POSDAYA melalui penggunaan hand sanitizer hasil swadaya masyaraka


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    Abstract The students at the Minhajusshobirin Islamic Boarding School have produced a wuluh start fruit drink. Their drink has a high sugar content, so it cannot be consumed by diabetics. In addition, the product has not been certified, so it cannot be marketed widely. The purpose of this Community Service Program is to provide training for students to 1) Improve the skills of the students in good processed food production methods (good manufacturing practices/GMP), especially in producing wuluh star fruit drinks, 2) Increase the competitiveness of wuluh star fruit drink products by using sweeteners, low calories using stevia, and 3) Product stability test facilitation. The methods used in this activity included: licensing, surveys, counselling, training, laboratory testing, coaching, monitoring-evaluation, and publication of activity results. Measuring tools to assess the increase in knowledge and skills of students in the application of GMP in making low-calorie drinks are through questionnaires and direct surveys, as well as through product stability tests according to SNI 3719: 2014 standards in the QLab laboratory of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila.  Training and supervision on GMP for processed food on sanitation and hygiene parameters have been given by a team of lecturers from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila. The quality assessment of the low-calorie drinks produced can be seen from the increase in product stability time of the test results in the laboratory. The pre-test and post-test results showed an increase in student understanding by 18.24%, which can be concluded that the training was effective. This activity is expected to be useful as an entrepreneurial provision for students when they serve in the community.  Keywords: Universitas Pancasila, GMP, wuluh starfrui

    Formulasi Nanoemulsi Ekstrak Etanol Buah Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.) dan Uji Aktifitas Antikolesterol secara In-vitro

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    Okra fruit has a flavonoid, phytosterol and pectin content, which is potential as an anticholesterol agent. The pharmacological activity of ethanol extract 70 % of okra fruit (EEOF) can be improved by forming nanoemulsion. This study aimed to prepare an ethanol extract 70 % and nanoemulsion of okra fruit and to prove the cholesterol inhibition in vitro EEOF is smaller than the nanoemulsion of EEOF. The okra fruit was extracted by kinetic maceration, the EEOF was analyzed by a phytochemical screening test and cholesterol inhibition assay in vitro using Liebermann-Burchard reagent. The anticholesterol activity was expressed as IC50 values. Nanoemulsion of EEOF prepared by spontaneous emulsification method using capmul, propylenglycol, glycerin (1 : 2.5 : 2 mL). The result of phytochemical screening of okra fruit simplicia and EEOF were contained flavonoid, steroid, triterpenoid, saponin, and coumarin. The resulting nanoemulsion has a 134.7 nm in diameter with a potential zeta value of -26.72 mV. EEOF has IC50 of 764.11 ”g/mL and nanoemulsion of EEOF have IC50 of 712.50 ”g/mL. Nanoemulsion can improve anticholesterol IC50 value because it was penetrated the gap between cells so that the delivery and bioavailability were higher.Buah okra kaya dengan kandungan senyawa flavonoid, phytosterol, pektin yang berkhasiat sebagai antikolesterol. Efektifitas farmakologi dari ekstrak etanol 70% buah okra (EEBO) dapat ditingkatkan dengan pembentukan nanoemulsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat ekstrak etanol 70% dan nanoemulsi EEBO serta membuktikan penghambatan kolesterol secara in vitro EEBO lebih kecil dibandingkan bentuk nanoemulsi EEBO. Buah okra diekstraksi secara maserasi kinetik, dilakukan uji penapisan fitokimia, kemudian diuji penghambatan kolesterolnya secara in vitro dengan menggunakan pereaksi Lieberman Burchard. Nilai penghambatan kolesterol ditunjukkan dari nilai IC50. Nanoemulsi EEBO yang dibuat dengan metode emulsifikasi spontan menggunakan capmul (glyceryl caprylat), propilenglikol, gliserin dengan perbandingan (1: 2,5: 2 mL). Hasil penapisan fitokimia simplisia buah okra dan EEBO memiliki kandungan flavonoid, steroid, triterpenoid, saponin dan kumarin. Nanoemulsi yang dihasilkan memiliki diameter 134,7 nm dengan nilai zeta potensial yang memenuhi persyaratan yaitu -26,72 mV. Nilai IC50 EEBO dan nanoemulsi EEBO masing-masing sebesar 764,11 ”g/mL dan 712,50 ”g/mL. Terbukti metode nanoemulsi dapat meningkatkan nilai IC50 antikolesterol karena dapat menembus celah antar sel sehingga penghantaran dan ketersediaan hayatinya lebih tinggi

    Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper modulates macrophage polarization and apoptotic cell clearance.

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    Macrophages are professional phagocytes that display remarkable plasticity, with a range of phenotypes that can be broadly characterized by the M1/M2 dichotomy. Glucocorticoid (GC)-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) is a protein known to mediate anti-inflammatory and some pro-resolving actions, including as neutrophil apoptosis. However, the role of GILZ in key macrophage function is not well understood. Here, we investigated the role of GILZ on macrophage reprogramming and efferocytosis. Using murine bone-marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs), we found that GILZ was expressed in naive BMDMs and exhibited increased expression in M2-like macrophages (IL4-differentiated). M1-like macrophages (IFN/LPS-differentiated) from GILZ-/- mice showed higher expression of the M1 markers CD86, MHC class II, iNOS, IL-6 and TNF-α, associated with increased levels of phosphorylated STAT1 and lower IL-10 levels, compared to M1-differentiated cells from WT mice. There were no changes in the M2 markers CD206 and arginase-1 in macrophages from GILZ-/- mice differentiated with IL-4, compared to cells from WT animals. Treatment of M1-like macrophages with TAT-GILZ, a cell-permeable GILZ fusion protein, decreased the levels of CD86 and MHC class II in M1-like macrophages without modifying CD206 levels in M2-like macrophages. In line with the in vitro data, increased numbers of M1-like macrophages were found into the pleural cavity of GILZ-/- mice after LPS-injection, compared to WT mice. Moreover, efferocytosis was defective in the context of GILZ deficiency, both in vitro and in vivo. Conversely, treatment of LPS-injected mice with TAT-GILZ promoted inflammation resolution, associated with lower numbers of M1-like macrophages and increased efferocytosis. Collectively, these data indicate that GILZ is a regulator of important macrophage functions, contributing to macrophage reprogramming and efferocytosis, both key steps for the resolution of inflammation

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements
