21 research outputs found

    RRAM Reliability/Performance Characterization through Array Architectures Investigations

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    The reliability and performance characterization of each non-volatile memory technology requires the thorough investigation of dedicated array test structures that mimic the real operations of a fully functional integrated product. This makes no exception also for emerging non-volatile memories like the Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) concept. An extensive electrical characterization activity performed on test vehicles manufactured in a CMOS backend-of-line process allowed the first glance estimation of operation modes and reliability threats typical of this technology. In this paper, it is provided a review of the most important issues like forming instabilities, optimal set/reset operation finding, and read disturb to provide a guideline either for a further technology optimization or an efficient algorithms co-design to handle these reliability/performance threats

    Electrical characterization and modeling of pulse-based forming techniques in RRAM arrays

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    The forming process, which corresponds to the activation of the switching filament in Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) arrays, has a strong impact on the cells’ performances. In this paper we characterize and compare different pulse forming techniques in terms of forming time, yield and cell-to-cell variability on 4 kbits RRAM arrays. Moreover, post-forming modeling during Reset operation of correctly working and over formed cells has been performed. An incremental form and verify technique, based on a sequence of trapezoidal waveforms with increasing voltages followed by a verify operation that terminates when the expected switching behavior has been achieved, showed the best results. This procedure narrows the post-forming current distribution whereas reducing the Reset switching voltage and the operative current. These advantages materialize in a better control of the cell-to-cell variability and in an overall time and energy saving at the system level

    Relationship among Current Fluctuations during Forming, Cell-To-Cell Variability and Reliability in RRAM Arrays

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    In this work, cells behavior during forming is monitored through an incremental pulse and verify algorithm on 4kbit RRAM arrays. This technique allows recognising different cell behaviors in terms of read-verify current oscillation: the impact of these oscillations on reliability and cell-to-cell variability has been investigated during 1k endurance cycles and 100k pulse stress under a variety of cycling conditions. Conductance histograms for the post-forming current reveal the nanosized nature of the filamentary paths across the dielectric film

    Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development (BOND)—Iron Review

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    This is the fifth in the series of reviews developed as part of the Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development (BOND) program. The BOND Iron Expert Panel (I-EP) reviewed the extant knowledge regarding iron biology, public health implications, and the relative usefulness of currently available biomarkers of iron status from deficiency to overload. Approaches to assessing intake, including bioavailability, are also covered. The report also covers technical and laboratory considerations for the use of available biomarkers of iron status, and concludes with a description of research priorities along with a brief discussion of new biomarkers with potential for use across the spectrum of activities related to the study of iron in human health. The I-EP concluded that current iron biomarkers are reliable for accurately assessing many aspects of iron nutrition. However, a clear distinction is made between the relative strengths of biomarkers to assess hematological consequences of iron deficiency versus other putative functional outcomes, particularly the relationship between maternal and fetal iron status during pregnancy, birth outcomes, and infant cognitive, motor and emotional development. The I-EP also highlighted the importance of considering the confounding effects of inflammation and infection on the interpretation of iron biomarker results, as well as the impact of life stage. Finally, alternative approaches to the evaluation of the risk for nutritional iron overload at the population level are presented, because the currently designated upper limits for the biomarker generally employed (serum ferritin) may not differentiate between true iron overload and the effects of subclinical inflammation

    Resistive Switching and Current Status of HfO2HfO_{2}-Based RRAM

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    The integration of embedded non-volatile memory (eNVM)devices in a Si CMOS manufacturing process requires to identifycost-effective process flow strategies and Si CMOS compatiblematerials. Hafnium dioxide (HfO2) is a promising dielectric forfuture Resistive Random-Access Memory (RRAM) applications.Following the “More than Moore” (MtM) approach, the advantageis given by the fact that the back-end-of-line (BEOL) integration ofHfO2-based metal-insulator-metal (MIM) memory cells allows acost-effective realization of embedded RRAMs. However, it stillremains difficult in HfO2-based RRAM to further reduce energydissipation and in addition to increase reliability for system-onchip(SoC) applications. Hence, a detailed understanding of theatomic-scale mechanism and the identification of the materialchanges within the insulator are necessary. To address this issue,RRAM integration aspects were accompanied by fundamentalmaterials research studies. First, non-destructive and in-operandoHard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) wasperformed to correlate the resistive switching effect with materialsmodifications at the Ti/HfO2 interface. The fundamental materialsresearch insights were then transferred to integrated 1T1R devicesin 4 kbit RRAM test arrays

    Impact of Intercell and Intracell Variability on Forming and Switching Parameters in RRAM Arrays

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    The intercell variability of the initial state and the impact of dc and pulse forming on intercell variability as well as on intracell variability in TiN/HfO2/Ti/TiN 1 transistor – 1 resistor (1T-1R) devices in 4-kb memory arrays were investigated. Nearly 78% of devices on particular arrays were dc formed with a wordline (WL) voltage VtextWL=1.4V_{text {WL}}= 1.4 V and a bitline (BL) voltage VtextBL=2.3V_{text {BL}}= 2.3 V, whereas 22% of devices were not formed due to the combined effect of the extrinsic process-induced intercell variability of the initial state and the intrinsic intercell variability after dc forming. Furthermore, pulse-induced forming with pulsewidths on the order of 10 mutexts10~mu text{s} ( VtextWL=1.4V_{text {WL}}= 1.4 V and VtextBL=3.5V_{text {BL}}= 3.5 V) caused for 86% of devices a low-resistance state. Using a retry algorithm, we achieve 100% of formed devices. To assess and confirm the nature of the variability during forming operation and during cycling, the quantum point-contact model was considered. The modeling results demonstrate a relationship between the forming and the device performance. The cells requiring high energy for the forming operation, due to impurities in the HfO2 deposition during array processing, are those subject to poor switching performance, larger variability, and faster wear out. Devices formed by a pulse-retry algorithm show: 1) shorter endurance and 2) higher variability during cyclin

    In-operando hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study on the impact of current compliance and switching cycles on oxygen and carbon defects in resistive switching Ti/HfO2/TiN cells

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    In this study, direct experimental materials science evidence of the important theoretical prediction for resistive random access memory (RRAM) technologies that a critical amount of oxygen vacancies is needed to establish stable resistive switching in metal-oxide-metal samples is presented. In detail, a novel in-operando hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy technique is applied to non-destructively investigates the influence of the current compliance and direct current voltage sweep cycles on the Ti/HfO2 interface chemistry and physics of resistive switching Ti/HfO2/TiN cells. These studies indeed confirm that current compliance is a critical parameter to control the amount of oxygen vacancies in the conducting filaments in the oxide layer during the RRAM cell operation to achieve stable switching. Furthermore, clear carbon segregation towards the Ti/HfO2 interface under electrical stress is visible. Since carbon impurities impact the oxygen vacancy defect population under resistive switching, this dynamic carbon segregation to the Ti/HfO2 interface is suspected to negatively influence RRAM device endurance. Therefore, these results indicate that the RRAM materials engineering needs to include all impurities in the dielectric layer in order to achieve reliable device performance

    In-operando hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study on the impact of current compliance and switching cycles on oxygen and carbon defects in resistive switching Ti/HfO 2

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    In this study, direct experimental materials science evidence of the important theoretical prediction for resistive random access memory (RRAM) technologies that a critical amount of oxygen vacancies is needed to establish stable resistive switching in metal-oxide-metal samples is presented. In detail, a novel in-operando hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy technique is applied to non-destructively investigates the influence of the current compliance and direct current voltage sweep cycles on the Ti/HfO2 interface chemistry and physics of resistive switching Ti/HfO2/TiN cells. These studies indeed confirm that current compliance is a critical parameter to control the amount of oxygen vacancies in the conducting filaments in the oxide layer during the RRAM cell operation to achieve stable switching. Furthermore, clear carbon segregation towards the Ti/HfO2 interface under electrical stress is visible. Since carbon impurities impact the oxygen vacancy defect population under resistive switching, this dynamic carbon segregation to the Ti/HfO2 interface is suspected to negatively influence RRAM device endurance. Therefore, these results indicate that the RRAM materials engineering needs to include all impurities in the dielectric layer in order to achieve reliable device performance