79 research outputs found

    The Minimum Balance at Risk: A Proposal to Mitigate the Systemic Risks Posed by Money Market Funds

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    This paper introduces a proposal for money market fund (MMF) reform that could mitigate systemic risks arising from these funds by protecting shareholders, such as retail investors, who do not redeem quickly from distressed funds. Our proposal would require that a small fraction of each MMF investor's recent balances, called the minimum balance at risk (MBR), be demarcated to absorb losses if the fund is liquidated. Most regular transactions in the fund would be unaffected, but redemptions of the MBR would be delayed for thirty days. A key feature of the proposal is that large redemptions would subordinate a portion of an investor's MBR, creating a disincentive to redeem if the fund is likely to have losses. In normal times, when the risk of MMF losses is remote, subordination would have little effect on incentives. We use empirical evidence, including new data on MMF losses from the U.S. Treasury and the Securities and Exchange Commission, to calibrate an MBR rule that would reduce the vulnerability of MMFs to runs and protect investors who do not redeem quickly in crises

    Efeito da irrigação subgengival com seringa e ultrassônica passiva nos níveis de IL-1?, IL-6 e TNF-? na periodontite experimental em ratos / Effect of subgingival syringe irrigation and passive ultrasonic irrigation on IL-1?, IL-6 and TNF-? levels in experimental periodontitis in rats

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    Introdução: A persistência de sítios com doença periodontal após raspagem e alisamento radicular desencadeou a realização de estudos buscando um tratamento complementar. Considerando a melhor eficácia da irrigação ultrassônica na endodontia, buscou-se adaptar essa técnica na periodontia. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a irrigação subgengival com seringa (IS) e/ou a irrigação subgengival ultrassônica passiva (ISUP) com soro fisiológico (SF), hipoclorito de sódio (HS) e extrato de própolis (PRO) influencia na concentração de Il-1?, IL-6 e TNF-? em periodontite experimental induzida em ratos. Métodos: Periodontite Experimental foi induzida com ligadura nos primeiros molares inferiores de 35 ratos Wistar. Após 14 dias, as ligaduras foram removidas, e os animais submetidos à raspagem, seguido por IS no lado esquerdo e ISUP no direito, com SF 0,9%, HS 0,1% e PRO 11%. Os animais foram sacrificados 2 dias após o tratamento e submetidos a análise ELISA para avaliação dos níveis das citocinas IL-1?, IL-6 e TNF-?. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística com nível de significância (?) de 5%.Resultados: A IL-1? aumentou de forma estatisticamente significante no grupo raspagem (p=0,015) e reduziu no grupo de IS com HS (p=0,016). A IL-6 reduziu nos grupos de IS com SF, HS e PRO em relação ao grupo raspagem (p=0,007) e aumentou de forma estatisticamente significante no grupo ISUP em relação à IS (p=0,033). O TNF-? e as soluções irrigantes não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os grupos. Conclusão: As técnicas de irrigação com seringa associadas à raspagem apresentaram uma redução da concentração das citocinas inflamatórias quando comparadas ao tratamento somente de raspagem.

    The use of plants in the traditional management of diabetes in Nigeria: Pharmacological and toxicological considerations

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: The prevalence of diabetes is on a steady increase worldwide and it is now identified as one of the main threats to human health in the 21st century. In Nigeria, the use of herbal medicine alone or alongside prescription drugs for its management is quite common. We hereby carry out a review of medicinal plants traditionally used for diabetes management in Nigeria. Based on the available evidence on the species׳ pharmacology and safety, we highlight ways in which their therapeutic potential can be properly harnessed for possible integration into the country׳s healthcare system. Materials and methods: Ethnobotanical information was obtained from a literature search of electronic databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus up to 2013 for publications on medicinal plants used in diabetes management, in which the place of use and/or sample collection was identified as Nigeria. ‘Diabetes’ and ‘Nigeria’ were used as keywords for the primary searches; and then ‘Plant name – accepted or synonyms’, ‘Constituents’, ‘Drug interaction’ and/or ‘Toxicity’ for the secondary searches. Results: The hypoglycemic effect of over a hundred out of the 115 plants reviewed in this paper is backed by preclinical experimental evidence, either in vivo or in vitro. One-third of the plants have been studied for their mechanism of action, while isolation of the bioactive constituent(s) has been accomplished for twenty three plants. Some plants showed specific organ toxicity, mostly nephrotoxic or hepatotoxic, with direct effects on the levels of some liver function enzymes. Twenty eight plants have been identified as in vitro modulators of P-glycoprotein and/or one or more of the cytochrome P450 enzymes, while eleven plants altered the levels of phase 2 metabolic enzymes, chiefly glutathione, with the potential to alter the pharmacokinetics of co-administered drugs. Conclusion: This review, therefore, provides a useful resource to enable a thorough assessment of the profile of plants used in diabetes management so as to ensure a more rational use. By anticipating potential toxicities or possible herb–drug interactions, significant risks which would otherwise represent a burden on the country׳s healthcare system can be avoided

    Pluri-Potential Branching System

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    In contemporary construction industry, parametric softwares are often employed in design processes of rationalization and post-rationalization where, given a certain project, the answer to specific problems is required to actualize the desired shape [problem-solving approach]. This paper outlines a research project intended to develop a generative approach to digital design where the employment of parametric and algorithmic tools provide the possibility to set up integral multi-parametric systems, organizational as well as geometrical and structural aspects are investigated and, in parallel, they inform each other. The paper unfolds through constant reference to natural systems and, more specifically, develops the notion of pluri-potential systems deriving principle from the interaction between biological processes and computation. The results address the shift from mono-parametric problem-solving approaches to a generative problem-caring process where the integration of multiple system logics contribute to the development of a virtual pluri-potential set up. Finally, the paper explore the generative interdependency between structural, geometrical, organizational and computational logics of a system studying the manifold potentials of branching structures in the attempt to explore the emergent synergy between biological processes, computation and architectural design

    Costruendo il MUDI. La misura di Brunelleschi, il progetto culturale, il Museo. Il rilievo per il progetto

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    La possibilità di un’acquisizione morfometrica digitale ad alta accuratezza geometrica e dimensionale sta modificando lo sviluppo dei processi di indagine in molti settori, dai beni culturali al patrimonio storico-artistico fino alla progettazione architettonica. Gli sviluppi di innovazione tecnologica che hanno visto in questo ultimo decennio industrializzare nuovi strumenti laser scanner 3D per il rilievo automatico della geometria rappresentano l’elemento di interesse che consente di introdurre il dato metrico morfologico ad alta densità informativa come supporto essenziale per la costruzione di banche dati tridimensionali, capaci di costituire nel tempo un utile archivio della memoria geometrica dell’architettura, applicabile a fini di ricerca da parte di storici dell’arte e dell’architettura, ma anche per scopi di tutela e conservazione e di supporto per eventuali processi di restauro, riproduzione o progettazione. Il progetto del MUDI ha visto così la possibilità di integrare il processo compositivo con modelli morfometrici matematici ad alta densità informativa. Misure e piani di riferimento si intrecciano a schizzi e logiche compositive. Rilevare e progettare sono due processi profondamente diversi; l’uno parte in maniera imprescindibile dal reale, l’oggetto del rilievo, l’altro più spesso prende origine dall’immaginazione volta a pensare, pro-gettare nel futuro quanto ancora non c’è, per concretizzarsi il primo, in restituzioni grafiche, frutto di un atto di conoscenza, che raccontano l’architettura; il secondo, in elaborati che grazie all’inventiva e ad indicazioni metriche prefigurano lo spazio da costruire. Nel caso del progetto MUDI il rilievo è stato utilizzato come strumento di verifica degli spazi progettati nel momento di elaborazione del progetto definitivo e soprattutto esecutivo, le fasi più tecniche dello sviluppo del processo compositivo, in cui si impone la necessità di un controllo spaziale con un’accuratezza di carattere millimetrico. In virtù delle sue caratteristiche intrinseche di precisione, il rilievo morfometrico matematico riesce infatti a svelare e chiarificare la complessità e l’articolazione volumetrica dell’oggetto del rilievo grazie all’integrazione di diverse metodologie: il metodo con laser scanner 3D, utilizzato per ottenere un modello tridimensionale metrico; il metodo topografico, impiegato per la registrazione delle diverse scansioni e per la definizione di una rete di inquadramento complessiva; il metodo fotografico unitamente a quello topografico adottato per la realizzazione di un supporto di immagini per il controllo dello stato attuale, soprattutto delle parti superficiali. Oltre a fornire una verifica di tipo metrico, il data base tridimensionale permette anche una capacità investigativa, e quindi un livello di conoscenza del manufatto architettonico, altrimenti difficilmente raggiungibile. L’analisi e il confronto del dato raccolto, costituito da un insieme di coordinate metriche, concretizzate in punti adimensionali, la nuvola di punti, rende la volumetria dell’architettura più facilmente comprensibile grazie alla possibilità di correlare i diversi ambienti architettonici, senza vincoli di piani di sezione predeterminati e offre l’opportunità di verificare in visioni planimetriche gli impianti superiori con quelli inferiori attraverso controlli di sovrapposizione morfologica, utili per comprendere eventuali aggiustamenti o traslazioni dovute a mancate corrispondenze murarie. L’interrogazione produce infatti la possibilità di selezionare i piani e gli assi di visualizzazione e contestualmente di selezionare gli ambiti spaziali interessati: di volta in volta è possibile concentrarsi esclusivamente sullo spazio interno, sul rapporto tra esterno ed interno dell’edificio o sull’intero sistema volumetrico rilevato

    The International Prize for Sustainable Architecture: Achievements and potentials

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    The International Prize for Sustainable Architecture, now in its seventh edition, arose from the important international manifestation of the tenth anniversary of the foundation of the Ferrara School of Architecture, held in 2003. Conceived and promoted by the School itself and Fassa Bortolo company, the Award is intended to redirect attention to the necessity of re-examining the relationship between the process of construction and the habitat through the pursuit of compatibility among economic productivity, the safeguarding of resources and the quality of the environment. The spirit and the goal are to contribute to the research of a system of development in the building sector that is more sustainable than our current model, which has lead to a state of deterioration and pollution, bringing us to the verge of a global crisis of the Earth’s entire ecological system. The Prize therefore provides incentives for and promotes architecture that is in greater harmony with the environment and designed for the needs of man, capable of satisfying the needs of our generations without limiting those of the future by the indiscriminate consumption of resources and the production of pollution. It was created from an understanding of the importance of sharing with a large public the results of research in the field of civil construction, recognizing in architecture the fundamental role of environmental qualification, education and social promotion, as well as the responsibility of representing the concrete expression of cultural development and of the society’s collective interests. Receiving every edition more of one hundred submitted projects the Prize during the past years has become one of the most important European event for sustainable architecture

    Assimilation of inorganic nitrogen for scaling up Desmodesmus communis (Scenedesmaceae) biomass production.

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    The feasibility of the green alga Desmodesmus communis for biomass production was investigated, firstly testing different nitrogen forms in the growth medium and the effect of CO2-enriched air supply, secondarily scaling up the cultivation system in 70 L photobioreactors (PBRs). Maximum nitrogen uptake rate obtained in the performed kinetic experiment was higher for ammonium than for nitrate (188.0 vs 11.7 \u3bcmol g 121 h 121); however, D. communis cultured in PBRs with only aeration grew faster with nitrate reaching a biomass yield (1.23 g L 121) and a productivity (0.036 g L 121 day 121) about twofold higher than with ammonium, which caused a pH decrease in the medium affecting the algal growth. CO2 supply allowed algal growth optimization, maintaining a high productivity with both nitrogen sources, slightly higher with nitrate (0.050 vs 0.038 g L 121 ay 121). Additionally, nitrate-supplied cells showed higher lipids (19.0 vs 9.4%) and proteins (33.0 vs 27.2%) values than those grown with ammonium. The semi-continuous scaled-up cultivation performed for 5 months attests the potential utilization of this species for valuable algal biomass production exploitable in various industrial applications