3,865 research outputs found

    Propagation of Ultrashort Pulses in Nonlinear Media

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    In this paper, a general propagation equation of ultrashort pulses in an arbitrary dispersive nonlinear medium derived in [9] has been used  for the case of Kerr media. This equation which is called Generalized Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation usually has very complicated form and looking for its solutions is usually a very difficult task. Theoretical methods reviewed in this paper to solve this equation are effective only for some special cases. As an example we describe the method of developed elliptic Jacobi function expansion and its expended form: F-expansion Method. Several numerical methods of finding approximate solutions are briefly discussed. We concentrate mainly on the methods: Split-Step, Runge-Kutta and Imaginary-time algorithms. Some numerical experiments are implemented for soliton propagation and interacting high order solitons. We consider also an interesting phenomenon, namely the collapse of solitons, where the variational formalism has been used

    Simulation Study of Mid-infrared Supercontinuum Generation at Normal Dispersion Regime in Chalcogenide Suspended-core Fiber Infiltrated with Water

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    We report simulation results of supercontinuum generation in the suspended-core optical fibers made of chalcogenide (As2S3) infiltrated with water at mid-infrared wavelength range. Applying water-hole instead of the air-hole in fibers allows improving the dispersion characteristics, hence, contributing to supercontinuum generations. As a result, the broadband supercontinuum generation ranging from 1177 nm to 2629 nm was achieved in a 10 cm fiber by utilizing very low input pulse energy of 0.01 nJ and pulse duration of 100 fs at 1920 nm wavelength

    Experimental and numerical investigations of a thermoplastic composite (carbon/PPS) thermoforming

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    For lightweight structural components, continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites have demonstrated success in aerospace and defence applications. Their mechanical behaviour is a result of the possible sliding and interactions between the fibres, but the complex deformation mechanisms of this sheet are a main problem in the practical thermoforming process. In this context, a large experimental work was developed to analyse the behaviour of a 5-harness satin weave carbon–polyphenylenesulfide (PPS) composite. Firstly, we started this work with a microscope observation of the sheet cross section and a thermo-gravimetric analysis of carbon/PPS to understand the thermal condition in the forming process, the reinforcement (fibre and yarn) geometry and dimensions and the textile reinforcement architectures. Secondly, in high temperature conditions (at 320�C), static uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests were carried out. During these mechanical tests, we used a digital image stereo-correlation technique to get full field displacement measurements and an infrared camera to measure the temperature in the surface of sample. The results of the experimental investigation were used with the commercial software ABAQUS to develop a numerical model of stamp thermoforming operation. The stamp thermoforming part was developed using a hemispherical punch and compared with an experimental result. In the deformed part obtained by thermoforming of the carbon/PPS sheet, we analysed the instability phenomena such as wrinkling

    Two Spot Coupled Ring Resonators

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    Abstract. We consider a model of two coupled ring waveguides with constant linear gain and nonlinear absorption with space-dependent coupling. This system can be implemented in various physical situations as optical waveguides, atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, polarization condensates, etc. It is described by two coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation. For numerical simulations, we take local two-gaussian coupling.It is found in our previous papers that, depending on the values of involved parameters, we can obtain several interesting nonlinear phenomena, which include spontaneous symmetry breaking, modulational instability leading to generation of stable circular flows with various vorticities, stable inhomogeneous states with interesting structure of currents flowing between rings, as well as dynamical regimes having signatures of chaotic behavior. This research will be associated with experimental investigation planned in Freie Universität Berlin, in the group of prof. Michael Giersig

    Influence of Temperature And Concentration of Ethanol on Properties of Borosilicate Glass Photonic Crystal Fiber Infiltrated by Water – Ethanol Mixture

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    In this paper, we present a numerical simulation of the properties of a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) made of borosilicate glass infiltrated by the water-ethanol mixture. We examine the influence of temperature and ethanol concentration for the refractive index, dispersion properties, effective mode area and confinement loss of the fundamental mode by a Lumerical simulation method. We also calculate the fundamental mode of the fiber infiltrated with a water-ethanol mixture with the concentration range of ethanol from 0% to 100% in the temperature range from 10°C to boiling point of ethanol. The results show that all fibers infiltrated with water-ethanol mixture have flat dispersion characteristics in the infrared range above 1.32. The best flatness exists for pure ethanol. Furthermore, it is possible to shift the zero-dispersion wavelength and modify fundamental properties of PCFs by both temperature and concentration of ethanol. The results obtained are important because of that we not only use their reasonable parameters for the design and manufacture but also use them in nonlinear phenomena and nonlinear applications of fibers as supercontinuum generation

    Formability optimisation of fabric preforms by controlling material draw-in through in-plane constraints

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    A genetic algorithm is coupled with a finite element model to optimise the arrangement of constraints for a composite press-forming study. A series of springs are used to locally apply in-plane tension through clamps to the fibre preform to control material draw-in. The optimisation procedure seeks to minimise local in-plane shear angles by determining the optimum location and size of constraining clamps, and the stiffness of connected springs. Results are presented for a double-dome geometry, which are validated against data from the literature. Controlling material draw-in using in-plane constraints around the blank perimeter is an effective way of homogenising the global shear angle distribution and minimising the maximum value. The peak shear angle in the double-dome example was successfully reduced from 48.2 degrees to 37.2 degrees following a two-stage optimisation process

    Fighting viral infections and virus-driven tumors with cytotoxic CD4+ T cells

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    CD4+ T cells have been and are still largely regarded as the orchestrators of immune responses, being able to differentiate into distinct T helper cell populations based on differentiation signals, transcription factor expression, cytokine secretion, and specific functions. Nonetheless, a growing body of evidence indicates that CD4+ T cells can also exert a direct effector activity, which depends on intrinsic cytotoxic properties acquired and carried out along with the evolution of several pathogenic infections. The relevant role of CD4+ T cell lytic features in the control of such infectious conditions also leads to their exploitation as a new immunotherapeutic approach. This review aims at summarizing currently available data about functional and therapeutic relevance of cytotoxic CD4+ T cells in the context of viral infections and virus-driven tumors

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of Solitons Trapped in a Double-Gauss Potentials

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    We consider an extended model of the model considered before with double-square potential, namely one-dimensional (1D) nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) with self-focusing nonlinearity and a 1D double-gauss potential. Spontaneous symmetry breaking has been presented in terms of the control parameter which is propagation constant in the case of optics and chemical potential in the of Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC), correspondingly. The numerical simulations predict a bifurcation breaking the symmetry of 1D trapped in the double-gauss potential of the supercritical type as in the case of double-square potential. Furthermore we have constructed bifurcation diagrams considering the stability of solitons with three methods: the method using Vakhitov–Kolokolov (V-K) Stability Criterion, Pseudospectral Method and Method for Linear-Stability Eigenvalues. It will be shown that for our model the results obtained are the same for these three methods but the third one is the fastest

    Characterization of Aptamer-Protein Complexes by X-ray Crystallography and Alternative Approaches

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    Aptamers are oligonucleotide ligands, either RNA or ssDNA, selected for high-affinity binding to molecular targets, such as small organic molecules, proteins or whole microorganisms. While reports of new aptamers are numerous, characterization of their specific interaction is often restricted to the affinity of binding (KD). Over the years, crystal structures of aptamer-protein complexes have only scarcely become available. Here we describe some relevant technical issues about the process of crystallizing aptamer-protein complexes and highlight some biochemical details on the molecular basis of selected aptamer-protein interactions. In addition, alternative experimental and computational approaches are discussed to study aptamer-protein interactions.