322 research outputs found

    Les rogations, une pratique processionnaire rituelle, protectrice de l'espace communautaire en Pays Basque nord

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    Las rogaciones son rituales procesionarios muy seguidos antaño en Iparralde. Dirigidas por sacerdotes, acudían a cruces ricamente decoradas. Cruzando todo el territorio, en todos los sentidos, permitían la afirmación de identidad frente al exterior y erigían una muralla simbólica. Aprecian sacar sus orígenes de prácticas religiosas más antiguas.Errogazioneak prozesio errituak dira, Iparraldean behiala oso jendetsuak izaten zirenak. Apaizek zuzendurik, jendeak gurutze guztiz apainduak eramaten zituen. Lekua norabide guztietan zeharkatzen zituzten, eta kanpokoaren aurrean identitatea en sendotzeko balio zuten, harresi sinbolikoa eraikitzen zutela. Horien sorburua antzinagoko erlijio jardueretan ikusi beharra dago.Les rogations sont des rituels processionnaires jadis très suivis en Pays Basque Nord. Dirigées par les prêtres, elles se rendent ou plutôt se rendaient à des croix richement décorées. En traversant tout le territoire, dans tous les sens, elles permettaient l'affirmation identitaire face à l'extérieur et érigeaient un rempart symbolique. Elles semblent puiser leurs origines dans pratiques religieuses plus anciennes.Rogations are procession rites that used to have a considerable following in Iparralde in the past. Directed by priests, the procession would walk to richly decorated crosses. Crossing the whole of the territory, in every direction, they signified a declaration of identity abroad and they had the function of being a symbolic rampart. They appreciated looking for their origins in very ancient religious practices

    La vida es tan corta

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    Making a movie is an intelectual act, because this implies a large amount of choices that must be made in addition to the decisions that must be made. In the same way it is an artistic act since taste dictates these choices and these decisions. It is also an emotional act since both our sensibility and our intuition come into play. I think it's a mistake to believe that a filmmaker is just someone who simply wants to say something. A movie of ninety minutes says less things than a newspaper article of three thousand words. On the other hand, the realization of a film lasts about eight weeks during which you only get to record two to three minutes of useful film per day. Because of this slowness of execution by the instrument, I think that the man who simply wanted to communicate an urgent message, would soon understand that it is more effective for him to directly address social action, politics or journalism.Hacer una película es un acto intelectual ya que esto implica una gran cantidad de escogencias que se deben llevar a cabo además de las decisiones que se deben tomar. De igual forma es un acto artístico ya que el gusto nos dicta estas escogencias y estas decisiones. Es igualmente un acto emocional ya que entra en juego tanto nuestra sensibilidad como nuestra intuición. Me parece que es un error creer que un cineasta es tan solo alguien que simplemente quiere decir algo. Una película de noventa minutos dice menos cosas que un artículo de periódico de tres mil palabras. Por otra parte, la realización de una película dura alrededor de ocho semanas durante las cuales sólo se llega a grabar dos a tres minutos de película útil por día. A causa de esta lentitud de ejecución por parte del instrumento, pienso que el hombre que quisiera sencillamente comunicar un mensaje urgente, comprendería muy pronto que es más eficaz para él dirigirse directamente a la acción social, política o hacia el periodismo

    Use of Bacteriophage {varphi}X174 Replicative from Progeny DNA as Templates for Transcription

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    The synthesis of {varphi}X174-specific RNA has been studied in infected cells in which the thymine of the viral (+) strand of the parental RF*, of the complementary (–) strand of the parental RF, or of both strands of the progeny RF molecules has been replaced with 5-bromouracil (5 BU). By irradiation of such cells with UV light at a wavelength of 313 nm it was possible to affect, specifically, the 5 BU-labeled strands. When the progeny RF molecules contain thymine, irradiation has no effect upon the synthesis of viral-specific RNA, regardless of 5 BU substitution in either strand of parental RF. If, however, progeny RF is labeled with 5 BU, irradiation produces a major decrease of viral RNA synthesis. It is concluded that many progeny RF molecules can serve as templates for transcription at late times of infection. Irradiation, prior to RF replication, of cells in which, particularly, the complementary strand of RF contains 5 BU, appears to decrease the ability of the parental RF to replicate

    Contribution of ecotoxicological tests in the evaluation of soil bioremediation efficiency

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    Clean-up of contaminated soils became a high priority only recently. Several techniques have been developed forthis purpose such as chemical, physical, thermic or microbiological methods. Efficiency of the remediation can be estimated using two approaches : a chemical specific approach and a toxicity-based approach. So far, the efficiency of the decontamination process was based essentially on chemical analyses which does not integrale the toxicity of all the soil contaminants and does not give a response on effects caused by the bioavailable fraction of these contaminants äs the toxicity-based approach. In the present study, bioremediation efficiency of a soil contaminated by 4-chlorobiphenyl was evaluated using chemical and biological analyses. Experiments were carried out in microcosms contaminated at a rate of 1 g/kg. Control microcosms without specific degrader were performed simultaneously. Acute toxicity to earthworms and inhibition of growth of barley roots were selected, from previous work, äs relevant ecotoxicological test

    Stability of Reconstituted and Diluted Mitomycin C Solutions in Polypropylene Syringes and Glass VialsAbstract

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    Purpose: Mitomycin C (MMC) is widely used in treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer at a 1 mg/mL concentration, by intravesical instillation. MMC is also used as an ophthalmic procedure in glaucoma care mostly with 0.2 mg/mL concentration. To accelerate syringes provision, it could be interesting to demonstrate the stability of the drug, in order to be able to prepare the chemotherapeutic drug several hours before the chemotherapy administration. Methods: A stability indicating HPLC-UV method was developed and validated according to the ICH guidelines. Concentrations of the MMC stored at 25 °C and 60 % of relative humidity and protected from light in polypropylene syringes (1 mg/mL and 0.2 mg/mL) or glass vials (1 mg/mL) were evaluated for 96 h and compared to the initial observed concentrations. Results: MMC stability was demonstrated in syringes and glass vials at 1 mg/mL only for 8 h in water for injections and for 10 h at 0.2 mg/mL in 0.9 % sodium chloride solutions, because relative concentrations (95 % confidence interval of the mean of 3 samples) were systematically over 90 % of the initial concentrations. After 96 h the relative concentrations were found below 80 % as compared to initial concentrations, thus indicating instability of these solutions. Degradation products were observed and remained below 3 %. Conclusion: This study confirms that MMC solutions for ophthalmic application at 0.2 mg/mL or vesical instillation at 1 mg/mL have to be formulated extemporaneously to maintain the desired concentration

    The Total Filmmaker: thinking of screenwriting, directing and editing as one role

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    As screenwriting continues to establish itself as a discrete discipline in academia, either in alignment with creative writing departments or film and media practice departments, there is a danger that such developments may entrench a distancing of the craft from the cinematic form itself and that such a distancing may ultimately reinforce the screenplay's propensity for dramaturgy and the dramatic, rather than the sensory and experiential of the cinematic. Closely related creative stages in telling cinematic stories include directing and editing and this article seeks to argue, with reference to personal screen practice, that screenwriting, directing and editing are, in fact, three variations of the same thing. The article proposes the notion of the Total Filmmaker who embraces all three aspects of the cinematic storyteller. If the ultimate aim is to create a narrative that fully utilises the unique properties of the cinematic form in telling a story, rather than being dominated by the theatricality of dramatically driven classical narratives. How might one explore the relationship between screenwriting, directing and editing? Can an integrated approach to creating the cinematic blueprint change the way we think of pedagogy and screenwriting

    Potential model of a 2D Bunsen flame

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    The Michelson Sivashinsky equation, which models the non linear dynamics of premixed flames, has been recently extended to describe oblique flames. This approach was extremely successful to describe the behavior on one side of the flame, but some qualitative effects involving the interaction of both sides of the front were left unexplained. We use here a potential flow model, first introduced by Frankel, to study numerically this configuration. Furthermore, this approach allows us to provide a physical explanation of the phenomena occuring in this geometry by means of an electrostatic analogy

    The Impact of Context on Affective Norms: A Case of Study With Suspense

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    The emotional response to a stimulus is typically measured in three variables called valence, arousal and dominance. Based on such dimensions, Bradley and Lang (1999) published the Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW), a corpus of affective ratings for 1,034 non-contextualized words. Expanded and adapted to many languages, ANEW provides a corpus to evaluate and to predict human responses to different stimuli, and it has been used in a number of studies involving analysis of emotions. However, ANEW seems not to appropriately predict affective responses to concepts when these are contextualized in certain situational backgrounds, in which words can have different connotations from those in non-contextualized scenarios. These contextualized affective norms have not been sufficiently contrasted yet because the literature does not provide a corpus of the ANEW list in specific contexts. On this basis, this paper reports on the creation of a new corpus of affective norms for the original 1,034 ANEW words in a particular context (a fictional scene of suspense). An extensive quantitative data analysis comparing both corpora was carried out, confirming that the affective ratings are highly influenced by the context
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