69 research outputs found

    Thalidomide: History, withdrawal, renaissance and safety concerns

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    SDSS J141624.08+134826.7: A Nearby Blue L Dwarf From the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present the discovery of a bright (J = 13.1 mag) nearby L6 dwarf found in a search for L-type ultracool subdwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7. SDSS J141624.08+134826.7 exhibits blue near-infrared colors compared to other optically-typed L6 objects, but its optical and near-infrared spectra do not show metal-poor features characteristic of known L-type ultracool subdwarfs. Instead, SDSS J141624.08+134826.7 is probably a nearby example of the class of L dwarfs with low condensate opacities which exhibit unusually blue near-infrared colors for a given spectral type. Its deep 1.4 and 1.9 um H2O absorption bands, weak 2.3 um CO feature, strong 0.99 um FeH band, and shallow optical TiO and CaH bands resemble the spectra of other blue L dwarfs which are believed to have unusually thin or large-grained cloud structure. The luminosity of SDSS J141624.08+134826.7 implies that it is either a high-mass brown dwarf or a low mass star, depending on its age, and its UVW space motion suggests a thin-disk membership. With a spectrophotometric distance of 8.4 +/- 1.9 pc, SDSS J141624.08+134826.7 is one of the nearest L dwarfs to the Sun and is therefore an excellent target for high resolution imaging, spectroscopic, and astrometric follow-up observations.Comment: Accepted by ApJ; 9 pages, 3 figure

    Discovery of two L & T binaries with wide separations and peculiar photometric properties

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    We present spatially resolved photometric and spectroscopic observations of two wide brown dwarf binaries uncovered by the SIMP near-infrared proper motion survey. The first pair (SIMP J1619275+031350AB) has a separation of 0.691" (15.2 AU) and components T2.5+T4.0, at the cooler end of the ill-understood J-band brightening. The system is unusual in that the earlier-type primary is bluer in J-Ks than the later-type secondary, whereas the reverse is expected for binaries in the late-L to T dwarf range. This remarkable color reversal can possibly be explained by very different cloud properties between the two components. The second pair (SIMP J1501530-013506AB) consists of an L4.5+L5.5 (separation 0.96", 30-47 AU) with a surprisingly large flux ratio (Delta J =1.79 mag) considering the similar spectral types of its components. The large flux ratio could be explained if the primary is itself an equal-luminosity binary, which would make it one of the first known triple brown dwarf systems. Adaptive optics observations could not confirm this hypothesis, but it remains a likely one, which may be verified by high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy. These two systems add to the handful of known brown dwarf binaries amenable to resolved spectroscopy without the aid of adaptive optics and constitute prime targets to test brown dwarf atmosphere models.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Extrasolar Planet HR 8799 b

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    [Abridged] We present 2.12-2.23 um high contrast integral field spectroscopy of the extrasolar planet HR 8799 b. Our observations were obtained with OSIRIS on the Keck II telescope and sample the 2.2 um CH4 feature, which is useful for spectral classification and as a temperature diagnostic for ultracool objects. The spectrum of HR 8799 b is relatively featureless, with little or no methane absorption, and does not exhibit the strong CH4 seen in T dwarfs of similar absolute magnitudes. Overall, we find that HR 8799 b has a spectral type consistent with L5-T2, although its SED is atypical compared to most field objects. We fit the 2.2 um spectrum and the infrared SED using the Hubeny & Burrows, Burrows et al., and Ames-Dusty model atmosphere grids, which incorporate nonequilibrium chemistry, non-solar metallicities, and clear and cloudy variants. No models agree with all of the data, but those with intermediate clouds produce significantly better fits. The largest discrepancy occurs in the J-band, which is highly suppressed in HR 8799 b. The best-fitting effective temperatures range from 1300-1700 K with radii between ~0.3-0.5 RJup. These values are inconsistent with evolutionary model-derived values of 800-900 K and 1.1-1.3 RJup based on the luminosity of HR 8799 b and the age of HR 8799, a discrepancy that probably results from imperfect atmospheric models or the limited range of physical parameters covered by the models. The low temperature inferred from evolutionary models indicates that HR 8799 b is ~400 K cooler than field L/T transition objects, providing further evidence that the L/T transition is gravity-dependent. With an unusually dusty photosphere, an exceptionally low luminosity for its spectral type, and hints of extreme secondary physical parameters, HR 8799 b appears to be unlike any class of field brown dwarf currently known.Comment: 21 pages, 23 figures; accepted by Ap

    The Hawaii Infrared Parallax Program. I. Ultracool Binaries and the L/T Transition

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    We present the first results from our high-precision infrared (IR) astrometry program at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. We measure parallaxes for 83 ultracool dwarfs (spectral types M6--T9) in 49 systems, with a median uncertainty of 1.1 mas (2.3%) and as good as 0.7 mas (0.8%). We provide the first parallaxes for 48 objects in 29 systems, and for another 27 objects in 17 systems, we significantly improve upon published results, with a median (best) improvement of 1.7x (5x). Three systems show astrometric perturbations indicative of orbital motion; two are known binaries (2MASSJ0518-2828AB and 2MASSJ1404-3159AB) and one is spectrally peculiar (SDSSJ0805+4812). In addition, we present here a large set of Keck adaptive optics imaging that more than triples the number of binaries with L6--T5 components that have both multi-band photometry and distances. Our data enable an unprecedented look at the photometric properties of brown dwarfs as they cool through the L/T transition. Going from \approxL8 to \approxT4.5, flux in the Y and J bands increases by \approx0.7 mag and \approx0.5 mag, respectively (the Y- and J-band "bumps"), while flux in the H, K, and L' bands declines monotonically. This wavelength dependence is consistent with cloud clearing over a narrow range of temperature, since condensate opacity is expected to dominate at 1.0--1.3 micron. Interestingly, despite more than doubling the near-IR census of L/T transition objects, we find a conspicuous paucity of objects on the color--magnitude diagram just blueward of the late-L/early-T sequence. This "L/T gap" occurs at MKO(J-H) = 0.1--0.3 mag, MKO(J-K) = 0.0--0.4 mag, and implies that the last phases of cloud evolution occur rapidly. Finally, we provide a comprehensive update to the absolute magnitudes of ultracool dwarfs as a function of spectral type using a combined sample of 314 objects.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. New arXiv posting includes 4 new parallaxes and an overall improvement in precision of 1.3x thanks to additional CFHT astrometry for many targets. All data compiled in this paper (and more) are available online: http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~tdupuy/pl


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    We present new evidence for a problem with cooling rates predicted by substellar evolutionary models that implies model-derived masses in the literature for brown dwarfs and directly imaged planets may be too high. Based on our dynamical mass for Gl 417BC (L4.5+L6) and a gyrochronology system age from its young, solar-type host star, commonly used models predict luminosities 0.2-0.4 dex lower than we observe. This corroborates a similar luminosity-age discrepancy identified in our previous work on the L4+L4 binary HD 130948BC, which coincidentally has nearly identical component masses (\approx50-55 MJupM_{\rm Jup}) and age (\approx800 Myr) as Gl 417BC. Such a luminosity offset would cause systematic errors of 15%-25% in model-derived masses at this age. After comparing different models, including cloudless models that should not be appropriate for mid-L dwarfs like Gl 417BC and HD 130948BC but actually match their luminosities better, we speculate the observed over-luminosity could be caused by opacity holes (i.e., patchy clouds) in these objects. Moreover, from hybrid substellar evolutionary models that account for cloud disappearance we infer the corresponding phase of over-luminosity may extend from a few hundred Myr up to a few Gyr and cause masses to to be over-estimated by up to 25%, even well after clouds disappear from view entirely. Thus, the range of of ages and spectral types affected by this potential systematic shift in luminosity evolution would encompass most known directly imaged gas-giants and field brown dwarfs.Comment: accepted to Ap

    The Mass-Luminosity Relation in the L/T Transition:Individual Dynamical Masses for the New J-Band Flux Reversal Binary SDSSJ105213.51+442255.7AB

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    We have discovered that SDSSJ105213.51+442255.7 (T0.5±\pm1.0) is a binary in Keck laser guide star adaptive optics imaging, displaying a large J-to-K-band flux reversal (Δ\DeltaJ = -0.45±\pm0.09 mag, Δ\DeltaK = 0.52±\pm0.05 mag). We determine a total dynamical mass from Keck orbital monitoring (88±\pm5 MJupM_{\rm Jup}) and a mass ratio by measuring the photocenter orbit from CFHT/WIRCam absolute astrometry (MB/MAM_B/M_A = 0.78±\pm0.07). Combining these provides the first individual dynamical masses for any field L or T dwarfs, 49±\pm3 MJupM_{\rm Jup} for the L6.5±\pm1.5 primary and 39±\pm3 MJupM_{\rm Jup} for the T1.5±\pm1.0 secondary. Such a low mass ratio for a nearly equal luminosity binary implies a shallow mass-luminosity relation over the L/T transition (Δ\DeltalogLbolL_{\rm bol}/Δ\DeltalogM=0.60.8+0.6M = 0.6^{+0.6}_{-0.8}). This provides the first observational support that cloud dispersal plays a significant role in the luminosity evolution of substellar objects. Fully cloudy models fail our coevality test for this binary, giving ages for the two components that disagree by 0.2 dex (2.0σ\sigma). In contrast, our observed masses and luminosities can be reproduced at a single age by "hybrid" evolutionary tracks where a smooth change from a cloudy to cloudless photosphere around 1300 K causes slowing of luminosity evolution. Remarkably, such models also match our observed JHK flux ratios and colors well. Overall, it seems that the distinguishing features SDSSJ1052+4422AB, like a J-band flux reversal and high-amplitude variability, are normal for a field L/T binary caught during the process of cloud dispersal, given that the age (1.110.20+0.17^{+0.17}_{-0.20} Gyr) and surface gravity (loggg = 5.0-5.2) of SDSSJ1052+4422AB are typical for field ultracool dwarfs.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 33 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Genome-Wide Analyses Reveal a Role for Peptide Hormones in Planarian Germline Development

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    Genomic/peptidomic analyses of the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea identifies >200 neuropeptides and uncovers a conserved neuropeptide required for proper maturation and maintenance of the reproductive system