58 research outputs found

    Aenderung des Value of Travel Time Savings durch autonomes Fahren. Empirische Befunde und verkehrliche Wirkungen auf den Fernverkehr in Deutschland

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    In diesem Beitrag werden die empirisch ermittelten VTTS für unterschiedliche Verkehrsmittel mit einem besonderen Fokus auf die VTTS beim autonomen Fahren dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse beweisen empirisch die in der Theorie postulierte Reduktion der VTTS beim autonomen Fahren im Vergleich zum manuellen Fahren. Des Weiteren konnte eine ähnliche Wahrnehmung der Zeit im autonomen Fahrzeug wie in der Bahn aufgezeigt werden. Die Abhängigkeit der VTTS von Wegezweck und -distanz sowie der Einfluss des Einkommens auf die Werte werden im Hinblick auf die Ergebnisse diskutiert. Daran anknüpfend wird ein Konzept zur Integration der Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung in DEMO und das Ergebnis einer Szenariorechnung vorgestellt

    CO2-Emissionen im Personenverkehr: Einfluss von Soziodemographie, Wohnort und Einkommen

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    Für verschiedene Bevölkerungsgruppen wurde untersucht, welchen Einfluss Soziodemografie, Wohnort und Einkommen auf die durchschnittlichen jährlichen CO2-Emissionen haben. Die Analysen zeigen, dass die durchschnittlichen CO2-Emissionen von Stadt- und Landbevölkerung nahezu identisch sind, jedoch mit dem Haushaltseinkommen ansteigen. Datengrundlage der detaillierten Analysen zu den CO2-Emissionen im Personenverkehr ist ein Datensatz, der die Gesamtmobilität der in Deutschland lebenden Bevölkerung umfasst, d. h. alle Verkehrsmodi sowie Wege und Fahrten im In- und Ausland

    Distributional effects of carbon taxation in passenger transport with lump-sum offset: how low income households, retirees and families would benefit in Germany

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    Background: The introduction of a carbon tax on passenger transport is currently being discussed in Germany. Various stakeholders favour a consumption-based, revenue-neutral carbon tax with a uniform lump-sum offset for private households and a tax rate of 40 € per ton of CO2. Objective: In this study, we examine the distributional effects of carbon taxation for the German passenger transport sector under the assumption of the proposed tax model. We discuss as to what extent which socioeconomic groups would be burdened and who might even benefit from carbon taxation. To answer these questions we use a uniquely modelled data set that encompasses all forms of passenger transport (i.e. in Germany and abroad) of the German resident population over 1 year. The national household travel survey Mobility in Germany 2017 is the basis of the microscopic data set. We derive annual CO2 emissions and carbon tax burdens for various population groups using the data on passenger transport, as well as specific emission factors. Results: Results show that low income households, retirees, single parents and family households with two or more children would benefit from the proposed carbon taxation scheme due to below-average emissions per person; in contrast, working age households without children and car owners with heavy car use would be burdened. Our results are of particular relevance to transport researchers, transport politicians and decision makers as a basis for designing, developing and introducing a carbon taxation schem

    Mental health problems in children of somatically ill parents, e.g. multiple sclerosis

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    Objectives: Based on the investigation of 144 families (144 patients affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), 109 partners, and 192 children) examined in three different European child and adolescent psychiatric University centres by means of questionnaires, we evaluated the prevalence of psychological symptoms in the offspring and associated risk factors such as duration and severity of the disease as well as depression of the ill and the healthy parent. Results: Indicate that the severe disease of MS is associated with depression of the ill and healthy parent. Ill parents, especially ill mothers, as well as depressed ill, or depressed healthy parents evaluate their children's mental health problems with a higher prevalence within the internalizing spectrum. Healthy parents report normal psychological adjustment of their children. If two parents present a depressive state, the prevalence of relevant psychological internalizing symptoms is twice or three times as high as the age norms. Conclusion: Children in families with a parent affected by MS and associated depression of the parental couple are at high risk of mental health problems, especially internalizing disorders. In focusing on the mental health of children one must also be aware of the potential opportunities to address the parents' own psychological need

    Mannose-Binding Lectin Deficiency Is Associated With Smaller Infarction Size and Favorable Outcome in Ischemic Stroke Patients

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    BACKGROUND: The Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) pathway of complement plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury after experimental ischemic stroke. As comparable data in human ischemic stroke are limited, we investigated in more detail the association of MBL deficiency with infarction volume and functional outcome in a large cohort of patients receiving intravenous thrombolysis or conservative treatment. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In a post hoc analysis of a prospective cohort study, admission MBL concentrations were determined in 353 consecutive patients with an acute ischemic stroke of whom 287 and 66 patients received conservative and thrombolytic treatment, respectively. Stroke severity, infarction volume, and functional outcome were studied in relation to MBL concentrations at presentation to the emergency department. MBL levels on admission were not influenced by the time from symptom onset to presentation (p = 0.53). In the conservative treatment group patients with mild strokes at presentation, small infarction volumes or favorable outcomes after three months demonstrated 1.5 to 2.6-fold lower median MBL levels (p = 0.025, p = 0.0027 and p = 0.046, respectively) compared to patients with more severe strokes. Moreover, MBL deficient patients (>100 ng/ml) were subject to a considerably decreased risk of an unfavorable outcome three months after ischemic stroke (adjusted odds ratio 0.38, p>0.05) and showed smaller lesion volumes (mean size 0.6 vs. 18.4 ml, p = 0.0025). In contrast, no association of MBL concentration with infarction volume or functional outcome was found in the thrombolysis group. However, the small sample size limits the significance of this observation. CONCLUSIONS: MBL deficiency is associated with smaller cerebral infarcts and favorable outcome in patients receiving conservative treatment. Our data suggest an important role of the lectin pathway in the pathophysiology of cerebral I/R injury and might pave the way for new therapeutic interventions

    Comparing Power-System and User-Oriented Battery Electric Vehicle Charging Representation and its Impact on Energy System Modeling

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    Battery electric vehicles (BEV) provide an opportunity to balance supply and demand in future power systems with high shares of fluctuating renewable energy. Compared to other storage systems such as pumped-storage hydroelectricity, electric vehicle energy demand is highly dependent on charging and connection choices of vehicle users. We present a model framework of a utility-based stock and flow model, a utility-based microsimulation of charging decisions, and an energy system model including respective interfaces to assess how the representation of battery electric vehicle charging affects energy system optimization results. We then apply the framework to a scenario study for controlled charging of nine million electric vehicles in Germany in 2030. Assuming a respective fleet power demand of 27 TWh, we analyze the difference between power-system-based and vehicle user-based charging decisions in two respective scenarios. Our results show that taking into account vehicle users’ charging and connection decisions significantly decreases the load shifting potential of controlled charging. The analysis of marginal values of equations and variables of the optimization problem yields valuable insights on the importance of specific constraints and optimization variables. Assumptions on fleet battery availability and a detailed representation of fast charging are found to have a strong impact on wind curtailment, renewable energy feed-in, and required gas power plant flexibility. A representation of fleet connection to the grid in high temporal detail is less important. Peak load can be reduced by 5% and 3% in both scenarios, respectively. Shifted load is robust across sensitivity analyses while other model results such as curtailment are more sensitive to factors such as underlying data years. Analyzing the importance of increased BEV fleet battery availability for power systems with different weather and electricity demand characteristics should be further scrutinized

    Wasserstoff als ein Fundament der Energiewende Teil 2: Sektorenkopplung und Wasserstoff: Zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille

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    Der vorliegende zweite Teil - Sektorenkopplung und Wasserstoff: Zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille knüpft an diesem Punkt an. Er befasst sich detailliert mit möglichen Nutzungspfaden von Wasserstoff in den Sektoren Verkehr, Industrie und Wärme sowie mit dem systemisch wichtigen Aspekt der Rückverstromung. Am Beispiel aktueller Forschungsarbeiten im DLR wird dargestellt, welche Potenziale sich durch die Kopplung der verschiedenen Energieverbrauchssektoren bei der Erzeugung und Nutzung von Wasserstoff ergeben. Diese Synergien ebnen den Weg zu einer effizienteren und flexibleren Nutzung von erneuerbarer Energie. Neben den technologischen Einsatzmöglichkeiten spielen darüber hinaus die Infrastruktur sowie dazugehörige Sicherheitsaspekte bei der Nutzung von Wasserstoff eine gewichtige Rolle. Weiterhin wird im DLR auf dem Gebiet der Energiesystemanalyse an der Einschätzung der Auswirkungen großskaliger Wasserstoffinfrastrukturen auf das bestehende und zukünftige Energiesystem geforscht. Dies beinhaltet auch die Fragestellungen, ob ein klimaneutrales Energiesystem aus heutiger Sicht überhaupt ohne Wasserstoff denkbar ist, bzw. wie groß der Wasserstoffbedarf und das -angebot in solchen Zielszenarien ausfällt. Zudem werden Umwelteinwirkungen untersucht und Lebenszyklusanalysen erstellt

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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    Alignment of the CMS tracker with LHC and cosmic ray data

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    © CERN 2014 for the benefit of the CMS collaboration, published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License by IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation and DOI.The central component of the CMS detector is the largest silicon tracker ever built. The precise alignment of this complex device is a formidable challenge, and only achievable with a significant extension of the technologies routinely used for tracking detectors in the past. This article describes the full-scale alignment procedure as it is used during LHC operations. Among the specific features of the method are the simultaneous determination of up to 200 000 alignment parameters with tracks, the measurement of individual sensor curvature parameters, the control of systematic misalignment effects, and the implementation of the whole procedure in a multi-processor environment for high execution speed. Overall, the achieved statistical accuracy on the module alignment is found to be significantly better than 10μm