3,301 research outputs found

    Crania, bodies, and measurements : formation of the collection of anthropometric instruments at the Museu Nacional in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century

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    Aborda o processo de constituição do acervo de instrumentos científicos do Setor de Antropologia Biológica (antiga Divisão de Antropologia Física) do Museu Nacional. Prioriza-se a análise da coleção de instrumentos de antropometria. Pensar o instrumental de medição antropométrica relacionando-o com as demais coleções do acervo de antropologia biológica e com a atuação dos pesquisadores do Museu Nacional, em seus respectivos contextos sociopolíticos e acadêmicos, oferece uma visão privilegiada do panorama científico na passagem do século XIX para o XX. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTAnalyzes the formation of the collection of scientific instruments at the Museu Nacional’s Biological Anthropology Sector (previously known as the Physical Anthropology Division), Brazil. It focuses on the instruments used for anthropometric measurements. By drawing relations between this collection and other of the institution’s biological anthropology collections, as well as the activities of Museu Nacional researchers within their sociopolitical and academic contexts, we arrive at a privileged view of the scientific methods and theories in use in the final decades of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth

    Machado de Assis e sua leitora Nise da Silveira

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    Nesse artigo, estaremos trabalhando com duas áreas de conhecimento: Literatura e Psicologia Junguiana. Nossa proposta é interdisciplinar: pretendemos analisar dois contos intitulados, O espelho e A causa secreta, do escritor brasileiro Machado de Assis, a partir dos trabalhos junguianos da psiquiatra brasileira Nise da Silveira

    Programa funerário dos Tupinambá em Araruama, RJ - Sítio Bananeiras.

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    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar informações significativas sobre um sepultamento presente no sítio arqueológico Bananeiras, Araruama, RJ, relacionado à ocupação Tupinambá. Destaca-se a preservação de remanescentes esqueléticos, os quais, embora friáveis, permitiram a realização de análises osteológicas macroscópicas, revelando um sepultamento primário de indivíduo do sexo feminino, sem sinais patológicos evidentes, à exceção de lesões cariosas compatíveis com a estratégia de subsistência postulada para o grupo a que pertenceu. A comparação dos dados procedentes de outros sítios pesquisados nos permite lançar a hipótese da existência de um programa funerário uniforme na região, caracterizado pela presença de uma funerária com tampa e tigelas pintadas associadas. Apesar de confirmado o enterramento primário em uma, a ausência de vestígios esqueléticos passíveis de análise em sítios semelhantes não permite estabelecer esta prática como exclusiva na região.In this article, we aim to present significant information about the mortuary structure found in the “Bananeiras” archaeological site (Araruama, RJ) related to theTupinamba settlement. The preservation of skeletal remains was observed and, although friable, they have permitted macroscopical osteologic analysis that revealed the primary burial of a female individual, with non evident pathological signs, except for some dental caries, compatible to the subsistence strategy postulated for the group she belonged to. Cross-examination with research data from other sites allows us to assume the existence of an uniform mortuary program in that area, characterized by the presence of a mortuary um with a lid and the associated painted bowls. Although the primary burial inside the um has been confirmed, the absence of skeletal vestiges capable of being analyzed in similar sites does not allow us to establish this practice as exclusive in the area. It will take new discoveries to clarify this issue

    A Indicação de Procedência como instrumento de diferenciação: o caso do Doce de Pelotas

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    The agro-industrial activities present their competitiveness of products based on cost reduction and the need for differentiation. One of the mechanisms of product differentiation is a Geographical Indication, which allows the applicant of its register, from a geographical designation, due to the reputation and fame of a particular product manufactured in this region. Producers of candies in the region of Pelotas have organized and obtained the register of Geographical Indication at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), but these producers are improving the process of use this mechanism as a competitive advantage.As atividades agroindustriais apresentam sua competitividade de produtos baseadas na diminuição de custos e na necessidade de diferenciação. Um dos instrumentos de diferenciação de produtos é a Indicação Geográfica, que possibilita o titular desse registro, a partir de uma designação geográfica, decorrente da reputação e da fama de um determinado produto manufaturado nessa região. Os produtores de doces na Região de Pelotas se organizaram e obtiveram o registro de Indicação de Geográfica no Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial, mas esses produtores estão aperfeiçoando o processo de uso desse instrumento como vantagem competitiva

    Physical and pulmonary capacities of individuals with severe coronavirus disease after hospital discharge: A preliminary cross-sectional study based on cluster analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze the physical and pulmonary capacities of hospitalized patients with severe coronavirus disease and its correlation with the time of hospitalization and complications involved. METHODS: A total of 54 patients, aged ≥18 years of both sexes, were evaluated 2-4 months after hospital discharge in São Paulo, Brazil. The physical characteristics analyzed were muscle strength, balance, flexibility, and pulmonary function. The K-means cluster algorithm was used to identify patients with similar physical and pulmonary capacities, related to the time of hospitalization. RESULTS: Two clusters were derived using the K-means algorithm. Patients allocated in cluster 1 had fewer days of hospitalization, intensive care, and intubation than those in cluster 2, which reflected a better physical performance, strength, balance, and pulmonary condition, even 2-4 months after discharge. Days of hospitalization were inversely related to muscle strength, physical performance, and lung function: hand grip D (r=−0.28, p=0.04), Short Physical Performance Battery score (r=−0.28, p=0.03), and forced vital capacity (r=−0.29, p=0.03). CONCLUSION: Patients with a longer hospitalization time and complications progressed with greater loss of physical and pulmonary capacities

    Incidences of colorectal adenomas and cancers under colonoscopy surveillance suggest an accelerated “Big Bang” pathway to CRC in three of the four Lynch syndromes

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    Background: Colorectal cancers (CRCs) in the Lynch syndromes have been assumed to emerge through an accelerated adenoma-carcinoma pathway. In this model adenomas with deficient mismatch repair have an increased probability of acquiring additional cancer driver mutation(s) resulting in more rapid progression to malignancy. If this model was accurate, the success of colonoscopy in preventing CRC would be a function of the intervals between colonoscopies and mean sojourn time of detectable adenomas. Contrary to expectations, colonoscopy did not decrease incidence of CRC in the Lynch syndromes and shorter colonoscopy intervals have not been effective in reducing CRC incidence. The prospective Lynch Syndrome Database (PLSD) was designed to examine these issues in carriers of pathogenic variants of the mis-match repair (path_MMR) genes. Materials and methods: We examined the CRC and colorectal adenoma incidences in 3,574 path_MLH1, path_MSH2, path_MSH6 and path_PMS2 carriers subjected to regular colonoscopy with polypectomy, and considered the results based on sojourn times and stochastic probability paradigms. Results: Most of the path_MMR carriers in each genetic group had no adenomas. There was no association between incidences of CRC and the presence of adenomas. There was no CRC observed in path_PMS2 carriers. Conclusions: Colonoscopy prevented CRC in path_PMS2 carriers but not in the others. Our findings are consistent with colonoscopy surveillance blocking the adenoma-carcinoma pathway by removing identified adenomas which might otherwise become CRCs. However, in the other carriers most CRCs likely arised from dMMR cells in the crypts that have an increased mutation rate with increased stochastic chaotic probabilities for mutations. Therefore, this mechanism, that may be associated with no or only a short sojourn time of MSI tumours as adenomas, could explain the findings in our previous and current reports

    Factors influencing terrestriality in primates of the Americas and Madagascar

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    Among mammals, the order Primates is exceptional in having a high taxonomic richness in which the taxa are arboreal, semiterrestrial, or terrestrial. Although habitual terrestriality is pervasive among the apes and African and Asian monkeys (catarrhines), it is largely absent among monkeys of the Americas (platyrrhines), as well as galagos, lemurs, and lorises (strepsirrhines), which are mostly arboreal. Numerous ecological drivers and species-specific factors are suggested to set the conditions for an evolutionary shift from arboreality to terrestriality, and current environmental conditions may provide analogous scenarios to those transitional periods. Therefore, we investigated predominantly arboreal, diurnal primate genera from the Americas and Madagascar that lack fully terrestrial taxa, to determine whether ecological drivers (habitat canopy cover, predation risk, maximum temperature, precipitation, primate species richness, human population density, and distance to roads) or species-specific traits (bodymass, group size, and degree of frugivory) associate with increased terrestriality. We collated 150,961 observation hours across 2,227 months from 47 species at 20 sites in Madagascar and 48 sites in the Americas. Multiple factors were associated with ground use in these otherwise arboreal species, including increased temperature, a decrease in canopy cover, a dietary shift away from frugivory, and larger group size. These factors mostly explain intraspecific differences in terrestriality. As humanity modifies habitats and causes climate change, our results suggest that species already inhabiting hot, sparsely canopied sites, and exhibiting more generalized diets, are more likely to shift toward greater ground use

    Colorectal cancer incidences in Lynch syndrome: a comparison of results from the prospective lynch syndrome database and the international mismatch repair consortium

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    Objective To compare colorectal cancer (CRC) incidences in carriers of pathogenic variants of the MMR genes in the PLSD and IMRC cohorts, of which only the former included mandatory colonoscopy surveillance for all participants. Methods CRC incidences were calculated in an intervention group comprising a cohort of confirmed carriers of pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in mismatch repair genes (path_MMR) followed prospectively by the Prospective Lynch Syndrome Database (PLSD). All had colonoscopy surveillance, with polypectomy when polyps were identified. Comparison was made with a retrospective cohort reported by the International Mismatch Repair Consortium (IMRC). This comprised confirmed and inferred path_MMR carriers who were first- or second-degree relatives of Lynch syndrome probands. Results In the PLSD, 8,153 subjects had follow-up colonoscopy surveillance for a total of 67,604 years and 578 carriers had CRC diagnosed. Average cumulative incidences of CRC in path_MLH1 carriers at 70 years of age were 52% in males and 41% in females; for path_MSH2 50% and 39%; for path_MSH6 13% and 17% and for path_PMS2 11% and 8%. In contrast, in the IMRC cohort, corresponding cumulative incidences were 40% and 27%; 34% and 23%; 16% and 8% and 7% and 6%. Comparing just the European carriers in the two series gave similar findings. Numbers in the PLSD series did not allow comparisons of carriers from other continents separately. Cumulative incidences at 25 years were < 1% in all retrospective groups. Conclusions Prospectively observed CRC incidences (PLSD) in path_MLH1 and path_MSH2 carriers undergoing colonoscopy surveillance and polypectomy were higher than in the retrospective (IMRC) series, and were not reduced in path_MSH6 carriers. These findings were the opposite to those expected. CRC point incidence before 50 years of age was reduced in path_PMS2 carriers subjected to colonoscopy, but not significantly so

    Differential cross section measurements for the production of a W boson in association with jets in proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV

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    Measurements are reported of differential cross sections for the production of a W boson, which decays into a muon and a neutrino, in association with jets, as a function of several variables, including the transverse momenta (pT) and pseudorapidities of the four leading jets, the scalar sum of jet transverse momenta (HT), and the difference in azimuthal angle between the directions of each jet and the muon. The data sample of pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV was collected with the CMS detector at the LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb[superscript −1]. The measured cross sections are compared to predictions from Monte Carlo generators, MadGraph + pythia and sherpa, and to next-to-leading-order calculations from BlackHat + sherpa. The differential cross sections are found to be in agreement with the predictions, apart from the pT distributions of the leading jets at high pT values, the distributions of the HT at high-HT and low jet multiplicity, and the distribution of the difference in azimuthal angle between the leading jet and the muon at low values.United States. Dept. of EnergyNational Science Foundation (U.S.)Alfred P. Sloan Foundatio