14 research outputs found

    Natural Yellow Dyes in Persian Carpets: A Holistic Approach

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    A cor é um elemento importante que articula os padrões únicos dos tapetes persas e determina a sua identidade. No entanto, a ciência da conservação, e a investigação atual associada, têm um papel ativo na identificação de corantes amarelos naturais em têxteis históricos. Há mais de um milénio que são utilizadas diversas fontes vegetais locais para a obtenção de uma cor amarela em têxteis no Irão; no entanto, poucos estudos abordaram cientificamente este assunto. Como resultado, ainda existe uma grande lacuna no conhecimento e nos procedimentos das técnicas históricas de tingimento no Irão. Efetivamente, a caracterização destas fontes de corantes amarelos em têxteis históricos é um desafio. Os corantes amarelos absorvem luz na região mais energética do espectro eletromagnético visível, resultando no desvanecimento e alteração da cor original em artefactos históricos. Ao analisar um tecido tingido histórico, não só a aquisição da amostra é limitada, como a quantidade de colorante é baixa. Além disso, é difícil criar uma base de dados universal de corantes amarelos naturais devido ao grande número de fontes locais, e a variedade de produtos de degradação presentes aquando da análise de amostras. Consequentemente, o perfil químico dos amarelos identificados pode não corresponder às referências existentes. Os dados para este projecto doutoral foram coletados por meio de revisões de estudos persas e não persas e por meio da realização de entrevistas com mestres persas em alguns workshops ainda ativos, para investigar as fontes de corantes amarelos disponíveis localmente. A técnica multi-analítica HPLC-DAD-MS foi aplicada para analisar a composição da cor de amostras de lã tingida e as influências do processo de tingimento na composição química dos materiais corantes. Este estudo demonstra a sensibilidade e seletividade desta técnica analítica e a eficácia do método de extração suave para caracterizar flavonóides. Finalmente, a estabilidade de sete flavonóides amarelos e o efeito dos solventes foram discutidos através da medição dos rendimentos quânticos de fotodegradação. Os dados indicam que a dupla ligação entre C3-C4 foi reconhecida como um ponto crítico das moléculas que formam o composto mais estável, o eriodictiol. Além disso, os amarelos mais estáveis beneficiam de um mecanismo foto-protetor mais forte devido à presença de OH em C5. Por outro lado, o OH em C3 aumenta a transferência de eletrões levando a uma maior reatividade. As estruturas mais instáveis- quercetina e kaempferol - foram submetidas à combinação de maior proteção e maior reatividade devido ao OH em C5 e C3, respectivamente. A abordagem desta tese doutoral oferece informações essenciais sobre a proveniência e as características cronológicas dos têxteis persas, levando a uma melhor compreensão da abordagem de conservação preventiva para têxteis históricos.Color is an important element that articulates the unique patterns of Persian carpets and ascertains their identity. However, conservation science and its state-of-the-art publications have an active role in identifying natural yellow dyes in historical textiles. The application of diverse local plant sources for yellow dyes in textiles has a history of a millennium in Iran; nevertheless, few studies have scientifically addressed this matter. As a result, the knowledge and procedures of historical dyeing techniques in Iran are not fully developed. Characterization of the yellow dye sources in historical textiles is challenging. Yellow dyes absorb light in the most energetic region of the visible electromagnetic spectrum; this results in a tendency to fade and might change the original color in historical artifacts. While analyzing a historical dyed textile, not only the sample acquisition is limited, but also the amount of the coloring materials is low. Additionally, the database of natural yellow dyes is still incomplete due to the high number of local sources, and the degradation products are present in the analytical results. Consequently, the chemical profile of the identified yellows might not match the existing references. The data for this study has been gathered through reviews of Persian and non-Persian studies and by conducting interviews with Persian dye masters in some remaining active workshops to investigate locally available Persian natural yellow dye sources. A multi-analytical HPLC-DAD-MS technique has been applied to analyze the dye composition of wool samples dyed and the influences of the dyeing process in the chemical composition of the dye materials. This study demonstrates the sensitivity and selectivity of this analytical technique and the effectiveness of the mild extraction method to characterize flavonoid yellow dyes. Finally, the stability of seven yellow flavonoids and the effect of solvents on their stability were discussed by measuring their photodegradation quantum yield. The data indicates the double bond between C3-C4 was recognized as a critical point of the molecules that form the most stable compound, eriodictyol. In addition, the most stable yellows benefit from the more efficient photoprotective mechanism due to the presence of OH in C5. On the other hand, OH in C3 enhances the electron transfer and leads to higher reactivity. The most unstable structures- quercetin and kaempferol- were subjected to the combination of the higher protection and higher reactivity due to OH in C5, and C3, respectively. The insight created by the approach of this thesis provides essential information about the provenance and chronological characteristics of Persian textiles, leading to a better understanding of the preventive conservation approach for historical textiles

    The knowledge of master dyers revealed by HPLC-DAD and UHPLC-HRMS/MS

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    UIDB/00749/2020 UIDP/00749/2020This work provides new knowledge on natural yellows used in Iran. Seven biological sources were selected based on interviews with dye masters in Isfahan workshops (Iran). Delphinium semibarbatum, Eremostachys laevigata, Prangos ferulacea, Morus alba, Pistacia vera, Punica granatum, and Vitis vinifera are currently used in these workshops. Aiming to study the dye composition of wool samples dyed with the extracts of the selected biological sources and the changes induced by the dyeing procedures in the original chemical composition of the plant extract, raw materials and dyed wool (by us and in the workshops) were analyzed by HPLC–DAD and UHPLC–HRMS/MS. The main yellows for E. laevigata are luteolin-O-glycosides. In the other plant sources, the main chromophores are based on 3-O-glycosides of kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin. In pistachio hulls, myricitin derivatives were detected and we propose their use as markers. Generally, the solutions extracted from the wool displayed a higher amount of more polar compounds, but also a higher amount of aglycones. Importantly, the chromatographic profiles of the samples we prepared compared well with 17th c. yellows in Persian carpets, and therefore can be considered highly characterized references for the study of Persian yellowThis work provides new knowledge on natural yellows used in Iran. Seven biological sources were selected based on interviews with dye masters in Isfahan workshops (Iran). Delphinium semibarbatum, Eremostachys laevigata, Prangos ferulacea, Morus alba, Pistacia vera, Punica granatum, and Vitis vinifera are currently used in these workshops. Aiming to study the dye composition of wool samples dyed with the extracts of the selected biological sources and the changes induced by the dyeing procedures in the original chemical composition of the plant extract, raw materials and dyed wool (by us and in the workshops) were analyzed by HPLC–DAD and UHPLC–HRMS/MS. The main yellows for E. laevigata are luteolin-O-glycosides. In the other plant sources, the main chromophores are based on 3-O-glycosides of kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin. In pistachio hulls, myricitin derivatives were detected and we propose their use as markers. Generally, the solutions extracted from the wool displayed a higher amount of more polar compounds, but also a higher amount of aglycones. Importantly, the chromatographic profiles of the samples we prepared compared well with 17th c. yellows in Persian carpets, and therefore can be considered highly characterized references for the study of Persian yellows.publishersversionpublishe

    Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017

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    A double burden of malnutrition occurs when individuals, household members or communities experience both undernutrition and overweight. Here, we show geospatial estimates of overweight and wasting prevalence among children under 5 years of age in 105 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) from 2000 to 2017 and aggregate these to policy-relevant administrative units. Wasting decreased overall across LMICs between 2000 and 2017, from 8.4% (62.3 (55.1–70.8) million) to 6.4% (58.3 (47.6–70.7) million), but is predicted to remain above the World Health Organization’s Global Nutrition Target of <5% in over half of LMICs by 2025. Prevalence of overweight increased from 5.2% (30 (22.8–38.5) million) in 2000 to 6.0% (55.5 (44.8–67.9) million) children aged under 5 years in 2017. Areas most affected by double burden of malnutrition were located in Indonesia, Thailand, southeastern China, Botswana, Cameroon and central Nigeria. Our estimates provide a new perspective to researchers, policy makers and public health agencies in their efforts to address this global childhood syndemic

    Traditional Yellow Dyes Used in the 21st Century in Central Iran: The Knowledge of Master Dyers Revealed by HPLC-DAD and UHPLC-HRMS/MS

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    This work provides new knowledge on natural yellows used in Iran. Seven biological sources were selected based on interviews with dye masters in Isfahan workshops (Iran). Delphinium semibarbatum, Eremostachys laevigata, Prangos ferulacea, Morus alba, Pistacia vera, Punica granatum, and Vitis vinifera are currently used in these workshops. Aiming to study the dye composition of wool samples dyed with the extracts of the selected biological sources, and the changes induced by the dyeing procedures in the original chemical composition of the plant extract, raw materials and dyed wool (by us and in the workshops) were analyzed by HPLC&ndash;DAD and UHPLC&ndash;HRMS/MS. In solutions extracted from the textiles, the main yellows for E. laevigata are luteolin-O-glycosides. In the other plant sources, the main chromophores are based on 3-O-glycosides of kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin. In pistachio hulls, myricitin derivatives were detected and we propose their use as markers. Generally, the solutions extracted from the wool displayed a higher amount of more polar compounds, but also a higher amount of aglycones. Importantly, the chromatographic profiles of the samples we prepared compared well with 17th c. yellows in Persian carpets, and therefore can be considered highly characterized references for the study of Persian yellows

    Springtails fauna (Hexapoda, Collembola) from different ecosystems of Behshahr and suburb (Mazandaran) with two new records from Iran

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    View on Scopus To expand study of Iranian Collembola fauna, the present study was conducted to investigate springtails fauna of different ecosystems such as forests, grasslands and gardens in the vicinity of Behshahr in the east of Mazandaran province, during 2020−2021. Several samples of soil and leaf litter were collected and specimens were extracted by Berlese funnel. Collected materials were identified by relevant taxonomic keys. The results indicated 29 species from 21 genera belonging to 10 families. Two species including Sminthurides inaequalis Börner, 1903 (Sminthurididae) and Hypogastrura neglecta Börner, 1901 (Hypogastruridae) were recorded for the first time from Iran. Despite numerous studies to identify Collembola fauna in Iran, many species are still unknown

    Dignity of Iranian Women with Breast Cancer: A Qualitative Study

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    Background: Respecting the human dignity of patients is one of the most important ethical requirements of the medical and nursing profession. Respect for dignity in all patients, especially in patients with breast cancer, is important because of the profound and lasting effects of this disease on patients. This study aimed to understand the perspective of patients with breast cancer on the concept of patient dignity from June 2020 to December 2020 in Iran Mehr Hospital (Radiotherapy and Oncology Center) in Birjand. Methods: This study was conducted using a qualitative approach. The data were collected through semi-structured individual interviews and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The data were saturated after interviewing 16 patients with breast cancer who were selected using purposive sampling from June 2020 to December 2020. The main interview question was, “What does ‘dignity’ mean to you based on your experiences during your time with cancer?” The data elicited from the interviews were analyzed using content analysis via MAXQDA 2012 software.Results: Analysis of the patients’ statements and experiences of maintaining dignity revealed three main themes. The first main theme was respect for human values, which included the subthemes of personal privacy, avoiding curiosity, confidentiality of information, and use of same-sex caregivers. The second main theme was psychological support, which included the subthemes of spousal and family empathy and support, understanding the patient’s concerns and preoccupations, resentment of pity, and disclosing cancer diagnosis. The third main theme was socioeconomic support, which included the subthemes of spousal and family financial support, financial aid by support organizations, and community awareness.Conclusion: Receiving care by respecting dignity is the right of every patient. Since patients with cancer are more vulnerable, it can be argued that maintaining the dignity of these patients is more important than other patients due to the nature of the disease and the long-term involvement of patients with the disease

    Przezczaszkowa stymulacja prądem stałym przy nieswoistym bólu dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa – randomizowane badanie z podwójnie ślepą próbą, z grupą kontrolną otrzymującą placebo

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    Introduction: Low back pain is recognized as a major cause of morbidity worldwide. Between 70 and 80% of adults experience at least one occasion of low back pain with duration of 3 months or longer in their lifetime. Aside from the classic treatment methods, there are other new techniques yet to be clinically investigated. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been reported to alleviate pain by affecting the central nervous system. To date only a small number of studies have been published on the effects of tDCS on chronic low back pain. Some of these were pilot studies and others were low-powered in terms of their inference. Therefore the clinical application of tDCS requires further careful evaluation. Objective: To assess the efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation for treatment of chronic nonspecific low back pain. Materials and methods: We carried out a double-blind randomized sham-controlled trial in a University Hospital. In total 70 people (15 women) with low back pain were randomized to either active or sham stimulation. The primary outcome was intensity of low back pain on the Visual Analog Scale. We also used the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire to evaluate the effects of back pain on daily activities. For the active stimulation group we administered 2 mA tDCS, 20 minutes for each session, once daily, 5 days per week for 2 weeks, totaling 10 sessions. For the sham stimulation group a similar program was followed with no stimulation. Both groups used analgesic medication. Results: Within-group analysis showed that an initial decrease in pain intensity was significant in both groups (both p < 0.001). However, pain reduction became stable only in the active treatment group. There was a significant difference in the pattern of change in mean pain scores in favor of tDCS (p < 0.001). Active treatment also significantly reduced disability scores (all p values < 0.001), whereas participants in the sham treatment group did not experience functional recovery. Mixed ANOVA indicated that the pattern of change in mean scores of disability differed between the two groups throughout the study course, in favor of active stimulation (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Transcranial direct current stimulation is an effective and safe initial treatment for chronic nonspecific low back pain, and the benefits remain for at least several months.Wstęp: Na całym swiecie ból dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa j est uznawany za poważną przyczynę zachorowalności. Pomiędzy 70 a 80% dorosłych osób doświadcza co najmniej raz w życiu bólu dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa, utrzymujacego się 3 miesiące lub dłużej. Oprócz klasycznych metod leczenia, istnieją inne nowe techniki, które jeszcze należy sprawdzić klinicznie. Dowiedziono, że przezczaszkowa stymulacja prądem stałym (ang. transcranial direct current stimulation, tDCS) łagodzi ból poprzez oddziaływanie na centralny system nerwowy. Do tej pory, opublikowano tylko niewielką ilość badań na temat wpływu tDCS na przewlekły ból dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa. Niektóre z nich były badaniami pilotażowymi, a inne były słabe pod względem swoich wniosków. Dlatego też kliniczne zastosowanie tDCS, wymaga dalszej, starannej oceny. Cel: Określenie skuteczności przezczaszkowej stymulacji prądem w leczeniu przewlekłego niespecyficznego bólu dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa. Materiały i metody: Przeprowadziliśmy randomizowane badanie z podwójnie ślepą próbą, z grupą kontrolną otrzymującą placebo w Szpitalu Uniwersyteckim. W sumie 70 osób (15 kobiet) z bólem dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa, przydzielono losowo do grupy z aktywną stymulacją lub grupy z pozorowaną stymulacją. Głównym ocenianym parametrem była intensywność bólu dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa na Wizualnej Skali Analogowej (ang.the Visual Analog Scale). Zastosowaliśmy również kwestionariusz Oswestry (ang. the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire) do oceny wpływu bólu pleców na codzienne czynności. U grupy z aktywną stymulacją, zastosowaliśmy 2 mA tDCS, 20 minut na każdą sesję, raz dziennie, 5 dni w tygodniu, przez okres 2 tygodni, w sumie 10 sesji. U grupy z pozorną stymulacją, zastosowano podobny program, ale bez stymulacji. Obie grupy stosowały leki przeciwbólowe. Wyniki: Analiza wewnątrzgrupowa wykazała, że początkowy spadek intensywności bólu był znaczący w obu grupach (obie wartości p < 0.001). Jednak zmnieszony ból utrzymał się tylko w grupie z rzeczywistym leczeniem. Wystąpiła znacząca różnica we wzorze zmian w średnich wynikach na korzyść tDCS (p < 0.001). Aktywne leczenie również znacznie obniżyło wyniki niepełnosprawności (wszystkie wartości p < 0.001), podczas gdy uczestnicy z grupy z pozorowanym leczeniem, nie doświadczyli funkcjonalnego powrotu do zdrowia. Mieszana ANOVA wykazała, że wzór zmiany w średnich wynikach niepełnosprawności różnił się pomiędzy dwoma grupami podczas całego toku badania, na korzyść aktywnej stymulacji (p < 0.001). Wniosek: Przezczaszkowa stymulacja prądem stałym jest efektywnym i bezpiecznym początkowym leczeniem dla przewlekłego niespecyficznego bólu dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa, a jej efekty utrzymują się przez co najmniej kilka miesięcy

    Predictors of Persistence of Anxiety, Hyperarousal Stress, and Resilience During the COVID-19 Epidemic: A National Study in Iran.

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    Background: The coronavirus pandemic can cause unprecedented global anxiety, and, in contrast, resilience can help the mental health of people in stressful situations. This study aimed to assess anxiety, hyperarousal stress, the resilience of the Iranian population, and their related factors during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 31 provinces in Iran between March 18 and 25, 2020. A four-part questionnaire, including the demographic information, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-y1-a 20-item standard questionnaire for obvious anxiety), the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC-a 25 item standard questionnaire), and the stress hyperarousal subscale from the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), was used to collect data. The ordinal multivariable generalized estimating equation (GEE) model was used to identify correlates of the psychological factors mentioned above. The Fisher exact test was used to investigate the relationship between anxiety, stress, resilience, and the COVID-19 outbreak. All analyses were conducted with SPSS 26 and GIS 10.71. Results: The findings show that most people had moderate-to-severe anxiety (80.17%) and a high level of resilience (96.4%) during the COVID-19 epidemic. The majority of participants had a moderate level of stress (58.9%). The lowest and highest prevalences of psychiatric disorders were in Sistan and Baluchestan (3.14 cases per 100,000 people) and Semnan (75.9 cases per 100,000 people) provinces, respectively. Men and unmarried people were the only variables significantly associated with anxiety and resilience. Age, gender, and education were significantly associated with hyperarousal stress. Conclusion: The high and moderate levels of anxiety and stress in Iranians can have negative effects on the well-being and performance of the people and can lead to serious problems. Also, high resilience during negative life events (such as the COVID-19 pandemic) is associated with the well-being in the lives of people. The results of this study can be used in interventions and other psychological studies

    Diffusible fraction of niche BMP ligand safeguards stem-cell differentiation

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    Abstract Drosophila male germline stem cells (GSCs) reside at the tip of the testis and surround a cluster of niche cells. Decapentaplegic (Dpp) is one of the well-established ligands and has a major role in maintaining stem cells located in close proximity. However, the existence and the role of the diffusible fraction of Dpp outside of the niche have been unclear. Here, using genetically-encoded nanobodies called Morphotraps, we physically block Dpp diffusion without interfering with niche-stem cell signaling and find that a diffusible fraction of Dpp is required to ensure differentiation of GSC daughter cells, opposite of its role in maintenance of GSC in the niche. Our work provides an example in which a soluble niche ligand induces opposed cellular responses in stem cells versus in differentiating descendants to ensure spatial control of the niche. This may be a common mechanism to regulate tissue homeostasis