382 research outputs found

    Applications and Uses of Dental Ontologies

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    The development of a number of large-scale semantically-rich ontologies for biomedicine attests to the interest of life science researchers and clinicians in Semantic Web technologies. To date, however, the dental profession has lagged behind other areas of biomedicine in developing a commonly accepted, standardized ontology to support the representation of dental knowledge and information. This paper attempts to identify some of the potential uses of dental ontologies as part of an effort to motivate the development of ontologies for the dental domain. The identified uses of dental ontologies include support for advanced data analysis and knowledge discovery capabilities, the implementation of novel education and training technologies, the development of information exchange and interoperability solutions, the better integration of scientific and clinical evidence into clinical decision-making, and the development of better clinical decision support systems. Some of the social issues raised by these uses include the ethics of using patient data without consent, the role played by ontologies in enforcing compliance with regulatory criteria and legislative constraints, and the extent to which the advent of the Semantic Web introduces new training requirements for dental students. Some of the technological issues relate to the need to extract information from a variety of resources (for example, natural language texts), the need to automatically annotate information resources with ontology elements, and the need to establish mappings between a variety of existing dental terminologies

    Evaluation of serum concentration of AFP marker in toxoplasmosis pregnant women with high level of IgG & IgM toxoplasma antibody by ELISA assay in a population of Tehran,Iran

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    Background and aims: Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease which may cause some laboratory symptoms in infected individuals. One of the main ways of transmition this organism is placenta to fetus pathway. If this transmission occurs in the 3th month of pregnancy, the abortion, central nerve system and ocular disorder will happen. Because of this issue, the precise technique for detection of Toxoplasma Antibody such as IgG and IgM is important, that contains ELISA to detect Toxoplasma Antibody such as IgG and IgM and AFP. Methods: This was a cross sectional study. In this study, the main sample was serum that was randomly collected from 255 pregnant women infected with toxoplasma Gondi in Avesina center. Then, It was detected the serum concentration of AFP in toxoplasmosis pregnant women with high level of IgG and IgM toxoplasma antibody by ELISA assay. Results: The results of this survey showed that the infection in these pregnant women by toxoplasma gondii was occurred and 13 of them (13 of 255 infected mothers) had high levels of AFP in their serum. The statistical analyses was done by SPSS consisted of t-test, case number, comparative study, and Q-Q plot evaluations. Conclusions: In some pregnant women with high level of IgG and IgM toxoplasma antibody was observed in high levels of AFP in their serum and this index correlates with NTD in their fetus

    Wissenschaftliche Evaluation des ambulanten periodischen Fastens bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 und metabolischem Syndrom

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    Hintergrund: Diabetes Mellitus Typ 2 (DMT2) und das metabolische Syndrom (MetS) haben eine steigende Prävalenz weltweit. Therapeutisches periodisches Fasten hat sich in experimenteller Forschung und klinischer Erfahrung als effektive Maßnahme zur Verbesserung der metabolischen Situation und Glukoregulation gezeigt. Bislang fehlt jedoch weitgehend Evidenz aus klinischen Studien. Methode: Die Effekte des ambulanten therapeutischen Fastens mit zwei Programmen unterschiedlicher Schulungsintensität wurden in zwei kleineren randomisierten Studien dokumentiert. Studie 1 war eine randomisierte Pilotstudie mit Patienten mit DMT2. Ein initiales 7-tägiges Fasten nach Buchinger und Ernährungsschulung für eine darauffolgende mediterrane Ernährung wurde mit einer Kontrollgruppe, die sich ebenfalls mediterran ernähren sollte, im Beobachtungszeitraum von 4 Monaten verglichen. In der zweiten Studie wurde im Rahmen einer randomisierten Studie mit Patienten mit MetS die Subgruppe mit DMT2 analysiert. In der Fastengruppe erfolgte ein initiales 5-tägiges Fasten nach Buchinger, gefolgt von einer zeitintensiven Schulung über 10 Wochen für eine nachfolgende pflanzenbasierte Ernährung. Die Kontrollgruppe erhielt eine analog intensive Ernährungsschulung ohne Fasten. Ergebnisse: In Studie 1 (n=32) zeigte sich nach 4 Monaten im Prä/Post Vergleich eine deutlichere Gewichtsabnahme in der Fastengruppe (-3.0(95%CI:-6;-0.4)kg;p=0.03). Analog zeigte sich eine deutlichere Abnahme des Bauchumfangs in der Fastengruppe (-4(95%CI:-6;-2) cm;p=0.001). Während sich für den Verlauf des HbA1c und der Insulinsensitivität kein Gruppenunterschied nach 4 Monaten zeigte, fand sich in der Fastengruppe eine signifikante systolische/diastolische Blutdrucksenkung sowie eine relevante Dosisreduktion der antidiabetischen Medikation. In Studie 2 (n=36) zeigte sich nach 3 Monaten ebenfalls eine signifikante Gewichtsabnahme (-3.1(95%CI:-8.4;-3.5)kg;p<0.001) und Abnahme des Bauchumfangs (-3.6 (95%CI:-8;-1)cm; p=0.017) in der Fastengruppe versus Kontrollgruppe. Für den Verlauf des HbA1c und der Insulinsensitivität zeigte sich ein Trend zugunsten des Fastens (p=0,063; p=0,077), hingegen keine wesentliche Blutdrucksenkung. Deskriptiv fand sich auch hier eine häufigere Dosisreduktion antidiabetischer Medikation in der Fastengruppe. In beiden Studien verbesserte sich die Lebensqualität signifikant in der Fastengruppe versus Kontrollgruppe. Es gab keine ernsthaften unerwünschten Ereignisse, die Fastentherapie war jeweils gut verträglich. Diskussion: In beiden Studien war 4 bzw. 3 Monate nach einem periodischen Fasten im Vergleich zu einer durchgehenden Ernährungs-Kontrollintervention eine deutlichere Abnahme des Gewichtes und des Bauchumfangs erzielt worden. In der intensiven begleitenden Intervention von Studie 2 zeigte sich ein Trend zu verbesserter Glukoregulation. In beiden Studien wiesen die Dosisanpassungen der antidiabetischen Medikation auf eine verbesserte diabetische Stoffwechsellage hin. Die Effekte auf den Blutdruck waren inkonsistent. Die gute Verträglichkeit und Verbesserung der Lebensqualität weisen auf die gute Praktikabilität eines ambulant durchgeführten periodischen Fastens hin. Weitere konfirmatorische randomisiert- kontrollierte Studien mit größerer Fallzahl und längerer Beobachtungsdauer sind wünschenswert.Background: Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and the Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) show rising prevalence worldwide. Periodic fasting was found to be an effective measure to improve metabolic diseases in experimental research and clinical practice. However, there is a lack of evidence from clinical studies. Methods: The effects of periodic fasting in an ambulatory setting were studied by means of two randomised studies with distinct fasting and nutrition programs. Study 1 was a randomized pilot- study in patients with T2DM. An initial 7-day fasting according to the Buchinger technique was followed by a recommendation to follow a Mediterranean diet. The control group received only advice regarding the Mediterranean diet for the 4-months study period. Within the second study, which was a randomised substudy in patients with MetS over 3 months, the subgroup with T2DM was analysed. The fasting group participated in an initial 5- day fast, followed by a nutrition program for a plant-based diet. The control group received the nutrition program without fasting. Results: In study 1 (n=32) weight was significantly reduced in the fasting group compared to controls (-3.0(95%CI:-6;-0.4)kg;p=0.03). Accordingly, waist circumference was reduced significantly in the fasting group versus controls (-4(-6;-2)cm;p=0.001). While there was no group difference regarding the course of HbA1c, systolic/diastolic blood pressure was reduced significantly with fasting. In the fasting group a dose-reduction of antidiabetic medication was apparent. In study 2 (n=36) there was a significant reduction of weight (-3.1 (95%CI:-8.4;- 3.5)kg; p<0.001) and waist circumference in the fasting group versus controls (-3.6 (95%CI:- 8;-1)cm; p=0.017). A trend toward improved insulin sensitivity and HbA1c could be detected after fasting (p=0.077; p=0.063), however, no significant reduction in blood pressure. A greater reduction in antidiabetic medication was documented with fasting. In both studies, quality of life improved significantly in the fasting versus the control groups. There were no serious adverse events and fasting was well tolerated. Discussion: In both studies a marked reduction of weight and waist circumference could be achieved through additional periodic fasting compared to nutritional education only. Within a more intensive education program in study 2, a trend towards improved glucoregulation was found. Both studies point to an improved diabetic metabolism by reduction of antidiabetic medications. The effect on blood pressure was inconsistent. Good tolerance regarding the intervention as well as improved quality of life point to good practicability of fasting periods in ambulatory settings. Further randomised-controlled studies with larger study populations and longer observation periods are warranted

    Central effects of Baclofen, Vigabatrin and Midazolam on Saccadic eye movements in man

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    Saccadic چشم که کنترل آن از اراده و اختیار شخص خارج است، یک روش نسبتا حساسی برای مطالعه و اندازه گیری اثرات بعضی داروهاست که بر روی سیستم عصبی مرکزی اثر می گذارد. هرچند که آناتومی و فیزیولوژی قسمت هایی از مغز که حرکات Saccadic چشم را کنترل می کنند به خوبی شناخته شده است، ولی به فارماکولوژی حرکات Saccadic چشم در انسان کمتر توجه شده است. هدف این تحقیق مطالعه بیشتر نقش رسپتورهای گابا-بنزودیازپین در شروع و کنترل حرکات Saccadic است. برای این منظور آگونیست رسپتور GABAb، بکلوفن (شل کننده عضلانی با اثرات مرکزی)، مهار کننده آنزیم گاباترانس آمیناز، ویگاباترین (داروی ضد صرع) و آگونیست بنزودیازپین، میدازولام (داروی ضد اضطراب و کمک بیهوشی) بکار گرفته شد. این مطالعه بر روی نه نفر داوطلب در بیمارستان Bristol royal infirmary به صورت یک مطالعه دو سو کور انجام گرفت و با پلاسبو مقایسه گردید. در این مطالعه علاوه بر اندازه گیری ضربان قلب و فشار خون یک سری روانکاوی خود آزمون نیز از میزان Alertness داوطلبین جهت مقایسه به عمل آمد. بکلوفن و ویگاباترین اثر معنی داری بر روی حرکات Saccadic و خودآزمون های اضطراب، خمودی و هوشیاری نداشتند ولی میدازولام تغییرات معنی داری در سرعت پیک، شتاب اوج گیری و شتاب افت کننده حرکات Saccadic، نسبت شتاب اوج گیری به شتاب افت کننده و Saccadic error بوجود آورد. میدازولام همچنین بر میزان خمودی داوطلبین افزود و همزمان اضطراب و هوشیاری داوطلبین را کاهش داد. هیچ گونه تداخل اثر دارویی بین بکلوفن یا ویگاباترین با میدازولام مشاهده نگردید. این مطالعه بیانگر این است که رسپتور GABAb نقشی در کنترل حرکات Saccadic چشم ندارد و رسپتورهای GABAa که در ارتباط با رسپتورهای بنزودیازپین هستند نقش مهمتری دارند. عدم تاثیر ویگاباترین بر روی حرکات Saccadic چشم غیر منتظره است و فاکتورهای فارماکوکینتیکی و فارماکودینامیکی ممکن است تاثیر گذار باشند. استفاده از آگونیست های انتخابی GABAa می تواند نقش این رسپتورها را در کنترل حرکات Saccadic چشم روشن تر کن

    Lavandula angustifolia Extract Improves the Result of Human Umbilical Mesenchymal Wharton's Jelly Stem Cell Transplantation after Contusive Spinal Cord Injury in Wistar Rats

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    Introduction. The primary trauma of spinal cord injury (SCI) results in severe damage to nervous functions. At the cellular level, SCI causes astrogliosis. Human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells (HUMSCs), isolated from Wharton's jelly of the umbilical cord, can be easily obtained. Previously, we showed that the neuroprotective effects of Lavandula angustifolia can lead to improvement in a contusive SCI model in rats. Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of L. angustifolia (Lav) on HUMSC transplantation after acute SCI. Materials and Methods. Sixty adult female rats were randomly divided into eight groups. Every week after SCI onset, all animals were evaluated for behavior outcomes. H&E staining was performed to examine the lesions after injury. GFAP expression was assessed for astrogliosis. Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) testing was performed to detect the recovery of neural conduction. Results. Behavioral tests showed that the HUMSC group improved in comparison with the SCI group, but HUMSC + Lav 400 was very effective, resulting in a significant increase in locomotion activity. Sensory tests and histomorphological and immunohistochemistry analyses verified the potentiation effects of Lav extract on HUMSC treatment. Conclusion. Transplantation of HUMSCs is beneficial for SCI in rats, and Lav extract can potentiate the functional and cellular recovery with HUMSC treatment in rats after SCI. Copyright © 2016 Kayvan Yaghoobi et al

    Study of the inhibitory effect of two different source of Thymus Vulgaris essential oil on ileum contraction in comparison with available clinically used drug preparation of Thymus

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    گیاه آویشن از گیاهان دارویی ایران است که بصورت سنتی برای ناهنجاری های اسپاسمی دستگاه گوارش استفاده می شود ولی اثرات فارماکولوژی آن به صورت مستدل علمی تاکنون گزارش نشده است. در این تحقیقات اثرات ضد اسپاسمی اسانس آویشن بر روی انقباضات ایلئوم مطالعه گردید. برای این منظور رات های ویستار با ضربه سر کشته شدند. سپس قسمتی از ایلئوم جدا شد و در محلول تیرود که با اکسیژن گازدهی می شد قرار گرفت. انقباضات ایزوتونیک توسط اسپاسموژن (KCI) در بافت ایجاد گردید و بر روی کاغذ فیزیوگراف ثبت گردید. اثرات غلظت های مختلف اسانس گیاه بر روی انقباضات ناشی از کلرید پتاسیم 80 میلی مولار برای بدست آوردن غلظت های موثر سنجیده شد. اثر هر اسانس با کنترل خودش که معادل حجمی حامل (Vehicle) را دریافت کرده بود مقایسه گردید. اسانس برگ آویشن در غلظت های افزایشی، انقباضات ناشی از کلرید پتاسیم را به صورت وابسته به غلظت مهار کرد (P=0.4±0.12: قدرت دارو). اثر دو اسانس مختلف آویشن بر روی انقباضات ناشی از کلرید پتاسیم در ایلئوم رات بیانگر این است که اثر مهاری اسانس برگ بیشتر از اسانس کل اندام هوائی گیاه آویشن است. قطره میکسچر آویشن که برای درمان سندرم روده تحریک پذیر استفاده می شود مخلوطی از آویشن (40)، نعناع (30)، زیره (20) و رازیانه (10) است. مقایسه اثرات مهاری قطره میکسچر آویشن موجود برای مصارف بالینی با نسبت مشابهی از مخلوط اسانس های آنها در غلظت های معادل اثرات مهاری مشابهی بر روی انقباضات ایلئوم داشتند ولی از نقطه نظر قدرت مهاری (پوتنسی) اثر مهاری کمتر از اسانس گیاه آویشن به تنهایی است. این مطالعه نشان می دهد که اسانس گیاه آویشن یک مهار کننده انقباضات ایلئوم ایزوله شده است. از آنجا که اساس درمان کرامپ های شکمی و اسهال بر مهار انقباضات روده استوار است، نتایج این تحقیق بیانگر مفید بودن اسانس گیاه آویشن برای درمان اختلالات فوق است

    Implementation of Clinical Assisted Reproduction Technologies for the Improvement of in vitro Production of Porcine Embryos: From IVF Clinic to Pig Farm

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    The world population is predicted to rise from 7 to 9 billion in the next 30 years, and per capita, meat consumption is predicted to increase by 20% at this time. This places a demand on current food producers globally (particularly pork producers as 40% of global meat consumption is pig meat) that is not sustainable unless sufficient innovations are implemented. Livestock production also contributes 18% of the earth's global warming, and this is also set to increase. Solving these problems necessitates producing increased amounts of meat from fewer animals in a shorter amount of time. UK companies lead the world in developing livestock with superior genetic traits that drive increased productivity through greater feed conversion efficiencies, improved disease resistance, and higher fertility. Disseminating and applying these advances into herds around the world, however, presents unique problems. That is, for female line genetics, (male line genetics can be disseminated via sperm samples) producers are left with no other choice but to transport live animals for establishing nucleus farms overseas (e.g. In East and Southeast Asia). This can be expensive; energy is consuming, environmentally unfriendly, and carries important animal welfare and disease transmission concerns. One possible solution is to preserve and transports superior genetics in the form of preimplantation embryos (preferably pre-genotyped for sex and desirable production trait). To date, however, pig IVF and production (henceforth termed "IVP") has not been successfully implemented. The purpose of this thesis was to contribute to an ongoing effort to improve pig IVP through fundamental studies of porcine reproduction. Specifically, the work focussed on boar sperm production and on the human system (IVF clinic data) to provide clues as to the likely effects of embryo biopsy - an essential precursor to genotyping a preimplantation embryo as follows: The first aim was to produce a working classification system for boar sperm morphology and test the hypothesis that there are differences between high quality and poor quality boars. Some hitherto unreported features of sperm morphology were established as significantly different in the poor-quality boar seen group. The second was to assess the effects of stimulants (e.g. caffeine and adenosine) on capacitation and fertilization rates and ask whether there was a correlation between capacitation and fertilization. Here, the utility of caffeine was established, and correlations were observed between sperm morphology and capacitation rates. The third aim involved establishing whether novel markers of correct sperm chromatin packaging (CMA3 stain, nuclear organization, sperm aneuploidy) were indicative of reduced fertility in boars. Here a significant association between the poor-quality boars and level of CMA3 staining was observed indicating that this test may be implemented in the future as a means of identifying poor quality boars. No significant association with nuclear organization nor sperm aneuploidy was observed, however. Finally, attention turned to human IVF data to test the hypothesis that embryo biopsy adversely affected subsequent embryo development. Using state of the art time lapse imaging no evidence was found to indicate that biopsy had an adverse effect in humans suggesting that, if performed correctly, this may also be the case in pigs. Taken together, the results provide evidence for the potential of significant advances in pig IVP by adapting protocols already commonplace in humans. Indeed, during the project, and in part because of it, IVP success rates in the laboratory increased dramatically

    Assessment of the neuroprotective effects of Lavandula angustifolia extract on the contusive model of spinal cord injury in wistar rats

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    Introduction: Spinal cord injury (SCI) involves a primary trauma and secondary cellular processes that can lead to severe damage to the nervous system, resulting in long-term spinal deficits. At the cellular level, SCI causes astrogliosis, of which glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a major index. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the neuroprotective effects of Lavandula angustifolia (Lav) on the repair of spinal cord injuries in Wistar rats. Materials and Methods: Forty-five female rats were randomly divided into six groups of seven rats each: the intact, sham, control (SCI), Lav 100, Lav 200, and Lav 400 groups. Every week after SCI onset, all animals were evaluated for behavior outcomes by the Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) score. H&E staining was performed to examine the lesions post-injury. GFAP expression was assessed for astrogliosis. Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) testing was performed to detect the recovery of neural conduction. Results: BBB scores were significantly increased and delayed responses on sensory tests were significantly decreased in the Lav 200 and Lav 400 groups compared to the control group. The greatest decrease of GFAP was evident in the Lav 200 and Lav 400 groups. EMG results showed significant improvement in the hindlimbs in the Lav 200 and Lav 400 groups compared to the control group. Cavity areas significantly decreased and the number of ventral motor neurons significantly increased in the Lav 200 and Lav 400 groups. Conclusion: Lav at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg can promote structural and functional recovery after SCI. The neuroprotective effects of L. angustifolia can lead to improvement in the contusive model of SCI in Wistar rats. © 2016 Kaka, Yaghoobi, Davoodi, Hosseini, Sadraie and Mansouri

    Assessment of Neuroprotective Properties of Melissa officinalis in Combination With Human Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells After Spinal Cord Injury

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    Introduction: The pathophysiology of spinal cord injury (SCI) has a classically bad prognosis. It has been demonstrated that human umbilical cord blood stem cells (hUCBSCs) and Melissa officinalis (MO) are useful for the prevention of neurological disease. Methods: Thirty-six adult male rats were randomly divided into intact, sham, control (SCI), MO, hUCBSC, and MO-hUCBSC groups. Intraperitoneal injection of MO (150 mg/kg) was commenced 24 hr post-SCI and continued once a day for 14 days. Intraspinal grafting of hUCBSCs was commenced immediately in the next day. The motor and sensory functions of all animals were evaluated once a week after the commencement of SCI. Electromyography (EMG) was performed in the last day in order to measure the recruitment index. Immunohistochemistry, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and transmission electron microscopy evaluations were performed to determine the level of astrogliosis and myelination. Results: The results revealed that motor function (MO-hUCBSC: 15 ± 0.3, SCI: 8.2 ± 0.37, p <.001), sensory function (MO-hUCBSC: 3.57 ± 0.19, SCI: 6.38 ± 0.23, p <.001), and EMG recruitment index (MO-hUCBSC: 3.71 ± 0.18, SCI: 1.6 ± 0.1, p <.001) were significantly improved in the MO-hUCBSC group compared with SCI group. Mean cavity area (MO-hUCBSC: 0.03 ± 0.03, SCI: 0.07 ± 0.004, p <.001) was reduced and loss of lower motor neurons (MO-hUCBSC: 7.6 ± 0.43, SCI: 3 ± 0.12, p <.001) and astrogliosis density (MO-hUCBSC: 3.1 ± 0.15, SCI: 6.25 ± 1.42, p < 0.001) in the ventral horn of spinal cord were prevented in MO-hUCBSC group compared with SCI group. Conclusion: The results revealed that the combination of MO and hUCBSCs in comparison with the control group has neuroprotective effects in SCI. © 2016, © The Author(s) 2016

    Update of the Scientific Opinion on opium alkaloids in poppy seeds

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    The CONTAM Panel wishes to thank the hearing experts: Pavel Cihlar, Daniel Doerge and Vaclav Lohr for the support provided to this scientific output. The CONTAM Panel acknowledges all European competent institutions and other stakeholders that provided occurrence data on opium alkaloids in food, and supported the data collection for the Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. Adopted: 22 March 2018 Reproduction of the images listed below is prohibited and permission must be sought directly from the copyright holder:Figure A.1 in Appendix A: © Elsevier.Peer reviewedPublisher PD