53 research outputs found

    Cervantes e l’Italia. Un furto di parole in corso

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    Le relazioni fra Cervantes e l'Italia coinvolgono diversi aspetti della sua vita e della sua opera. Si è esaminato questo molteplice panorama sfruttando dei concetti operativi come intertestualità, riscrittura, estetica della ricezione, rivitalizzando così vecchie etichette come quelle di fonte, imitazione, plagio. Il soggiorno italiano permette allo scrittore di riferirsi concretamente, nelle sue opere, non solo alla cultura ma anche alla geografia del paese, alla sua gastronomia e alle sue tradizioni. I testi di Cervantes hanno sempre destato un profondo interesse negli autori italiani, sia a livello di generi letterari, sia nell'ambito musicale e coreutico (mentre si studia con attenzione sempre crescente il repertorio della librettistica). Un capitolo a parte merita poi la critica cervantina, che in Italia si è arricchita del contributo di molti apprezzati studiosi.Cervantes' relations with Italy had a deep impact on the Spanish writer's life and works. Numerous implications have been analyzed in accordance with operative concepts such as intertextuality, rewriting, and the aesthetic of reception. This perspective gives new life to old labels such as source, imitation and plagiarism. Cervantes' stay in Italy enabled him to make reference in his works not only to the Italian culture, but also to the geography, gastronomy and the traditions of the country. Italian authors have constantly been interested in Cervantes' works, with regard both to literary genres and to the music and dance – the patrimony of librettos is being studied with growing interest. Cervantine criticism, which in Italy has been enriched by the contribution of many high qualified experts, deserves a separate chapter

    Quel Don Chisciotte per un «desocupado lector»

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    Il romanzo di Cervantes era rivolto dall'autore stesso al "lector desocupado": è un'espressione che non ha trovato una traduzione semanticamente esaustiva in italiano. Sciascia è solito riferirsi alle traduzioni di Carlesi e Bodini, autori di quella che è tuttora riconosciuta come la traduzione più accreditata, sottolineando che l'uso di lunghe perifrasi fa perdere il significato dell'aggettivo usato dallo scrittore spagnolo. Per quanto riguarda la traduzione di "desocupado lector", Sciascia ha suggerito la frase: "ozieggiante lettore", perché Cervantes intendeva certamente un ozio particolare, nel senso latino del termine.La novel·la de Cervantes va ser adreçada pel mateix autor al "lector desocupado": és una expressió que no ha trobat una traducció semànticament exhaustiva a l'italià. Sciascia fa referència habitualment a les traduccions de Carlesi i Bodini, autors de la que encara es reconeix com la traducció més acreditada, destacant que l'ús de perífrasis llargues fa que es perdi el significat de l'adjectiu que utilitza l'escriptor espanyol. Pel que fa a la traducció de "desocupado lector", Sciascia va suggerir la frase: "lector ocioso", perquè Cervantes significava certament una ociositat particular, en el sentit llatí del terme.Cervantes' novel was intended by the author himself for the "desocupado lector": an expression that has not found, in our language, a semantically exhaustive translation. Sciascia, in fact, recalls the two rendered by Carlesi and Bodini, the authors of the version that is still the most accredited today, pointing out that the use of long periphrases makes the poignancy of the adjective used by the Spanish writer be lost. Sciascia proposed to translate "desocupado lector" as "idle reader," because to certain idleness, in the Latin meaning, Cervantes had certainly intended to refer.La novela de Cervantes fue dirigida por el propio autor al "lector desocupado": es una expresión que no ha encontrado una traducción semánticamente exhaustiva en italiano. Sciascia suele hacer referencia a las traducciones de Carlesi y Bodini, autores de la que aún se reconoce como la traducción más acreditada, destacando que el uso de largas perífrasis hace que se pierda el sentido del adjetivo empleado por el escritor español. En cuanto a la traducción de "lector desocupado", Sciascia sugirió la frase: "lector ocioso", porque Cervantes ciertamente se refería a una ociosidad particular, en el sentido latino del término

    Consensus definitions of 14 severe acute toxic effects for childhood lymphoblastic leukaemia treatment: a Delphi consensus

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    Although there are high survival rates for children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, their outcome is often counterbalanced by the burden of toxic effects. This is because reported frequencies vary widely across studies, partly because of diverse definitions of toxic effects. Using the Delphi method, 15 international childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia study groups assessed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia protocols to address toxic effects that were to be considered by the Ponte di Legno working group. 14 acute toxic effects (hypersensitivity to asparaginase, hyperlipidaemia, osteonecrosis, asparaginase-associated pancreatitis, arterial hypertension, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, seizures, depressed level of consciousness, methotrexate-related stroke-like syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, high-dose methotrexate-related nephrotoxicity, sinusoidal obstructive syndrome, thromboembolism, and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia) that are serious but too rare to be addressed comprehensively within any single group, or are deemed to need consensus definitions for reliable incidence comparisons, were selected for assessment. Our results showed that none of the protocols addressed all 14 toxic effects, that no two protocols shared identical definitions of all toxic effects, and that no toxic effect definition was shared by all protocols. Using the Delphi method over three face-to-face plenary meetings, consensus definitions were obtained for all 14 toxic effects. In the overall assessment of outcome of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treatment, these expert opinion-based definitions will allow reliable comparisons of frequencies and severities of acute toxic effects across treatment protocols, and facilitate international research on cause, guidelines for treatment adaptation, preventive strategies, and development of consensus algorithms for reporting on acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treatment

    ARIA 2016 : Care pathways implementing emerging technologies for predictive medicine in rhinitis and asthma across the life cycle

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    The Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) initiative commenced during a World Health Organization workshop in 1999. The initial goals were (1) to propose a new allergic rhinitis classification, (2) to promote the concept of multi-morbidity in asthma and rhinitis and (3) to develop guidelines with all stakeholders that could be used globally for all countries and populations. ARIA-disseminated and implemented in over 70 countries globally-is now focusing on the implementation of emerging technologies for individualized and predictive medicine. MASK [MACVIA (Contre les Maladies Chroniques pour un Vieillissement Actif)-ARIA Sentinel NetworK] uses mobile technology to develop care pathways for the management of rhinitis and asthma by a multi-disciplinary group and by patients themselves. An app (Android and iOS) is available in 20 countries and 15 languages. It uses a visual analogue scale to assess symptom control and work productivity as well as a clinical decision support system. It is associated with an inter-operable tablet for physicians and other health care professionals. The scaling up strategy uses the recommendations of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. The aim of the novel ARIA approach is to provide an active and healthy life to rhinitis sufferers, whatever their age, sex or socio-economic status, in order to reduce health and social inequalities incurred by the disease.Peer reviewe

    Sex difference and intra-operative tidal volume: Insights from the LAS VEGAS study

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    BACKGROUND: One key element of lung-protective ventilation is the use of a low tidal volume (VT). A sex difference in use of low tidal volume ventilation (LTVV) has been described in critically ill ICU patients.OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine whether a sex difference in use of LTVV also exists in operating room patients, and if present what factors drive this difference.DESIGN, PATIENTS AND SETTING: This is a posthoc analysis of LAS VEGAS, a 1-week worldwide observational study in adults requiring intra-operative ventilation during general anaesthesia for surgery in 146 hospitals in 29 countries.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Women and men were compared with respect to use of LTVV, defined as VT of 8 ml kg-1 or less predicted bodyweight (PBW). A VT was deemed 'default' if the set VT was a round number. A mediation analysis assessed which factors may explain the sex difference in use of LTVV during intra-operative ventilation.RESULTS: This analysis includes 9864 patients, of whom 5425 (55%) were women. A default VT was often set, both in women and men; mode VT was 500 ml. Median [IQR] VT was higher in women than in men (8.6 [7.7 to 9.6] vs. 7.6 [6.8 to 8.4] ml kg-1 PBW, P < 0.001). Compared with men, women were twice as likely not to receive LTVV [68.8 vs. 36.0%; relative risk ratio 2.1 (95% CI 1.9 to 2.1), P < 0.001]. In the mediation analysis, patients' height and actual body weight (ABW) explained 81 and 18% of the sex difference in use of LTVV, respectively; it was not explained by the use of a default VT.CONCLUSION: In this worldwide cohort of patients receiving intra-operative ventilation during general anaesthesia for surgery, women received a higher VT than men during intra-operative ventilation. The risk for a female not to receive LTVV during surgery was double that of males. Height and ABW were the two mediators of the sex difference in use of LTVV.TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered at Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT01601223

    La escena del "Quijote": apuntes de un lector-espectador

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    Memoria del Quijote

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    Si esamina la cultura di Cervantes rispetto all'Italia, alcuni aspetti strutturali del Quijote, la ricezione dell'opera sia in ambito critico che della rielaborazione letteraria (Giovanni Meli
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