6 research outputs found

    The Red Army’s “Perm catastrophe” and Iron Felix’s terror strategy development

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    The article was submitted on 12.03.2016.В статье рассматриваются обстоятельства «пермской катастрофы» 1918 г. Акцент сделан на военных последствиях поражения Третьей Красной армии под Пермью. Выявлена главная роль Я. М. Свердлова в командировании Ф. Э. Дзержинского и И. В. Сталина в Вятку. Результатом этой командировки стало усиление позиций Я. М. Свердлова. Важным обстоятельством явилась замена Ф. Э. Дзержинского на Я. Х. Петерса. Раскрывается роль И. В. Сталина и Ф. Э. Дзержинского в расследовании «Пермской катастрофы» 1918 г. Показана их деятельность в Вятке, Глазове. Помимо арестов, они провели многочисленные мобилизационные мероприятия в регионе. Результатом их деятельности стала стабилизация Восточного фронта. По мнению автора, белый террор в Пермском крае оказал большое влияние на радикализацию взглядов Феликса Дзержинского. В первую очередь изменилось его отношение к офицерству. Теперь именно в нем он видел главную угрозу советской власти, и приказы о расстрелах бывших офицеров стали частыми в практике Ф. Э. Дзержинского на посту председателя ВЧК.The article examines the circumstances of the “Perm catastrophe” in 1918. The author focuses on the consequences of the military defeat of the Third Red Army at Perm, revealing the main role of Ya. M. Sverdlov in F. E. Dzerzhinsky and Stalin’s secondment to Vyatka. The result of this trip was the strengthening of Yakov Sverdlov’s position, an important circumstance being Felix Dzerzhinsky’s replacement by Yakov Peters. The article reveals the role of Joseph Stalin and Felix Dzerzhinsky in the investigation of the “Perm catastrophe in 1918” and their work in Vyatka and Glazov. In addition to arrests, they carried out numerous mobilization activities in the region which led to the stabilization of the Eastern Front. White terror in Perm Region had a great impact on Felix Dzerzhinsky’s radicalization of attitudes. First of all, it was his attitude to the officers that changed, with him regarding officers as the main threat to the Soviet system. It resulted in his frequent orders to execute former army officers during his time as Chairman of the Cheka (Emergency Committee)

    Punitive Policy of North-West Army and Its Implementation on the Approaches to Petrograd in Autumn of 1919

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    The article analyzes the information about the punitive practice of the North-West Army in autumn of 1919 on the outskirts of Petrograd. Comments are made on the events that took place in the largest Petrograd suburbs - Gatchina, Pavlovsk, Detsky Selo and other closely located settlements after their transfer to the control of the White Army. It is noted that it was there that mass cases of capital punishment were recorded. The dynamics of the White repressions during the offensive on Petrograd is traced. It is reported that cases of release at the request of the local population were recorded. The novelty of the study is seen in attracting new sources to write the article. The article is based on the materials of a special commission to identify cases of white terror, recollections of residents of cities and military units, orders of the white command. Quantitative data on cases of white terror revealed at that time are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the facts of violence against the Jewish population. Statistics on the use of the death penalty are provided. The conclusion is made that the punitive practice of this period was carried out by the military courts, and to an even greater extent - through unprotected executions by the officers

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    This work is on the Physics of the B Factories. Part A of this book contains a brief description of the SLAC and KEK B Factories as well as their detectors, BaBar and Belle, and data taking related issues. Part B discusses tools and methods used by the experiments in order to obtain results. The results themselves can be found in Part C

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    The BaBar detector: Upgrades, operation and performance

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    Contains fulltext : 121729.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access