505 research outputs found

    Padronização de Critérios Hematológicos para o Auxílio no Diagnóstico Laboratorial de Leucemias Mielóides

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    As leucemias são um grupo de doenças cuja manifestação em comum é a proliferação maligna de células hematopoiéticas na medula óssea; o clone leucêmico usualmente substitui a população celular normal da medula óssea. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos: 1) padronizar a reação citoquímica da mieloperoxidase, auxiliando no diagnóstico exato das leucemias agudas, acelerando assim o tratamento e encaminhamento médico; 2) padronizar a leitura dos esfregaços com leucocitose e desvio à esquerda, com relação à observação de eosinófilos, basófilos, eritroblastos, promielócitos e mielócitos, para o diagnóstico diferencial de LMC; 3) análise da incidência de Leucemia Mielóide Aguda e Crônica nos pacientes do Laboratório da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Araraquara – SP. Foram analisadas amostras de sangue de 54 pacientes da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Araraquara-SP, cujo hemograma se apresentou alterado (presença de blastos ou número elevado de leucócitos com células imaturas). Para as amostras que apresentaram blastos em número aumentado, realizouse a reação citoquímica da mieloperoxidase. Para as amostras com leucocitose os critérios hematológicos avaliados foram: presença de eosinófilos, basófilos, mielócitos, eritroblastos, e trombocitose. Dos 46 casos de leucocitose avaliados, identificamos que 59 % das amostras tratavam-se de reação leucemóide e 41 % de LMC. A padronização da reação da mieloperoxidase foi possível, mediante a análise de 8 casos com suspeita de Leucemia Aguda, dentre os quais 6 apresentaram positividade para a reação. Após a realização do trabalho chegamos a conclusão de que é importante realizar um hemograma mais consciencioso no caso de leucocitose, avaliando sempre os critérios discutidos no trabalho. A padronização da reação citoquímica da mieloperoxidase nos casos suspeitos de leucemia aguda mostrou-se muito fácil podendo ser utilizada em qualquer laboratório de rotina, o que auxiliaria no diagnóstico diferencial de leucemias agudas mielóides e linfóides, aumentando assim a chance de sobrevida do paciente

    HTLV-1 infection in solid organ transplant donors and recipients in Spain

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    HTLV-1 infection is a neglected disease, despite infecting 10-15 million people worldwide and severe illnesses develop in 10% of carriers lifelong. Acknowledging a greater risk for developing HTLV-1 associated illnesses due to immunosuppression, screening is being widely considered in the transplantation setting. Herein, we report the experience with universal HTLV testing of donors and recipients of solid organ transplants in a survey conducted in Spain. All hospitals belonging to the Spanish HTLV network were invited to participate in the study. Briefly, HTLV antibody screening was performed retrospectively in all specimens collected from solid organ donors and recipients attended since the year 2008. A total of 5751 individuals were tested for HTLV antibodies at 8 sites. Donors represented 2312 (42.2%), of whom 17 (0.3%) were living kidney donors. The remaining 3439 (59.8%) were recipients. Spaniards represented nearly 80%. Overall, 9 individuals (0.16%) were initially reactive for HTLV antibodies. Six were donors and 3 were recipients. Using confirmatory tests, HTLV-1 could be confirmed in only two donors, one Spaniard and another from Colombia. Both kidneys of the Spaniard were inadvertently transplanted. Subacute myelopathy developed within 1 year in one recipient. The second recipient seroconverted for HTLV-1 but the kidney had to be removed soon due to rejection. Immunosuppression was stopped and 3 years later the patient remains in dialysis but otherwise asymptomatic. The rate of HTLV-1 is low but not negligible in donors/recipients of solid organ transplants in Spain. Universal HTLV screening should be recommended in all donor and recipients of solid organ transplantation in Spain. Evidence is overwhelming for very high virus transmission and increased risk along with the rapid development of subacute myelopathy

    7th Drug hypersensitivity meeting: part two

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    Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19

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    Interindividual clinical variability in the course of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is vast. We report that at least 101 of 987 patients with life-threatening coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia had neutralizing immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies (auto-Abs) against interferon-w (IFN-w) (13 patients), against the 13 types of IFN-a (36), or against both (52) at the onset of critical disease; a few also had auto-Abs against the other three type I IFNs. The auto-Abs neutralize the ability of the corresponding type I IFNs to block SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro. These auto-Abs were not found in 663 individuals with asymptomatic or mild SARS-CoV-2 infection and were present in only 4 of 1227 healthy individuals. Patients with auto-Abs were aged 25 to 87 years and 95 of the 101 were men. A B cell autoimmune phenocopy of inborn errors of type I IFN immunity accounts for life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia in at least 2.6% of women and 12.5% of men

    Search for leptophobic Z ' bosons decaying into four-lepton final states in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 TeV

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    Measurements of differential production cross sections for a Z boson in association with jets in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV

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