23 research outputs found

    Tabaquismo: un problema que afecta a los jĂłvenes universitarios a nivel nacional e internacional: Tobacco: A problem that affects young universities at the national and international levels

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    The World Health Organization defines smoking as a chronic addictive disease widespread worldwide. It represents one of the greatest threats to public health, affecting children, youth and adults. It is estimated, that there are 1.300 million smokers in the world and about 80% of these live in countries where there is a high rate of morbidity and mortality associated with tobacco mainly in adult consumers. In particular, the consumption of tobacco among young university students is evident and worrisome. Different authors in the world have raised factors for tobacco use among adolescents and young adults. Such studies argue that the habit of smoking usually begins during adolescence and consolidates in the university stage. Smoking in parents, relatives, and friends is a factor, perhaps the most remarkable, which is associated with the acquisition of smoking as a habit.La OrganizaciĂłn Mundial de la Salud define al tabaquismo como una enfermedad adictiva crĂłnica muy extendida a nivel mundial. Representa una de las mayores amenazas para la salud pĂșbica, afectando a niños, jĂłvenes y adultos. Se calcula que existen 1.300 millones de fumadores en el mundo y alrededor del 80% de estos viven en paĂ­ses en los que existe una alta tasa de morbilidad y mortalidad asociada al tabaco principalmente en consumidores adultos. De manera particular, el consumo de tabaco ente jĂłvenes universitarios es evidente y preocupante. Diferentes autores en el mundo han planteado factores para el consumo de tabaco entre adolescentes y adultos jĂłvenes. Tales estudios sostienen que el hĂĄbito de fumar inicia, por lo general, durante la adolescencia y se consolida en la etapa universitaria. AdemĂĄs, el tabaquismo en progenitores, familiares y amigos es un factor, quizĂĄs el mĂĄs destacable, que se asocia a la adquisiciĂłn del hĂĄbito tabĂĄquico

    Pedagogical Strategies for a Transnational Reading of Border Writers

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    El Fruto de la Voz

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    Translocal Space of Afro-Latinidad

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    Texts in Contexts

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    Locating Women’s Writing and Translation in the Americas in the Age of Latinamericanismo and Globalization

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    El Incansable Juego

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    Introduction to Debates about Translation Lost (and Found?) in Translation

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    Feminist Theories, Transnational Translations, and Cultural Mediations

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    Women with Guns

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