40 research outputs found

    The Impacts of Outsourcing on Business Process Automation Implementation : A Comprehensive Analysis

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    This master thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted impacts of outsourcing on different phases of Business Process Automation (BPA) implementation. Through interviews with specialists involved in BPA outsourcing, valuable insights were obtained regarding the experiences, perspectives, and challenges faced by organizations during various stages of BPA implementation. The study identified key findings in each phase, highlighting the importance of involving external vendors from the start, establishing effective communication channels, and addressing regulatory hurdles. Additionally, concerns related to knowledge loss and dependency on external vendors were explored, emphasizing the significance of documentation and knowledge transfer practices. The findings align with existing literature on outsourcing and BPA, while also providing unique contributions by emphasizing the establishment of a specific vocabulary, linking outsourcing to regulatory challenges, and offering practical insights for managing outsourcing risks. The implications for theory suggest the need for careful management and coordination throughout the outsourcing process, as well as the significance of early vendor engagement. Practically, the study offers recommendations for organizations, including the involvement of external vendors from the beginning, proactive planning for potential challenges, and the adoption of specific strategies to enhance vendor relationships and project monitoring. The study acknowledges limitations and suggests future research directions, such as exploring different industries and regions, incorporating quantitative data, examining decision-making processes, and investigating the long-term sustainability of outsourcing arrangements. Overall, this master thesis provides a nuanced understanding of the impacts of outsourcing on BPA implementation, offering practical recommendations for organizations seeking successful outcomes in their automation journey

    Bactrocera Cucurbitae response to four Cymbopogon species essential oils

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    GC/MS analysis of essential oils extracted from four Cymbopogon species revealed that the majors compounds were trans-p-mentha-1(7),8-dien-2-ol (21.9%), cis-p-mentha-1(7),8-den- 2-ol (19.4%), trans-p-mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol (9.6%), cis-p-mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol (7.2%), cis-pmenth-2-en-1-ol (7.2%), limonene (6.3%) in C. giganteus; piperitone (68.4%); ?-2-carene (11.5%) and ?-eudesmol (4.9%) in C. schoenanthus, while citronellal (41.6%); geraniol (28.2%); citronellol (12.6%) and geranial (41.3%); neral (33.0%); myrcene (10.4%), geraniol (6.5%) were recorded in C. nardus and C. citratus, respectively.Tephritid fruit flies use both olfactory and visual cues to seek food and ovipositional resources. Olfactive effects for C. citratus, C. nardus, C. giganteus and C. schoenanthus essential oils on melon fly (B. cucurbitae) were evaluated using a four-arm olfactometer. The results showed that C. giganteus and C. schoenanthus repel mostly the fruit fly B. cucurbitae, compared with C. nardus and C. citratus and that female and male B. cucurbitae responded similarly to odours emitted from all essential oils evaluated. The number of pupae collected from zucchini treated with C. giganteus was significantly lower than that collected from zucchini treated with C. nardus when exposed to female B. cucurbitae, regardless of the concentrations

    Chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils from the leaves of Cymbopogon giganteus Chiov. and Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng (Poaceae) from Benin

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    The chemical composition of essential oils obtained from the leaves of Cymbopogon giganteus Chiov. and Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng, two Poaceae growing wild in Benin were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The main constituents of Cymbopogon giganteus were cis-p-mentha-1(7),8-dien-2-ol (19.4%), transp- mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol (16.4%) and limonene (13.7%). The major components identified in the oil of Cymbopogon schoenanthus were piperitone (68.4%), and ä-2-carene (11.5%). The antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Cymbopogon giganteus was found to be moderate on Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 with MIC equal to 0.32 ± 0.02 mg/mL and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 with MIC equal to 0.64 ± 0.34 mg/mL. This same oil induced the death of 57.84% of ticks at 8ìL. Therefore, essential oil of Cymbopogon schoenanthus had a low antimicrobial activity on Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 with MIC equal to 2.63 ± 0.16 mg/mL and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 with MIC equal to 2.63 ± 0.16 mg/mL

    The use of plants in the traditional management of diabetes in Nigeria: Pharmacological and toxicological considerations

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: The prevalence of diabetes is on a steady increase worldwide and it is now identified as one of the main threats to human health in the 21st century. In Nigeria, the use of herbal medicine alone or alongside prescription drugs for its management is quite common. We hereby carry out a review of medicinal plants traditionally used for diabetes management in Nigeria. Based on the available evidence on the species׳ pharmacology and safety, we highlight ways in which their therapeutic potential can be properly harnessed for possible integration into the country׳s healthcare system. Materials and methods: Ethnobotanical information was obtained from a literature search of electronic databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus up to 2013 for publications on medicinal plants used in diabetes management, in which the place of use and/or sample collection was identified as Nigeria. ‘Diabetes’ and ‘Nigeria’ were used as keywords for the primary searches; and then ‘Plant name – accepted or synonyms’, ‘Constituents’, ‘Drug interaction’ and/or ‘Toxicity’ for the secondary searches. Results: The hypoglycemic effect of over a hundred out of the 115 plants reviewed in this paper is backed by preclinical experimental evidence, either in vivo or in vitro. One-third of the plants have been studied for their mechanism of action, while isolation of the bioactive constituent(s) has been accomplished for twenty three plants. Some plants showed specific organ toxicity, mostly nephrotoxic or hepatotoxic, with direct effects on the levels of some liver function enzymes. Twenty eight plants have been identified as in vitro modulators of P-glycoprotein and/or one or more of the cytochrome P450 enzymes, while eleven plants altered the levels of phase 2 metabolic enzymes, chiefly glutathione, with the potential to alter the pharmacokinetics of co-administered drugs. Conclusion: This review, therefore, provides a useful resource to enable a thorough assessment of the profile of plants used in diabetes management so as to ensure a more rational use. By anticipating potential toxicities or possible herb–drug interactions, significant risks which would otherwise represent a burden on the country׳s healthcare system can be avoided

    État et perspectives de lutte contre Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1789), déprédateur des céréales au Bénin : synthèse bibliographique.

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    Objectif : Le présent article de revue fait état des études relatives aux différentes méthodes de lutte contre Sitotroga cerealella (alucite des céréales) et met l’accent sur l’utilisation des substances naturelles en perspective de lutte contre ce déprédateur. S. cerealella est l’un des ravageurs les plus redoutables dans les systèmes de conservation traditionnels en Afrique et particulièrement au Bénin. Méthodologie et Résultats : Dans la recherche des informations sur les luttes contre l’alucite des céréales, plusieurs travaux scientifiques publiés ont été consultés et leur synthèse a été faite. L’examen des résultats de recherche sur le contrôle de ce déprédateur de plusieurs céréales a révélé l’utilisation fréquente de produits chimiques de synthèse comme la deltaméthrine, le malathion et la phosphine seuls ou combinés en fumigation surtout. Plusieurs chercheurs se sont intéressés, dans le cadre des luttes physiques, aux irradiations ionisantes provenant de source de rayons gamma du cobalt 60 et des variétés de céréales résistantes dans le cas du riz, du blé ou de maïs. Aussi, des parasites, pathogènes ou prédateurs (Trichogramma spp, Blattisocius tarsalis, Cotesia ruficrus, Pteromalus cerealella et Bracon hebetor) ont-ils été expérimentés comme insecticide biologique sur différents stades de développement de S. cerealella. Les traitements à base de poudres ou d’extraits de plantes à potentialités insecticides ou insectifuges tels que ceux de Cymbopogon citratus, Tagetus erecta, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Azadirachta indica, Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides et de Khaya ivorensisaux ont été étudiés. Cependant, contrairement à d’autres ravageurs comme Sitophilus spp, Rhizopertha dominica, Prostephanus truncatus, Tribolium sp ou même Callosobruchus sp, peu de travaux sont réalisés sur la lutte contre l’alucite des céréales au moyen d’extraits volatiles de plantes. Conclusion : Les huiles essentielles des plantes aromatiques du Bénin pourraient être efficaces dans le contrôle des populations de S. cerealella dans la conservation des stocks de riz.Mots-clés : Lutte biologique, Sitotroga cerealella, céréales, riz, substances naturelles.Status and perspectives of struggle against Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1789), pest of cereals in Benin: a short reviewObjective: This review article describes the studies on different methods of fighting against Sitotroga cerealella (Angoumois Grain Moth), and the focus was on the use of non-chemical methods to display a biological fight. S. cerealella is one of the most dangerous pests in traditional systems of conservation in Africa and particularly in Benin. Methods and Results: In the search for information about the struggles against the Angoumois grain moth , several published scientific works were consulted . Examination of the results of research on the control of this pest infesting several cereals revealed frequent use of synthetic chemicals such as deltamethrin, malathion and phosphine fumigation alone or in combination. Several researchers were interested in the physical struggles, ionizing radiation from gamma source of cobalt-60 and resistant varieties of grain in the case of rice, wheat or corn. Also, parasites, pathogens and predators (Trichogramma spp, Blattisocius tarsalis, Cotesia ruficrus, Pteromalus cerealella and Bracon hebetor) were experienced as biological insecticide on different developmental stages of S. cerealella. Treatments based on powders, extracts or cooking oils of plants such insecticides like Cymbopogon citratus, Tagetus erecta, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Azadirachta indica, Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides and Khaya ivorensisaux were studied. However, unlike other pest insects like Sitophilus spp, Rhyzopertha dominica, Prostephanus truncatus, Tribolium sp or even Callosobruchus sp, little work is done in the field of fight against Angoumois grain moth.through volatile extracts. Conclusion : Essential oils from aromatic plants of Benin could effectively control populations of S. cerealella in the conservation of stocks of rice.Keywords: control, Sitotroga cerealella, Cereal, rice, natural substances

    Etudes chimiques et activités biologiques d'extraits de végétaux aromatiques d'origine béninoise

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    Ce travail rend compte des études chimiques et biologiques d'extraits volatils et non volatils de plantes aromatiques acclimatées au Bénin. La première partie passe en revue quelques généralités sur les huiles essentielles, les métabolites secondaires et les méthodes d'analyse chromatographique. Dans cette partie, quelques caractéristiques générales ont été décrites sur Candida albicans , le cancer et sur les déprédateurs respectifs du maïs et du niébé que sont le Prostephanus truncatus et Callosobruchus maculatus. La deuxième partie donne les résultats de l'analyse chimique des constituants volatils extraits de 20 espèces aromatiques appartenant à 10 familles botaniques collectées dans différentes régions du Bénin : les Anacardiaceae, Annonaceae, Asteraceae, Clusiaceae, Lamiaceae, Leguminosae-Papilionoideae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Verbenaceae et les Zingiberaceae. On trouve sur l'ensemble des échantillons investigués, les différentes structures rencontrées dans les huiles essentielles : terpènes, dérivés aromatiques et constituants aliphatiques. Une 3e partie décrit les résultats phytochimiques qui mettent en exergue les métabolites souvent rencontrées dans le règne végétal : les tanins, les alcaloïdes, les flavonoïdes, les stérols et triterpènes, etc..La 4e partie discute des résultats d'études biologiques. Différentes réactions liées au profil chimique de chacune des huiles essentielles testées ont été observées au cours de ces études biologiques. Les huiles essentielles d'Aeollanthus pubescens, de Xylopia aethiopica et de Cymbopogon giganteus ont été actives sur Candida albicans. Par ailleurs, l'activité d'autres huiles essentielles évaluées sur la cellule cancéreuse mammaire MCF-7 a révélé un potentiel anticancéreux des extraits volatils de Pentadesma butyracea, Siphonochilus aethiopicus, Xylopia aethiopica et de Ozoroa insignis. Dans le domaine de la protection des récoltes, les résultats de nos travaux ont montré respectivement les caractères insecticide, larvicide et ovicide des huiles essentielles de Pimenta racemosa, Chromolaena odorata, Lantana camara et du Psidium guajava sur Prostephanus truncatus d'une part puis des huiles essentielles de Cymbopogon giganteus et de Xylopia aethiopica sur Callosobruchus maculatus d'autre part. L'ensemble des résultats, tant sur le plan chimique que biologique met en évidence les potentialités de certaines espèces, pour une exploitation de leur extrait volatil à des fins thérapeutiques et dans la lutte post-récolteCLERMONT FD-BCIU Sci.et Tech. (630142101) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    The present work has studied the chemical composition of the essential oil (EO) extracted from the fresh leaves of [i]C[/i][i]rassocephalum rubens[/i] and tested its efficacy against some pathogenic microorganisms isolated from common foods largely consumed, which had been incriminated as responsible of food infections and toxi-infections. The chemical composition of the essential oil extracted from the fresh leaves of [i]Crassocephalum rubens[/i], has revealed the presence of limonene (48.8� myrcene (30.7� E-(β)-ocimene (7.4�20and α-thujene (4.6�20as the main components. In addition some oxygenated components had been identified. They are linalool, terpinen-4-ol, p-cymen-8-ol, E-nerolidiol and E-bisabol-11-ol. The Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) determined on some bacteria Gram ([i]Staphylococcus aureus[/i], [i]Streptococcus faecalis[/i]), bacteria Gram- ([i]Escherichia coli[/i], [i]Salmonella typhi[/i]) and against a pathogenic yeast ([i]Candida albicans[/i]) vary from 0.54 mg/mL to 4.38 mg/mL. The two Gram are more sensitive to the EO activity while the two Gram- less sensitive and Candida albicans relatively resistant to the EO activity

    Physical characteristics and Chemical compositions of Leaves extracts of Sorindeia grandifolia Engl. (Anacardiaceae) harvested at Kato, Benin

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    International audienceThe results brought back at the end of this work concern various chemical constituents of S. grandifolia leaves collected in Benin. The major compounds (≥4%) of essential oils obtained after hydrodistillation and analysis by coupling gas chromatography with spectrometry mass are constituted of : limonene (20.2%), (E)-β-ocimene (7.6-17.8%), (Z)-β-ocimene (11.4%), γ-cadinene (7.0%), selin-11-en-4-α-ol (4.5-5.7% ), palmitic acid (4.3-6.2%), β-pinene (5.5%), α-selinene (5.5%), α-phellandrene (5.2%), β-selinene (4.9%), β-elemene (4.5%).The lipidic fractions realized from petroleum ether extracts are marked by importants rates of arachidic acid (22.5%), palmitic acid (20.3%) and of linoleic acid (15.9%). The phytochemical analysis showed relatively a large content of coumarins, gallic tannins, flavones, leucoanthocyans and saponins in opposition to the other secondary metabolites