28 research outputs found

    Nutritional and environmental regulation of the synthesis of highly unsaturated fatty acids and of fatty-acid oxidation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) enterocytes and hepatocytes

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    The aim was to determine if highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) synthesis and fatty acid oxidation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) intestine was under environmental and/or seasonal regulation. Triplicate groups of salmon were grown through a full two-year cycle on two diets containing either fish oil (FO), or a diet with 75% of the FO replaced by a vegetable oil (VO) blend containing rapeseed, palm and linseed oils. At key points in the life cycle, fatty acyl desaturation/elongation (HUFA synthesis) and oxidation activities were determined in enterocytes and hepatocytes using [1-14C]18:3n-3 as substrate. As observed previously, HUFA synthesis in hepatocytes showed peak activity at seawater transfer and declined thereafter, with activity consistently greater in fish fed the VO diet. In fish fed FO, HUFA synthesis in enterocytes in the freshwater stage was at a similar level to that in hepatocytes. However, HUFA synthesis in enterocytes increased rapidly after seawater transfer and remained high for some months after transfer before decreasing to levels that were again similar to those observed in hepatocytes. Generally, enterocyte HUFA synthesis was higher in fish fed the VO diet compared to the FO diet. Oxidation of [1-14C]18:3n-3 in hepatocytes from fish fed FO tended to decrease during the freshwater phase but then increased steeply, peaking just after transfer before decreasing during the remaining seawater phase. At the peak in oxidation activity around seawater transfer, activity was significantly lower in fish fed VO compared to fish fed FO. In enterocytes, oxidation of [1-14C]18:3 in fish fed FO showed a peak in activity just prior to seawater transfer. In fish fed VO, other than high activity at 9 months, the pattern was similar to that obtained in enterocytes from fish fed FO with a high activity around seawater transfer and declining activity in seawater. In conclusion, fatty acid metabolism in intestinal cells appeared to be under dual nutritional and environmental or seasonal regulation. The temporal patterns for fatty acid oxidation were generally similar in the two cell types, but HUFA synthesis in enterocytes peaked over the summer seawater phase rather than at transfer, as with hepatocytes, suggesting possibly different regulatory cues

    The lure of postwar London:networks of people, print and organisations

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    Reproductive performance, survival and development of nauplii and copepodites, sex ratio and adult life expectancy of the harpacticoid copepod, Euterpina acutifrons, fed different microalgal diets

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    A series of laboratory experiments were conducted on the harpacticoid copepod, Euterpina acutifrons, to assess the influence of 10 different microalgal diets (four monoalgal and six mixed algal diets) on several parameters related to its productivity in culture. The four monoalgal diets were the Tahitian strain of Isochrysis sp. (T-Iso), Pavlova salina (Pav), Tetraselmis chuii (Tet) and the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri (Chaet), the five binary diets were T-Iso+Tet, Pav+Tet, T-Iso+Pav, Tet+Chaet and Pav+Chaet, while the tri-algal diet was T-Iso+Tet+Pav. All diets were fed to copepods at 1500 μ gC L−1 and in the case of binary or trialgal diets, carbon concentration was divided equally between the two or three algae offered. Among monoalgal diets, the diatom Chaet was excellent for E. acutifrons. Out of the 10 diets tested, the binary diet Tet+Chaet, which contained the diatom Chaet, was the best for naupliar production of single pair E. acutifrons (19.5±1.7 nauplii female−1 day−1), significantly (P<0.05) higher than all other treatments except for the Chaet treatment (P>0.05). Similarly, in the group naupliar production trial (50 adult E. acutifrons per replicate), Tet+Chaet produced a significantly higher number of nauplii (405.8±18.6 nauplii day−1) than the other treatments (P<0.05). Tet+Chaet further supported the highest naupliar survival (82.0±2.8%) and copepodite survival (89.0±2.8%), while the mono-algal diet Chaet produced the second highest naupliar (76.7±2.6%) and copepodite survival (83.5±2.6%). In contrast, Pav produced the lowest overall survival at the naupliar stage (30.0±2.9%), significantly lower than all other treatments (P<0.05). While development from newly hatched nauplii to copepodites was not significantly affected by diets, mean development time from nauplius to adult was significantly different among treatments. Mean development time from hatching (naupliar I stage; NI) to the adult stage was the fastest with Tet+Chaet and Chaet (6.8±0.0 days for both treatments), which was significantly faster than that of Pav, T-Iso Pav+Tet and T-Iso+Pav+Te treatment (P<0.05). E. acutifrons sex ratio was significantly affected by diets, and always skewed in favour of males. Feeding on Pav resulted in the lowest proportion of females (23.7±1.2%), significantly lower than for six of the other treatments (P<0.05). Adult females had longer average life expectancy than males for all treatments, and were the longest when fed Tet+Chaet (9.5±0.4 days), which was more than twice as long as the shortest lifespan recorded for the Pav treatment (4.2±0.6 days) (P<0.05). In summary, among 10 diets tested, the binary diet Tet+Chaet appeared to support the highest culture productivity of E. acutifrons while the diatom Chaet also performed well as a monoalgal diet

    A qualitative study evaluating experiences of a lifestyle intervention in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen suppression therapy

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    Background - The severe iatrogenic hypogonadal state induced by medical castration used for treatment of prostate cancer is associated with adverse effects including fatigue, increased fracture risk, and a decrease in skeletal muscle function, which negatively impact quality of life. We have previously reported beneficial changes in healthy lifestyle behaviors, physical function and fatigue as a result of a novel combined exercise and dietary advice intervention (a lifestyle intervention) in men with prostate cancer on androgen suppression therapy (AST). The aim of this research was to conduct a qualitative evaluation of the lifestyle intervention in these men with advanced prostate cancer receiving androgen suppression therapy (AST). Methods - Twelve men with prostate cancer on AST took part in three focus groups in a UK higher education institution following the 12 week intervention. Sessions lasted between 45 and 60 minutes in duration. All discussions were audio-taped and transcribed. A framework analysis approach was applied to the focus group data. An initial coding framework was developed from a priori issues listed in the topic guide and extended and refined following initial familiarization with the focus group transcripts. Line by line indexing of the transcripts was undertaken iteratively to allow for the incorporation of new codes. Coded sections of text were grouped together (charted) into themes and subthemes prior to a further process of comparison and interpretation. Results - None of the participants involved in the trial were provided with information on how lifestyle changes might be beneficial to men with prostate cancer during the course of their standard medical treatment. We present novel findings that this intervention was considered beneficial for reducing anxiety around treatment and fear of disease progression. Men were supportive of the benefits of the intervention over conventional cancer survival discussion group arrangements as it facilitated peer support in addition to physical rehabilitation. Conclusions - The benefits of lifestyle changes in men with prostate cancer are not well appreciated by care providers despite a range of benefits becoming apparent. Strategies to implement exercise and dietary interventions in standard care should be further evaluated.</p