424 research outputs found

    Effect of surfactant on emulsification in microchannels

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    Drop formation in a microfluidic flow-focusing device (cross-junction) was studied in absence and presence of one of two ionic surfactants. Four different flow regimes: squeezing, dripping, jetting, and threading were observed in line with existing literature. The effect of surfactant on the transition between flow regimes was shown to depend upon the value of critical micelle concentration and correlates with dynamic surface tension. Drop length in the channel increased as the ratio of flow rate of dispersed to continuous phase, φ increased. For drops smaller than the channel width, the increase was slow, proportional to φ 0.1 , yet was much faster, proportional to φ for larger drops. In contradiction to the expected stabilisation of drops by surfactant, surfactant-laden drops larger than the channel height coalesced inside the channel at a higher rate than surfactant-free drops. It is proposed that the coalescence is caused by the electrostatic attraction due to surfactant redistribution under the high shear stresses near the wall of the channel

    Experimental studies on droplet formation in a flow-focusing microchannel in the presence of surfactants

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    The formation of an aqueous droplet in an organic continuous phase was studied experimentally inside a flow-focusing microchannel (190â€ŻÎŒm × 195â€ŻÎŒm: depth × width) in the presence of surfactants. A low viscosity silicone oil (0.0046 Pa s) was used as the continuous phase and a mixture of 48% w/w water and 52% w/w glycerol was the dispersed phase. Two ionic surfactants, C₁₂TAB (50 mM) and C₁₆TAB (5 mM) were added in the aqueous phase, at concentrations above the CMC values. Four regimes of drop formation were identified, namely squeezing, dripping, jetting and threading, whose boundaries changed when the surfactants were present. The drop formation process and the velocity profiles in both phases in the squeezing and dripping regimes were studied in more detail using a two-colour Particle Image Velocimetry technique. For all solutions studied, three distinct drop formation stages were identified, expansion, necking and pinch-off. The surfactant-laden solutions produced smaller drops. Considering the dynamic interfacial tension, rather than the equilibrium one, it was possible to explain differences in the drop formation between the two surfactant systems in the expansion stage. The forces acting on the forming drops were estimated and showed that the drag force overcomes the interfacial tension force at the transition between the expansion and necking stages. During this transition, the curvature of the neck changed while its thinning rate was increased. The transition from the necking to the pinch-off stage was signified by a flow reversal at the bottom part of the drop

    Elevated maternal lipoprotein (a) and neonatal renal vein thrombosis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Renal vein thrombosis, although rare in adults, is well recognized in neonates and is one of the most common manifestations of neonatal thromboembolic events. The etiology of renal vein thrombosis remains unidentified in the majority of cases. We report a case of renal vein thrombosis in a neonate associated with elevated maternal lipoprotein (a).</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A full-term female infant, appropriate for gestational age, was born via spontaneous vaginal delivery to an 18-year-old primigravida. The infant's birth weight was 3680 g and the Apgar scores were eight and nine at 1 and 5 minutes respectively. Evaluation of the infant in the newborn nursery revealed a palpable mass in the right lumbar area. Tests revealed hematuria and a high serum creatinine level of 1.5 mg/dl. An abdominal ultrasound Doppler flow study demonstrated an enlarged right kidney, right renal vein thrombosis, and progression of the thrombosis to the inferior vena cava. There was no evidence of saggital sinus thrombosis. An extensive work-up of parents for hypercoagulable conditions was remarkable for a higher plasma lipoprotein (a) level of 73 mg/dl and an elevated fibrinogen level of 512 mg/dl in the mother. All paternal levels were normal. The plasma lipoprotein (a) level in the neonate was also normal. The neonate was treated with low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin) at 1.5 mg/kg/day every 12 hours for 2 months, at which time a follow-up ultrasound Doppler flow study showed resolution of the thrombosis in both the renal vein and the inferior vena cava.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There have been no studies to date that have explored the effect of abnormal maternal risk factors on fetal hemostasis. A case-control study is required to investigate whether elevated levels of maternal lipoprotein (a) may be a risk factor for neonatal thrombotic processes. Although infants with this presentation are typically treated with anticoagulation, there is a lack of evidence-based guidelines. Treatment modalities vary between study and treatment centers which warrants the establishment of a national registry.</p

    Acute effects of cigarette smoking on inflammation in healthy intermittent smokers

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic smoking is the main risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Knowledge on the response to the initial smoke exposures might enhance the understanding of changes due to chronic smoking, since repetitive acute smoke effects may cumulate and lead to irreversible lung damage. METHODS: We investigated acute effects of smoking on inflammation in 16 healthy intermittent smokers in an open randomised cross-over study. We compared effects of smoking of two cigarettes on inflammatory markers in exhaled air, induced sputum, blood and urine at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 192 hours and outcomes without smoking. All sputum and blood parameters were log transformed and analysed using a linear mixed effect model. RESULTS: Significant findings were: Smoking increased exhaled carbon monoxide between 0 and 1 hour, and induced a greater decrease in blood eosinophils and sputum lymphocytes between 0 and 3 hours compared to non-smoking. Compared to non-smoking, smoking induced a greater interleukin-8 release from stimulated blood cells between 0 and 3 hours, and a greater increase in sputum lymphocytes and neutrophils between 3 and 12 hours. CONCLUSION: We conclude that besides an increase in inflammation, as known from chronic smoking, there is also a suppressive effect of smoking two cigarettes on particular inflammatory parameters

    Cyclophosphamide Chemotherapy Sensitizes Tumor Cells to TRAIL-Dependent CD8 T Cell-Mediated Immune Attack Resulting in Suppression of Tumor Growth

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    Background: Anti-cancer chemotherapy can be simultaneously lymphodepleting and immunostimulatory. Pre-clinical models clearly demonstrate that chemotherapy can synergize with immunotherapy, raising the question how the immune system can be mobilized to generate anti-tumor immune responses in the context of chemotherapy. Methods and Findings: We used a mouse model of malignant mesothelioma, AB1-HA, to investigate T cell-dependent tumor resolution after chemotherapy. Established AB1-HA tumors were cured by a single dose of cyclophosphamide in a CD8 T cell- and NK cell-dependent manner. This treatment was associated with an IFN-α/ÎČ response and a profound negative impact on the anti-tumor and total CD8 T cell responses. Despite this negative effect, CD8 T cells were essential for curative responses. The important effector molecules used by the anti-tumor immune response included IFN-Îł and TRAIL. The importance of TRAIL was supported by experiments in nude mice where the lack of functional T cells could be compensated by agonistic anti-TRAIL-receptor (DR5) antibodies. Conclusion: The data support a model in which chemotherapy sensitizes tumor cells for T cell-, and possibly NK cell-, mediated apoptosis. A key role of tumor cell sensitization to immune attack is supported by the role of TRAIL in tumor resolution and explains the paradox of successful CD8 T cell-dependent anti-tumor responses in the absence of CD8 T cell expansion

    Savannahs of Asia: Antiquity, biogeography, and an uncertain future

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    The savannahs of Asia remain locally unrecognized as distinctive ecosystems, and continue to be viewed as degraded forests or seasonally dry tropical forests. These colonial-era legacies are problematic, because they fail to recognize the unique diversity of Asian savannahs and the critical roles of fire and herbivory in maintaining ecosystem health and diversity. In this review, we show that: the palaeo-historical evidence suggests that the savannahs of Asia have existed for at least 1 million years, long before widespread landscape modification by humans; savannah regions across Asia have levels of C4 grass endemism and diversity that are consistent with area-based expectations for non-Asian savannahs; there are at least three distinct Asian savannah communities, namely deciduous broadleaf savannahs, deciduous fine-leafed and spiny savannahs and evergreen pine savannahs, with distinct functional ecologies consistent with fire- and herbivory-driven community assembly. Via an analysis of savannah climate domains on other continents, we map the potential extent of savannahs across Asia. We find that the climates of African savannahs provide the closest analogues for those of Asian deciduous savannahs, but that Asian pine savannahs occur in climates different to any of the savannahs in the southern continents. Finally, we review major threats to the persistence of savannahs in Asia, including the mismanagement of fire and herbivory, alien woody encroachment, afforestation policies and future climate uncertainty associated with the changing Asian monsoon. Research agendas that target these issues are urgently needed to manage and conserve these ecosystems. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Tropical grassy biomes: linking ecology, human use and conservation’

    A Multi-Variant, Viral Dynamic Model of Genotype 1 HCV to Assess the in vivo Evolution of Protease-Inhibitor Resistant Variants

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    Variants resistant to compounds specifically targeting HCV are observed in clinical trials. A multi-variant viral dynamic model was developed to quantify the evolution and in vivo fitness of variants in subjects dosed with monotherapy of an HCV protease inhibitor, telaprevir. Variant fitness was estimated using a model in which variants were selected by competition for shared limited replication space. Fitness was represented in the absence of telaprevir by different variant production rate constants and in the presence of telaprevir by additional antiviral blockage by telaprevir. Model parameters, including rate constants for viral production, clearance, and effective telaprevir concentration, were estimated from 1) plasma HCV RNA levels of subjects before, during, and after dosing, 2) post-dosing prevalence of plasma variants from subjects, and 3) sensitivity of variants to telaprevir in the HCV replicon. The model provided a good fit to plasma HCV RNA levels observed both during and after telaprevir dosing, as well as to variant prevalence observed after telaprevir dosing. After an initial sharp decline in HCV RNA levels during dosing with telaprevir, HCV RNA levels increased in some subjects. The model predicted this increase to be caused by pre-existing variants with sufficient fitness to expand once available replication space increased due to rapid clearance of wild-type (WT) virus. The average replicative fitness estimates in the absence of telaprevir ranged from 1% to 68% of WT fitness. Compared to the relative fitness method, the in vivo estimates from the viral dynamic model corresponded more closely to in vitro replicon data, as well as to qualitative behaviors observed in both on-dosing and long-term post-dosing clinical data. The modeling fitness estimates were robust in sensitivity analyses in which the restoration dynamics of replication space and assumptions of HCV mutation rates were varied

    Effect of resource spatial correlation and Hunter-Fisher-Gatherer mobility on social cooperation in Tierra del Fuego

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    This article presents an agent-based model designed to explore the development of cooperation in hunter-fisher-gatherer societies that face a dilemma of sharing an unpredictable resource that is randomly distributed in space. The model is a stylised abstraction of the Yamana society, which inhabited the channels and islands of the southernmost part of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina-Chile). According to ethnographic sources, the Yamana developed cooperative behaviour supported by an indirect reciprocity mechanism: whenever someone found an extraordinary confluence of resources, such as a beached whale, they would use smoke signals to announce their find, bringing people together to share food and exchange different types of social capital. The model provides insight on how the spatial concentration of beachings and agents’ movements in the space can influence cooperation. We conclude that the emergence of informal and dynamic communities that operate as a vigilance network preserves cooperation and makes defection very costly.MICINN http://www.idi.mineco.gob.es/ CSD2010-00034 (SimulPast CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010) and HAR2009-06996; the government of Castilla y Leónhttp://www.jcyl.es/ GREX251-2009; the Argentine CONICET http://www.conicet.gov.ar/PIP-0706; and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Researchhttp://www.wennergren.org/ "Social Aggregation: A Yamana Society's Short Term Episode to Analyse Social Interaction, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina". The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Measurement of the cross-section of high transverse momentum vector bosons reconstructed as single jets and studies of jet substructure in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    This paper presents a measurement of the cross-section for high transverse momentum W and Z bosons produced in pp collisions and decaying to all-hadronic final states. The data used in the analysis were recorded by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 7 TeV;{\rm Te}{\rm V}andcorrespondtoanintegratedluminosityof and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.6\;{\rm f}{{{\rm b}}^{-1}}.ThemeasurementisperformedbyreconstructingtheboostedWorZbosonsinsinglejets.ThereconstructedjetmassisusedtoidentifytheWandZbosons,andajetsubstructuremethodbasedonenergyclusterinformationinthejetcentre−of−massframeisusedtosuppressthelargemulti−jetbackground.Thecross−sectionforeventswithahadronicallydecayingWorZboson,withtransversemomentum. The measurement is performed by reconstructing the boosted W or Z bosons in single jets. The reconstructed jet mass is used to identify the W and Z bosons, and a jet substructure method based on energy cluster information in the jet centre-of-mass frame is used to suppress the large multi-jet background. The cross-section for events with a hadronically decaying W or Z boson, with transverse momentum {{p}_{{\rm T}}}\gt 320\;{\rm Ge}{\rm V}andpseudorapidity and pseudorapidity |\eta |\lt 1.9,ismeasuredtobe, is measured to be {{\sigma }_{W+Z}}=8.5\pm 1.7$ pb and is compared to next-to-leading-order calculations. The selected events are further used to study jet grooming techniques


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    A clinical trial was undertaken using three different inhalant anaesthetic agents and one intravenous anaesthetic agent in dogs undergoing routine desexing surgery. Healthy adult dogs undergoing either ovariohysterectomy or castration were assessed as to their demeanour, with the more excitable dogs being placed in groups receiving premedication with acepromazine and morphine. All dogs were then randomly assigned an anaesthetic agent for induction of general anaesthesia. The agents were the inhalants halothane, isoflurane and sevoflurane, and the intravenous agent propofol. Inhalant inductions were undertaken using a tight fitting mask attached to a standard anaesthetic machine with a rebreathing circuit, with the maximum dose of inhalant available from a standard vaporiser. Propofol inductions were undertaken via intravenous catheter. Dogs induced with propofol were randomly assigned one of the three inhalant agents for maintenance. Those induced by inhalant agent were maintained using the same agent. The surgical procedure was undertaken in standard fashion, as was recovery from anaesthesia. All dogs received the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent meloxicam. Data collection was divided into three stages: induction, maintenance, and recovery from anaesthesia. Variables measured at induction of anaesthesia were time to intubation, number of intubation attempts, tolerance of mask, quality of induction and quality of transfer to the maintenance stage. Standard variables for monitoring of anaesthesia were recorded throughout the maintenance of anaesthesia. Variables measured at recovery were time to righting, time to standing and quality of recovery. The mean time to intubation when using the newer inhalant sevoflurane (196.2 ± 14.8sec, mean ± SE) was not significantly different to that for halothane (221.4 ± 14.0sec) or isoflurane (172.4 ± 15.0sec). Time to intubation with isoflurane was significantly faster than with halothane. Mean time to intubation with propofol (85.4 ± 7.7sec) was significantly faster than that for any of the three inhalants. Choice of inhalant had no effect on quality of induction. The use of premedication significantly improved the quality of induction. The use of propofol for induction likewise significantly improved the quality of induction. Standard cardiorespiratory variables measured during the maintenance phase of anaesthesia remained within normal clinical ranges for all three inhalants, and were therefore not further analysed. Choice of inhalant agent had no significant effect on the time to righting or standing in recovery. The use of propofol for induction had no effect on these variables. Animals placed in groups receiving premedication had significantly longer times to righting and standing. The oesophageal temperature at the end of the procedure had a significant effect on times to righting and standing, with lower temperatures contributing to slower recoveries. Independent of procedure time, male dogs had shorter times to righting than female dogs
