163 research outputs found

    Experimental application of sum rules for electron energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism

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    We present a derivation of the orbital and spin sum rules for magnetic circular dichroic spectra measured by electron energy loss spectroscopy in a transmission electron microscope. These sum rules are obtained from the differential cross section calculated for symmetric positions in the diffraction pattern. Orbital and spin magnetic moments are expressed explicitly in terms of experimental spectra and dynamical diffraction coefficients. We estimate the ratio of spin to orbital magnetic moments and discuss first experimental results for the Fe L_{2,3} edge.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Nonclassic lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia masquerading as familial glucocorticoid deficiency

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    Context: Familial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD) is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting from resistance to the action of ACTH on the adrenal cortex. Affected individuals are deficient in cortisol and, if untreated, are likely to succumb to hypoglycemia and/or overwhelming infection. Mutations of the ACTH receptor (MC2R) and the melanocortin 2 receptor accessory protein (MRAP), FGD types 1 and 2 respectively, account for approximately 45% of cases. Objective: A locus on chromosome 8 has previously been linked to the disease in three families, but no underlying gene defect has to date been identified. Design: The study design comprised single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping and mutation detection. Setting: The study was conducted at secondary and tertiary referral centers. Patients: Eighty probands from families referred for investigation of the genetic cause of FGD participated in the study. Interventions: There were no interventions. Results: Analysis by single-nucleotide polymorphism array of the genotype of one individual with FGD previously linked to chromosome 8 revealed a large region of homozygosity encompassing the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein gene, STAR. We identified homozygous STAR mutations in this patient and his affected siblings. Screening of our total FGD patient cohort revealed homozygous STAR mutations in a further nine individuals from four other families. Conclusions: Mutations in STAR usually cause lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia, a disorder characterized by both gonadal and adrenal steroid deficiency. Our results demonstrate that certain mutations in STAR (R192C and the previously reported R188C) can present with a phenotype indistinguishable from that seen in FGD

    NNT pseudoexon activation as a novel mechanism for disease in two siblings with familial glucocorticoid deficiency

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    CONTEXT: Intronic DNA frequently encodes potential exonic sequences called pseudoexons. In recent years, mutations resulting in aberrant pseudoexon inclusion have been increasingly recognized to cause disease. OBJECTIVES: To find the genetic cause of familial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD) in two siblings. PATIENTS: The proband and his affected sibling, from nonconsanguineous parents of East Asian and South African origin, were diagnosed with FGD at the ages of 21 and 8 months, respectively. DESIGN: Whole exome sequencing was performed on genomic DNA (gDNA) of the siblings. Variants in genes known to cause FGD were assessed for causality. Further analysis of gDNA and cDNA was performed by PCR/RT-PCR followed by automated Sanger sequencing. RESULTS: Whole exome sequencing identified a single, novel heterozygous variant (p.Arg71*) in nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT) in both affected individuals. Follow-up cDNA analysis in the proband identified a 69-bp pseudoexon inclusion event, and Sanger sequencing of his gDNA identified a 4-bp duplication responsible for its activation. The variants segregated with the disease: p.Arg71* was inherited from the mother, the pseudoexon change was inherited from the father, and an unaffected sibling had inherited only the p.Arg71* variant. CONCLUSIONS: FGD in these siblings is caused by compound heterozygous mutations in NNT; one causing pseudoexon inclusion in combination with another leading to Arg71*. Discovery of this pseudoexon activation mutation highlights the importance of identifying sequence changes in introns by cDNA analysis. The clinical implications of these findings include: facilitation of antenatal genetic diagnosis, early institution of potentially lifesaving therapy, and the possibility of preventative or curative interventio

    Life history evolution, species differences and phenotypic plasticity in hemiparasitic eyebrights (Euphrasia)

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    Premise of the study: Species delimitation in parasitic organisms is challenging as traits used in the identification of species are often plastic and vary depending on the host. Here, we use species from a recent radiation of generalist hemiparasitic Euphrasia to investigate trait variation and trait plasticity. We test whether Euphrasia species show reliable trait differences, investigate whether these differences correspond to life history trade-offs between growth and reproduction, and quantify plasticity in response to host species. Methods: We perform common garden experiments to evaluate trait differences between eleven Euphrasia taxa grown on a common host, document phenotypic plasticity when a single Euphrasia species is grown on eight different hosts, and relate our observations to trait differences recorded in the wild. Key results: Euphrasia exhibit variation in life history strategies; some individuals transition rapidly to flower at the expense of early season growth, while others invest in vegetative growth and delay flowering. Life history differences are present between some species, though many related taxa lack clear-cut trait differences. Species differences are further blurred by phenotypic plasticity—many traits are plastic and change with host type or between environments. Conclusions: Phenotypic plasticity in response to host and environment confounds species delimitation in Euphrasia. When grown in a common garden environment it is possible to identify some morphologically distinct taxa, though others represent morphologically similar shallow segregates. Trait differences present between some species and populations demonstrates the rapid evolution of distinct life history strategies in response to local ecological conditions."Manyhosts.csv" contains morphological measurements from one Euphrasia arctica population from North Berwick, Scotland, grown with eight hosts. "Manyspecies.csv" contains morphological measurements of five Euphrasia species and six natural Euphrasia hybrids grown on a single host, Trifolium repens. "Earlylate.csv" contains repeated growth measurements at different times of year, used in correlations of height at end of season. "Wildcommon.csv" contains Euphrasia species grown in the common garden experiment and wild collected plants for trait comparisons.Data collection is detailed in the associated manuscript. Post collection data processing can be viewed at: https://github.com/Euphrasiologist/phenotypic_plasticity_euphrasi

    Genetic regulation of pituitary gland development in human and mouse

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    Normal hypothalamopituitary development is closely related to that of the forebrain and is dependent upon a complex genetic cascade of transcription factors and signaling molecules that may be either intrinsic or extrinsic to the developing Rathke’s pouch. These factors dictate organ commitment, cell differentiation, and cell proliferation within the anterior pituitary. Abnormalities in these processes are associated with congenital hypopituitarism, a spectrum of disorders that includes syndromic disorders such as septo-optic dysplasia, combined pituitary hormone deficiencies, and isolated hormone deficiencies, of which the commonest is GH deficiency. The highly variable clinical phenotypes can now in part be explained due to research performed over the last 20 yr, based mainly on naturally occurring and transgenic animal models. Mutations in genes encoding both signaling molecules and transcription factors have been implicated in the etiology of hypopituitarism, with or without other syndromic features, in mice and humans. To date, mutations in known genes account for a small proportion of cases of hypopituitarism in humans. However, these mutations have led to a greater understanding of the genetic interactions that lead to normal pituitary development. This review attempts to describe the complexity of pituitary development in the rodent, with particular emphasis on those factors that, when mutated, are associated with hypopituitarism in humans

    A retrospective analysis of endocrine disease in sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase insufficiency: case series and literature review

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    Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase (SGPL1) insufficiency syndrome (SPLIS) is an autosomal recessive multi-system disorder, which mainly incorporates steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome and primary adrenal insufficiency. Other variable endocrine manifestations are described. In this study, we aimed to comprehensively annotate the endocrinopathies associated with pathogenic SGPL1 variants and assess for genotype–phenotype correlations by retrospectively reviewing the reports of endocrine disease within our patient cohort and all published cases in the wider literature up to February 2022. Glucocorticoid insufficiency in early childhood is the most common endocrine manifestation affecting 64% of the 50 patients reported with SPLIS, and a third of these individuals have additional mineralocorticoid deficiency. While most individuals also have nephrotic syndrome, SGPL1 variants also account for isolated adrenal insufficiency at presentation. Primary gonadal insufficiency, manifesting with microphallus and cryptorchidism, is reported in less than one-third of affected boys, all with concomitant adrenal disease. Mild primary hypothyroidism affects approximately a third of patients. There is paucity of data on the impact of SGPL1 deficiency on growth, and pubertal development, limited by the early and high mortality rate (approximately 50%). There is no clear genotype–phenotype correlation overall in the syndrome, with variable disease penetrance within individual kindreds. However, with regards to endocrine phenotype, the most prevalent disease variant p.R222Q (affecting 22%) is most consistently associated with isolated glucocorticoid deficiency. To conclude, SPLIS is associated with significant multiple endocrine disorders. While endocrinopathy in the syndrome generally presents in infancy, late-onset disease also occurs. Screening for these is therefore warranted both at diagnosis and through follow-up

    Somatic mutations of GNA11 and GNAQ in CTNNB1-mutant aldosterone-producing adenomas presenting in puberty, pregnancy or menopause.

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    Most aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs) have gain-of-function somatic mutations of ion channels or transporters. However, their frequency in aldosterone-producing cell clusters of normal adrenal gland suggests a requirement for codriver mutations in APAs. Here we identified gain-of-function mutations in both CTNNB1 and GNA11 by whole-exome sequencing of 3/41 APAs. Further sequencing of known CTNNB1-mutant APAs led to a total of 16 of 27 (59%) with a somatic p.Gln209His, p.Gln209Pro or p.Gln209Leu mutation of GNA11 or GNAQ. Solitary GNA11 mutations were found in hyperplastic zona glomerulosa adjacent to double-mutant APAs. Nine of ten patients in our UK/Irish cohort presented in puberty, pregnancy or menopause. Among multiple transcripts upregulated more than tenfold in double-mutant APAs was LHCGR, the receptor for luteinizing or pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin). Transfections of adrenocortical cells demonstrated additive effects of GNA11 and CTNNB1 mutations on aldosterone secretion and expression of genes upregulated in double-mutant APAs. In adrenal cortex, GNA11/Q mutations appear clinically silent without a codriver mutation of CTNNB1

    Mapping the internal recognition surface of an octanuclear coordination cage using guest libraries

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    Size and shape criteria for guest binding inside the cavity of an octanuclear cubic coordination cage in water have been established using a new fluorescence displacement assay to quantify guest binding. For aliphatic cyclic ketones of increasing size (from C5 to C11), there is a linear relationship between ΔG for guest binding and the guest’s surface area: the change in ΔG for binding is 0.3 kJ mol–1 Å–2, corresponding to 5 kJ mol–1 for each additional CH2 group in the guest, in good agreement with expectations based on hydrophobic desolvation. The highest association constant is K = 1.2 × 106 M–1 for cycloundecanone, whose volume is approximately 50% of the cavity volume; for larger C12 and C13 cyclic ketones, the association constant progressively decreases as the guests become too large. For a series of C10 aliphatic ketones differing in shape but not size, ΔG for guest binding showed no correlation with surface area. These guests are close to the volume limit of the cavity (cf. Rebek’s 55% rule), so the association constant is sensitive to shape complementarity, with small changes in guest structure resulting in large changes in binding affinity. The most flexible members of this series (linear aliphatic ketones) did not bind, whereas the more preorganized cyclic ketones all have association constants of 104–105 M–1. A crystal structure of the cage·cycloundecanone complex shows that the guest carbonyl oxygen is directed into a binding pocket defined by a convergent set of CH groups, which act as weak hydrogen-bond donors, and also shows close contacts between the exterior surface of the disc-shaped guest and the interior surface of the pseudospherical cage cavity despite the slight mismatch in shape

    Neurotransmitter selection by monoamine oxidase isoforms, dissected in terms of functional groups by mixed double mutant cycles

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    Double mutant cycles were constructed using neurotransmitters and synthetic substrates that measure their selective binding to one monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme isoform over another as a function of structural change. This work measures a reduction in selectivity for the MAOB isoform of 3 to 9.5 kJ mol−1 upon the addition of hydroxy functional groups to a phenethylamine scaffold. Replacement of hydroxy functional groups on the phenethylamine scaffold by hydrophobic substituents measures an increase in selectivity for MAOB of −1.1 to −6.9 kJ mol−1. The strategies presented here can be applied to the development of competitive reversible inhibitors of MAO enzymes and other targets with structurally related isoforms