9 research outputs found
Temporal changes in the prevalence and associates of diabetes-related lower extremity amputations in patients with type 2 diabetes: the Fremantle Diabetes Study
- Author
- A Alvarsson
- A Shojaiefard
- AD Tice
- AI Adler
- AS Levey
- B Kennon
- C Trautner
- CA Abbott
- CB Payne
- CD Holman
- CJ McCabe
- CM Buckley
- Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
- DG Armstrong
- DJ Margolis
- DP Walters
- EL Feldman
- EP Vamos
- ES Ford
- EW Gregg
- EW Gregg
- F Crawford
- GE Reiber
- Global Lower Extremity Amputation Study G
- H Hamalainen
- J Malmstedt
- JE McCaslin
- JP Boyle
- JR Kurowski
- M Baba
- M Jorgensen
- M Monteiro-Soares
- ME Edmonds
- Mendel Baba
- PA Lazzarini
- Paul E. Norman
- PE Norman
- PE Norman
- PP Goodney
- PW Eggers
- RJ Canavan
- S Krishnan
- S Liabeuf
- SE Moss
- SE Moss
- SM Bergin
- SO Oyibo
- T Krueger
- Timothy M. E. Davis
- TJ Hoerger
- TM Davis
- TME Davis
- Vamos Ep
- WA Davis
- Wendy A. Davis
- WH Houtum van
- Y Li
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Suit the action to the word, the word to the action: Eliciting motives for trust and reciprocity by attitudinal and behavioural measures
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
3. Apollon und das öffentliche Leben der Polis: Anfragen zur Ritualistik und zur Besetzung von religiösen Ämtern
- Author
- Ael
- Anm
- Anm J.
- Apoll Rh.
- Apollod P.
- Apollon
- Beamter
- Besetzung von Priestertümern
- Cabe
- Call
- Call Aet
- Cantineau
- Contra Fontenrose
- C«
- Dain
- Debord
- Dekreten
- den Abschnitte
- den Verhältnissen
- Derselbe Ausdruck
- Didymeion
- Die
- Die Voraussetzung
- Dies
- Dies
- Diese
- Dieses Amt
- Dignas
- Dignas
- Ebd
- Ebd
- Ehrenstatue
- Ehrhardt
- Elateia
- Ephesos
- Erlaubnis
- Eur
- Fest
- Flavius Ulpianus
- Geogr Graec
- Graf Vgl
- Günther
- Günther
- Günther Bull
- Hauptzeugnis Paus Oenom
- Haussouiller
- Holleaux
- In unseren Corp
- Insbesondere Parke
- Jahre
- Jh
- Jh
- Jh
- Jh
- Jh
- Kokkinia
- Kolonisten
- Kos Wiemer Käufliche
- Laumonier
- le Bürger
- Lebenszeit I.
- Lindos
- McCabe
- McCabe
- McCabe
- McCabe Bull
- McCabe Herakleia
- McCabe I.
- McCabe Lazzarini
- McCabe M
- McCabe Robert
- Merkelbach
- Merkelbach Didymäisches
- Michel Syll
- Moretti Iscr
- Mögliche
- Münsterberg
- Natur der Götter
- Nollé
- Nr
- Nr Fragment
- Od
- Oppermann Zeus
- Or Keil
- Pace Fontenrose
- Parke
- Paus
- Phleg
- Piety«
- Pinara
- Pippidi Inscr
- Plural
- Prytanie Apollons«
- Quellen
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert Anm
- Robert Hell
- Robert Hell
- Schwyzer V.
- Sherk McCabe
- Steuern
- Th Macridy
- Theocr
- Theophr P.
- Theos Beatrice
- Theos Hypsistos
- These
- Titus Flavius Ulpianus
- Umfassend
- Vgl
- Vgl
- Vgl
- Vgl
- Vgl
- Vgl
- Vgl
- Vgl
- Vgl
- Vgl Die
- Vgl H. Wolf
- Vgl P.
- Vgl Quaß
- Vgl Robert
- Vgl Wörrle
- von Herda Molpoi-Satzung
- Vulic
- Wigtil
- Wiseman Plague
- Wörrle
- Wörrle Athena
- Zeus I.
- Zur Illokution
- ªa
- ªa
- ªaºpeiro
- ªei
- ªlhºro
- ªo
- ªou
- ºh
- ºia
- ächtlich
- ägen
- ährlichen Amtswechsels
- äischen Propheteninschriften
- ären
- ätselhaftes
- ée de Cyrène L.
- önnen
- önnte
- über den Artemis-Kult
- über Tlos
- ür
- ür
- Publication venue
- 'Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Trust and Reciprocity in Incentive Contracting
- Author
- Alfie Kohn
- Ananish Chaudhuri
- Andreas Blume
- Andreas Ortmann
- Arie Halachmi
- Bohnet
- Bruno Frey
- Canice Prendergast
- Catherine Eckel
- Catherine Eckel
- Catherine Eckel
- Catherine Eckel
- Colin F Camerer
- Edward Deci
- Edward Glaeser
- Edward L Deci
- Edward Lazear
- Elizabeth Hoffman
- Ernst Fehr
- Ernst Fehr
- Ernst Fehr
- Ernst Fehr
- Ernst Fehr
- Ernst Fehr
- Ernst Fehr
- Ernst Fehr
- Gary Charness
- Iris Bohnet
- James Andreoni
- James Andreoni
- James Andreoni
- Jean Ensminger
- John Duffy
- Joyce Berg
- Judy Cameron
- J�rn Scharlemann
- Kenneth Clark
- Kevin Mccabe
- Kevin Mccabe
- Kevin Mccabe
- Linda Babcock
- Louis B Barnes
- Mark R Lepper
- Martin Sefton
- Mary L. Rigdon
- Mary Rigdon
- Matthias Benz
- Nancy Buchan
- Nancy Buchan
- Paul J Healy
- Rachel Croson
- Robert Eisenberger
- Robert Slonim
- Russell Cooper
- Russell Cooper
- Sergio G Lazzarini
- Sue Fernie
- Sue Fernie
- Susanne B�chner
- Terry Boles
- Theodore Groves
- Toshio Yamagishi
- Uri Gneezy
- Uri Gneezy
- Uri Gneezy
- Vince Crawford
- Vince Crawford
- William Harbaugh
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Order with Some Law: Complementarity vs. Substitution of Formal and Informal Arrangements
- Author
- Alvin E Roth
- Ann E Tenbrunsel
- Armin Falk
- Avner Greif
- Bengt Holmstrom
- Benjamin Klein
- Benjamin Klein
- Bohnet
- Bruno S Frey
- Bruno S Frey
- Bruno S Frey
- Christel Lane
- Clive Bull
- David G Pearce
- David M Kreps
- Dilip Abreu
- Edward L Deci
- Elinor Ostrom
- Elizabeth Hoffman
- Ernst Fehr
- Ernst Fehr
- Ernst Fehr
- G S Maddala
- Gary Chamberlain
- Gary J Miller
- Gary J. Miller
- George Baker
- Ian R Macneil
- J Ramseyer
- J S Butler
- Kevin A Mccabe
- Laura Poppo
- Lester G Telser
- Mark Granovetter
- Mark Lubell
- Matthew Rabin
- Milgrom
- Oliver E Williamson
- Partha Dasgupta
- Peter H Huang
- Ranjay Gulati
- Robert C Ellickson
- Robert H Frank
- Russell Cooper
- Sim B Sitkin
- Simon Johnson
- Stewart Macaulay
- S�rgio G. Lazzarini
- Thomas R Palfrey
- Todd R. Zenger
- Van Huyck
- W Macleod
- Werner G�th
- Whitley Bernard
- Yongmin Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study
New insights on the consolidation of salt weathered limestone: the case study of Modica stone
- Author
- Andrea Macchia
- Antonino Pezzino
- AS Goudie
- B Fitzner
- BJ Smith
- C Price
- C Price
- CA Price
- CM Belfiore
- Cristina M. Belfiore
- D Benavente
- D Benavente
- D Chelazzi
- DH Everett
- E Doehne
- EK Kim
- EM Winkler
- EN 12370
- Gino M. Crisci
- GW Scherer
- GW Scherer
- HW Wellman
- HW Wellman
- J Cassar
- L Dei
- L Lazzarini
- M Angeli
- M Drdàcky
- M Koniorczyk
- Mauro F. La Russa
- MF Russa La
- MF Russa La
- MF Russa La
- MF Russa La
- MF Russa La
- MF Russa La
- Michela Ricca
- MJ Mosquera
- MJ Mosquera
- R Rossi-Manaresi
- RJ Flatt
- RM Espinosa-Marzal
- S McCabe
- S Yu
- SA Ruffolo
- SA Ruffolo
- Silvestro A. Ruffolo
- Valeria Comite
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Trust Games and Beyond
- Author
- Ackert
- Aimone
- Alós-Ferrer
- Alós-Ferrer
- Ashraf
- Axelrod
- Axelrod
- Bardsley
- Baron-Cohen
- Baumgartner
- Bellemare
- Bellucci
- Ben-Ner
- Berg
- Binmore
- Bohnet
- Bolton
- Brandts
- Brandts
- Burnham
- Camerer
- Camerer
- Carlos Alós-Ferrer
- Casari
- Charness
- Chaudhuri
- Chaudhuri
- Chaudhuri
- Christie
- Coleman
- Cox
- Cronk
- Dasgupta
- Daw
- Domes
- Donaldson
- Ebert
- Engelmann
- Ermisch
- Ermisch
- Fairley
- Falk
- Federica Farolfi
- Fehr
- Fehr
- Fehr
- Fehr
- Fehr
- Fetchenhauer
- Forsythe
- Fudenberg
- Fukuyama
- Glaeser
- Güth
- Hollander
- Holt
- Houser
- Insel
- IsHak
- Johnson
- King-Casas
- Kosfeld
- Kreps
- Krueger
- Lazzarini
- Lee
- Lenton
- Lundmark
- Lyons
- Marsh
- McCabe
- McCullough
- Mikolajczak
- Miller
- Mislin
- Miyaji
- Murphy
- Nave
- Nowak
- Poundstone
- Rosenberg
- Schweitzer
- Selten
- Shamay-Tsoory
- Singer
- Singer
- Sun
- Tanimoto
- Tanimoto
- Theodoridou
- Tops
- Uslaner
- Van Den Bos
- von Neumann
- Weibull
- Yamagishi
- Yamagishi
- Young
- Zak
- Zak
- Zak
- Zhong
- Publication venue
- 'Frontiers Media SA'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Food analysis – samples preparation and chromatographic methods in determination of selected biogenic amines, methylxanthines and water-soluble vitamins
- Author
- Abushita
- Adão
- Albalá-Hurtado
- Anlı
- Arella
- Aresta
- Arloriol
- Bell
- Bergaentzlé
- Bispo
- Bognår
- Boylan
- Bozkurt
- Bruinsma
- Brunetto
- Buiatti
- Busto
- Calbiani
- Cann-Moisan
- Cardozo Jr
- Casal
- Caudle
- Caudle
- Chen
- Cheong
- Chiacchierini
- Cháfer-Pericás
- Cirilo
- Custódio
- da Silveira
- de Aragão
- De Borba
- de Lau
- Del Prete
- du Toit
- Duodu
- Ekinci
- Favaro
- Fernandes
- Fontannaz
- García-Villar
- Gençcelep
- Giannakourou
- Gianotti
- Glória
- Gosetti
- Heard
- Hernández-Borges
- Hernández-Orte
- Heudi
- Hicks
- Hidiroglou
- Hlabangana
- Hwang
- Innocente
- Jeya Shakila
- Joanna Płonka
- Kalač
- Kall
- Khanchi
- Kirschbaum
- Kovács
- Křižek
- Lanciotti
- Lange
- Lange
- Lapa-Guimarães
- Lasekan
- Lavizzari
- Lazzarini
- Lebiedzińska
- Lee
- Leonard
- Li
- Llorent-Martínez
- Loret
- Loukou
- Luo
- López-López
- López-Martínez
- Mah
- Male
- Marchei
- Marcobal
- Martín-Álvarez
- Masson
- Matissek
- McCabe-Sellers
- Medina-Alonso
- Melzig
- Mendiola
- Mercuri
- Millán
- Miquel
- Mo Dugo
- Molins-Legua
- Moret
- Moret
- Ndaw
- Odriozola-Serrano
- Osman
- Pakin
- Paleologos
- Paleologos
- Pastore
- Pereira
- Pinho
- Prado
- Proestos
- Płonka
- Raghu
- Riccio
- Rodríguez-Comesaña
- Rokka
- Romero
- Romeu-Nadal
- Saccani
- Saldaña
- Sancho
- Senol
- Shalaby
- Shalaby
- Siddhuraju
- Simó
- Slomkowska
- Smělá
- Song
- Tang
- Tang
- Tokusoglu
- Vale
- Vasconcelos
- Vidal-Carou
- Vieira
- Vinci
- Wei
- Yamauchi
- Yan
- Yeğin
- Yigit
- Yongmei
- Zhang
- Zhijun
- Önal
- Publication venue
- 'Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Neurobiology of vitamin C: Expanding the focus from antioxidant to endogenous neuromodulator
- Author
- Acuña
- Agus
- Ambali
- Andreu
- Angrini
- Arron
- Astuya
- Ballaz
- Bao
- Barabás
- Barnes
- Basse-Tomusk
- Behrens
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- Bersier
- Beyer
- Bigelow
- Bist
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- Broquist
- Brose
- Brown
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- Bánhegyi
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- Bény
- Camarena
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- Carr
- Carr
- Carr
- Carr
- Chaitanya
- Charlton
- Charvin
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Choi
- Cortright
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- Covarrubias-Pinto
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- Danbolt
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- Diliberto
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- Dorner
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- Fiorani
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- Fornai
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- Glembotsky
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- Harrison
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Harrison
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- Kiyatkin
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- Kuo
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- Lane
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- Lee
- Lee
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- Li
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- May
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- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
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- Moretti
- Moretti
- Moretti
- Moretti
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- Qiao
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- Rebec
- Rebec
- Rebec
- Rebec
- Rebec
- Rebec
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- Yang
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- Zandi
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- Zhang
- Zhang
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- Zuo
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study