1,969 research outputs found

    Madrid, Spain

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    STEP Category: InternshipsThis is presentation of my STEP Signature Project through the Ohio State University. I participated in the Fisher College of Business's Summer Global Internship Program in Madrid, Spain for a duration of 8 weeks throughout the summer of 2019.The Ohio State University Second-year Transformational Experience Program (STEP)Academic Major: Financ

    A realizability-preserving high-order kinetic scheme using WENO reconstruction for entropy-based moment closures of linear kinetic equations in slab geometry

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    We develop a high-order kinetic scheme for entropy-based moment models of a one-dimensional linear kinetic equation in slab geometry. High-order spatial reconstructions are achieved using the weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) method, and for time integration we use multi-step Runge-Kutta methods which are strong stability preserving and whose stages and steps can be written as convex combinations of forward Euler steps. We show that the moment vectors stay in the realizable set using these time integrators along with a maximum principle-based kinetic-level limiter, which simultaneously dampens spurious oscillations in the numerical solutions. We present numerical results both on a manufactured solution, where we perform convergence tests showing our scheme converges of the expected order up to the numerical noise from the numerical optimization, as well as on two standard benchmark problems, where we show some of the advantages of high-order solutions and the role of the key parameter in the limiter

    Stochastic multi-period multi-product multi-objective Aggregate Production Planning model in multi-echelon supply chain

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    In this paper a multi-period multi-product multi-objective aggregate production planning (APP) model is proposed for an uncertain multi-echelon supply chain considering financial risk, customer satisfaction, and human resource training. Three conflictive objective functions and several sets of real constraints are considered concurrently in the proposed APP model. Some parameters of the proposed model are assumed to be uncertain and handled through a two-stage stochastic programming (TSSP) approach. The proposed TSSP is solved using three multi-objective solution procedures, i.e., the goal attainment technique, the modified ε-constraint method, and STEM method. The whole procedure is applied in an automotive resin and oil supply chain as a real case study wherein the efficacy and applicability of the proposed approaches are illustrated in comparison with existing experimental production planning method

    Maakoore vertikaalliikumised Eestis täppisnivelleerimiste andmetel

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    The aim of this study was to detect vertical crustal movements in Estonia and find out possible changes of vertical crustal movements in time. Vertical velocities of the benchmarks were calculated from the precise levellings between 1933 and 2011 of the Estonian levelling network using the joint weighted kinematic least squares adjustment of the levelling campaigns. Two different mathematical models, the “heights included” and the “heights eliminated” model, were used in the adjustment. Different options of the computer software Surfer were used for modelling of the vertical crustal movements. Accuracy of the models was estimated by finding differences between the velocities interpolated from the models and adjusted vertical velocities of the benchmarks, using the cross validation technique, and by comparing models with the results from other geodetic measurements (continuously operating GNSS stations, tide gauges, other land uplift models). From the variance component estimation, it appeared that levelling errors of the First levelling campaign were ~3 times larger than estimated a priori. Final adjustment was performed with the re-scaled weights according to the results of the variance component estimation. Models of the vertical crustal movements EST2013LU and EST2015LU were created based on the vertical velocities of the benchmarks. According to the models, rates of the land uplift in Estonia range from −0.7 mm/yr in SE Estonia to +2.8 mm/yr in the island of Hiiumaa in NW Estonia. Accuracy of the models was estimated to be ±0.4 mm/yr on average. The comparison of the models with the velocities from the independent measurement methods revealed best fit with the velocities of the GNSS permanent stations where residual differences remained within ±0.3 mm/yr on average. The discrepancies between the velocities of the coastal tide gauges and the velocities from the models were ±0.7…±1.0 mm/yr on average. Obtained differences implied to the systematic biases in tide gauge velocities. Comparison with the historical vertical crustal movement maps of Estonia showed that differences remained within ±0.7 mm/yr on average. The fit between the most recent Fennoscandian LU map NKG2005LU and the models obtained in the present study was very good. Differences remained within ±0.3 mm/yr on average. It appeared also that vertical velocity of the benchmarks has been significantly changed between the levelling periods. Results of the study can be used to estimate the risks to the coastal areas coming from the global warming related rise of the sea level.Doktoritöö eesmärk oli leida maakoore vertikaalliikumiste kiirused Eestis nelja kordusnivelleerimise (1933-2011) andmete põhjal ja välja selgitada reeperite kiiruste muutumine ajas. Reeperite vertikaalliikumise kiirused leiti nivelleerimiste ühisest kaalutud kinemaatilisest tasandusest vähimruutude meetodil. Tasandusel kasutati kahte matemaatilist mudelit: nn „kõrgustega“ ja „kõrgusteta“ mudelit. Maakoore vertikaalliikumiste modelleerimiseks kasutati tarkvara Surfer erinevaid võimalusi. Mudelite täpsust hinnati mudelist interpoleeritud ja reeperite tasandatud kiiruste vaheliste erinevuste leidmise, ristvalideerimise ja sõltumatute mõõtmistulemustega (GNSS-püsijaamad, veemõõdujaamad, teised mudelid) võrdlemise teel. Dispersioonikomponentide hindamisest selgus, et esimese nivelleerimiskampaania vead on ~3 korda suuremad kui a priori eeldati. Lõplik tasandus teostati dispersioonikomponentide hindamise tulemuste põhjal ümberskaleeritud kaaludega. Reeperite kiiruste põhjal loodi Eesti maakoore vertikaalliikumiste mudelid EST2013LU ja EST2015LU. Mudelite põhjal ulatuvad maatõusu kiirused Eestis alates −0.7 mm/a Kagu-Eestis kuni +2.8 mm/a Hiiumaal. Mudelite täpsuseks hinnati keskmiselt ±0.4 mm/a. Võrdluses sõltumatutest meetoditest määratud maatõusu kiirustega selgus, et parim oli sobivus GNSS-püsijaamade kiirustega, keskmiselt ±0.3 mm/a. Halvim oli sobivus ranniku veemõõdujaamade kiirustega: ±0.7….±1.0 mm/a. Saadud erinevused viitasid süstemaatilistele nihetele veemõõdujaamade kiirustes. Võrdlus Eesti varasemate maakoore vertikaalliikumiste kaartidega näitas, et erinevused jäid keskmiselt ±0.7 mm/a piiridesse. Mudelite sobivus viimase Fennoskandia maatõusu mudeliga NKG2005LU oli aga väga hea, erinevused jäid keskmiselt ±0.3 mm/a piiridesse. Samuti selgus, et nivelleerimisperioodide vahel on reeperite kiirus statistiliselt oluliselt muutunud. Uurimistöö tulemusi saab kasutada kliimasoojenemisest tulenevate meretõusu riskide hindamiseks rannikualadel

    Resonant coupling between localized plasmons and anisotropic molecular coatings in ellipsoidal metal nanoparticles

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    We present an analytic theory for the optical properties of ellipsoidal plasmonic particles covered by anisotropic molecular layers. The theory is applied to the case of a prolate spheroid covered by chromophores oriented parallel and perpendicular to the metal surface. For the case that the molecular layer resonance frequency is close to being degenerate with one of the particle plasmon resonances strong hybridization between the two resonances occur. Approximate analytic expressions for the hybridized resonance frequencies, their extinction cross section peak heights and widths are derived. The strength of the molecular - plasmon interaction is found to be strongly dependent on molecular orientation and suggest that this sensitivity could be the basis for novel nanoparticle based bio/chemo-sensing applications.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Virtual Reality Based Serious Games for STNA Training

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    In this project, exploratory steps have been taken towards the development of a set of serious games for state tested nursing assistants (STNAs) education and training, which promises to make the training more engaging and effective. Tasks include getting familiar with developing 3D scenes with Unity, human activity recognition with Microsoft Kinect, creating holograms with Microsoft HoloLens, and help implement a gaze-based mechanism for performance assessment in patient transfer skills.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/u_poster_2018/1071/thumbnail.jp