795 research outputs found


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    Following  a  previous  vegetation  mapping  in  Sumatra  island  (Indonesia),  an  assessment  of  SPOT satellite capability to handle specific problems related to vegetation identification and monitoring from  remote sensing data has been undertaken. Results of visual interpretation and multispectral analysis have shown the usefulness of SPOT data  for the appraisal  of  tropical  vegetation  at medium  scale. This was  particularly  striking  for  the  swampy  vegetation types  including mangroves  and  for  the  secondary vegetation,  for which  significant  improvements have been brought by multispectral classifications. A 20 m ground resolution is neither sufficient  to provide information on  primary  forest  patterns,  nor  to  identify  properly  logged  over  areas.  Never theless,  several  degrees  of depletion  of  the  forest  and  all  the  serial  stages  have  been  identified,  which  is  a  considerable  progress compared with previous remote sensing means. SPOT is a very good alternative to medium scale aerial photographs for the production of medium  scale (1 : 100 000 to 1 : 250 000) vegetation and land-use maps

    Assessment of Spot Satellite Data for Tropical Vegetation Inventory and Monitoring in Sumatra

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    Following a previous vegetation mapping in Sumatra island (Indonesia), an assessment of SPOT satellite capability to handle specific problems related to vegetation identification and monitoring from remote sensing data has been undertaken. Results of visual interpretation and multispectral analysis have shown the usefulness of SPOT data for the appraisal of tropical vegetation at medium scale. This was particularly striking for the swampy vegetation types including mangroves and for the secondary vegetation, for which significant improvements have been brought by multispectral classifications. A 20 m ground resolution is neither sufficient to provide information on primary forest patterns, nor to identify properly logged over areas. Never theless, several degrees of depletion of the forest and all the serial stages have been identified, which is a considerable progress compared with previous remote sensing means. SPOT is a very good alternative to medium scale aerial photographs for the production of medium scale (1 : 100 000 to 1 : 250 000) vegetation and land-use maps

    Suitability of Local Resource Management Practices Based on Supernatural Enforcement Mechanisms in the Local Social-cultural Context

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    Environmental anthropological studies on natural resource management have widely demonstrated and thematized local resource management practices based on the interactions between local people and supernatural agencies and their role in maintaining natural resources. In Indonesia, even though the legal status of local people's right to the forest and forest resources is still weak, the recent transition toward decentralization presents a growing opportunity for local people to collaborate with outsiders such as governmental agencies and environmental nongovernmental organizations in natural resource management. In such situations, in-depth understanding of the value of local resource management practices is needed to promote self-directed and effective resource management. Here, we focus on local forest resource management and its suitability in the local social-cultural context in central Seram, east Indonesia. Local resource management appears to be embedded in the wider social-cultural context of the local communities. However, few intensive case studies in Indonesia have addressed the relationship between the Indigenous resource management practices closely related to a people's belief in supernatural agents and the social-cultural context. We illustrate how the well-structured use of forest resources is established and maintained through these interactions. We then investigate how local resource management practices relate to the social-cultural and natural resources context of an upland community in central Seram and discuss the possible future applications for achieving conservation

    Les impôts directs dans la fiscalité montpelliéraine (fin xive–xve s.)

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    Les impôts directs, personnels et proportionnels, sont attestés à Montpellier depuis les premiers temps de l’institution consulaire. Cet article s’intéresse aux chaînes documentaires établies au plus tard dans les années 1380, qui permettaient aux consuls de mener à bien le prélèvement et le versement de ces impôts. Les archives étudiées ont été produites par l’administration consulaire et forment trois séries distinctes : les compoix, les livres d’impôt et les livres de comptes. La première partie de la recherche porte sur la fin du xive siècle, une période marquée par une lourde fiscalité indirecte, et la révolte du peuple de Montpellier contre les officiers royaux en 1379. Dans la deuxième partie sont analysées les sources du xve siècle, surtout conservées à partir des années 1430, une période marquée par un renforcement du pouvoir des États de Languedoc en matière fiscale et par l’affirmation des impôts direct comme source de paiement des tailles royales. La dernière partie de l’article s’intéresse aux écritures secondaires réalisées pour le prélèvement des impôts, tant pendant la levée qu’après, pour en effectuer le suivi et verser au receveur son dû. Direct taxes, personal and proportional, were attested in Montpellier since the early years of the consulate. The present research looks at the documentary sources established at the latest c. 1380 within the consulate, which enabled tax collection and tax payment. Archival documents produced by the consulate to that aim formed three different series: the compoix, fiscal records, and books of account. In the first section, late fourteenth century sources will be the focus of our investigation: this period of time was characterized by heavy indirect taxes and a popular revolt against royal officers (1379). The second section looks at fifteenth century sources, for the most part preserved after c. 1430, at a time when the fiscal power of the États de Languedoc was strengthening, and when direct taxes became the main source of payment of royal levies. The last section of the article analyses the secondary documents produced for, during and after tax collection.Los impuestos directos, individuales y proporcionados, se encuentran documentados en Montpelier desde los primeros años del consulado. Las investigaciones actuales examinan las fuentes documentales creadas en el consulado como muy tarde circa 1380, según las cuales se permitía la recaudación y pago de impuestos. La documentación de archivo y que el consulado generó con esa finalidad se divide en tres secciones diferentes: los compoix, registros tributarios y libros de cuentas. Respecto a la primera, nuestra investigación se centra en las fuentes de finales del siglo XIV: etapa que se caracterizó por unos altos impuestos indirectos y por un levantamiento popular contra los funcionarios de la corona (1379). La segunda sección estudia las fuentes del siglo XV, conservadas su mayor parte después circa 1430, período en el que el poder fiscal de los États de Languedoc se consolidaba (fortalecía), y cuando los impuestos directos se convirtieron en la principal fuente de pago de los tributos (levas, tasas) de la realeza. La última sección del artículo analiza documentación accesoria generada durante y después de la recaudación de impuestos.In Montpellier wurden seit den Anfangsjahren des Konsulats direkte, persönliche und proportionale Steuern bescheinigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit den dokumentarischen Quellen, die spätestens seit 1380 innerhalb des Konsulats, die Steuererhebung und Steuerzahlung ermöglicht. Die vom Konsulat zu diesem Zweck erstellten Archivdokumente bildeten drei verschiedene Bereiche: das Grundbuch, die Steuerunterlagen und die Geschäftsbücher. Im ersten Abschnitt werden die Quellen des späten 14. Jahrhunderts im Mittelpunkt unserer Untersuchung stehen: Diese Zeit war gekennzeichnet durch hohe indirekte Steuern und einen Volksaufstand gegen königliche Offiziere (1379). Der zweite Abschnitt befasst sich mit Quellen aus dem 15. Jahrhundert, die größtenteils nach 1430 erhalten wurden,  zu einer Zeit, als die Fiskalmacht des États de Languedoc zunahm und die direkten Steuern zur Hauptzahlungsquelle der königlichen Abgaben wurden. Der letzte Abschnitt des Artikels analysiert die Sekundärdokumente, die für, während und nach der Steuererhebung erstellt wurden