79 research outputs found
TillvÀxthinder för skogsturismföretagare
Skogen bÄde Àr och har varit en av Sveriges viktigaste nÀringar. FrÄn ved och trÀkol, skogsbete och tjÀrbrÀnning har dess anvÀndning vÀxlat genom tiderna men betydelsen har alltid stÄtt sig stark. Nu; i början av 2000-talet, ses förutom traditionell skogsindustri fler möjligheter i skogen, nÀmligen turism. Turismen har de senaste Ärtiondena ökat och tros fortsÀtta öka. En viktig del av turismen Àr naturbaserad turism och som en del av denna; turismen i skogen. Denna möjlighet till att utnyttja skogen pÄ ett alternativt sÀtt har uppmÀrksammats av sÄvÀl intresseorganisationer som myndigheter. Flera projekt har genomförts och fler planeras i syfte att öka tillvÀxten och utveckla skogsturismföretagandet. För att kunna öka tillvÀxten och utveckla skogsturismföretagen krÀvs dock kunskap om vilka hinder som stÄr i vÀgen för detta. En dimension av svar kan fÄs genom att studera frÄgan ur skogsturismföretagarnas synvinkel.
Denna uppsats syftar till att identifiera de hinder och svÄrigheter som företagarna sjÀlva upplever utifrÄn sina olika ambitionsnivÄer. För att undersöka detta genomförs fyra direktintervjuer och en telefonintervju med fem olika företagare i JÀmtlands lÀn. Dessa företagare Àger alla egna skogsfastigheter och har verksamheter inom bland annat skogsturism. Skogsturismverksamheterna Àr alla av olika typer och företagen finns belÀgna pÄ olika platser i JÀmtlands lÀn. För att uppfylla syftet undersöks ocksÄ om företagarna över huvud taget vill vÀxa, samt vilka mÄlsÀttningar de har.
Resultatet frĂ„n intervjuerna visar att det helt klart finns en vilja att vĂ€xa hos företagarna. MĂ„lsĂ€ttningarna handlar först och frĂ€mst om att kunna försörja sig enbart pĂ„ det egna företaget och gĂ„rden, samt om mĂ„nga inre, icke-monetĂ€ra drivkrafter. Mer Ă€n ett tjugotal olika hinder identifieras och nĂ„gra av de vanligast förekommande hindren som företagarna upplever Ă€r lagar och regler, tillstĂ„nd samt brist pĂ„ kapital. De olika hindren kan klassificeras i olika kategorier, varav hinder som kan klassas som externa och materiella utgör den största kategorin. Till stor del överensstĂ€mmer de identifierade hindren med vad tidigare studiers resultat har visat, men Ă€ven nĂ„gra nya hinder framkommer. UtifrĂ„n de identifierade hindren presenteras ocksĂ„ ett antal policyimplikationer. För ambitionsnivĂ„erna kan konstateras att inga direkta skillnader finns i form av upplevda hinder pĂ„ grund av ambitionsnivĂ„erna i sig.The forest both is and has been one of Swedenâs most important industries. From firewood and charcoal, grazing and tar burning to wood pulp and products, the forestâs use has shifted over time, but the importance of it has always been strong. Apart from the traditional forest industry, the beginning of the 21st century has presented new opportunities for the use of forests and their resources, namely tourism. Tourism has increased over the last century and is believed to be continuously rising. One important part of tourism is nature-based tourism, and as a part of that, forest tourism. This opportunity to use forests in an alternative way has been observed by both interest organizations as well as authorities. Several projects have already been implemented and more have been planned with the purpose to increase the growth and development of the forest tourism entrepreneurship activity. In order to increase the growth and development of forest tourism businesses, more knowledge is required to better understand the constraints that stand in the way of this. One dimension of this inquiry can be addressed through studying the question from the perspective of the forest tourism entrepreneurs.
This study aims to identify the constraints and difficulties that the entrepreneurs themselves experience from their different levels of ambitions. To investigate this, four direct interviews and one telephone interview are conducted with five different entrepreneurs in the county of JĂ€mtland in Sweden. All of them own their own forest properties and have forest tourism business operations, among other operations. The forest tourism business operations are all of different types and the businesses are situated in different parts of JĂ€mtland. To answer the aim, this study also investigates if the entrepreneurs have the ambition to continue to grow and expand forest tourism business operations, and if so, what their specific goals are in order to achieve this.
The results from the interviews show that there is clearly an interest and motivation among the entrepreneurs to grow their forest tourism business operations. The goals that they mention are primarily about being able to economically provide for oneself solely from the revenues generated from the business and the farm, as well as a lot of internal, non-monetary driving forces. More than twenty different constraints are recognized, and some of the most common constraints that the entrepreneurs are experiencing are laws and regulations, permissions and lack of capital. Most of the constraints can be found in a category classified as external and material constraints. To a great extent, the identified constraints agree with the results of earlier studies, but some new ones have emerged as well. From these obstacles, a number of policy implications are also presented. Regarding the level of ambition in relation to constraints, no direct differences in constraints can be identified due to the different levels of ambition
The building of a value based chain
The next frontier of value creation for businesses may lie in finding ways to combine
economical, social and environmental sustainability to preserve and protect natural resources.
Nowadays, incorporation of sustainability values in core operations is not only seen as a part
of sustainable development, but also as a successful strategy for companies. This is especially
critical for the forest sector, as it is dealing with one of the Earthâs most crucial natural
resources. However, creating new kinds of value chains and business models to achieve
systemwide value, have shown to be complicated. Much work remains in an effort to explain
how value based forest products chains can be structured and managed in order to
successfully connect them to global markets, while at the same time maintain that
sustainability values are met. This especially concerns value based, small-scale sawn wood
chains, which have gained very little attention in business management literature.
The aim of this study is to explain the development of a small-scale, value based sawn wood
value chain. This is done by focusing on enabling factors, which can explain the functioning
of the value chain. To reach the aim, a case study has been carried out on a Forest
Stewardship Council- and Fairtrade certified sawn wood value chain, originating from forest
owners in Chile and reaching secondary manufacturers in Sweden. A field study was
performed in Chile during fall 2014 and a flexible method has been used. The conceptual
framework of the study consists of value chain theory, sustainable supply chain management
and sustainable partnership theory.
Empirical results show that the value chain structure and business model of the CuracautĂn
value chain are closely related to each other. Relatively few stakeholders are involved in the
studied stages of the chain. The chain is of a relational governance type, where trust and
personal relations govern complex transactions. The sustainability attributes of the wood
products, as well as the stakeholdersâ engagement to sustainability values, are perceived as
strong enabling factors for the functioning of the chain, by interviewed respondents.
However, lack of demand and low production capacity are perceived as constraints. The
structure of the value chain differs from previous studied sawn wood value chains, by the
relational governance, a more market-oriented focus and a shorter value chain.
Considering the intangible nature of the unique attributes of the wood products as well as the
chain; the findings show that integration and two-way communication should be critical for
the chain. Thus, it is critical that all stakeholders in the chain can âtell the story behind the
woodâ; to transmit the brandâs sustainability attributes. Also, that the structure of the chain
sustains the sustainability attributes all along the chain. In contrast to previous theory, this
study suggests that not only marketing but also procurement and certification processes
should be seen as key primary activities in the value chain, creating the unique value added
attributes. In addition to the elements that are suggested as critical for sustainable partnerships
according to previous literature, findings in this study indicate that also mutual sustainability
values appear to explain collaborations. The mutual sustainability values appear to imply
patience, which should be critical considering numerous challenges. In the short term, the
stakeholders might perceive that their engagement brings benefits such as communication of a
sustainability engagement and/or risk reduction related to sourcing. In the long term, the
stakeholders appear to engage due to a perceived responsibility and an intention to try to have
an impact on the political order in society.Att konstruera affÀrsmodeller och vÀrdekedjor som kan bevara och skydda naturresurser,
samtidigt som de skapar ekonomiskt vÀrde, ses som ett viktigt, nÀsta steg för företag som vill
nÄ en ny front inom vÀrdeutveckling. Att införliva hÄllbarhetsvÀrden i kÀrnan av ett företag,
ses som en framgÄngsfaktor. För skogssektorn Àr detta speciellt kritiskt, med tanke pÄ hur
viktig skogen Àr som naturresurs och det tryck som intressenter kan utöva över företag i
skogssektorn. Dock ÄterstÄr mycket arbete för att förklara hur vÀrdebaserade kedjor av
skogsprodukter Àr uppbyggda och förvaltade, samtidigt som hÄllbarhetsvÀrden skapas och
bibehÄlls. Detta rör speciellt smÄskaliga vÀrdebaserade kedjor, som hittills har
uppmÀrksammats ytterst lite i företagsekonomisk litteratur.
Syftet med denna studie Àr att förklara utvecklingen av en smÄskalig, vÀrdebaserad kedja med
sÄgade trÀvaror. Detta görs genom identifiering av faktorer som kan förklara varför kedjan
fungerar; hur en smÄskalig, vÀrdebaserad kedja kan nÄ globala marknader. För att nÄ syftet
har en fallstudie utförts pÄ en global vÀrdekedja med sÄgade trÀvaror som strÀcker sig frÄn
Chile till Sverige och som Àr Forest Stewardship Council samt Fairtrade certifierad. En
fÀltstudie genomfördes i Chile under hösten 2014 och en kvalitativ metod har anvÀnts. Som
teoretiskt ramverk anvÀnds vÀrdekedjeteori, teori kring hÄllbarhetsbaserad försörjningskedjeförvaltning
samt teori kring samarbeten för hÄllbar utveckling.
Resultatet visar att vÀrdekedjestrukturen och affÀrsmodellen för kedjan Àr starkt
sammankopplade med varandra. De studerade stegen i kedjan utgörs av relativt fÄ intressenter
och kedjan har en relationsbaserad styrning, dÀr tillit och personliga relationer hanterar de
komplexa transaktionerna i kedjan. HÄllbarhetsattributen hos de sÄgade trÀvarorna, likvÀl som
hÄllbarhetsengagemang hos nyckelintressenter i kedjan, uppfattas som kritiska
framgÄngsfaktorer av inblandade huvudintressenter i kedjan. Dock upplever respondenterna
att brist pÄ efterfrÄgan samt lÄg produktionskapacitet Àr hinder för kedjans utveckling.
Strukturen pÄ denna kedja, skiljer sig frÄn tidigare studerade kedjor av sÄgade trÀvaror genom
den relationsbaserade styrningen, ett mer marknadsinriktat fokus och en kortare vÀrdekedja.
Med tanke pÄ den immateriella naturen hos hÄllbarhetsattributen i kedjan, visar denna studie
att integration och tvÄvÀgskommunikation bör vara av kritisk betydelse för kedjan. Detta
innebĂ€r att en kritisk faktor Ă€r att alla inblandade intressenter i kedjan kan berĂ€tta âhistorien
bakomâ de sĂ„gade trĂ€varorna, för att förmedla varumĂ€rkets hĂ„llbarhetsattribut. LikasĂ„ att
strukturen pÄ kedjan hjÀlper till att upprÀtthÄlla de skapade hÄllbarhetsattributen lÀngs med
hela kedjan. Till skillnad frÄn tidigare presenterad teori föreslÄr denna studie att inte bara
marknadsföring utan Àven inköp av rÄvara samt certifieringsprocesser, ska ses som viktiga,
primÀra aktiviteter i vÀrdekedjan. Dessa aktiviteter förefaller bidra till att skapa de unika
vÀrdena. Utöver de faktorer som anses som kritiska för hÄllbara samarbeten enligt tidigare
teori, indikerar resultatet i denna studie att Àven gemensamma, delade hÄllbarhetsvÀrden Àr
viktiga, för att förklara samarbeten i kedjan. De ömsesidiga hÄllbarhetsvÀrdena förefaller
innebÀra att intressenterna har ett relativt lÄngsiktigt tÄlamod, vilket bör vara viktigt med
tanke pÄ de utmaningar som kedjan möter. PÄ kort sikt kan intressenterna uppfatta att deras
engagemang ger fördelar sÄsom bevis pÄ hÄllbarhets-engagemang och/eller en minskning av
inköps-relaterade risker. PÄ lÄng sikt tycks huvudintressenterna vÀlja att engagera sig för att
de upplever att de har ett ansvar att försöka pÄverka den politiska ordningen i samhÀllet,
sÄsom att motverka avskogning och förbÀttra social villkor för smÄ skogsÀgare i det globala Syd.Crear modelos de negocio y cadenas de valor que ademås de crear valor económico pueden
preservar y proteger los recursos naturales se sugiere como una nueva frontera en la creaciĂłn
de valor para empresas. La incorporaciĂłn de los valores de sostenibilidad en las operaciones
centrales de una empresa es visto no solo como parte del desarrollo sostenible sino también
como un requisito previo para el futuro de la propia empresa. Para el sector forestal, esto es
especialmente relevante, ya que se trata de uno de los recursos naturales mĂĄs importantes de
la Tierra y cuenta con la alta influencia de las partes interesadas. Sin embargo, queda mucho
trabajo para explicar cĂłmo cadenas de productos forestales, con una base valor, pueden ser
estructuradas y gestionadas para conectar a mercados globales a la vez que cumplen con los
valores para la sostenibilidad. Concretamente, esto hace referencia a cadenas de madera
aserrada a pequeña escala, con un base de valor, que han ganado muy poca atención en la
literatura de gestiĂłn empresarial.
El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar el desarrollo de una pequeña cadena de madera aserrada
a nivel global, basada en valores sostenibles. Esto se realizĂł centrĂĄndose en factores que
pueden explicar el funcionamiento de la cadena de valor, para conectar al mercado global.
Para alcanzar este objetivo, se ha llevado a cabo el estudio de un caso de una cadena de valor
de madera aserrada, de Chile a Suecia. Esta cadena de valor es en pequeña escala y certificada
por los estĂĄndares de Comercio Justo y Forest Stewardship Council. Se llevĂł a cabo un
estudio de campo en Chile con un mĂ©todo flexible. Como marco teĂłrico, la teorĂa de cadena
de valor, gestiĂłn de suministro sostenible y teorĂa de colaboraciĂłn sostenible fueron usadas.
El resultado empĂrico muestra que la estructura de la cadena y el modelo de negocio para la
cadena de valor de CuracautĂn, estĂĄn fuertemente relacionados. En las etapas de la cadena que
estĂĄn incluidas en este estudio, relativamente pocas partes estĂĄn involucradas. La gobernanza
de la cadena puede explicarse como una gobernanza relacional. Los valores de la
sostenibilidad de del madera aserrada, asĂ como el compromiso de las partes interesadas en
estos valores, son factores que favorecen el funcionamiento de la cadena, segĂșn los
entrevistados en el estudio del caso. Sin embargo, la falta de demanda y la falta de
instalaciones de producciĂłn son algunos de los desafĂos percibidos. La estructura de la cadena
difiere de las anteriores cadenas de madera aserrada estudiadas por la gobernanza relacional,
por ser una cadena mas corta y por tener una orientaciĂłn de mercado.
Considerando el carĂĄcter intangible de los atributos Ășnicos de la cadena y los productos; los
resultados muestran que la integraciĂłn y la comunicaciĂłn de doble sentido son crĂticos para la
cadena. Por lo tanto, es fundamental que todos los actores de la cadena puedan "contar la
historia que hay detrĂĄs de la madera"; para transmitir los atributos de sostenibilidad de la
marca. AdemĂĄs, que la estructura de la cadena sostiene los atributos de sostenibilidad a lo
largo de ella. En contraste con teorĂas anteriores, este estudio sugiere que no solo el marketing
sino también la adquisición y certificación deben ser vistos como actividades primarias,
creando el atributo Ășnico del valor añadido. A mayores de los elementos que la literatura
anterior sugiere como crĂticos para asociaciones sostenibles, este estudio indica que los
valores mutuos de sostenibilidad parecen explicar colaboraciones. Los valores mutuos de
sostenibilidad parecen implicar paciencia, lo que deberĂa ser crĂtico en vista de los numerosos
desafĂos. En el corto plazo, las partes pueden percibir que su participaciĂłn aporta beneficios
como comunicaciĂłn de un compromiso de sostenibilidad. A largo plazo, los actores parecen
participar debido a una percibida responsabilidad y la intenciĂłn de tratar de tener un impacto en el orden polĂtico en la sociedad
Ledarskap och kommunikation i detaljhandelsföretag
En utmaning för dagens ledare Ă€r att kommunicera och delegera viktig information i organisationen. Kommunikation sker stĂ€ndigt mellan ledning, mellanchefer och de anstĂ€llda i ett företag. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att studera om ledarskapsstilar kan pĂ„verka kommunikationen i detaljhandelsföretag. PĂ„verkas kommunikationen av ledarens egenskaper och ledarskapsstil? För att samla in material till uppsatsen har fyra kvalitativa intervjuer gjorts. TvĂ„ stycken mellanchefer har intervjuats, en som Ă€r avdelningschef pĂ„ IKEA i Helsingborg samt en som Ă€r butikschef pĂ„ Ica Maxi Stormarknad i Halmstad. För att se till kommunikationen i dessa företag mellan chefer och anstĂ€llda har Ă€ven en anstĂ€lld under varje chef intervjuats. För att komplettera intervjuerna och fĂ„ ett bredare perspektiv pĂ„ ledare och deras sĂ€tt att kommunicera har enkĂ€ter delats ut till 60 stycken respondenter som Ă€r anstĂ€llda inom detaljhandeln. Det empiriska materialet analyseras med hjĂ€lp av ett teoretiskt ramverk som innehĂ„ller olika synsĂ€tt pĂ„ ledarskap samt kommunikationsteorier. I analysen diskuteras ledares egenskaper och ledarskapsstilar samt dess pĂ„verkan pĂ„ kommunikationen. Ăven faktorer utanför ledarens personlighet som till exempel de anstĂ€lldas beredvillighet analyseras. Det situationsanpassade ledarskapet diskuteras i samband med stora förĂ€ndringar som uppstĂ„tt pĂ„ IKEA och hur dessa har satt sina spĂ„r i kommunikationen mellan de anstĂ€llda. Gridmodellen anvĂ€nds i uppsatsen för att se vad ledare lĂ€gger mest tid pĂ„, omsorg om personalen eller om produktionen? Dessutom diskuteras hinder/barriĂ€rer som kan uppstĂ„ i kommunikationen vilket gör att budskap kan tolkas pĂ„ fel sĂ€tt. Till sist diskuteras olika kommunikationsnivĂ„er, bland annat Ica Maxis webbmöten som Ă€r ett sĂ€tt att kommunicera till sina anstĂ€llda. Författarna har bland annat kommit fram till att ledarskapsstilar pĂ„verkar kommunikationen i företag beroende pĂ„ till exempel situationer och egenskaper
Dimensioning a energy system for the new school in Jumkil : implementing geothermal heat pump, photovoltaic system and battery storage
The purpose of this study is to develop a modern and energy efficient system solution for a school in
Jumkil, combining solar power, battery storage and geothermal heat pump system. By using models,
simulations and available literature the study examines the dimensions of the included components for
optimal coverage of the schools energy demand. The type of solar cells used is monochrystalline silicon
solar cells and from an economical point of view, the installed effect should be 55 kWp. For such a solution
the optimal battery capacity is 60 kWh and the battery technique used is vanadium redox flow
battery. The vanadium redox flow battery technique is safe, have a long lifetime as well as a high depth of
discharge. Implementing a smaller photovoltaic plant of 22 kWp reduces the need of battery capacity to
20 kWh. The battery is used for several applications, for example storage of the excess solar production
and reducing the power peaks to eliminate expensive charge. An inverter heat pump of 79 kW is installed
to cover the heat demand. The study also shows that a geothermal automatically controlled heat pump
combined with floor heating is the best combination to reduce electricity costs annually. In interaction
with the self-produced power and the vanadium redox flow battery the system allows the school to reduce
their electricity consumption and thus the need of buying power from the grid decreases.Syftet med studien Àr att designa en modern och energieffektiv systemlösning för en skola i Jumkil dÀr
systemlösningen bestÄr av en solcellsanlÀggning, ett batterilager och en varvtalsstyrd vÀrmepump. Genom
att anvÀnda modeller, simuleringar och tillgÀnglig litteratur undersöker studien vilka dimensioner de olika
komponenterna bör ha för att tÀcka skolans vÀrme- och elbehov. Solcellerna som implementeras Àr av
typen monokristallina kiselsolceller och frÄn ett ekonomiskt perspektiv bör den installerade effekten vara
55 kWp. För en sÄdan lösning Àr den optimala batterikapaciteten 60 kWh och Àr av typen flödesbatteri.
Fördelarna med flödesbatterier Àr att de Àr sÀkra, har lÄng livslÀngd och stort urladdningsdjup. Om
en mindre solcellsanlÀggning med en installerad effekt pÄ 22 kWp installeras kan batterikapaciteten
reduceras till 20 kWh. Batteriet anvÀnds bland annat för att lagra överskottet av producerad solel och
för att kapa effekttoppar vilket minskar kostnaderna för inköpt el. Ăven en bergvĂ€rmepump med en effekt
pÄ 79 kW installeras för att tÀcka vÀrmebehovet. Studien visar att kombinationen av bergvÀrmepumpen
och golvvÀrme Àr det bÀsta sÀttet att minska Ärliga elkostnader. Tillsammans med den egenproducerade
elen och flödesbatteriet kan skolan minska sin elförbrukning och pÄ sÄ sÀtt minska behovet av att köpa
el frÄn nÀtet
Review and Selection of Online Resources for Carers of Frail Adults or Older People in Five European Countries: Mixed-Methods Study
17.06.2020. BACKGROUND: Informal carers have a crucial role in the care of older people, but they are at risk of social isolation and psychological exhaustion. Web-based services like apps and websites are increasingly used to support informal carers in addressing some of their needs and tasks, such as health monitoring of their loved ones, information and communication, and stress management. Despite the growing number of available solutions, the lack of knowledge or skills of carers about the solutions often prevent their usage. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to review and select apps and websites offering functionalities useful for informal carers of frail adults or older people in 5 European countries (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Sweden). METHODS: A systematic online search was conducted from January 2017 to mid-March 2017 using selected keywords, followed by an assessment based on a set of commonly agreed criteria and standardized tools. Selected resources were rated and classified in terms of scope. Focus groups with informal carers were conducted to validate the list and the classification of resources. The activities were conducted in parallel in the participating countries using common protocols and guidelines, a standardization process, and scheduled group discussions. RESULTS: From a total of 406 eligible resources retrieved, 138 apps and 86 websites met the inclusion criteria. Half of the selected resources (109/224, 48.7%) were disease-specific, and the remaining resources included information and utilities on a variety of themes. Only 38 resources (38/224, 17.0%) were devoted specifically to carers, addressing the management of health disturbances and diseases of the care recipient and focusing primarily on neurodegenerative diseases. Focus groups with the carers showed that almost all participants had no previous knowledge of any resource specifically targeting carers, even if interest was expressed towards carer-focused resources. The main barriers for using the resources were low digital skills of the carers and reliability of health-related apps and websites. Results of the focus groups led to a new taxonomy of the resources, comprising 4 categories: carer's wellbeing, managing health and diseases of the care recipient, useful contacts, and technologies for eldercare. CONCLUSIONS: The review process allowed the identification of online resources of good quality. However, these resources are still scarce due to a lack of reliability and usability that prevent users from properly benefiting from most of the resources. The involvement of end users provided added value to the resource classification and highlighted the gap between the potential benefits from using information and communication technologies and the real use of online resources by carers.This study was co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, under the Project âApps for carersâ, Grant Agreement n. 2016-1-SE01-KA204-022067. This study was partially supported by Ricerca Corrente funding from the Italian Ministry of Health to IRCCS INRCA
Gene Ă Physical Activity Interactions in Obesity: Combined Analysis of 111,421 Individuals of European Ancestry
Numerous obesity loci have been identified using genome-wide association studies. A UK study indicated that physical activity may attenuate the cumulative effect of 12 of these loci, but replication studies are lacking. Therefore, we tested whether the aggregate effect of these loci is diminished in adults of European ancestry reporting high levels of physical activity. Twelve obesity-susceptibility loci were genotyped or imputed in 111,421 participants. A genetic risk score (GRS) was calculated by summing the BMI-associated alleles of each genetic variant. Physical activity was assessed using self-administered questionnaires. Multiplicative interactions between the GRS and physical activity on BMI were tested in linear and logistic regression models in each cohort, with adjustment for age, age2, sex, study center (for multicenter studies), and the marginal terms for physical activity and the GRS. These results were combined using meta-analysis weighted by cohort sample size. The meta-analysis yielded a statistically significant GRS Ă physical activity interaction effect estimate (Pinteraction = 0.015). However, a statistically significant interaction effect was only apparent in North American cohorts (n = 39,810, Pinteraction = 0.014 vs. n = 71,611, Pinteraction = 0.275 for Europeans). In secondary analyses, both the FTO rs1121980 (Pinteraction = 0.003) and the SEC16B rs10913469 (Pinteraction = 0.025) variants showed evidence of SNP Ă physical activity interactions. This meta-analysis of 111,421 individuals provides further support for an interaction between physical activity and a GRS in obesity disposition, although these findings hinge on the inclusion of cohorts from North America, indicating that these results are either population-specific or non-causal
The genetics of blood pressure regulation and its target organs from association studies in 342,415 individuals
To dissect the genetic architecture of blood pressure and assess effects on target-organ damage, we analyzed 128,272 SNPs from targeted and genome-wide arrays in 201,529 individuals of European ancestry and genotypes from an additional 140,886 individuals were used for validation. We identified 66 blood pressure loci, of which 17 were novel and 15 harbored multiple distinct association signals. The 66 index SNPs were enriched for cis-regulatory elements, particularly in vascular endothelial cells, consistent with a primary role in blood pressure control through modulation of vascular tone across multiple tissues. The 66 index SNPs combined in a risk score showed comparable effects in 64,421 individuals of non-European descent. The 66-SNP blood pressure risk score was significantly associated with target-organ damage in multiple tissues, with minor effects in the kidney. Our findings expand current knowledge of blood pressure pathways and highlight tissues beyond the classic renal system in blood pressure regulation
New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.
Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (PÂ <Â 5Â ĂÂ 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms
A multi-ancestry genome-wide study incorporating gene-smoking interactions identifies multiple new loci for pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure
Elevated blood pressure (BP), a leading cause of global morbidity and mortality, is influenced by both genetic and lifestyle factors. Cigarette smoking is one such lifestyle factor. Across five ancestries, we performed a genome-wide gene-smoking interaction study of mean arterial pressure (MAP) and pulse pressure (PP) in 129 913 individuals in stage 1 and follow-up analysis in 480 178 additional individuals in stage 2. We report here 136 loci significantly associated with MAP and/or PP. Of these, 61 were previously published through main-effect analysis of BP traits, 37 were recently reported by us for systolic BP and/or diastolic BP through gene-smoking interaction analysis and 38 were newly identified (P <5 x 10(-8), false discovery rate <0.05). We also identified nine new signals near known loci. Of the 136 loci, 8 showed significant interaction with smoking status. They include CSMD1 previously reported for insulin resistance and BP in the spontaneously hypertensive rats. Many of the 38 new loci show biologic plausibility for a role in BP regulation. SLC26A7 encodes a chloride/bicarbonate exchanger expressed in the renal outer medullary collecting duct. AVPR1A is widely expressed, including in vascular smooth muscle cells, kidney, myocardium and brain. FHAD1 is a long non-coding RNA overexpressed in heart failure. TMEM51 was associated with contractile function in cardiomyocytes. CASP9 plays a central role in cardiomyocyte apoptosis. Identified only in African ancestry were 30 novel loci. Our findings highlight the value of multi-ancestry investigations, particularly in studies of interaction with lifestyle factors, where genomic and lifestyle differences may contribute to novel findings.Peer reviewe
The Project Management Triangle: a hidden framework? A qualitative study of ERP implementations in Sweden
Det har under en lĂ„ng tid visat sig att en stor del systemimplementationer misslyckas. ERP-system ses som en vital del i en organisation pĂ„ grund av att de stödjer dess kĂ€rnaktiviteter. Detta leder till att ERP-system Ă€r vĂ€sentliga systemlösningar och att projekt inom detta omrĂ„de krĂ€ver hög grad av projektledning. Vi trycker dĂ€rmed pĂ„ vikten av att söka efter verktyg som kan stödja denna process och pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt förebygga misslyckade implementationer. Projekttriangeln Ă€r ett ramverk som vanligtvis anvĂ€nds för att kontrollera de tre huvudfaktorer som pĂ„verkar den totala framgĂ„ngen av ett projekt; tid, kostnad och funktionalitet. Syftet med denna rapport Ă€r att undersöka relevansen av detta ramverk vid ERP-implementationer. DĂ€rmed stĂ€llde vi oss frĂ„gan, hur relevant Ă€r projekttriangeln under implementation av ERP-system? För att undersöka detta genomförde vi ett flertal intervjuer och mer avslappnade former av dialoger tillsammans med anstĂ€llda och kunder till ett It-företag som specialiserar sig pĂ„ ERP-implementationer. DĂ€refter presenterade och analyserade vi vĂ„ra upptĂ€ckter med hjĂ€lp av en trianguleringsmodell. Dessa upptĂ€ckter jĂ€mfördes sedan med litteraturen och diskuterades, vilket ledde fram till vĂ„r slutsats. Det har visat sig att dessa faktorer Ă€r uppenbara i kontexten av ERP-implementationer, trots det faktum att de inte frekvent uttalas och sĂ€tts i relation till varandra. DĂ€rmed menar vi att det Ă€r viktigt att utveckla en bĂ€ttre förstĂ„else för hur dessa faktorer relaterar till och pĂ„verkar varandra, nĂ„got som ramverket kan stödja under implementationen.Over the years, it has shown that not all system implementations have turned out successfully. ERP-systems are commonly seen as vital to organisations since they support their core activities. Hence, one can imagine that ERP-systems are substantial system solutions, and that projects within its field require project management to a great extent and we stress the importance to search for supporting tools in this process to preclude failure. The project management triangle is a framework generally used for controlling three main factors that have proven to affect the total success of a project; time, cost and scope. The aim of this report is to investigate the frameworkâs relevance when it comes to ERP-implementations. Therefore, we inquired how relevant is the project management triangle framework during implementation of ERP-systems? To do this we conducted several interviews and more casual forms of dialogs together with employees and customer at an IT-company specialised in ERP-implementations. We then presented and analysed the findings by applying a triangulation method. Later on, we compared the findings to the literature and discussed the results, which lead on to our conclusion. It has shown that the factors are evident in the context of implementing ERP-systems, despite the fact that they are not frequently uttered and put in relation to each other. Therefore, we argue that it is important to develop a greater understanding regarding how these factors relate to and affect each other, something that the framework can support during the implementation
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