38 research outputs found

    Evidence for Ku70/Ku80 association with full-length RAG1

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    Antigen receptor genes are assembled by a site-specific DNA rearrangement process called V(D)J recombination. This process proceeds through two distinct phases: a cleavage phase in which the RAG1 and RAG2 proteins introduce DNA double-strand breaks at antigen receptor gene segments, and a joining phase in which the resulting DNA breaks are processed and repaired via the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair pathway. Genetic and biochemical evidence suggest that the RAG proteins play an active role in guiding the repair of DNA breaks introduced during V(D)J recombination to the NHEJ pathway. However, evidence for specific association between the RAG proteins and any of the factors involved in NHEJ remains elusive. Here we present evidence that two components of the NHEJ pathway, Ku70 and Ku80, interact with full-length RAG1, providing a biochemical link between the two phases of V(D)J recombination

    Allelic diversity of S‑RNase alleles in diploid potato species

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    S-ribonucleases (S-RNases) control the pistil specificity of the self-incompatibility (SI) response in the genus Solanum and several other members of the Solanaceae. The nucleotide sequences of S-RNases corresponding to a large number of S-alleles or S-haplotypes have been characterised. However, surprisingly few S-RNase sequences are available for potato species. The identification of new S-alleles in diploid potato species is desirable as these stocks are important sources of traits such as biotic and abiotic resistance. S-RNase sequences are reported here from three distinct diploid types of potato: cultivated Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja, S. tuberosum Group Stenotomum, and the wild species Solanum okadae. Partial S-RNase sequences were obtained from pistil RNA by RT-PCR or 3’RACE (Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends) using a degenerate primer. Full length sequences were obtained for two alleles by 5’RACE. Database searches with these sequences, identified sixteen S-RNases in total, all of which are novel. The sequence analysis revealed all the expected features of functional S-RNases. Phylogenetic analysis with selected published S-RNase and S-like-RNase sequences from the Solanaceae revealed extensive trans-generic evolution of the S-RNases and a clear distinction from S-like-RNases. Pollination tests were used to confirm the self-incompatibility status and cross-compatibility relationships of the S. okadae accessions. All the S. okadae accessions were found to be self-incompatible as expected with crosses amongst them exhibiting both cross-compatibility and semi-compatibility consistent with the S-genotypes determined from the S-RNase sequence data. The progeny analysis of four semi-compatible crosses examined by allele-specific PCR provided further confirmation that these are functional S-RNases

    Renin and angiotensinogen expression and functions in growth and apoptosis of human glioblastoma

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    The expression and function in growth and apoptosis of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) was evaluated in human glioblastoma. Renin and angiotensinogen (AGT) mRNAs and proteins were found by in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry in glioblastoma cells. Angiotensinogen was present in glioblastoma cystic fluids. Thus, human glioblastoma cells produce renin and AGT and secrete AGT. Human glioblastoma and glioblastoma cells expressed renin, AGT, renin receptor, AT(2) and/or AT(1) mRNAs and proteins determined by RT-PCR and/or Western blotting, respectively. The function of the RAS in glioblastoma was studied using human glioblastoma cells in culture. Angiotensinogen, des(Ang I)AGT, tetradecapaptide renin substrate (AGT1-14), Ang I, Ang II or Ang III, added to glioblastoma cells in culture, did not modulate their proliferation, survival or death. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors did not diminish glioblastoma cell proliferation. However, the addition of selective synthetic renin inhibitors to glioblastoma cells decreased DNA synthesis and viable tumour cell number, and induced apoptosis. This effect was not counterbalanced by concomitant addition of Ang II. In conclusion, the complete RAS is expressed by human glioblastomas and glioblastoma cells in culture. Inhibition of renin in glioblastoma cells may be a potential approach to control glioblastoma cell proliferation and survival, and glioblastoma progression in combination therapy

    The Extracellular Matrix Component Psl Provides Fast-Acting Antibiotic Defense in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms

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    Bacteria within biofilms secrete and surround themselves with an extracellular matrix, which serves as a first line of defense against antibiotic attack. Polysaccharides constitute major elements of the biofilm matrix and are implied in surface adhesion and biofilm organization, but their contributions to the resistance properties of biofilms remain largely elusive. Using a combination of static and continuous-flow biofilm experiments we show that Psl, one major polysaccharide in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm matrix, provides a generic first line of defense toward antibiotics with diverse biochemical properties during the initial stages of biofilm development. Furthermore, we show with mixed-strain experiments that antibiotic-sensitive “non-producing” cells lacking Psl can gain tolerance by integrating into Psl-containing biofilms. However, non-producers dilute the protective capacity of the matrix and hence, excessive incorporation can result in the collapse of resistance of the entire community. Our data also reveal that Psl mediated protection is extendible to E. coli and S. aureus in co-culture biofilms. Together, our study shows that Psl represents a critical first bottleneck to the antibiotic attack of a biofilm community early in biofilm development.National Institutes of Health (U.S.). National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (Training Grant in Toxicology 5 T32 ES7020-37

    Biodistribution, clearance, and long‐term fate of clinically relevant nanomaterials

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    Realization of the immense potential of nanomaterials for biomedical applications will require a thorough understanding of how they interact with cells, tissues, and organs. There is evidence that, depending on their physicochemical properties and subsequent interactions, nanomaterials are indeed taken up by cells. However, the subsequent release and/or intracellular degradation of the materials, transfer to other cells, and/or translocation across tissue barriers are still poorly understood. The involvement of these cellular clearance mechanisms strongly influences the long-term fate of used nanomaterials, especially if one also considers repeated exposure. Several nanomaterials, such as liposomes and iron oxide, gold, or silica nanoparticles, are already approved by the American Food and Drug Administration for clinical trials; however, there is still a huge gap of knowledge concerning their fate in the body. Herein, clinically relevant nanomaterials, their possible modes of exposure, as well as the biological barriers they must overcome to be effective are reviewed. Furthermore, the biodistribution and kinetics of nanomaterials and their modes of clearance are discussed, knowledge of the long-term fates of a selection of nanomaterials is summarized, and the critical points that must be considered for future research are addressed