68 research outputs found

    Elastic and total reaction cross sections of oxygen isotopes in Glauber theory

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    We systematically calculate the total reaction cross sections of oxygen isotopes, 1524^{15-24}O, on a 12^{12}C target at high energies using the Glauber theory. The oxygen isotopes are described with Slater determinants generated from a phenomenological mean-field potential. The agreement between theory and experiment is generally good, but a sharp increase of the reaction cross sections from ^{21}O to ^{23}O remains unresolved. To examine the sensitivity of the diffraction pattern of elastic scattering to the nuclear surface, we study the differential elastic-scattering cross sections of proton-^{20,21,23}O at the incident energy of 300 MeV by calculating the full Glauber amplitude.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Effect of Foregrounds on the CMBR Multipole Alignment

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    We analyze the effect of foregrounds on the observed alignment of CMBR quadrupole and octopole. The alignment between these multipoles is studied by using a symmetry based approach which assigns a principal eigenvector (PEV) or an axis with each multipole. We determine the significance of alignment between these multipoles by using the Internal Linear Combination (ILC) 5 and 7 year map s and also the maps obtained by using the Internal Power Spectrum Estimation (IPSE) procedure. The effect of foreground cleaning is studied in detail within the framework of the IPSE method both analytically and numerically. By using simulated CMBR data, we study how the PEVs of the pure simulated CMB map differ from those of the final cleaned map. We find that, in general, the shift in the PEVs is relatively small and in random directions. Due to the random nature of the shift we conclude that it can only lead to misalignment rather than alignment of multipoles. We also directly estimate the significance of alignment by using simulated cleaned maps. We find that the results in this case are identical to those obtained by simple analytic estimate or by using simulated pure CMB maps.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Planck 2015 results. XVI. Isotropy and statistics of the CMB

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    We test the statistical isotropy and Gaussianity of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies using observations made by the Planck satellite. Our results are based mainly on the full Planck mission for temperature, but also include some polarization measurements. In particular, we consider the CMB anisotropy maps derived from the multi-frequency Planck data by several component-separation methods. For the temperature anisotropies, we find excellent agreement between results based on these sky maps over both a very large fraction of the sky and a broad range of angular scales, establishing that potential foreground residuals do not affect our studies. Tests of skewness, kurtosis, multi-normality, N-point functions, and Minkowski functionals indicate consistency with Gaussianity, while a power deficit at large angular scales is manifested in several ways, for example low map variance. The results of a peak statistics analysis are consistent with the expectations of a Gaussian random field. The “Cold Spot” is detected with several methods, including map kurtosis, peak statistics, and mean temperature profile. We thoroughly probe the large-scale dipolar power asymmetry, detecting it with several independent tests, and address the subject of a posteriori correction. Tests of directionality suggest the presence of angular clustering from large to small scales, but at a significance that is dependent on the details of the approach. We perform the first examination of polarization data, finding the morphology of stacked peaks to be consistent with the expectations of statistically isotropic simulations. Where they overlap, these results are consistent with the Planck 2013 analysis based on the nominal mission data and provide our most thorough view of the statistics of the CMB fluctuations to date

    Planck 2015 results. XVIII. Background geometry and topology of the Universe

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    Maps of cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and polarization from the 2015 release of Planck data provide the highestquality full-sky view of the surface of last scattering available to date. This enables us to detect possible departures from a globally isotropic cosmology. We present the first searches using CMB polarization for correlations induced by a possible non-trivial topology with a fundamental domain that intersects, or nearly intersects, the last-scattering surface (at comoving distance χrec), both via a direct scan for matched circular patterns at the intersections and by an optimal likelihood calculation for specific topologies. We specialize to flat spaces with cubic toroidal (T3) and slab (T1) topologies, finding that explicit searches for the latter are sensitive to other topologies with antipodal symmetry. These searches yield no detection of a compact topology with a scale below the diameter of the last-scattering surface. The limits on the radius ℛi of the largest sphere inscribed in the fundamental domain (at log-likelihood ratio Δlnℒ > −5 relative to a simply-connected flat Planck best-fit model) are: ℛi > 0.97 χrec for the T3 cubic torus; and ℛi > 0.56 χrec for the T1 slab. The limit for the T3 cubic torus from the matched-circles search is numerically equivalent, ℛi > 0.97 χrec at 99% confidence level from polarization data alone. We also perform a Bayesian search for an anisotropic global Bianchi VIIh geometry. In the non-physical setting, where the Bianchi cosmology is decoupled from the standard cosmology, Planck temperature data favour the inclusion of a Bianchi component with a Bayes factor of at least 2.3 units of log-evidence. However, the cosmological parameters that generate this pattern are in strong disagreement with those found from CMB anisotropy data alone. Fitting the induced polarization pattern for this model to the Planck data requires an amplitude of −0.10 ± 0.04 compared to the value of + 1 if the model were to be correct. In the physically motivated setting, where the Bianchi parameters are coupled and fitted simultaneously with the standard cosmological parameters, we find no evidence for a Bianchi VIIh cosmology and constrain the vorticity of such models to (ω/H)0 < 7.6 × 10-10 (95% CL)

    The reliability of evidence review methodology in environmental science and conservation

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    Given the proliferation of primary research articles, the importance of reliable environmental evidence reviews for informing policy and management decisions is increasing. Although conducting reviews is an efficient method of synthesising the fragmented primary evidence base, reviews that are of poor methodological reliability have the potential to misinform by not accurately reflecting the available evidence base. To assess the current value of evidence reviews for decision-making we appraised a systematic sample of articles published in early 2015 (N = 92) using the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence Synthesis Assessment Tool (CEESAT). CEESAT assesses the methodology of policy-relevant evidence reviews according to elements important for objectivity, transparency and comprehensiveness. Overall, reviews performed poorly with a median score of 2.5/39 and a modal score of zero (range 0–30, mean 5.8), and low scores were ubiquitous across subject areas. In general, reviews that applied meta-analytical techniques achieved higher scores than narrative syntheses (median 18.3 and 2.0 respectively), as a result of the latter consistently failing to adequately report methodology or how conclusions were drawn. However, some narrative syntheses achieved high scores, illustrating that the reliability of reviews should be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Given the potential importance of reviews for informing management and policy, as well as research, it is vital that overall methodological reliability is improved. Although the increasing number of systematic reviews and meta-analyses highlight that some progress is being made, our findings suggest little or no improvement in the last decade. To motivate progress, we recommend that an annual assessment of the methodological reliability of evidence reviews be conducted. To better serve the environmental policy and management communities we identify a requirement for independent critical appraisal of review methodology thus enabling decision-makers to select reviews that are most likely to accurately reflect the evidence base

    Measurement of the 8B solar neutrino flux in SNO+ with very low backgrounds

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    A measurement of the 8B solar neutrino flux has been made using a 69.2 kt-day dataset acquired with the SNO+ detector during its water commissioning phase. At energies above 6 MeV the dataset is an extremely pure sample of solar neutrino elastic scattering events, owing primarily to the detector’s deep location, allowing an accurate measurement with relatively little exposure. In that energy region the best fit background rate is 0.25+0.09−0.07  events/kt−day, significantly lower than the measured solar neutrino event rate in that energy range, which is 1.03+0.13−0.12  events/kt−day. Also using data below this threshold, down to 5 MeV, fits of the solar neutrino event direction yielded an observed flux of 2.53+0.31−0.28(stat)+0.13−0.10(syst)×106  cm−2 s−1, assuming no neutrino oscillations. This rate is consistent with matter enhanced neutrino oscillations and measurements from other experiments

    Measurement of neutron production in atmospheric neutrino interactions at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

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    Neutron production in giga electron volt–scale neutrino interactions is a poorly studied process. We have measured the neutron multiplicities in atmospheric neutrino interactions in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment and compared them to the prediction of a Monte Carlo simulation using GENIEand a minimally modified version of GEANT4. We analyzed 837 days of exposure corresponding to Phase I, using pure heavy water, and Phase II, using a mixture of Cl in heavy water. Neutrons produced in atmospheric neutrino interactions were identified with an efficiency of 15.3% and 44.3%, for Phases I and II respectively. The neutron production is measured as a function of the visible energy of the neutrino interaction and, for charged current quasielastic interaction candidates, also as a function of the neutrino energy. This study is also performed by classifying the complete sample into two pairs of event categories: charged current quasielastic and non charged current quasielastic, and νμ and νe. Results show good overall agreement between data and Monte Carlo for both phases, with some small tension with a statistical significance below 2σ for some intermediate energies

    Observation of Antineutrinos from Distant Reactors using Pure Water at SNO+

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    The SNO+ collaboration reports the first observation of reactor antineutrinos in a Cherenkov detector. The nearest nuclear reactors are located 240 km away in Ontario, Canada. This analysis used events with energies lower than in any previous analysis with a large water Cherenkov detector. Two analytical methods were used to distinguish reactor antineutrinos from background events in 190 days of data and yielded consistent observations of antineutrinos with a combined significance of 3.5 σ\sigma.Comment: v2: add missing author, add link to supplemental materia