8 research outputs found

    Genomes of trombidid mites reveal novel predicted allergens and laterally-transferred genes associated with secondary metabolism

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    Trombidid mites have a unique lifecycle in which only the larval stage is ectoparasitic. In the superfamily Trombiculoidea (“chiggers”), the larvae feed preferentially on vertebrates, including humans. Species in the genus Leptotrombidium are vectors of a potentially fatal bacterial infection, scrub typhus, which affects 1 million people annually. Moreover, chiggers can cause pruritic dermatitis (trombiculiasis) in humans and domesticated animals. In the Trombidioidea (velvet mites), the larvae feed on other arthropods and are potential biological control agents for agricultural pests. Here, we present the first trombidid mites genomes, obtained both for a chigger, Leptotrombidium deliense, and for a velvet mite, Dinothrombium tinctorium

    Oceanarium of Florianópolis

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    The Florianópolis Oceanarium is a center of valorization of maritime culture and environmental education. From the place of implementation, to the circuit made through the tanks the Oceanarium was conceived to highlight the importance of the seas and the need for its preservation for future generations. When considering the fact that Florianópolis is an island that lost its conection with the sea, it is surprising that an oceanarium is not a more recurring theme. A development of this kind would not only make up for the lack of cultural equipments in the capital, but would also generate jobs and help create environmental awareness in the population. Due to the lack of specific didactic material on the subject, oceanariuns and aquariums were studied in a architectural level such as the Lisbon Oceanarium, the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Antalya Aquarium. Other projects that were not aquariums were also studied with the purpose of improving the volumetry and the solutions adopted in the architectural study. Before the elaboration of the project the area of implementation was analysed in regards to application of legal actions, environmental, economic and social requirements that govern the terrain. To synthesize these analysis maps were elaborated containing urban morphology, road system, land use, floor count, recreation equipments and environmental conditioners. Finally, the architectural project consists of the synthesis of all the items studied previously. Starting with the evolution of the volumetry, going through the sketches of the solutions adopted and ending with the final proposal. In the last item are presented sketches, program, ground floor program, exploded diagram, plans, cuts and perspectives.O Oceanário de Florianópolis é um centro de valorização da cultura marítima e educação ambiental. Do local de implantação ao circuito do usuário pelos tanques, o Oceanário foi conceituado para destacar a importância dos mares e a necessidade de sua preservação para as atuais e futuras gerações. Ao ponderar sobre o fato de Florianópolis ser uma ilha que perdeu sua conexão com o mar, é de se espantar que um oceanário não seja um tema mais recorrente. Um empreendimento como esse não só supriria a carência de equipamentos culturais na capital, como traria empregos e consciência ambiental na população. Pela falta de material teórico específico sobre o tema, foram estudados referenciais projetuais de diversos aquários e oceanários como o Oceanário de Lisboa, o Monterey Bay Aquarium e o Antalya Aquarium. Também foram estudados projetos de outros usos, com o intuito de aprimorar a volumetria e as soluções projetuais adotadas no partido arquitetônico. Antes da proposta projetual, foi realizada uma análise da área de implantação a fim de entender as condicionantes legais, ambientais, econômicas e sociais que regem o terreno. Para isso foram elaborados mapas de morfologia urbana, sistema viário, uso do solo, gabaritos, legislação equipamentos de lazer e condicionantes ambientais. Por fim, a forma do partido arquitetônico consiste da síntese de todos os itens estudados anteriormente, iniciando com a evolução da volumetria, passando pelos croquis das soluções adotadas e finalizando com a proposta final. Dentro deste último item são apresentados croquis, programa de necessidades, implantação, diagrama explodido, plantas, cortes e perspectivas

    Digestive enzymes

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    Insect digestive enzymes: properties, compartmentalization and function

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