79 research outputs found

    Measurement of the spin polarization of the magnetic semiconductor EuS with zero-field and Zeeman-split Andreev reflection spectroscopy

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    We report measurements of the spin polarization (\textbf{\textit{P}}) of the concentrated magnetic semiconductor EuS using both zero-field and Zeeman-split Andreev reflection spectroscopy (ARS) with EuS/Al planar junctions. The zero-field ARS spectra are well described by the modified (spin-polarized) BTK model with expected superconducting energy gap and actual measurement temperature (no additional spectral broadening). The fittings consistently yield \textbf{\textit{P}} close to 80% regardless of the barrier strength. Moreover, we performed ARS in the presence of a Zeeman-splitting of the quasiparticle density of states in Al. To describe the Zeeman-split ARS spectra, we develop a theoretical model which incorporates the solution to the Maki-Fulde equations into the modified BTK analysis. The method enables the determination of the magnitude as well as the sign of \textbf{\textit{P}} with ARS, and the results are consistent with those from the zero-field ARS. The experiments extend the utility of field-split superconducting spectroscopy from tunnel junctions to Andreev junctions of arbitrary barrier strengths.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence of topological superconductivity in planar Josephson junctions

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    Majorana zero modes are quasiparticle states localized at the boundaries of topological superconductors that are expected to be ideal building blocks for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Several observations of zero-bias conductance peaks measured in tunneling spectroscopy above a critical magnetic field have been reported as experimental indications of Majorana zero modes in superconductor/semiconductor nanowires. On the other hand, two dimensional systems offer the alternative approach to confine Ma jorana channels within planar Josephson junctions, in which the phase difference {\phi} between the superconducting leads represents an additional tuning knob predicted to drive the system into the topological phase at lower magnetic fields. Here, we report the observation of phase-dependent zero-bias conductance peaks measured by tunneling spectroscopy at the end of Josephson junctions realized on a InAs/Al heterostructure. Biasing the junction to {\phi} ~ {\pi} significantly reduces the critical field at which the zero-bias peak appears, with respect to {\phi} = 0. The phase and magnetic field dependence of the zero-energy states is consistent with a model of Majorana zero modes in finite-size Josephson junctions. Besides providing experimental evidence of phase-tuned topological superconductivity, our devices are compatible with superconducting quantum electrodynamics architectures and scalable to complex geometries needed for topological quantum computing.Comment: main text and extended dat

    Closing of the Induced Gap in a Hybrid Superconductor-Semiconductor Nanowire

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    Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires are predicted to undergo a field-induced phase transition from a trivial to a topological superconductor, marked by the closure and re-opening of the excitation gap, followed by the emergence of Majorana bound states at the nanowire ends. Many local density-of-states measurements have reported signatures of the topological phase, however this interpretation has been challenged by alternative explanations. Here, by measuring nonlocal conductance, we identify the closure of the excitation gap in the bulk of the semiconductor before the emergence of zero-bias peaks. This observation is inconsistent with scenarios where zero-bias peaks occur due to end-states with a trivially gapped bulk, which have been extensively considered in the theoretical and experimental literature. We observe that after the gap closes, nonlocal signals fluctuate strongly and persist irrespective of the presence of local-conductance zero-bias peaks. Thus, our observations are also incompatible with a simple picture of clean topological superconductivity. This work presents a new experimental approach for probing the spatial extent of states in Majorana wires, and reveals the presence of a regime with a continuum of spatially extended states and uncorrelated zero-bias peaks

    Coherent transport through a Majorana island in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer

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    Majorana zero modes are leading candidates for topological quantum computation due to non-local qubit encoding and non-abelian exchange statistics. Spatially separated Majorana modes are expected to allow phase-coherent single-electron transport through a topological superconducting island via a mechanism referred to as teleportation. Here we experimentally investigate such a system by patterning an elongated epitaxial InAs-Al island embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer. With increasing parallel magnetic field, a discrete sub-gap state in the island is lowered to zero energy yielding persistent 1e-periodic Coulomb blockade conductance peaks (e is the elementary charge). In this condition, conductance through the interferometer is observed to oscillate in a perpendicular magnetic field with a flux period of h/e (h is Planck's constant), indicating coherent transport of single electrons through the islands, a signature of electron teleportation via Majorana modes, could also be observed, suggesting additional non-Majorana mechanisms for 1e transport through these moderately short wires

    Разработка модели продвижения услуг Smart Академии в IT сфере

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    Работа раскрывает основные тенденции корпоративного обучения IT-специалистов и их адаптации у работодателя. Практическая и научная значимость работы заключается в разработанной модели продвижения корпоративной практики обучения на примере Smart Академии, являющейся продуктом томской IT-компании Smart World.The work reveals the main trends of corporate training of IT-specialists and the adaptation in the companies. The practical and scientific significance is in developed promotion model in corporate training practices on the example of Smart Academy. Smart Academy is the product of Tomsk IT company Smart World

    Spin dynamics in semiconductors

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    This article reviews the current status of spin dynamics in semiconductors which has achieved a lot of progress in the past years due to the fast growing field of semiconductor spintronics. The primary focus is the theoretical and experimental developments of spin relaxation and dephasing in both spin precession in time domain and spin diffusion and transport in spacial domain. A fully microscopic many-body investigation on spin dynamics based on the kinetic spin Bloch equation approach is reviewed comprehensively.Comment: a review article with 193 pages and 1103 references. To be published in Physics Reports

    Measuring thermoelectric transport properties of materials

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    In this review we discuss considerations regarding the common techniques used for measuring thermoelectric transport properties necessary for calculating the thermoelectric figure of merit, zT. Advice for improving the data quality in Seebeck coefficient, electrical resistivity, and thermal conductivity (from flash diffusivity and heat capacity) measurements are given together with methods for identifying possible erroneous data. Measurement of the Hall coefficient and calculation of the charge carrier concentration and mobility is also included due to its importance for understanding materials. It is not intended to be a complete record or comparison of all the different techniques employed in thermoelectrics. Rather, by providing an overview of common techniques and their inherent difficulties it is an aid to new researchers or students in the field. The focus is mainly on high temperature measurements but low temperature techniques are also briefly discussed