9 research outputs found

    Effects of dietary interventions on 24-hour urine parameters in patients with idiopathic recurrent calcium oxalate stones

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate the effects of dietary factors on 24-hour urine parameters in patients with idiopathic recurrent calcium oxalate stones. A total of 108 of idiopathic recurrent calcium oxalate stones were included in the study. A 24-hour urinalysis was performed and metabolic abnormalities were measured for all of the patients. All of the patients were given specialized diets for their 24-hour urine abnormalities. At the end of first month, the same parameters were examined in another 24-hour urinalysis. Hyperoxaluria, hypernatruria, and hypercalciuria were found in 84 (77%), 43 (39.8%), and 38 (35.5%) of the patients, respectively. The differences between the oxalate, sodium, volume, uric acid, and citrate parameters before and after the dietary intervention were significant (p < 0.05). The calcium parameters were not significantly different before and after the intervention. We found that oxalate, sodium, volume, uric acid, and citrate—but not calcium—abnormalities in patients with recurrent calcium oxalate stones can be corrected by diet. The metabolic profiles of idiopathic calcium oxalate stone patients should be evaluated and the appropriate dietary interventions should be implemented to decrease stone recurrence

    Factors Affecting the Success Rate of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Paediatric Patients.

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    In this study, we aimed to determine factors affecting the success rate of percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) in children. The series consisted of 41 consecutive children operated on by the same surgical team for renal calculi with PNL between June 2002 and May 2015 in our institution. A single calyx or pelvic stone was described as simple, while calculi located in more than one location (calyx and pelvis or more than one calices) or staghorn stones were described as complex. The procedure was deemed successful if the patient was completely stone-free (SF) or had residual fragments <4 mm. Thirty-four patients were found to be SF or had residual fragments <4 mm on the postoperative first day, thus the success rate was 82.9%. In complex stones, the success rate was significantly lower (45.5%) than simple stones (96.7%) (p < 0.001). The grade of hydronephrosis (Grade 0-1 vs. Grade 2-3) also had a negative impact on the success, with rates of 92.6% vs. 64.3%, respectively (p = 0.022). Previous urological procedure history on the same side yielded a success rate of 58.3%, whereas the success rate in the primary patients was 93.1% (p < 0.001). The localization of the stone (complex vs. simple), degree of hydronephrosis, and history of previous urological procedures were found to be the factors that affected the success of the paediatric PNL

    Occurence and treatment of stone street after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

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    Bobrek tasi nedeniyle ekstrakorporeal sok dalga litotripsi (ESL) uygulanan 4,200 olgu tas yolu olu§ma sikligi, sonuglan ve tedavi yakla§imlan agisindan retrospektif olarak degerlendirildi. Olgulann 256'sinda (% 6) tas yolu gelistigi saptandi. Bunlardan duzenli izlemi olan 217 hasta galismaya dahil edildi. Tas yolu olusma sikligi 1 cm'den kuciik taslarda % 1.3, 3 cm'den buyuk taslarda ise % 20 olarak bulundu. Olgulann 103'unde (% 47.6) spontan, 91'inde (% 41.9) yine ESL ile duzelme saglandiT ESL'nin ba§ansiz oldugu 16 olguya (% 7.3) ureterorenoskopi, 7 olguya (% 3.2) ise ureterolitotomi yapildi. '"|as yolu geli§en olgular dikkatli izlenmeli ve dilatasyon gelisen olgularda ilk tedavi segenegi tekrar ESL olrrfalidir. ESL'nin basansiz oldugu olgularda ise tercih edilen tedavi yontemi ureterorenoskopi olmakla birlikte, acik cerrahi girisim ender de olsa gerekebilmektedir.Occurence And Treatment Of Stone Street After Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy- A total of 4,200 patients xvith kidney stones were evaluated for the occurence, treatment and outcome of stone streets after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESL) treatment, retrospectively. Of these patients 256 (6 %) had stone street formation and 217 patients with regular folloiv-ups were included into the study. The incidence of stone street formation ivas 1.3 %for stones smaller than 1 cm, and 20 % for stones larger than 3 cm. Spontaneous relief was attained in 103 patients (47.6 %), ivhile additional ESL was necessary in 91 patients (41.9 %). Sixteen patients (7.3 %) underwent ureterorenoscopy and 7 (3.2 %) cases were treated with ureter oliihotomy after repeat ESL failure. In conclusion, patients with stone street formation should be observed carefully and ESL should be considered again in patients with dilated upper tracts. Ureterorenoscopy is the method of choice if ESL remains unsuccessful, and open surgery may be necessary in rare cases

    Diyabetik dadın hastaların alt üriner sistem semptomları, aşırı aktif mesane ve idrar kaçırma açısından değerlendirilmesi

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the association of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), overactive bladder (OAB) and urinary incontinence (UI) with age, diabetic complications and glycaemic control in diabetic women. Materials and Methods: A total of 81 women diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus were included in the study. Demographic characteristics including age, height and weight of patients, full medical history, urine culture, serum creatinine levels and glycaemic control parameters including serum fasting blood glucose levels, serum satiety blood glucose levels and serum HbA1c levels. Turkish version of the OAB-V8, urinary distress inventory-6 (UDI-6), incontinence impact questionnaire (IIQ-7) and the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) were applied. Results: The mean age was 58.6±11.8 years. Thirty-five (43.2%) of the patients had diabetes-related complications. There was no statistically significant relationship between OAB-V8, UDI-6, IPSS, IIQ-7 questionnaire scores and glycaemic control parameters, age, and presence of diabetic complications. Conclusion: To better understand the etiopathogenesis of diabetic bladder dysfunction and related complications including LUTS, OAB and UI, we need randomized controlled studies with a greater number of patients.Amaç: Bu çalışmada, diyabetik kadınlarda alt üriner sistem semptomları (AÜSS), aşırı aktif mesane (AAM) ve üriner inkontinans (Üİ) ile yaş, diyabetik komplikasyonlar ve glisemik kontrol arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya Diabetes Mellitus tanısı konan toplam 81 kadın hasta dahil edildi. Hastaların yaş, boy ve kilosunu içeren demografik verileri, tam tıbbi öyküsü, idrar kültürü, serum kreatinin ile serum açlık kan şekeri, serum tokluk kan şekeri ve serum HbA1c seviyelerini içeren glisemik kontrol parametreleri kaydedildi. Hastalara AAM-V8, üriner distress envanteri-6 (ÜDE-6), inkontinans etkisi anketi (İEA-7) ve Uluslararası Prostat Semptom Skoru (UPSS) sorgulama formlarının valide edilmiş Türkçe versiyonları uygulandı. Bulgular: Yaş ortalaması 58,6±11,8 yıl idi. Hastaların 37’sinde (%43,2) diyabetle ilişkili komplikasyonlar vardı. AAM-V8, ÜDE-6, UPSS, İEA-7 anket puanları ile glisemik kontrol parametreleri, yaş ve diyabetik komplikasyonların varlığı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamadı. Sonuç: Diyabetik mesane disfonksiyonu etyopatogenezi ile AÜSS, AAM ve Üİ gibi ilgili komplikasyonları daha iyi anlamak için, daha fazla sayıda hasta ile yapılacak randomize kontrollü çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır

    Raging the War Against Inflammation With Natural Products

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