Occurence and treatment of stone street after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy


Bobrek tasi nedeniyle ekstrakorporeal sok dalga litotripsi (ESL) uygulanan 4,200 olgu tas yolu olu§ma sikligi, sonuglan ve tedavi yakla§imlan agisindan retrospektif olarak degerlendirildi. Olgulann 256'sinda (% 6) tas yolu gelistigi saptandi. Bunlardan duzenli izlemi olan 217 hasta galismaya dahil edildi. Tas yolu olusma sikligi 1 cm'den kuciik taslarda % 1.3, 3 cm'den buyuk taslarda ise % 20 olarak bulundu. Olgulann 103'unde (% 47.6) spontan, 91'inde (% 41.9) yine ESL ile duzelme saglandiT ESL'nin ba§ansiz oldugu 16 olguya (% 7.3) ureterorenoskopi, 7 olguya (% 3.2) ise ureterolitotomi yapildi. '"|as yolu geli§en olgular dikkatli izlenmeli ve dilatasyon gelisen olgularda ilk tedavi segenegi tekrar ESL olrrfalidir. ESL'nin basansiz oldugu olgularda ise tercih edilen tedavi yontemi ureterorenoskopi olmakla birlikte, acik cerrahi girisim ender de olsa gerekebilmektedir.Occurence And Treatment Of Stone Street After Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy- A total of 4,200 patients xvith kidney stones were evaluated for the occurence, treatment and outcome of stone streets after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESL) treatment, retrospectively. Of these patients 256 (6 %) had stone street formation and 217 patients with regular folloiv-ups were included into the study. The incidence of stone street formation ivas 1.3 %for stones smaller than 1 cm, and 20 % for stones larger than 3 cm. Spontaneous relief was attained in 103 patients (47.6 %), ivhile additional ESL was necessary in 91 patients (41.9 %). Sixteen patients (7.3 %) underwent ureterorenoscopy and 7 (3.2 %) cases were treated with ureter oliihotomy after repeat ESL failure. In conclusion, patients with stone street formation should be observed carefully and ESL should be considered again in patients with dilated upper tracts. Ureterorenoscopy is the method of choice if ESL remains unsuccessful, and open surgery may be necessary in rare cases

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