1,282 research outputs found

    Doodles on the Walls of the Cave : An Interpretation of Four Popular Novels

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    There are many possible influences which shape the culture or the way of life of a society. One of the strongest of these influences has been the movies. Movies and moviegoing have been a part of American culture for more than eighty-five years, but the movies as a way of life in America perhaps reached its peak in the period from 1945-1955. This was the post World War II era when there were as many as 90,000,000 paid admissions per week from a population of 150,000,000. By the end of this decade, attendance had dropped to 42,000,000 due mainly to the increasing availability and popularity of television. Over the year’s sociologists, psychologists, philosophers, anthropologists, moral theologians, historians and people from a variety of other disciplines have researched different aspects of the movies. Popular literature also reflects the influence of movies and moviegoing on society. This thesis will discuss four novels written about the period from 1945-1955 in which the main character is a moviegoer: Bijou by David Madden, The Last Picture Show by Larry McMurtry, A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole, and The Moviegoer by Walker Percy. Fictional characters are obviously not real people; they are usually types or composite personalities which the author fabricates from his/her observations of real people. As Annie Dillard says in her book, Living by Fiction, literature presents a model interpreted out of the real world. The author selects what he/she needs from reality to fabricate his/her models. The fact that the novel is a fabrication makes the result different from a scientific study but does not necessarily lessen the value of the literary approach. The novelist observes the same world as the researcher. The difference in the result of these observations is similar to learning about the Civil War from Gone With the Wind instead of a history book. The characters in the four novels to be discussed in this thesis provide the reader with models from which he/she can learn something about the function of movies and moviegoing in the decade 1945 to 1955

    Pest categorisation of Diabrotica barberi

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    The EFSA Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of Diabrotica barberi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), the northern corn rootworm, for the EU. D. barberi is a univoltine species occurring in mid-western and eastern USA and Canada, where it reproduces on maize (Zea mays), the preferred larval host. A small proportion of individuals can develop to a lesser extent on spelt (Triticum spelta), rice (Oryza sativa), millet (Panicum miliaceum) and a few North American wild grasses. Eggs are laid in the soil of maize fields, where they overwinter and can enter a diapause which can extend for more than one winter. Larvae hatch in late spring and early summer. Adult emergence peaks in the summer to feed on maize tassels, silks and ear tips. Adults abandon maize fields looking for other feeding hosts and return to maize for oviposition during late summer and autumn. D. barberi is considered a key pest of maize, together with other rootworm species of the same genus. D. barberi is regulated in the EU by Directive 2000/29/EC (Annex IAI). Within this Directive, a general prohibition of soil from most third countries prevents the entry of D. barberi larvae. However, adults carried on sweetcorn or green maize are potential pathways for entry into the EU. Climatic conditions and the wide availability of maize provide conditions to support establishment in the EU. Following establishment, impact on maize yields is anticipated. Phytosanitary measures are available to inhibit entry of this pest. D. barberi satisfies the criteria, which are within the remit of EFSA to assess for it to be regarded as a potential Union quarantine pest. D. barberi does not meet the criteria of occurring in the EU nor plants for planting being the principal means of spread for it to be regarded as a potential Union regulated non-quarantine pest


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    The worked out stand is based on the basis of existed laboratory equipment for research of the different modes of asynchronous electric drive. For a management the modes of starting and braking with the Moeller microprocessor relay is used.The offered solution of modernization allows simultaneously to investigate work of electromechanical control system, realized on classic to the relay – contact base of management, and system, realized on a modern microprocessor equipment, and also to conduct the necessary tuning of stand constituents and investigate the transient of current slip-ring induction motoring.An equipment allows to put right and test the next modes: rheostat starting slip-ring induction motoring in the functions of time, reverses, dynamic braking.The worked out course of laboratory works allows to conduct timing of switching of degrees of resistances and construction of electromechanical descriptions slip-ring induction motoring and also to design his work using the SimPowerSystems libraries of МATLAB Simulink package. Creation of program algorithm and its realization as a EASYSOFT program environment are performed. Verification of rightness of the program writing and tuning of all program elements parameters are done. It is shown that the removal of the real current is in the phase of rotor (by means of digital oscillograph) and it is don’t the design comparison of its resultsМодернизирован лабораторный стенд для исследования режимов работы асинхронного электропривода с использованием современного микропроцессорного реле фирмы MoellerМодернізовано лабораторний стенд для дослідження режимів роботи асинхронного електропривода з використанням сучасного мікропроцесорного реле фірми Moelle

    Invasion of Europe by the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera: multiple transatlantic introductions with various reductions of genetic diversity

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    The early stages of invasion involve demographic bottlenecks that may result in lower genetic variation in introduced populations as compared to source population/s. Low genetic variability may decrease the adaptive potential of such populations in their new environments. Previous population genetic studies of invasive species have reported varying levels of losses of genetic variability in comparisons of source and invasive populations. However, intraspecific comparisons are required to assess more thoroughly the repeatability of genetic consequences of colonization events. Descriptions of invasive species for which multiple introductions from a single source population have been demonstrated may be particularly informative. The western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, native to North America and invasive in Europe, offers us an opportunity to analyse multiple introduction events within a single species. We investigated within- and between-population variation at eight microsatellite markers in WCR in North America and Europe to investigate the routes by which WCR was introduced into Europe, and to assess the effect of introduction events on genetic variation. We detected five independent introduction events from the northern USA into Europe. The diversity loss following these introductions differed considerably between events, suggesting substantial variation in introduction, foundation and/or establishment conditions. Genetic variability at evolutionarily neutral loci does not seem to underlie the invasive success of WCR in Europe. We also showed that the introduction of WCR into Europe resulted in the redistribution of genetic variance from the intra- to the interpopulational level contrary to most examples of multiple introductions

    Cryptococcus neoformans phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 (PDK1) ortholog is required for stress tolerance and survival in murine phagocytes

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    Cryptococcus neoformans PKH2-01 and PKH2-02 are orthologous to mammalian PDK1 kinase genes. Although orthologs of these kinases have been extensively studied in S. cerevisiae, little is known about their function in pathogenic fungi. In this study, we show that PKH2-02 but not PKH2-01 is required for C. neoformans to tolerate cell wall, oxidative, nitrosative, and antifungal drug stress. Deletion of PKH2-02 leads to decreased basal levels of Pkc1 activity and, consequently, reduced activation of the cell wall integrity mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in response to cell wall, oxidative, and nitrosative stress. PKH2-02 function also is required for tolerance of fluconazole and amphotericin B, two important drugs for the treatment of cryptococcosis. Furthermore, OSU-03012, an inhibitor of human PDK1, is synergistic and fungicidal in combination with fluconazole. Using a Galleria mellonella model of low-temperature cryptococcosis, we found that PKH2-02 is also required for virulence in a temperature-independent manner. Consistent with the hypersensitivity of the pkh2-02Δ mutant to oxidative and nitrosative stress, this mutant shows decreased survival in murine phagocytes compared to that of wild-type (WT) cells. In addition, we show that deletion of PKH2-02 affects the interaction between C. neoformans and phagocytes by decreasing its ability to suppress production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and reactive oxygen species. Taken together, our studies demonstrate that Pkh2-02-mediated signaling in C. neoformans is crucial for stress tolerance, host-pathogen interactions, and both temperature-dependent and -independent virulence

    До питання гарантій як виду забезпечення виконання зобов'язань

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    Крисань Т. Є. До питання гарантій як виду забезпечення виконання зобов'язань / Т. Є. Крисань // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), В. М. Дрьомін (заст. голов. ред.), Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОНмолодьспорт України, НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2012. – Вип. 66. - С. 112-118.У статті розглядаються дослідження таких категорій, як забезпечення зобов'язань, гарантії як вид забезпечення зобов'язань, виокремлення їх характерних ознак


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    Mathematical model and control system of hybrid asynchronous traction drive of diesel engine-multiple unit train with the powerful storage battery use are designed. The developed model research in system MatLab is executedРазработана математическая модель и система управления гибридного асинхронного тягового привода дизель-поезда с применением мощной аккумуляторной батареи. Выполнено исследование разработанной модели в системе Мatlab.Розроблена математична модель та система керування гібридного асинхронного тягового привода дизель-потяга з використанням потужної акумуляторної батареї. Виконано дослідження розробленої моделі в системі Мatlab

    Cellular Complexity in MAPK Signaling in Plants: Questions and Emerging Tools to Answer Them

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    Mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades play an important role in many aspects of plant growth, development, and environmental response. Because of their central role in many important processes, MAPKs have been extensively studied using biochemical and genetic approaches. This work has allowed for the identification of the MAPK genes and proteins involved in a number of different signaling pathways. Less well developed, however, is our understanding of how MAPK cascades and their corresponding signaling pathways are organized at subcellular levels. In this review, we will provide an overview of plant MAPK signaling, including a discussion of what is known about cellular mechanisms for achieving signaling specificity. Then we will explore what is currently known about the subcellular localization of MAPK proteins in resting conditions and after pathway activation. Finally, we will discuss a number of new experimental methods that have not been widely deployed in plants that have the potential to provide a deeper understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of MAPK signaling