234 research outputs found

    Environmental stimuli shape microglial plasticity in glioma

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    In glioma, microglia and infiltrating macrophages are exposed to factors that force them to produce cytokines and chemokines, contributing to tumor growth and maintaining a pro-tumorigenic, immunosuppressed microenvironment. We demonstrate that housing glioma-bearing mice in enriched environment (EE) reverts the immunosuppressive phenotype of infiltrating myeloid cells, by modulating inflammatory gene expression. Under these conditions, branching and patrolling activity of myeloid cells is increased, and their phagocytic activity is promoted. Modulation of gene expression depends on interferon-(IFN) g produced by natural killer (NK) cells, disappearing in mice depleted of NK cells or lacking IFN-g, and was mimicked by exogenous interleukin-15 (IL-15). Further, we describe a key role for BDNF produced in the brain of mice housed in EE in mediating the expression of IL-15 in CD11b+ cells. These data define novel mechanisms linking environmental cues to the acquisition of a pro-inflammatory, anti-tumor microenvironment in mouse brain

    A single amino acid distorts the Fc Îł receptor IIIb/CD16b structure upon binding immunoglobulin G1 and reduces affinity relative to CD16a

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    Therapeutic mAbs engage Fc γ receptor III (CD16) to elicit a protective cell-mediated response and destroy the target tissue. Newer drugs designed to bind CD16a with increased affinity surprisingly also elicit protective CD16b-mediated responses. However, it is unclear why IgG binds CD16a with more than 10-fold higher affinity than CD16b even though these receptors share more than 97% identity. Here we identified one residue, Gly-129, that contributes to the greater IgG binding affinity of CD16a. The CD16b variant D129G bound IgG1 Fc with 2-fold higher affinity than CD16a and with 90-fold higher affinity than the WT. Conversely, the binding affinity of CD16a-G129D was decreased 128-fold relative to WT CD16a and comparably to that of WT CD16b. The interaction of IgG1 Fc with CD16a, but not with CD16b, is known to be sensitive to the composition of the asparagine-linked carbohydrates (N-glycans) attached to the receptor. CD16a and CD16b-D129G displaying minimally processed oligomannose N-glycans bound to IgG1 Fc with about 5.2-fold increased affinity compared with variants with highly processed complex-type N-glycans. CD16b and the CD16a-G129D variant exhibited a smaller 1.9-fold affinity increase with oligomannose N-glycans. A model of glycosylated CD16b bound to IgG1 Fc determined to 2.2 Å resolution combined with a 250-ns all-atom molecular dynamics simulation showed that the larger Asp-129 residue deformed the Fc-binding surface. These results reveal how Asp-129 in CD16b affects its binding affinity for IgG1 Fc and suggest that antibodies engineered to engage CD16b with high affinity must accommodate the Asp-129 side chain

    Dendritic Cell Subtypes from Lymph Nodes and Blood Show Contrasted Gene Expression Programs upon Bluetongue Virus Infection

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    Chantier qualité GAHuman and animal hemorrhagic viruses initially target dendritic cells (DCs). It has been proposed, but not documented, that both plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) and conventional DCs (cDCs) may participate in the cytokine storm encountered in these infections. In order to evaluate the contribution of DCs in hemorrhagic virus pathogenesis, we performed a genome-wide expression analysis during infection by Bluetongue virus (BTV), a double-stranded RNA virus that induces hemorrhagic fever in sheep and initially infects cDCs. Both pDCs and cDCs accumulated in regional lymph nodes and spleen during BTV infection. The gene response profiles were performed at the onset of the disease and markedly differed with the DC subtypes and their lymphoid organ location. An integrative knowledge-based analysis revealed that blood pDCs displayed a gene signature related to activation of systemic inflammation and permeability of vasculature. In contrast, the gene profile of pDCs and cDCs in lymph nodes was oriented to inhibition of inflammation, whereas spleen cDCs did not show a clear functional orientation. These analyses indicate that tissue location and DC subtype affect the functional gene expression program induced by BTV and suggest the involvement of blood pDCs in the inflammation and plasma leakage/hemorrhage during BTV infection in the real natural host of the virus. These findings open the avenue to target DCs for therapeutic interventions in viral hemorrhagic diseases

    Bone marrow transplantation generates T cell–dependent control of myeloma in mice

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    Transplantation with autologous hematopoietic progenitors remains an important consolidation treatment for patients with multiple myeloma (MM) and is thought to prolong the disease plateau phase by providing intensive cytoreduction. However, transplantation induces inflammation in the context of profound lymphodepletion that may cause hitherto unexpected immunological effects. We developed preclinical models of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for MM using Vk*MYC myeloma-bearing recipient mice and donor mice that were myeloma naive or myeloma experienced to simulate autologous transplantation. Surprisingly, we demonstrated broad induction of T cell-dependent myeloma control, most efficiently from memory T cells within myeloma-experienced grafts, but also through priming of naive T cells after BMT. CD8+ T cells from mice with controlled myeloma had a distinct T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire and higher clonotype overlap relative to myeloma-free BMT recipients. Furthermore, T cell-dependent myeloma control could be adoptively transferred to secondary recipients and was myeloma cell clone specific. Interestingly, donor-derived IL-17A acted directly on myeloma cells expressing the IL-17 receptor to induce a transcriptional landscape that promoted tumor growth and immune escape. Conversely, donor IFN-Îł secretion and signaling were critical to protective immunity and were profoundly augmented by CD137 agonists. These data provide new insights into the mechanisms of action of transplantation in myeloma and provide rational approaches to improving clinical outcomes

    Cell Adhesion Molecules and Their Roles and Regulation in the Immune and Tumor Microenvironment

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    The immune system and cancer have a complex relationship with the immune system playing a dual role in tumor development. The effector cells of the immune system can recognize and kill malignant cells while immune system-mediated inflammation can also promote tumor growth and regulatory cells suppress the anti-tumor responses. In the center of all anti-tumor responses is the ability of the immune cells to migrate to the tumor site and to interact with each other and with the malignant cells. Cell adhesion molecules including receptors of the immunoglobulin superfamily and integrins are of crucial importance in mediating these processes. Particularly integrins play a vital role in regulating all aspects of immune cell function including immune cell trafficking into tissues, effector cell activation and proliferation and the formation of the immunological synapse between immune cells or between immune cell and the target cell both during homeostasis and during inflammation and cancer. In this review we discuss the molecular mechanisms regulating integrin function and the role of integrins and other cell adhesion molecules in immune responses and in the tumor microenvironment. We also describe how malignant cells can utilize cell adhesion molecules to promote tumor growth and metastases and how these molecules could be targeted in cancer immunotherapy.Peer reviewe

    IL-1R8 is a checkpoint in NK cells regulating anti-tumour and anti-viral activity

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    Interleukin-1 receptor 8 (IL-1R8, also known as single immunoglobulin IL-1R-related receptor, SIGIRR, or TIR8) is a member of the IL-1 receptor (ILR) family with distinct structural and functional characteristics, acting as a negative regulator of ILR and Toll-like receptor (TLR) downstream signalling pathways and inflammation. Natural killer (NK) cells are innate lymphoid cells which mediate resistance against pathogens and contribute to the activation and orientation of adaptive immune responses. NK cells mediate resistance against haematopoietic neoplasms but are generally considered to play a minor role in solid tumour carcinogenesis. Here we report that IL-1R8 serves as a checkpoint for NK cell maturation and effector function. Its genetic blockade unleashes NK-cell-mediated resistance to hepatic carcinogenesis, haematogenous liver and lung metastasis, and cytomegalovirus infection

    TIGIT as an emerging immune checkpoint

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    T cell immunoglobulin and ITIM domain (TIGIT) is an inhibitory receptor expressed on lymphocytes that was recently propelled under the spotlight as a major emerging target in cancer immunotherapy. TIGIT interacts with CD155 expressed on antigen-presenting cells or tumour cells to down-regulate T cell and natural killer (NK) cell functions. TIGIT has emerged as a key inhibitor of anti-tumour responses that can hinder multiple steps of the cancer immunity cycle. Pre-clinical studies indicated that TIGIT blockade may protect against various solid and haematological cancers. Several monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that block the inhibitory activity of human TIGIT have been developed. Clinical trials are ongoing, investigating TIGIT blockade as a monotherapy or in combination with anti-PD1/PD-L1 mAbs for the treatment of patients with advanced solid malignancies. In this review, we cover our current knowledge on TIGIT, from its discovery in 2009 to its current status as a clinical target.Peer reviewe

    Roles of cytotoxic and helper innate lymphoid cells in cancer

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    Natural killer (NK) cells have long been recognized for their anti-cancer activity and are now included in the large family of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs). The discovery of new ILC subsets that, similarly to NK cells, are able to kill tumor cells encourages us to redefine NK cell role in anti-tumor immunity. Conventional NK cells circulate through the blood and screen the body for “stressed” cells. Therefore, NK cells are believed to play a key role in cancer immunosurveillance by the early elimination of cells undergoing malignant transformation. Tissue-resident ILCs might play a similar role since they are ideally located to detect the early signs of malignant transformation in their organ of residence. We are only beginning to appreciate the importance of the whole ILC family in cancer. Confusingly, these cells have been reported to both inhibit and fuel cancer progression and the factors regulating these dual functions remain unclear. Here, I review the recent advances in our understanding of cytotoxic and cytokine-producing helper ILC subsets in cancer
