52 research outputs found

    Ewing Sarcoma Protein Ewsr1 Maintains Mitotic Integrity and Proneural Cell Survival in the Zebrafish Embryo

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    BACKGROUND:The Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1 gene (EWSR1), also known as EWS, is fused to a number of different partner genes as a result of chromosomal translocation in diverse sarcomas. Despite the involvement of EWSR1 in these diverse sarcomas, the in vivo function of wild type EWSR1 remains unclear. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We identified two zebrafish EWSR1 orthologues, ewsr1a and ewsr1b, and demonstrate that both genes are expressed maternally, and are expressed ubiquitously throughout zebrafish embryonic development. Morpholino induced knockdown of both zebrafish ewsr1 genes led to mitotic defects with multipolar or otherwise abnormal mitotic spindles starting from the bud stage (10 hour post-fertilization (hpf)). The abnormalities in mitotic spindles were followed by p53-mediated apoptosis in the developing central nervous system (CNS) leading to a reduction in the number of proneural cells, disorganization of neuronal networks, and embryonic lethality by 5 days post-fertilization. siRNA silencing of EWSR1 in Hela cells resulted in mitotic defects accompanied by apoptotic cell death, indicating that the role of EWSR1 is conserved between zebrafish and human. CONCLUSIONS:Ewsr1 maintains mitotic integrity and proneural cell survival in early zebrafish development

    Telophase Correction Refines Division Orientation in Stratified Epithelia

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    During organogenesis, precise control of spindle orientation balances proliferation and differentiation. In the developing murine epidermis, planar and perpendicular divisions yield symmetric and asymmetric fate outcomes, respectively. Classically, division axis specification involves centrosome migration and spindle rotation, events occurring early in mitosis. Here, we identify a novel orientation mechanism which corrects erroneous anaphase orientations during telophase. The directionality of reorientation correlates with the maintenance or loss of basal contact by the apical daughter. While the scaffolding protein LGN is known to determine initial spindle positioning, we show that LGN also functions during telophase to reorient oblique divisions toward perpendicular. The fidelity of telophase correction also relies on the tension-sensitive adherens junction proteins vinculin, α-E-catenin, and afadin. Failure of this corrective mechanism impacts tissue architecture, as persistent oblique divisions induce precocious, sustained differentiation. The division orientation plasticity provided by telophase correction may enable progenitors to adapt to local tissue needs

    Choosing the right microscope to image mitosis in zebrafish embryos: A practical guide.

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    Tissue growth and organismal development require orchestrated cell proliferation. To understand how cell division guides development, it is important to explore mitosis at the tissue-wide, cellular, and subcellular scale. At the tissue level this includes determining a tissue's mitotic index, at the cellular level the tracing of cell lineages, and at the subcellular level the characterization of intracellular components. These different tasks can be addressed by different imaging approaches (e.g., laser-scanning confocal, spinning disk confocal, and light-sheet fluorescence microscopy). Here, we summarize three protocols for exploring different facets of mitosis in developing zebrafish embryos. Zebrafish embryos are transparent and their rapid external development greatly facilitates the study of cellular processes and developmental dynamics using microscopy. A critical step in all imaging studies of mitosis in development is to choose the most suitable microscope for each scientific question. This choice is important in order to ensure a balance between the required temporal and spatial resolution and minimal phototoxicity that could otherwise perturb the process of interest. The use of different microscopy techniques, best suited for the purpose of each experiment, thus permits to generate a comprehensive and unbiased view on how mitosis influences development

    Role of polarized cell divisions in zebrafish neural tube formation

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    Development of epithelial cell polarity and morphogenesis of a central lumen are essential prerequisites for the formation of the vertebrate neural tube. In teleost fish embryos this first involves the formation of a solid neural rod structure that then undergoes a process of cavitation to form a lumen. This process is initiated from a neural plate that has a distinct organization compared to other vertebrates, and involves complex cell intercalations and rearrangements. A key element is a mode of polarized cell division that generates daughters with mirror-image apico-basal polarity. These mirror-symmetric divisions have powerful morphogenetic influence because when they occur in ectopic locations they orchestrate the development of ectopic apical and basal specializations and the development of ectopic neural tubes

    In vivo cell biology using Gal4-mediated multicolor subcellular labeling in zebrafish

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    The behavior of a cell is determined by the interplay of its subcellular components. Thus, being able to simultaneously visualize several organelles inside cells within the natural context of a living organism could greatly enhance our understanding of developmental processes. We have established a Gal4-based system for the simultaneous and cell type specific expression of multiple subcellular labels in transparent zebrafish embryos. This system offers the opportunity to follow intracellular developmental processes in a live vertebrate organism using confocal fluorescence time-lapse microscopy. Using this approach we recently showed that the centrosome neither persistently leads migration nor determines the site of axonogenesis in migrating neurons in the zebrafish cerebellum in vivo. Here we present additional in vivo findings about the centrosomal and microtubule dynamics of neuroepithelial cells during mitotic cleavages at early neural tube stages
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