32 research outputs found

    Low-frequency radio absorption in Cassiopeia A

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    Cassiopeia A is one of the best-studied supernova remnants. Its shocked ejecta emits brightly in radio and X-rays. Its unshocked ejecta can be studied through infrared emission, the radio-active decay of 44^{44}Ti, and low frequency free-free absorption due to cold gas internal to the shell. Free-free absorption is affected by the mass, geometry, temperature, and ionisation conditions in the absorbing gas. Observations at the lowest radio frequencies constrain a combination of these properties. We use LOFAR LBA observations at 30-77 MHz and L-band VLA observations to compare uvu-v-matched images with a common resolution of 17". We simultaneously fit, per pixel, for the emission measure and the ratio of the emission from the unabsorbed front of the shell versus the absorbed back of the shell. We explore the effects that low temperatures and a high degree of clumping can have on the derived physical properties, such as mass and density. We also compile published radio flux measurements, fit for the absorption processes that occur in the radio band, and consider how they affect the secular decline of the source. We find a mass in the unshocked ejecta of M=2.95±0.48MM = 2.95 \pm {0.48} \,M_{\odot} for an assumed gas temperature of T=100T=100 K. This estimate is reduced for colder gas temperatures and if the ejecta are clumped. We measure the reverse shock to have a radius of 114114" ±\pm 6". We also find that a decrease in the amount of mass in the unshocked ejecta (as more and more material meets the reverse shock and heats up) cannot account for the observed low frequency behaviour of the secular decline rate. To reconcile our low frequency absorption measurements with models that predict little mass in the unshocked ejecta we need the ejecta to be very clumped, or the temperature in the cold gas to be low (10\sim10 K). Both conditions can jointly contribute to the high absorption.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A v2: including the DOI, language edit

    A study of psychological pain in substance use disorder and its relationship to treatment outcome.

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    Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a major public health concern affecting an estimated 22.5 million individuals in the United States. The primary aim of this study was to characterize psychological pain in a cohort of patients participating in outpatient treatment for SUD. A secondary aim was to determine the relationships between pre-treatment assessments of psychological pain, depression, anxiety and hopelessness with treatment retention time and completion rates. Data was analyzed from 289 patients enrolled in an outpatient community drug treatment clinic in Southern California, U.S. A previously determined threshold score on the Mee-Bunney Psychological Pain Assessment Scale (MBP) was utilized to group patients into high and low-moderate scoring subgroups. The higher pain group scored higher on measures of anxiety, hopelessness and depression compared to those in the low-moderate pain group. Additionally, patients scoring in the higher psychological pain group exhibited reduced retention times in treatment and more than two-fold increased odds of dropout relative to patients with lower pre-treatment levels of psychological pain. Among all assessments, the correlation between psychological pain and treatment retention time was strongest. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that psychological pain is an important construct which correlates with relevant clinical outcomes in SUD. Furthermore, pre-treatment screening for psychological pain may help target higher-risk patients for clinical interventions aimed at improving treatment retention and completion rates

    The Roles of Vitamin A in the Regulation of Carbohydrate, Lipid, and Protein Metabolism

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    Currently, two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. This high prevalence of overweight/obesity negatively affects the health of the population, as obese individuals tend to develop several chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Due to obesity’s impact on health, medical costs, and longevity, the rise in the number of obese people has become a public health concern. Both genetic and environmental/dietary factors play a role in the development of metabolic diseases. Intuitively, it seems to be obvious to link over-nutrition to the development of obesity and other metabolic diseases. However, the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. Dietary nutrients not only provide energy derived from macronutrients, but also factors such as micronutrients with regulatory roles. How micronutrients, such as vitamin A (VA; retinol), regulate macronutrient homeostasis is still an ongoing research topic. As an essential micronutrient, VA plays a key role in the general health of an individual. This review summarizes recent research progress regarding VA’s role in carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism. Due to the large amount of information regarding VA functions, this review focusses on metabolism in metabolic active organs and tissues. Additionally, some perspectives for future studies will be provided