140 research outputs found

    Aintegumenta and Aintegumenta-Like6 regulate auxin-mediated flower development in Arabidopsis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Two related genes encoding AP2/ERF-type transcription factors, <it>AINTEGUMENTA </it>(<it>ANT</it>) and <it>AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 </it>(<it>AIL6</it>), are important regulators of floral growth and patterning in Arabidopsis. Evidence suggests that these genes promote several aspects of flower development in response to auxin. To investigate the interplay of <it>ANT</it>, <it>AIL6 </it>and auxin during floral development, I have examined the phenotypic consequences of disrupting polar auxin transport in <it>ant</it>, <it>ail6 </it>and <it>ant ail6 </it>mutants by either genetic or chemical means.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Plants containing mutations in <it>ANT </it>or <it>AIL6 </it>alone or in both genes together exhibit increased sensitivity to disruptions in polar auxin transport. Both genes promote shoot growth, floral meristem initiation and floral meristem patterning in combination with auxin transport. However, differences in the responses of <it>ant </it>and <it>ail6 </it>single mutants to perturbations in auxin transport suggest that these two genes also have non-overlapping activities in each of these developmental processes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The enhanced sensitivity of <it>ant </it>and <it>ail6 </it>mutants to alterations in polar auxin transport suggests that these mutants have defects in some aspect of auxin physiology. The inability of <it>ant ail6 </it>double mutants to initiate flowers in backgrounds disrupted for auxin transport confirm the proposed roles for these two genes in floral meristem initiation.</p

    Multiple innovations underpinned branching form diversification in mosses

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    International audienceBroad-scale evolutionary comparisons have shown that branching forms arose by convergencein vascular plants and bryophytes, but the trajectory of branching form diversificationin bryophytes is unclear. Mosses are the most species-rich bryophyte lineage andtwo sub-groups are circumscribed by alternative reproductive organ placements. In one,reproductive organs form apically, terminating growth of the primary shoot (gametophore)axis. In the other, reproductive organs develop on very short lateral branches. Aswitch from apical to lateral reproductive organ development is proposed to have primedbranching form diversification. Moss gametophores have modular development and each module develops from a singleapical cell. Here we define the architectures of 175 mosses by the number of module classes,branching patterns and the pattern in which similar modules repeat. Using ancestral characterstate reconstruction we identify two stages of architectural diversification. During a first stage there were sequential changes in the module repetition pattern, reproductiveorgan position, branching pattern and the number of module classes. During a secondstage, vegetative changes occurred independently of reproductive fate. The results pinpoint the nature of developmental change priming branching form diversificationin mosses and provide a framework for mechanistic studies of architectural diversificatio

    Auxin transport-feedback models of patterning in plants

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    Many patterning events in plants are regulated by the phytohormone auxin. In fact, so many things are under the influence of auxin that it seems difficult to understand how a single hormone can do so much. Auxin moves throughout the plant via a network of specialized membrane-bound import and export proteins, which are often differentially expressed and polarized depending on tissue type. Here, we review simulation models of pattern formation that are based on the control of these transporters by auxin itself. In these transport-feedback models, diversity in patterning comes not from the addition of more morphogens, but rather by varying the mechanism that regulates the transporters

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    The development and morphology of vascular plants is critically determined by synthesis and proper distribution of the phytohormone auxin. The directed cell-to-cell distribution of auxin is achieved through a system of auxin influx and efflux transporters. PIN-FORMED (PIN) proteins are proposed auxin efflux transporters, and auxin fluxes can seemingly be predicted based on the—in many cells—asymmetric plasma membrane distribution of PINs. Here, we show in a heterologous Xenopus oocyte system as well as in Arabidopsis thaliana inflorescence stems that PIN-mediated auxin transport is directly activated by D6 PROTEIN KINASE (D6PK) and PINOID (PID)/WAG kinases of the Arabidopsis AGCVIII kinase family. At the same time, we reveal that D6PKs and PID have differential phosphosite preferences. Our study suggests that PIN activation by protein kinases is a crucial component of auxin transport control that must be taken into account to understand auxin distribution within the plant. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02860.00

    Role of the Arabidopsis PIN6 auxin transporter in auxin homeostasis and auxin-mediated development

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    Plant-specific PIN-formed (PIN) efflux transporters for the plant hormone auxin are required for tissue-specific directional auxin transport and cellular auxin homeostasis. The Arabidopsis PIN protein family has been shown to play important roles in developmental processes such as embryogenesis, organogenesis, vascular tissue differentiation, root meristem patterning and tropic growth. Here we analyzed roles of the less characterised Arabidopsis PIN6 auxin transporter. PIN6 is auxin-inducible and is expressed during multiple auxin–regulated developmental processes. Loss of pin6 function interfered with primary root growth and lateral root development. Misexpression of PIN6 affected auxin transport and interfered with auxin homeostasis in other growth processes such as shoot apical dominance, lateral root primordia development, adventitious root formation, root hair outgrowth and root waving. These changes in auxin-regulated growth correlated with a reduction in total auxin transport as well as with an altered activity of DR5-GUS auxin response reporter. Overall, the data indicate that PIN6 regulates auxin homeostasis during plant development.Christopher I. Cazzonelli, Marleen Vanstraelen, Sibu Simon, Kuide Yin, Ashley Carron-Arthur, Nazia Nisar, Gauri Tarle, Abby J. Cuttriss¤, Iain R. Searle, Eva Benkova, Ulrike Mathesius, Josette Masle, Jiří Friml, Barry J. Pogso

    Auxin Response Factor2 (ARF2) and Its Regulated Homeodomain Gene HB33 Mediate Abscisic Acid Response in Arabidopsis

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    The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) is an important regulator of plant development and response to environmental stresses. In this study, we identified two ABA overly sensitive mutant alleles in a gene encoding Auxin Response Factor2 (ARF2). The expression of ARF2 was induced by ABA treatment. The arf2 mutants showed enhanced ABA sensitivity in seed germination and primary root growth. In contrast, the primary root growth and seed germination of transgenic plants over-expressing ARF2 are less inhibited by ABA than that of the wild type. ARF2 negatively regulates the expression of a homeodomain gene HB33, the expression of which is reduced by ABA. Transgenic plants over-expressing HB33 are more sensitive, while transgenic plants reducing HB33 by RNAi are more resistant to ABA in the seed germination and primary root growth than the wild type. ABA treatment altered auxin distribution in the primary root tips and made the relative, but not absolute, auxin accumulation or auxin signal around quiescent centre cells and their surrounding columella stem cells to other cells stronger in arf2-101 than in the wild type. These results indicate that ARF2 and HB33 are novel regulators in the ABA signal pathway, which has crosstalk with auxin signal pathway in regulating plant growth

    Characterization of auxin transporter PIN6 plasma membrane targeting reveals a function for PIN6 in plant bolting

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    Auxin gradients are sustained by series of influx and efflux carriers whose subcellular localization is sensitive to both exogenous and endogenous factors. Recently the localization of the Arabidopsis thaliana auxin efflux carrier PIN-FORMED (PIN) 6 was reported to be tissue-specific and regulated through unknown mechanisms. Here, we used genetic, molecular and pharmacological approaches to characterize the molecular mechanism(s) controlling the subcellular localization of PIN6. PIN6 localizes to endomembrane domains in tissues with low PIN6 expression levels such as roots, but localizes at the plasma membrane (PM) in tissues with increased PIN6 expression such as the inflorescence stem and nectary glands. We provide evidence that this dual localization is controlled by PIN6 phosphorylation and demonstrate that PIN6 is phosphorylated by mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) MPK4 and MPK6. The analysis of transgenic plants expressing PIN6 at PM or in endomembrane domains reveals that PIN6 subcellular localization is critical for Arabidopsis inflorescence stem elongation post-flowering (bolting). In line with a role for PIN6 in plant bolting, inflorescence stems elongate faster in pin6 mutant plants than in wild-type plants. We propose that PIN6 subcellular localization is under the control of developmental signals acting on tissue-specific determinants controlling PIN6-expression levels and PIN6 phosphorylation