8,218 research outputs found

    Sonophoresis efficiency: consequences of methyl donors supplementation at early developmental stage in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Effects on growth, nutrient metabolism, egg and larval quality, and methylation patterns of larvae and juvenile fish

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016It is essential that the vegetable ingredients that will be use in Aquaculture feeds can maintain the growth parameters in fish when compared with the fish meal diets. Studies have shown that the replacement may be achieved until a certain level without affecting the growth parameters. Sometimes the vegetable diets lack essential amino acids that need to be supplemented in the feeds, one of the amino acids that sometimes is lacking is the Methionine. In this study the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata, L. 1758) eggs were supplemented with Methionine to understand if the supplementation had an effect in the larvae growth. The supplementation was performing using the innovative technique Sonophoresis. The amount of Methionine that entered the supplemented eggs was 33.1- fold higher than in the eggs that were not supplemented. Due to the supplementation the oil globule area of the larvae of the treatment MET was higher in the 2 and 4 days after hatching (DAH), also the dry weight was higher in the larvae of treatment MET during the first week. After the first week the larvae of both treatments presented similar growth parameters so a later supplementation was planned and performed at 57 DAH. This second supplementation was done using a Vegetable feed (VEG) supplemented with methionine. At the end of the experiment the juveniles that were from the eggs supplemented and were fed with VEG diet (METVEG) presented higher condition factor (K). In conclusion the Sonophoresis technique was a success, which allowed the alteration of the composition of the egg with the methionine, the early supplementation was able to promote growth in gilthead seabream larvae. The VEG diet did not negatively affected the survival and promoted fish to achieve similar weight to the FM diet

    Biological functions of CDK5 and potential CDK5 targeted clinical treatments.

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    Cyclin dependent kinases are proline-directed serine/threonine protein kinases that are traditionally activated upon association with a regulatory subunit. For most CDKs, activation by a cyclin occurs through association and phosphorylation of the CDK\u27s T-loop. CDK5 is unusual because it is not typically activated upon binding with a cyclin and does not require T-loop phosphorylation for activation, even though it has high amino acid sequence homology with other CDKs. While it was previously thought that CDK5 only interacted with p35 or p39 and their cleaved counterparts, Recent evidence suggests that CDK5 can interact with certain cylins, amongst other proteins, which modulate CDK5 activity levels. This review discusses recent findings of molecular interactions that regulate CDK5 activity and CDK5 associated pathways that are implicated in various diseases. Also covered herein is the growing body of evidence for CDK5 in contributing to the onset and progression of tumorigenesis

    A Rare Presentation of Invasive Tuberculosis of the Central Nervous System in an Immunocompetent Patient in a Nonendemic Country.

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    We herein report a rare case of a 25-year-old immunocompetent male patient with disseminated tuberculosis of central nervous system (CNS), first presenting as multiple cerebral lesions with no meningeal involvement. Subsequent diagnostic workup disclosed extensive peritoneal involvement. A broad differential diagnosis was considered, including neoplastic and infectious diseases. The diagnosis was confirmed with positive PCR result for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the biopsied mesenteric tissue. The patient was started on tuberculostatic regimen with favorable outcome. No acquired or hereditary immunodeficiency was documented. Disseminated tuberculosis in immunocompetent individuals is extremely rare. Genetic susceptibility factors have been reported in individuals with extensive forms of the disease and a high index of suspicion is required, as observed in our case.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Afluências e confluências de um design incógnito

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    A ‘mínima moralia’ do designer, num mundo de confluências adstrito, submergindo nas ideias e nas confrontações. O Design como agente de engenho e de olhar atento sob as gramáticas do quotidiano despontando sobre esse ‘hapening’ ‘glocal’ em que as lógicas de imprevisibilidade, improbabilidade e ‘desenrascanço’, podem ser agentes dinâmicos de práticas de auto-produção, identidade e sustentabilidade

    As Bibliotecas, o(s) seu(s) público(s) e o desafio do «não-público» Uma reflexão a partir do pensamento de Francis Jeanson

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    Desde que Francis Jeanson a formulou - em finais dos anos 60 – que a noção de «não-público» tem desempenhado um papel importante na reflexão teórica sobre Política Cultural. Mas tem igualmente, em termos práticos, manifestado a sua pertinência na análise do funcionamento dos equipamentos e instituições culturais, designadamente das Bibliotecas

    La incidencia de la práctica físico-deportiva de los padres hacia sus hijos durante la infancia y la adolescencia

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    Se ha realizado una investigación sobre los hábitos de vida en relación con la salud, concretamente sobre la relación existente entre los hábitos de práctica de actividad física en escolares de primaria y secundaria obligatoria, en función de la práctica físico-deportiva por parte de sus padres. Para realizar dicha investigación se han utilizado cuestionarios validados mediante dos estudios piloto dobles, con las respuestas a un primer y segundo cuestionario readaptado, por medio de un grupo control en cada uno de los niveles educativos mencionados. Los resultados del estudio confirman una clara involución de la práctica física en el paso de un nivel educativo a otro, existiendo diferencias estadísticamente significativas a favor de los varones. Del mismo modo, el hábito de practicar actividad física frecuentemente tanto el padre como la madre del joven favorece una mayor participación deportiva por parte del escola
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