1,888 research outputs found

    Fundamental Rights in the Use and Abuse of the Social Networks in Italy: Criminal Aspects

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    Aquesta anàlisi dels comportaments il·lícits en l’ús i l’abús de les xarxes socials se centra, en primer lloc, en els delictes que aquestes conductes poden configurar (epígrafs 3 a 6) –alguns dels quals són s’han introduït recentment, com el ciberassetjament a menors (child grooming)–, en els quals els usuaris de les xarxes poden ser tant autors com víctimes de les violacions dels drets fonamentals que aquestes conductes afecten (epígraf 2). En segon lloc, es tracta de la qüestió de la possible responsabilitat penal dels gestors de les xarxes socials –que es poden reconduir a la categoria general dels proveïdors de serveis d’internet– que assumeixen un paper cada vegada més incisiu i protagonista en l’evolució del sistema i, per tant, també en les estratègies de prevenció i control de les activitats il·lícites a la xarxa (epígraf 7). Els principals aspectes crítics sorgits d’aquesta investigació suggereixen algunes indicacions inicials per a adequar el dret penal que regula aquesta matèria a les necessitats que presenta. This analysis of criminal behaviour in the use and abuse of social networks focuses, firstly, on the crimes that this behaviour can lead to (epigraphs 3 to 6) – some of which have been introduced recently, such as child grooming – where users of these networks can be both the offender or victim in the violation of the fundamental rights affected by such behaviour (epigraph 2). Secondly, it looks at the question of the possible criminal responsibility of social network managers – who are taking on an increasingly incisive role and becoming more important agents in the system’s evolution, and, thus, also in the strategies for preventing and controlling criminal activities on the web (epigraph 7). The main critical aspects arising from this research highlight initial indications for how to adapt the criminal law regulating this area to the current needs.Este análisis de los comportamientos ilícitos en el uso y el abuso de las redes sociales se centra, en primer lugar, en los delitos que estas conductas pueden configurar (epígrafes 3 a 6) –algunos de ellos de reciente introducción, como el de child grooming– en que los usuarios de las redes pueden ser tanto autores como víctimas de las violaciones de los derechos fundamentales a los que tales conductas afectan (epígrafe 2). En segundo lugar, se trata la cuestión de la posible responsabilidad penal de los gestores de las redes sociales –que se pueden reconducir a la categoría general de los internet service providers– que están asumiendo un papel cada vez más incisivo y protagonista en la evolución del sistema y, por tanto, también en las estrategias de prevención y control de las actividades ilícitas en la red (epígrafe 7). Los principales aspectos críticos surgidos de la presente investigación sugieren algunas indicaciones iniciales para adecuar el derecho penal que regula esta materia a las necesidades que presenta

    Recent Workshops of the HUPO Human Plasma Proteome Project (HPPP): A bridge with the HUPO CardioVascular Initiative and the emergence of SRM targeted proteomics

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    We hereby provide a two‐year update on the HUPO Human Plasma Proteome Project (HPPP) informed by advances presented at the HPPP sessions at the HUPO World Congresses in Toronto in September 2009 and in Sydney in September 2010.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86860/1/3439_ftp.pd

    América en la historia

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    En homenaje a la meritoria tarea de Leopoldo Zea con respecto a los estudios latinoamericanos, se recuerda, en el sentido histórico de esta palabra, su trascendental planteo en América en la historia, orientado a visualizar y valorar a ésta a partir de ella misma como parte singular protagónica de la historia humana. En esta vía se intenta explicitar un contexto de nociones que permiten sostener adecuadamente este planteo, así como referirse al desafío de la propia emergencia civilizatoria y a la actitud teórica y práctica que ello supone.Fil: Picotti, Dina V.

    Phosphorylation of nuclear Tau is modulated by distinct cellular pathways

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    Post-translational protein modification controls the function of Tau as a scaffold protein linking a variety of molecular partners. This is most studied in the context of microtubules, where Tau regulates their stability as well as the distribution of cellular components to defined compartments. However, Tau is also located in the cell nucleus; and is found to protect DNA. Quantitative assessment of Tau modification in the nucleus when compared to the cytosol may elucidate how subcellular distribution and function of Tau is regulated. We undertook an unbiased approach by combing bimolecular fluorescent complementation and mass spectrometry in order to show that Tau phosphorylation at specific residues is increased in the nucleus of proliferating pluripotent neuronal C17.2 and neuroblastoma\ua0SY5Y cells. These findings were validated with the use of nuclear targeted Tau and subcellular fractionation, in particular for the phosphorylation at T181, T212 and S404. We also report that the DNA damaging drug Etoposide increases the translocation of Tau to the nucleus whilst reducing its phosphorylation. We propose that overt phosphorylation of Tau, a hallmark of neurodegenerative disorders defined as tauopathies, may negatively regulate the function of nuclear Tau in protecting against DNA damage

    Angular and Frequency-Dependent Wave Velocity and Attenuation in Fractured Porous Media

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    Wave-induced fluid flow generates a dominant attenuation mechanism in porous media. It consists of energy loss due to P-wave conversion to Biot (diffusive) modes at mesoscopic-scale inhomogeneities. Fractured poroelastic media show significant attenuation and velocity dispersion due to this mechanism. The theory has first been developed for the symmetry axis of the equivalent transversely isotropic (TI) medium corresponding to a poroelastic medium containing planar fractures. In this work, we consider the theory for all propagation angles by obtaining the five complex and frequency-dependent stiffnesses of the equivalent TI medium as a function of frequency. We assume that the flow direction is perpendicular to the layering plane and is independent of the loading direction. As a consequence, the behaviour of the medium can be described by a single relaxation function. We first consider the limiting case of an open (highly permeable) fracture of negligible thickness. We then compute the associated wave velocities and quality factors as a function of the propagation direction (phase and ray angles) and frequency. The location of the relaxation peak depends on the distance between fractures (the mesoscopic distance), viscosity, permeability and fractures compliances. The flow induced by wave propagation affects the quasi-shear (qS) wave with levels of attenuation similar to those of the quasi-compressional (qP) wave.On the other hand, a general fracture can be modeled as a sequence of poroelastic layers, where one of the layers is very thin. Modeling fractures of different thickness filled with CO2 embedded in a background medium saturated with a stiffer fluid also shows considerable attenuation and velocity dispersion. If the fracture and background frames are the same, the equivalent medium is isotropic, but strong wave anisotropy occurs in the case of a frameless and highly permeable fracture material, for instance a suspension of solid particles in the fluid

    Numerical experiments of fracture-induced velocity and attenuation anisotropy

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    Fractures are common in the Earth's crust due to different factors, for instance, tectonic stresses and natural or artificial hydraulic fracturing caused by a pressurized fluid. A dense set of fractures behaves as an effective long-wavelength anisotropic medium, leading to azimuthally varying velocity and attenuation of seismic waves. Effective in this case means that the predominant wavelength is much longer than the fracture spacing. Here, fractures are represented by surface discontinuities in the displacement u and particle velocity v as [κ · u + η · v], where the brackets denote the discontinuity across the surface, κ is a fracture stiffness and η is a fracture viscosity. We consider an isotropic background medium, where a set of fractures are embedded. There exists an analytical solution-with five stiffness components-for equispaced plane fractures and an homogeneous background medium. The theory predicts that the equivalent medium is transversely isotropic and viscoelastic. We then perform harmonic numerical experiments to compute the stiffness components as a function of frequency, by using a Galerkin finite-element procedure, and obtain the complex velocities of the medium as a function of frequency and propagation direction, which provide the phase velocities, energy velocities (wavefronts) and quality factors. The algorithm is tested with the analytical solution and then used to obtain the stiffness components for general heterogeneous cases, where fractal variations of the fracture compliances and background stiffnesses are considered.Este documento tiene una corrección (ver documento relacionado).Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Anisotropic poroelasticity and wave-induced fluid flow: Harmonic finite-element simulations

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    A dominant P-wave attenuation mechanism in reservoir rocks at seismic frequencies is due to wave-induced fluid flow (mesoscopic loss). The P-wave induces a fluid-pressure difference at mesoscopic-scale inhomogeneities (larger than the pore size but smaller than the wavelength), generating fluid flow and slow (diffusion) Biot waves. The theory has been developed in the 1970s for the symmetry axis of the equivalent transversely isotropic (TI) medium corresponding to a finely layered medium, and has recently been generalized to all propagation angles. The new theory states that the fluid-flow direction is perpendicular to the layering plane and it is independent of the loading direction. As a consequence, the relaxation behaviour can be described by a single relaxation function, since the medium consists of plane homogeneous layers. Besides P-wave losses, the coupling between the qP and qSV waves generates shear-wave anisotropic velocity dispersion and attenuation. In this work, we introduce a set of quasi-static numerical experiments to determine the equivalent viscoelastic TI medium to a finely layered poroelastic medium, which is validated using a recently developed analytical solution. The modelling technique is the finite-element (FE) method, where the equations of motion are solved in the space-frequency domain. Numerical rock physics may, in many circumstances, offer an alternative to laboratory measurements. Numerical experiments are inexpensive and informative since the physical process of wave propagation can be inspected during the experiment. Moreover, they are repeatable, essentially free from experimental errors, and may easily be run using alternative models of the rock and fluid properties. We apply the methodology to the Utsira aquifer of the North Sea, where carbon dioxide (CO2) has been injected during the last 15 years. The tests consider alternating layers of the same rock saturated with gas and brine and a sequence of gas-saturated sandstone and mudstone layers, which represent possible models of the reservoir and cap rock of the aquifer system. The numerical examples confirm the new theory and illustrate the implementation of the harmonic tests to determine the complex and frequency-dependent effective stiffnesses and the associated wave velocities and quality factors.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Terrorismo e sistema penale: realt\ue0, prospettive, limiti - Relazione di sintesi

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    Il testo riproduce la relazione di sintesi del VII Corso \u201cGiuliano Vassalli\u201d per dottorandi e giovani penalisti svoltosi a Noto nel 2016. Si affrontano le principali questioni trattate, poste dalla nuova legislazione italiana per la lotta al terrorismo, che ha dato attuazione a plurime fonti sovranazionali, soprattutto con riferimento all\u2019anticipazione della punibilit\ue0 tramite la formulazione di fattispecie a dolo specifico e l\u2019incriminazione di atti preparatori quali autonomi delitti, accanto alla fattispecie di associazione terroristica. Si considerano anche taluni aspetti di diritto processuale penale e si conclude evidenziando la necessit\ue0 che l\u2019adeguamento del diritto penale alle nuove sfide poste dal terrorismo non pregiudichi la salvaguardia delle garanzie fondamentali dello Stato di diritto