114 research outputs found

    Intraflagellar transport 27 is essential for hedgehog signaling but dispensable for ciliogenesis during hair follicle morphogenesis

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    Hair follicle morphogenesis requires precisely controlled reciprocal communications, including hedgehog (Hh) signaling. Activation of the Hh signaling pathway relies on the primary cilium. Disrupting ciliogenesis results in hair follicle morphogenesis defects due to attenuated Hh signaling; however, the loss of cilia makes it impossible to determine whether hair follicle phenotypes in these cilia mutants are caused by the loss of cilia, disruption of Hh signaling, or a combination of these events. In this study, we characterized the function of Ift27, which encodes a subunit of intraflagellar transport (IFT) complex B. Hair follicle morphogenesis of Ift27-null mice was severely impaired, reminiscent of phenotypes observed in cilia and Hh mutants. Furthermore, the Hh signaling pathway was attenuated in Ift27 mutants, which was in association with abnormal ciliary trafficking of SMO and GLI2, and impaired processing of Gli transcription factors; however, formation of the ciliary axoneme was unaffected. The ciliary localization of IFT25 (HSPB11), the binding partner of IFT27, was disrupted in Ift27 mutant cells, and Ift25-null mice displayed hair follicle phenotypes similar to those of Ift27 mutants. These data suggest that Ift27 and Ift25 operate in a genetically and functionally dependent manner during hair follicle morphogenesis. This study suggests that the molecular trafficking machineries underlying ciliogenesis and Hh signaling can be segregated, thereby providing important insights into new avenues of inhibiting Hh signaling, which might be adopted in the development of targeted therapies for Hh-dependent cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma

    Autonomous and non-cell autonomous role of cilia in structural birth defects in mice

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    Ciliopathies are associated with wide spectrum of structral birth defects (SBDs), indicating impoartant roles for cilia in decelopment , here we provide novel insights into the temporospatial requirement for cilia in SBDs arising from deficiency in Ift140, an intraflagellar transport (IFT) protein regulating ciliogenesis. Ift140-deficient mice exhibit cilia defects accompanied by wide spectrum of SBDs including macrostomia (craniofacial defects), exencephaly, body wall defects, tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), randomized heart looping, congenital heart defects (CHDs), lung hypoplasia, renal anomalies, and polydactyly. Tamoxifen inducible CAGGCre-ER deletion of a floxed Ift140 allele between E5.5 to 9.5 revealed early requirement for Ift140 in left-right heart looping regulation, mid to late requirement for cardiac outflow septation and alignment, and late requirement for craniofacial development and body wall closure. Surprisingly, CHD were not observed with 4 Cre drivers targeting different lineages essential for heart development, but craniofacial defects and omphalocele were observed with Wnt1-Cre targeting neural crest and Tbx18-Cre targeting epicardial lineage and rostral sclerotome through which trunk neural crest cells migrate. These findings revealed cell autonomous role of cilia in cranial/trunk neural crest-mediated craniofacial and body wall closure defects, while non-cell autonomous multi-lineage interactions underlie CHD pathogenesis, revealing unexpected developmental complexity for CHD associated with ciliopathies

    IFT74 variants cause skeletal ciliopathy and motile cilia defects in mice and humans

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    Motile and non-motile cilia play critical roles in mammalian development and health. These organelles are composed of a 1000 or more unique proteins, but their assembly depends entirely on proteins synthesized in the cell body and transported into the cilium by intraflagellar transport (IFT). In mammals, malfunction of non-motile cilia due to IFT dysfunction results in complex developmental phenotypes that affect most organs. In contrast, disruption of motile cilia function causes subfertility, disruption of the left-right body axis, and recurrent airway infections with progressive lung damage. In this work, we characterize allele specific phenotypes resulting from IFT74 dysfunction in human and mice. We identified two families carrying a deletion encompassing IFT74 exon 2, the first coding exon, resulting in a protein lacking the first 40 amino acids and two individuals carrying biallelic splice site mutations. Homozygous exon 2 deletion cases presented a ciliary chondrodysplasia with narrow thorax and progressive growth retardation along with a mucociliary clearance disorder phenotype with severely shorted cilia. Splice site variants resulted in a lethal skeletal chondrodysplasia phenotype. In mice, removal of the first 40 amino acids likewise results in a motile cilia phenotype but with little effect on primary cilia structure. Mice carrying this allele are born alive but are growth restricted and developed hydrocephaly in the first month of life. In contrast, a strong, likely null, allele of Ift74 in mouse completely blocks ciliary assembly and causes severe heart defects and midgestational lethality. In vitro studies suggest that the first 40 amino acids of IFT74 are dispensable for binding of other IFT subunits but are important for tubulin binding. Higher demands on tubulin transport in motile cilia compared to primary cilia resulting from increased mechanical stress and repair needs could account for the motile cilia phenotype observed in human and mice

    IFT74 variants cause skeletal ciliopathy and motile cilia defects in mice and humans

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    Motile and non-motile cilia play critical roles in mammalian development and health. These organelles are composed of a 1000 or more unique proteins, but their assembly depends entirely on proteins synthesized in the cell body and transported into the cilium by intraflagellar transport (IFT). In mammals, malfunction of non-motile cilia due to IFT dysfunction results in complex developmental phenotypes that affect most organs. In contrast, disruption of motile cilia function causes subfertility, disruption of the left-right body axis, and recurrent airway infections with progressive lung damage. In this work, we characterize allele specific phenotypes resulting from IFT74 dysfunction in human and mice. We identified two families carrying a deletion encompassing IFT74 exon 2, the first coding exon, resulting in a protein lacking the first 40 amino acids and two individuals carrying biallelic splice site mutations. Homozygous exon 2 deletion cases presented a ciliary chondrodysplasia with narrow thorax and progressive growth retardation along with a mucociliary clearance disorder phenotype with severely shorted cilia. Splice site variants resulted in a lethal skeletal chondrodysplasia phenotype. In mice, removal of the first 40 amino acids likewise results in a motile cilia phenotype but with little effect on primary cilia structure. Mice carrying this allele are born alive but are growth restricted and developed hydrocephaly in the first month of life. In contrast, a strong, likely null, allele of Ift74 in mouse completely blocks ciliary assembly and causes severe heart defects and midgestational lethality. In vitro studies suggest that the first 40 amino acids of IFT74 are dispensable for binding of other IFT subunits but are important for tubulin binding. Higher demands on tubulin transport in motile cilia compared to primary cilia resulting from increased mechanical stress and repair needs could account for the motile cilia phenotype observed in human and mice

    Inhibitory Effect of Ursodeoxycholic Acid on Clostridium difficile Germination Is Insufficient to Prevent Colitis: A Study in Hamsters and Humans

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    Introduction: Bile acids (BA) influence germination and growth of Clostridium difficile. Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), a BA minor in human, used for cholestatic liver diseases, inhibits germination and growth of C. difficile in vitro, but was never tested in vivo with an infectious challenge versus control. We hypothesized that UDCA could prevent CDI. We evaluated the effects of UDCA on C. difficile in vitro and in hamsters, with pharmacokinetics study and with an infectious challenge. Then, we studied CDI incidence in UDCA–treated patients.Methods: We evaluated germination and growth of C. difficile, with 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1% UDCA. We analyzed fecal BA of hamsters receiving antibiotics and UDCA (50 mg/kg/day), antibiotics, or UDCA alone. Then, we challenged with spores of C. difficile at D6 hamsters treated with UDCA (50 mg/kg/day) from D1 to D13, versus control. In human, we analyzed the database of a cohort on CDI in acute flares of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). As PSC-IBD patients were under UDCA treatment, we compared PSC-IBD patients to IBD patients without PSC.Results:In vitro, UDCA inhibited germination and growth of C. difficile at 0.05 and 0.1%, competing with 0.1% TCA (with 0.1%: 0.05% ± 0.05% colony forming unit versus 100% ± 0%, P < 0.0001). In hamsters, UDCA reached high levels only when administered with antibiotics (43.5% UDCA at D5). Without antibiotics, UDCA was in small amount in feces (max. 4.28%), probably because of UDCA transformation into LCA by gut microbiota. During infectious challenge, mortality was similar in animals treated or not with UDCA (62.5%, n = 5/8, P = 0.78). UDCA percentage was high, similar and with the same kinetics in dead and surviving hamsters. However, dead hamsters had a higher ratio of primary over secondary BA compared to surviving hamsters. 9% (n = 41/404) of IBD patients without PSC had a CDI, versus 25% (n = 4/12) of PSC-IBD patients treated with UDCA.Conclusion: We confirmed the inhibitory effect of UDCA on growth and germination of C. difficile in vitro, with 0.05 or 0.1% UDCA. However, in our hamster model, UDCA was inefficient to prevent CDI, despite high levels of UDCA in feces. Patients with PSC-IBD treated with UDCA did not have less CDI than IBD patients

    Fifteen years of research on oral–facial–digital syndromes: from 1 to 16 causal genes

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    Oral–facial–digital syndromes (OFDS) gather rare genetic disorders characterised by facial, oral and digital abnormalities associated with a wide range of additional features (polycystic kidney disease, cerebral malformations and several others) to delineate a growing list of OFDS subtypes. The most frequent, OFD type I, is caused by a heterozygous mutation in the OFD1 gene encoding a centrosomal protein. The wide clinical heterogeneity of OFDS suggests the involvement of other ciliary genes. For 15 years, we have aimed to identify the molecular bases of OFDS. This effort has been greatly helped by the recent development of whole-exome sequencing (WES). Here, we present all our published and unpublished results for WES in 24 cases with OFDS. We identified causal variants in five new genes (C2CD3, TMEM107, INTU, KIAA0753 and IFT57) and related the clinical spectrum of four genes in other ciliopathies (C5orf42, TMEM138, TMEM231 and WDPCP) to OFDS. Mutations were also detected in two genes previously implicated in OFDS. Functional studies revealed the involvement of centriole elongation, transition zone and intraflagellar transport defects in OFDS, thus characterising three ciliary protein modules: the complex KIAA0753-FOPNL-OFD1, a regulator of centriole elongation; the Meckel-Gruber syndrome module, a major component of the transition zone; and the CPLANE complex necessary for IFT-A assembly. OFDS now appear to be a distinct subgroup of ciliopathies with wide heterogeneity, which makes the initial classification obsolete. A clinical classification restricted to the three frequent/well-delineated subtypes could be proposed, and for patients who do not fit one of these three main subtypes, a further classification could be based on the genotype

    Caractérisation fonctionnelle de l'interaction entre la protéine centrosomienne CAP350 et le suppresseur de tumeur CYLD

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    La cylindromatose familiale est une pathologie qui prédispose les patients à développer des tumeurs de la peau appelées cylindromes. Ces patients portent une mutation du gène cyld qui mène au développement de cylindromes, montrant ainsi la fonction de suppresseur de tumeur de CYLD. CYLD contient un domaine catalytique qui hydrolyse les chaînes d ubiquitines liées par les Lysines en position 63. Des études ont également montré que le domaine catalytique confère à CYLD un rôle de régulateur négatif des voies NF-kB, Jun Kinase (JNK) et Wnt. Cependant, la fonction exacte de CYLD dans le développement des cylindromes reste encore inconnue. Afin de mieux comprendre la fonction de CYLD, différents modèles murins ont été générés. Des souris présentant une délétion partielle du domaine ubiquitine hydrolase ont été conçues. Contrairement au phénotype léger observé chez les souris n exprimant pas la protéine, ces souris CYLDdel932 qui expriment CYLD présentent un phénotype drastique puisque les souris homozygotes meurent à la naissance d un problème respiratoire. Lors d expériences d immunoprécipitations suivies de spectroscopie de masse, CYLD a été trouvé comme interagissant avec la protéine du centrosome CAP350. Durant ce travail de thèse, nous avons confirmé l interaction endogène de ces deux protéines et nous avons montré que CYLD est présente au centrosome dans les cellules RPE1. De plus, dans des cellules multiciliées, CYLD est également présente à l'extrémité des cils. Au final, différentes expériences sur les tissus et cellules de ces souris nous ont permis de mettre en évidence un rôle de CYLD dans la régulation de la ciliogenèseCylindromatosis is a pathology that gives rise to skin tumors called cylindromas. Patients carry a mutation in the CYLD gene leading to the development of cylidromas. Thus CYLD is a tumor suppressor. CYLD sequence contains a catalytic domain which hydrolases K63-linked ubiquitins. Several studies showed that this domain gives CYLD the ability to regulate NF-kB, Jun Kinase (JNK) and Wnt signalling pathways. However, CYLD functions in cylindroma development is still poorely understood. To better understand this function, various murine models were created . Mice carrying a partial deletion of the catalytic domain of CYLD (CYLD del 932) die at birth from respiratory failure unlike CYLD KO mice. In immunoprecipitation experiments followed by mass spectroscopy, CYLD was found in interaction with CAP350, a centrosomal protein. During this work, we confirmed this interaction in several types of cells at endogenous level. We also showed that CYLD is localised at the centrosome and at the tip of motile cilia axoneme. Eventually, in experiments with CYLDdel932 mice tissue, we were able to show that CYLD is a regulator of ciliogenesisPARIS-BIUSJ-Biologie recherche (751052107) / SudocSudocFranceF