776 research outputs found

    Redox-induced mobilization of Ag, Sb, Sn, and Tl in the dissolved, colloidal and solid phase of a biochar-treated and un-treated mining soil

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    The aim of this work was to study the redox-induced mobilization of Ag, Sb, Sn, and Tl in the dissolved, colloidal, and sediment phase of a mining soil treated and untreated with biochar as affected by the redox potential (E-H)-dependent changes of soil pH, dissolved organic carbon, Fe, Mn and S. The experiment was conducted stepwise at two E-H cycles (+200 mV -> -30 mV -> +333 mV -> 0 mV) using biogeochemical microcosm. Silver was abundant in the colloidal fraction in both cycles, indicating that Ag might be associated with colloids under different redox conditions. Antimony, Sn and Tl were abundant in the colloidal fraction in the first cycle and in the dissolved fraction in the second cycle, which indicates that they are retained by colloids under oxic acidic conditions and released under reducing alkaline conditions. Release of dissolved Sb, Sn, and Tl was governed positively by pH, Fe, S, and dissolved aromatic compounds. Biochar mitigated Ag release, but promoted Sb, Sn, and Tl mobilization, which might be due to the wider range of E-H (-12 to +333) and pH (4.9-8.1) in the biochar treated soil than the un-treated soil (E-H = -30 to +218; pH = 5.9-8.6). Also, the biochar surface functional groups may act as electron donors for the Sb, Sn, and Tl reduction reactions, and thus biochar may play an important role in reducing Tl3+ to Tl+, Sb5+ to Sb3+, and Sn4+ to Sn2+, which increase their solubility under reducing conditions as compared to oxic conditions. Thallium and Sb exhibit higher potential mobility in the solid phase than Sn and Ag. Biochar increased the potential mobility of Sb, Sn, and Tl under oxic acidic conditions. The results improve our understanding of the redox-driven mobilization of these contaminants in soils

    Mean-field equations for stochastic firing-rate neural fields with delays: Derivation and noise-induced transitions

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    In this manuscript we analyze the collective behavior of mean-field limits of large-scale, spatially extended stochastic neuronal networks with delays. Rigorously, the asymptotic regime of such systems is characterized by a very intricate stochastic delayed integro-differential McKean-Vlasov equation that remain impenetrable, leaving the stochastic collective dynamics of such networks poorly understood. In order to study these macroscopic dynamics, we analyze networks of firing-rate neurons, i.e. with linear intrinsic dynamics and sigmoidal interactions. In that case, we prove that the solution of the mean-field equation is Gaussian, hence characterized by its two first moments, and that these two quantities satisfy a set of coupled delayed integro-differential equations. These equations are similar to usual neural field equations, and incorporate noise levels as a parameter, allowing analysis of noise-induced transitions. We identify through bifurcation analysis several qualitative transitions due to noise in the mean-field limit. In particular, stabilization of spatially homogeneous solutions, synchronized oscillations, bumps, chaotic dynamics, wave or bump splitting are exhibited and arise from static or dynamic Turing-Hopf bifurcations. These surprising phenomena allow further exploring the role of noise in the nervous system.Comment: Updated to the latest version published, and clarified the dependence in space of Brownian motion

    Finite-size and correlation-induced effects in Mean-field Dynamics

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    The brain's activity is characterized by the interaction of a very large number of neurons that are strongly affected by noise. However, signals often arise at macroscopic scales integrating the effect of many neurons into a reliable pattern of activity. In order to study such large neuronal assemblies, one is often led to derive mean-field limits summarizing the effect of the interaction of a large number of neurons into an effective signal. Classical mean-field approaches consider the evolution of a deterministic variable, the mean activity, thus neglecting the stochastic nature of neural behavior. In this article, we build upon two recent approaches that include correlations and higher order moments in mean-field equations, and study how these stochastic effects influence the solutions of the mean-field equations, both in the limit of an infinite number of neurons and for large yet finite networks. We introduce a new model, the infinite model, which arises from both equations by a rescaling of the variables and, which is invertible for finite-size networks, and hence, provides equivalent equations to those previously derived models. The study of this model allows us to understand qualitative behavior of such large-scale networks. We show that, though the solutions of the deterministic mean-field equation constitute uncorrelated solutions of the new mean-field equations, the stability properties of limit cycles are modified by the presence of correlations, and additional non-trivial behaviors including periodic orbits appear when there were none in the mean field. The origin of all these behaviors is then explored in finite-size networks where interesting mesoscopic scale effects appear. This study leads us to show that the infinite-size system appears as a singular limit of the network equations, and for any finite network, the system will differ from the infinite system

    A systems approach to evaluate One Health initiatives

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    Challenges calling for integrated approaches to health, such as the One Health (OH) approach, typically arise from the intertwined spheres of humans, animals, and ecosystems constituting their environment. Initiatives addressing such wicked problems commonly consist of complex structures and dynamics. As a result of the EU COST Action (TD 1404) “Network for Evaluation of One Health” (NEOH), we propose an evaluation framework anchored in systems theory to address the intrinsic complexity of OH initiatives and regard them as subsystems of the context within which they operate. Typically, they intend to influence a system with a view to improve human, animal, and environmental health. The NEOH evaluation framework consists of four overarching elements, namely: (1) the definition of the initiative and its context, (2) the description of the theory of change with an assessment of expected and unexpected outcomes, (3) the process evaluation of operational and supporting infrastructures (the “OH-ness”), and (4) an assessment of the association(s) between the process evaluation and the outcomes produced. It relies on a mixed methods approach by combining a descriptive and qualitative assessment with a semi-quantitative scoring for the evaluation of the degree and structural balance of “OH-ness” (summarised in an OH-index and OH-ratio, respectively) and conventional metrics for different outcomes in a multi-criteria-decision-analysis. Here, we focus on the methodology for Elements (1) and (3) including ready-to-use Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for the assessment of the “OH-ness”. We also provide an overview of Element (2), and refer to the NEOH handbook for further details, also regarding Element (4) (http://neoh.onehealthglobal.net). The presented approach helps researchers, practitioners, and evaluators to conceptualise and conduct evaluations of integrated approaches to health and facilitates comparison and learning across different OH activities thereby facilitating decisions on resource allocation. The application of the framework has been described in eight case studies in the same Frontiers research topic and provides first data on OH-index and OH-ratio, which is an important step towards their validation and the creation of a dataset for future benchmarking, and to demonstrate under which circumstances OH initiatives provide added value compared to disciplinary or conventional health initiatives

    A comparative analysis of the Libyan national essential medicines list and the WHO model list of essential medicines

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    Aim and Objectives: To examine the concordance of the Libyan Pharmaceutical List of Essential Medicines (LPLEM) with the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines 2009 (WMLEM 2009). Methods: The concordance between generic medicines listed in the WMLEM 2009 (standard reference list) and the LPLEM 2006 (comparator list) was evaluated. Results: The total number of Basic Essential Medicines (BEMs) listed on the WMLEM 2009 was 347. The total number of generic medicines listed on the LPLEM was 584. Although the LPLEM has more listed medicines, only 270 (77.6%) of BEMs from the WMLEM were listed as available. However, 25 of the 77 missing medicines were deemed to have appropriate alternatives. A total of 52 medicines from the WMLEM 2009 were therefore missing from the LPLEM. Discrepancies compared to the WMLEM 2009 were identified in 15 out of 29 therapeutic sections. The highest discrepancy rate from the WMLEM 2009 was in the anti-infective section (35 missing medicines). Missing BEMs were noted in many subclassifications of the anti-infective medicines section, but omissions were particularly prevalent in the antibacterial medicines subsection (11 missing medicines). Antituberculosis medications had the highest discrepancy rate for antibacterial BEMs with one-third of the single medicines recommended by the WHO in the WMLEM 2009 not listed on the LPLEM. Of the 314 additional medicines on the LPLEM, 18 were deemed to be irrational non-essential medicines. Conclusion: The LPLEM does not include several essential medicines recommended by the WHO in the WMLEM 2009. These discrepancies may have serious public health implications for management of some infectious diseases, particularly, tuberculosis and HIV

    Improving the use of research evidence in guideline development: 15. Disseminating and implementing guidelines

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO), like many other organisations around the world, has recognised the need to use more rigorous processes to ensure that health care recommendations are informed by the best available research evidence. This is the 15(th )of a series of 16 reviews that have been prepared as background for advice from the WHO Advisory Committee on Health Research to WHO on how to achieve this. OBJECTIVES: In this review we address strategies for the implementation of recommendations in health care. METHODS: We examined overviews of systematic reviews of interventions to improve health care delivery and health care systems prepared by the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) group. We also conducted searches using PubMed and three databases of methodological studies for existing systematic reviews and relevant methodological research. We did not conduct systematic reviews ourselves. Our conclusions are based on the available evidence, consideration of what WHO and other organisations are doing and logical arguments. KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: What should WHO do to disseminate and facilitate the uptake of recommendations? • WHO should choose strategies to implement their guidelines from among those which have been evaluated positively in the published literature on implementation research • Because the evidence base is weak and modest to moderate effects, at best, can be anticipated, WHO should promote rigorous evaluations of implementation strategies. What should be done at headquarters, by regional offices and in countries? • Adaptation and implementation of WHO guidelines should be done locally, at the national or sub-national level. • WHO headquarters and regional offices should support the development and evaluation of implementation strategies by local authorities

    On the use of the group SO(4,2) in atomic and molecular physics

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    In this paper the dynamical noninvariance group SO(4,2) for a hydrogen-like atom is derived through two different approaches. The first one is by an established traditional ascent process starting from the symmetry group SO(3). This approach is presented in a mathematically oriented original way with a special emphasis on maximally superintegrable systems, N-dimensional extension and little groups. The second approach is by a new symmetry descent process starting from the noninvariance dynamical group Sp(8,R) for a four-dimensional harmonic oscillator. It is based on the little known concept of a Lie algebra under constraints and corresponds in some sense to a symmetry breaking mechanism. This paper ends with a brief discussion of the interest of SO(4,2) for a new group-theoretical approach to the periodic table of chemical elements. In this connection, a general ongoing programme based on the use of a complete set of commuting operators is briefly described. It is believed that the present paper could be useful not only to the atomic and molecular community but also to people working in theoretical and mathematical physics.Comment: 31 page

    2-D Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Induced Plasma Dynamics in the Near-Core Region of a Galaxy Cluster

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    We present results from numerical simulations of the cooling-core cluster A2199 produced by the two-dimensional (2-D) resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) code MACH2. In our simulations we explore the effect of anisotropic thermal conduction on the energy balance of the system. The results from idealized cases in 2-D axisymmetric geometry underscore the importance of the initial plasma density in ICM simulations, especially the near-core values since the radiation cooling rate is proportional to ne2{n_e}^2. Heat conduction is found to be non-effective in preventing catastrophic cooling in this cluster. In addition we performed 2-D planar MHD simulations starting from initial conditions deliberately violating both thermal balance and hydrostatic equilibrium in the ICM, to assess contributions of the convective terms in the energy balance of the system against anisotropic thermal conduction. We find that in this case work done by the pressure on the plasma can dominate the early evolution of the internal energy over anisotropic thermal conduction in the presence of subsonic flows, thereby reducing the impact of the magnetic field. Deviations from hydrostatic equilibrium near the cluster core may be associated with transient activity of a central active galactic nucleus and/or remnant dynamical activity in the ICM and warrant further study in three dimensions.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A new search for distant radio galaxies in the Southern hemisphere -- III. Optical spectroscopy and analysis of the MRCR--SUMSS sample

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    We have compiled a sample of 234 ultra-steep-spectrum(USS)-selected radio sources in order to find high-redshift radio galaxies (HzRGs). The sample is in the southern sky at -40 deg < DEC < -30 deg which is the overlap region of the 408-MHz Revised Molonglo Reference Catalogue, 843-MHz Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (the MRCR--SUMSS sample) and the 1400-MHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey. This is the third in a series of papers on the MRCR--SUMSS sample. Here we present optical spectra from the ANU 2.3-m telescope, ESO New Technology Telescope and ESO Very Large Telescope for 52 of the identifications from Bryant et al. (2009, Paper II), yielding redshifts for 36 galaxies, 13 of which have z>2. We analyse the K-z distribution and compare 4-arcsec-aperture magnitudes with 64-kpc aperture magnitudes in several surveys from the literature; the MRCR--SUMSS sample is found to be consistent with models for 10^{11}-10^{12} solar mass galaxies. Dispersions about the fits in the K-z plot support passive evolution of radio galaxy hosts since z>3. By comparing USS-selected samples in the literature, we find that the resultant median redshift of the samples shown is not dependent on the flux density distribution or selection frequency of each sample. In addition, our finding that the majority of the radio spectral energy distributions remain straight over a wide frequency range suggests that a k-correction is not responsible for the success of USS-selection in identifying high redshift radio galaxies and therefore the steep radio spectra may be intrinsic to the source or a product of the environment. Two galaxies have been found to have both compact radio structures and strong self-absorption in the Ly-alpha line, suggesting they are surrounded by a dense medium...abridged.Comment: Accepted for MNRAS. 25 page