332 research outputs found

    Lynx X-Ray Observatory: Response to the First Astro 2020 Decadal Survey Request for Information

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    This document serves as the Lynx Teams response to the first Request For Information (RFI) from the 2020 Decadal Survey in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Detailed answers to all of the questions asked in this RFI can be found in the Lynx Concept Study Report, Supplementary Technology Roadmaps, and the Lynx Cost Book

    Processing TES Level-1B Data

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    TES L1B Subsystem is a computer program that performs several functions for the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES). The term "L1B" (an abbreviation of "level 1B"), refers to data, specific to the TES, on radiometric calibrated spectral radiances and their corresponding noise equivalent spectral radiances (NESRs), plus ancillary geolocation, quality, and engineering data. The functions performed by TES L1B Subsystem include shear analysis, monitoring of signal levels, detection of ice build-up, and phase correction and radiometric and spectral calibration of TES target data. Also, the program computes NESRs for target spectra, writes scientific TES level-1B data to hierarchical- data-format (HDF) files for public distribution, computes brightness temperatures, and quantifies interpixel signal variability for the purpose of first-order cloud and heterogeneous land screening by the level-2 software summarized in the immediately following article. This program uses an in-house-developed algorithm, called "NUSRT," to correct instrument line-shape factors

    Neighborhood poverty and early transition to sexual at

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    This study examined how the link between neighborhood poverty and the timing of sexual initiation varies as a function of age, gender, and background characteristics. A sample of N 5 2,596 predominately White Canadian adolescents from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth was used. Sexual initiations occurring between 12 and 15 years old were considered. Results showed that younger adolescent females who lived in poor neighborhoods and who had a history of conduct problems were more likely to report early sexual activity. Peer characteristics partly accounted for this susceptibility. Among adolescent males, no direct neighborhood effects were found, but those who had combined risks at multiple levels appeared more vulnerable. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Two novel human NUMB isoforms provide a potential link between development and cancer

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    We previously identified four functionally distinct human NUMB isoforms. Here, we report the identification of two additional isoforms and propose a link between the expression of these isoforms and cancer. These novel isoforms, NUMB5 and NUMB6, lack exon 10 and are expressed in cells known for polarity and migratory behavior, such as human amniotic fluid cells, glioblastoma and metastatic tumor cells. RT-PCR and luciferase assays demonstrate that NUMB5 and NUMB6 are less antagonistic to NOTCH signaling than other NUMB isoforms. Immunocytochemistry analyses show that NUMB5 and NUMB6 interact and complex with CDC42, vimentin and the CDC42 regulator IQGAP1 (IQ (motif) GTPase activating protein 1). Furthermore, the ectopic expression of NUMB5 and NUMB6 induces the formation of lamellipodia (NUMB5) and filopodia (NUMB6) in a CDC42- and RAC1-dependent manner. These results are complemented by in vitro and in vivo studies, demonstrating that NUMB5 and NUMB6 alter the migratory behavior of cells. Together, these novel isoforms may play a role in further understanding the NUMB function in development and cancer

    The Role of the Lactate Dehydrogenase and the Effect of Prone Position during Ventilator-induced Lung Injury

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    To examine the impact of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as an early marker of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) and the effect of prone position during the VILI, we ventilated 28 normal white rabbits (10 supine, 10 prone, 8 controls) for 6 hr or until PaO2/FIO2 ratio was <200 mmHg. We applied an identical injurious ventilatory pattern (peak inspiratory pressure of 35 cmH2O with a PEEP of 3 cmH2O, I:E ratio of 1:2, and FIO2 of 0.40) in the supine and prone group. VILI was assessed by oxygenation, gravimetric analysis and histologic grading. Serum levels of LDH progressively increased significantly during the VILI (supine and prone groups) as compared with controls. There was a significant negative correlation between oxygenation and LDH levels (r=-0.619, p<0.001). Wet weight/dry weight ratios (WW/DW) and histologic scores for dependent regions were significantly higher in the supine than the prone group. There were no differences in WW/DW and histologic scores for nondependent regions between the supine and prone group. These findings suggest that serum LDH levels might be an early marker of severity of lung injury. The prone position resulted in a less severe and more homogenous distribution of VILI

    Kinematic properties of early-type galaxy haloes using planetary nebulae

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    We present new planetary nebulae (PNe) positions, radial velocities, and magnitudes for 6 early-type galaxies obtained with the Planetary Nebulae Spectrograph, their two-dimensional velocity and velocity dispersion fields. We extend this study to include an additional 10 early-type galaxies with PNe radial velocity measurements available from the literature, to obtain a broader description of the outer-halo kinematics in early-type galaxies. These data extend the information derived from stellar kinematics to typically up to ~8 Re. The combination of photometry, stellar and PNe kinematics shows: i) good agreement between the PNe number density and the stellar surface brightness in the region where the two data sets overlap; ii) good agreement between PNe and stellar kinematics; iii) that the mean rms velocity profiles fall into two groups: with of the galaxies characterized by slowly decreasing profiles and the remainder having steeply falling profiles; iv) a larger variety of velocity dispersion profiles; v) that twists and misalignments in the velocity fields are more frequent at large radii, including some fast rotators; vi) that outer haloes are characterised by more complex radial profiles of the specific angular momentum-related lambda_R parameter than observed within 1Re; vii) that many objects are more rotationally dominated at large radii than in their central parts; and viii) that the halo kinematics are correlated with other galaxy properties, such as total luminosity, isophotal shape, total stellar mass, V/sigma, and alpha parameter, with a clear separation between fast and slow rotators.Comment: 36 pages, 21 figures, revised version for MNRA

    Mass-to-light ratio gradients in early-type galaxy haloes

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    Since the near future should see a rapidly expanding set of probes of the halo masses of individual early-type galaxies, we introduce a convenient parameter for characterising the halo masses from both observational and theoretical results: \dML, the logarithmic radial gradient of the mass-to-light ratio. Using halo density profiles from LCDM simulations, we derive predictions for this gradient for various galaxy luminosities and star formation efficiencies ϵSF\epsilon_{SF}. As a pilot study, we assemble the available \dML\ data from kinematics in early-type galaxies - representing the first unbiassed study of halo masses in a wide range of early-type galaxy luminosities - and find a correlation between luminosity and \dML, such that the brightest galaxies appear the most dark-matter dominated. We find that the gradients in most of the brightest galaxies may fit in well with the LCDM predictions, but that there is also a population of fainter galaxies whose gradients are so low as to imply an unreasonably high star formation efficiency ϵSF>1\epsilon_{SF} > 1. This difficulty is eased if dark haloes are not assumed to have the standard LCDM profiles, but lower central concentrations.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    Lynx X-Ray Observatory: An Overview

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    Lynx, one of the four strategic mission concepts under study for the 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey, provides leaps in capability over previous and planned x-ray missions and provides synergistic observations in the 2030s to a multitude of space- and ground-based observatories across all wavelengths. Lynx provides orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity, on-axis subarcsecond imaging with arcsecond angular resolution over a large field of view, and high-resolution spectroscopy for point-like and extended sources in the 0.2- to 10-keV range. The Lynx architecture enables a broad range of unique and compelling science to be carried out mainly through a General Observer Program. This program is envisioned to include detecting the very first seed black holes, revealing the high-energy drivers of galaxy formation and evolution, and characterizing the mechanisms that govern stellar evolution and stellar ecosystems. The Lynx optics and science instruments are carefully designed to optimize the science capability and, when combined, form an exciting architecture that utilizes relatively mature technologies for a cost that is compatible with the projected NASA Astrophysics budget

    Genetic regulation of pituitary gland development in human and mouse

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    Normal hypothalamopituitary development is closely related to that of the forebrain and is dependent upon a complex genetic cascade of transcription factors and signaling molecules that may be either intrinsic or extrinsic to the developing Rathke’s pouch. These factors dictate organ commitment, cell differentiation, and cell proliferation within the anterior pituitary. Abnormalities in these processes are associated with congenital hypopituitarism, a spectrum of disorders that includes syndromic disorders such as septo-optic dysplasia, combined pituitary hormone deficiencies, and isolated hormone deficiencies, of which the commonest is GH deficiency. The highly variable clinical phenotypes can now in part be explained due to research performed over the last 20 yr, based mainly on naturally occurring and transgenic animal models. Mutations in genes encoding both signaling molecules and transcription factors have been implicated in the etiology of hypopituitarism, with or without other syndromic features, in mice and humans. To date, mutations in known genes account for a small proportion of cases of hypopituitarism in humans. However, these mutations have led to a greater understanding of the genetic interactions that lead to normal pituitary development. This review attempts to describe the complexity of pituitary development in the rodent, with particular emphasis on those factors that, when mutated, are associated with hypopituitarism in humans

    Early Science from POSSUM: Shocks, turbulence, and a massive new reservoir of ionised gas in the Fornax cluster

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    We present the first Faraday rotation measure (RM) grid study of an individual low-mass cluster -- the Fornax cluster -- which is presently undergoing a series of mergers. Exploiting commissioning data for the POlarisation Sky Survey of the Universe's Magnetism (POSSUM) covering a 34\sim34 square degree sky area using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), we achieve an RM grid density of 25\sim25 RMs per square degree from a 280 MHz band centred at 887 MHz, which is similar to expectations for forthcoming GHz-frequency all-sky surveys. We thereby probe the extended magnetoionic structure of the cluster in unprecedented detail. We find that the scatter in the Faraday RM of confirmed background sources is increased by 16.8±2.416.8\pm2.4 rad m2^{-2} within 1 degree (360 kpc) projected distance to the cluster centre, which is 2--4 times more extended than the presently-detectable X-ray-emitting intracluster medium (ICM). The Faraday-active plasma is more massive than the X-ray-emitting ICM, with an average density that broadly matches expectations for the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium. The morphology of the Faraday depth enhancement exhibits the classic morphology of an astrophysical bow shock on the southwest side of the main Fornax cluster, and an extended, swept-back wake on the northeastern side. Our favoured explanation is an ongoing merger between the main cluster and a sub-cluster to the southwest. The shock's Mach angle and stand-off distance lead to a self-consistent transonic merger speed with Mach 1.06. The region hosting the Faraday depth enhancement shows a decrement in both total and polarised intensity. We fail to identify a satisfactory explanation for this; further observations are warranted. Generally, our study illustrates the scientific returns that can be expected from all-sky grids of discrete sources generated by forthcoming all-sky radio surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASA. 27 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl