160 research outputs found

    In overweight or obese pregnant women, maternal dietary factors are not associated with fetal growth and adiposity

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate associations between maternal dietary factors and fetal growth and adiposity in overweight and obese women. Women randomised to the ‘Standard Care’ group of the LIMIT trial were included. Maternal dietary factors including Healthy Eating Index, total energy, fat, carbohydrates, protein, glycaemic load and index were measured using the Harvard semi-quantitative Food Frequency questionnaire at time of study entry, 28 and 36 weeks’ gestation. Fetal ultrasound measurements of biometry and adiposity were obtained at 28 and 36 weeks’ gestation. Linear regression models were used to associate between dietary factors and fetal growth and adiposity measurements. There were 721 women included in this exploratory analysis. A 10 unit increase in the log total energy was associated with a reduction in mid-thigh lean mass by 4.94 mm at 28 weeks (95% CI −9.57 mm, −0.32 mm; p = 0.036) and 7.02 mm at 36 weeks (95% CI −13.69 mm, −0.35 mm; p = 0.039). A 10 unit increase in Healthy Eating Index score was associated with a reduced mean subscapular skin fold measure at 28 weeks by 0.17 mm (95% CI −0.32 mm, −0.03 mm; p = 0.021). We did not identify consistent associations between maternal diet and measures of fetal growth and adiposity in overweight and obese women.Cecelia M. O’Brien, Jennie Louise, Andrea Deussen and Jodie M. Dod

    Анализ современных технологий заводнения при разработке нефтяных месторождений

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    Объектом исследования являются системы заводнения применяемые на месторождениях России Цель работы – анализ современных технологий заводнения при разработке нефтяных месторождений, а также обоснование применения технологий заводнения с целью увеличения темпов отбора, коэффициента нефтеизвлечения, технико-экономических показателей. В выпускной квалификационной работе приведены сведения о современных технологиях заводнения, применяемых на месторождениях России. Проведены расчеты экономической эффективности при внедрении нестационарного метода заводнения. Проанализирован процесс работы методов заводнения в условиях месторождений России. Бакалаврская работа выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Word, и Microsoft Excel.The object of the study are the waterflooding systems used in the fields of Russia The aim of the work is the analysis of modern flooding technologies in the development of oil fields, as well as the rationale for using flooding technologies to increase the rate of selection, the oil recovery factor, and the technical and economic indicators. In the final qualification work information on modern water flooding technologies used in the fields of Russia is given. Calculations of economic efficiency are implemented in the introduction of the non-stationary flooding method. The process of work of flooding methods in the conditions of Russian deposits is analyzed. Bachelor's work is executed in the text editor Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel

    Evelopment of the model of diagnosis of the risk of bankruptcy

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    The article presents an overview of foreign and domestic models for the diagnosis of bankruptcy risk, and gives a brief description of them. Also considered the development of our own model of bankruptcy risk diagnostics for Russian enterprise

    Quantitative imaging of coronary blood flow

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a nuclear medicine imaging modality based on the administration of a positron-emitting radiotracer, the imaging of the distribution and kinetics of the tracer, and the interpretation of the physiological events and their meaning with respect to health and disease. PET imaging was introduced in the 1970s and numerous advances in radiotracers and detection systems have enabled this modality to address a wide variety of clinical tasks, such as the detection of cancer, staging of Alzheimer's disease, and assessment of coronary artery disease (CAD). This review provides a description of the logic and the logistics of the processes required for PET imaging and a discussion of its use in guiding the treatment of CAD. Finally, we outline prospects and limitations of nanoparticles as agents for PET imaging

    Automated Hedcut Illustration Using Isophotes

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    Abstract. In this work, we present an automated system for creat-ing hedcut illustrations, portraits rendered using small image feature aligned dots (stipples). We utilize edge detection and shading cues from the input photograph to direct stipple placement within the image. Both image edges and isophotes are extracted as a means of describing the image feature and shading information. Edge features and isophotes are then assigned different priorities, with isophotes being assigned the high-est priority to enhance the depth perception within the hedcut portrait. Priority assignment dictates the stipple alignment and spacing. Finally, stipple size is based on the number of points and intensity and the gra-dient magnitude of the input image.

    Разработка основного оборудования получения металлического лития

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    Объектом исследования является выпарной аппарат установки получения металлического лития, находящейся в ОАО "НЗХК" (Новосибирский завод химконцентратов). Целью работы были проектирование и исследование выпарного аппарата с центральной циркуляционной трубой и подвесной греющей камерой. Преимущества аппарата с подвесной греющей камерой. Для достижения поставленной цели были решены следующие задачи: анализ конструкций аппаратов; произведен конструктивный и механический расчеты; сравнение полученных расчетов.The object of study is evaporating apparatus unit for production of lithium metal located in the Novosibirsk chemical concentrates plant (Novosibirsk chemical concentrates plant). The aim of this work was the design and study of evaporator with the Central circulation pipe and the suspended heating chamber. The advantages of the apparatus with overhead heating chamber. To achieve this goal have been resolved following tasks: analysis of equipment designs; produced structural and mechanical calculations; comparison of the calculations

    Бухгалтерский учет расчетов с персоналом по оплате труда (на примере предприятия HORUS INTERTRADE & CONSULTING)

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    В данной работе была рассмотрена специфика бухгалтерского учета расчетов с персоналом по оплате труда как в соответствии с российским законодательством, так и с законодательством Республики Узбекистан, дана характеристика организации бухгалтерского учета операций по расчетам с персоналом в узбекской компании ООО "Horus Intertrade & Consulting Kft", предложены меры по ее совершенствованию.In this work, the specifics of the bookkeeping of settlements with employees on remuneration of labor, both in accordance with Russian legislation and with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was given, and the characteristics of the organization of accounting for transactions with personnel in the Uzbek company Horus Intertrade & Consulting Kft, Measures for its improvement have been proposed

    Regulation of Coronary Blood Flow

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    The heart is uniquely responsible for providing its own blood supply through the coronary circulation. Regulation of coronary blood flow is quite complex and, after over 100 years of dedicated research, is understood to be dictated through multiple mechanisms that include extravascular compressive forces (tissue pressure), coronary perfusion pressure, myogenic, local metabolic, endothelial as well as neural and hormonal influences. While each of these determinants can have profound influence over myocardial perfusion, largely through effects on end-effector ion channels, these mechanisms collectively modulate coronary vascular resistance and act to ensure that the myocardial requirements for oxygen and substrates are adequately provided by the coronary circulation. The purpose of this series of Comprehensive Physiology is to highlight current knowledge regarding the physiologic regulation of coronary blood flow, with emphasis on functional anatomy and the interplay between the physical and biological determinants of myocardial oxygen delivery. © 2017 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 7:321-382, 2017