11 research outputs found
Depletion of cardiac norepinephrine during two forms of hemolytic anemia in the rat.
- Publication venue
- 'Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effect of tyrosine on catecholamine biosynthesis in intact rats
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1976
- Field of study
Alterations in Norepinephrine and Dopamine Content in Selected Brain Areas of Guinea Pigs Adapted to Simulated High Altitude
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Is there a hypoxic affective syndrome?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Oxygen dependence of dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity and lactate metabolism in synaptosomes from rat brain
- Author
- Altman
- Annau
- Annau
- Arregui
- Bachan
- Boismare
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Carlsson
- Craine
- Cymerman
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Debijadji
- Diliberto
- Dora
- Duffy
- Euler
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Gray
- Hoeldtke
- Hope
- Hurwitz
- Ji
- Joh
- Katz
- Katz
- Kaufman
- Koob
- Koob
- Lau
- Light
- Lubbers
- McIlwain
- Metter
- Molinoff
- Morimoto
- Nagatsu
- Orcutt
- Passonneau
- Prioux-Guyonneau
- Rafalowski
- Smith
- Snider
- Snyder
- Starke
- Stolk
- Strosznajder
- Stuart
- Tipton
- Van Den Driessche
- Wilcox
- Wood
- Zaleska
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Alpha adrenergic receptors and gastric function
- Author
- Ahlquist
- Ahlquist
- Anichkov
- Atkinson
- Audiger
- Bass
- Bayless
- Beani
- Benedict
- Berthelsen
- Boissier
- Bokesoy
- Borella
- Brimblecombe
- Brodie
- Brodie
- Brodie
- Bruckner
- Buccafusco
- Caldara
- Caldara
- Canfield
- Canfield
- Cheng
- Cheng
- Cheng
- Code
- Corrodi
- Costa
- Curwain
- Curwain
- Daly
- Daly
- Debijadji
- DeGroat
- Del Tacca
- DeOliveira
- Doteuchi
- Doteuchi
- Drew
- Ebong
- Emas
- Ennis
- Fantozzi
- Finkelman
- Fjalland
- Gaetani
- Gherezghiher
- Gillan
- Gillespie
- Golembioska-Nikitin
- Gothert
- Gottrup
- Gottrup
- Grechishkin
- Green
- Green
- Griffith
- Grimm
- Gupta
- Guslandi
- Hakanson
- Hano
- Harper
- Harries
- Harries
- Hoefke
- Hoffman
- Horn
- Jacobowitz
- Jansson
- Jennewein
- Kaess
- Karppanen
- Kasuya
- Kazic
- Kewenter
- Knoll
- Koss
- Koss
- Kosterlitz
- Kosterlitz
- Kosterlitz
- Kunitada
- Lands
- Langer
- Lauterbach
- Lee
- Lindmar
- Lundell
- Mannaioni
- Martinez
- Martinez
- Maynert
- McCulloch
- McDougal
- Medgett
- Melinek
- Misher
- Moore
- Moroni
- Mujic
- Norberg
- Norberg
- Nowak
- Ohtsuka
- Okabe
- Opmeer
- Parsons
- Pascaud
- Paton
- Paton
- Persson
- Pilc
- Pradhan
- Pradhan
- Putkonen
- Ridley
- Rivilis
- Ruoff
- Ruwart
- Sakema
- Sandor
- Selye
- Selye
- Selye
- Seno
- Shapiro
- Shapiro
- Shay
- Smith
- Spaulding
- Starke
- Suzuki
- Szabo
- Szabolcsi
- Tanaka
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Tepperman
- Thompson
- Tsoucaris-Kupfer
- Uchinda
- Valenzuela
- Van Rossum
- Varagic
- Vizi
- Vizi
- Vizi
- Vizi
- Vizi
- Walz
- Weide
- Wikberg
- Wikberg
- Yamaguchi
- Yamaguchi
- Yamaguchi
- Yamamoto
- Yoshida
- Zavodskaya
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1982
- Field of study
Adaptive changes induced by high altitude in the development of brain monoamine enzymes
- Author
- A. Abelson
- A. Cymerman
- A. Ichiyama
- A. Pletscher
- A. Vaccari
- A. Vaccari
- A. Vaccari
- A. Vaccari
- C. F. Sawin
- C. Lau
- D. S. Segal
- E. A. Petropoulos
- E. C. Azmitia Jr.
- E. Jéquier
- G. F. Koob
- G. R. Loon Van
- G. T. Pryor
- H. M. Smookler
- J. A. Diez
- J. A. Kennealy
- J. Axelrod
- J. C. Waymire
- J. D. Fernstrom
- J. Dobbing
- J. N. Davis
- J. N. Davis
- J. T. Coyle
- K. M. Maksutov
- K. Modigh
- M. Coleman
- M. J. Schmidt
- M. Kraml
- M. Palkovits
- M. Ruckebusch
- M. S. Malhotra
- N. Simon
- O. M. Lowry
- P. H. Wender
- P. S. Timiras
- R. Debijadji
- R. E. Myers
- R. M. Brown
- R. M. Brown
- R. M. Kobayashi
- R. S. Wurtman
- S. Brotman
- S. M. McCann
- S. U. Kim
- T. Hedner
- T. Nagatsu
- T. P. Waalkes
- W. D. Denckla
- W. Himwich
- W. Lovenberg
- W. Porcher
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Alteration of acetylcholine synthesis in mouse brain cortex in mild hypoxie hypoxia
- Author
- A. Carlsson
- A. G. Gornall
- A. Potempska
- A. Richtarik
- B. K. Siesjö
- B. K. Siesjö
- B. K. Siesjö
- B. K. Siesjö
- B. Karlen
- B. Karlen
- C. L. Galli
- C. O. Hebb
- D. A. Hurwitz
- D. E. Schmidt
- D. J. Jenden
- D. L. Cheney
- D. Malthe-Sorenssen
- E. G. S. Spokes
- E. T. Browning
- F. Fonnum
- F. Karoum
- F. Moroni
- F.-A. Wiesel
- G. Benzi
- G. E. Gibson
- G. Racagni
- H. B. Stoner
- I. Hanin
- J. C. Szerb
- J. Ernsting
- J. J. Freeman
- J. L. Meyerhoff
- J. N. Davis
- J. N. Davis
- K. L. Davis
- L. C. Blank
- M. J. Kubar
- M. J. Kubar
- M. Shimada
- M. Shimada
- M. Shimada
- M. Shimada
- M. Vogt
- N. S. Sharpless
- O. H. Lowry
- P. A. Shea
- P. H. Buxton
- R. Debijadji
- R. H. Roth
- R. S. Sloviter
- S. Eksborg
- S. Mazzari
- S. T. Weintraub
- T. Hedner
- T. Hedner
- T. Hedner
- T. Hedner
- V. H. Sethy
- W. B. Stavinoha
- W. B. Stavinoha
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Biochemistry of Dyskinesias
- Author
- Adams
- Ahmed
- Alzheimer
- Andén
- Andén
- Andén
- Axelrod
- Ayd
- Azima
- Bagchi
- Banks
- Barbeau
- Barbeau
- Barbeau
- Barbeau
- Barbeau
- Barbeau
- Barbeau
- Barbeau
- Barcroft
- Barolin
- Bcani
- Beam
- Beleslin
- Bell
- Berlin
- Berlin
- Bernheimer
- Bernheimer
- Bernheimer
- Bernheimer
- Bernheimer
- Bernheimer
- Bernheimer
- Bertler
- Bertler
- Bertler
- Bertler
- Bertler
- Birkmayer
- Birkmayer
- Birkmayer
- Bischoff
- Blaschko
- Blois
- Borg
- Borri
- Brack
- Brayn
- Brodal
- Brown
- Bruck
- Bruyn
- Burgen
- Butt
- Caesar
- Carlsson
- Carlsson
- Carlsson
- Carlsson
- Carpenter
- Cho
- Cohen
- Colburn
- Commoner
- Connor
- Constas
- Corsellis
- Cotzias
- Cotzias
- Cotzias
- Courville
- Cowie
- Cowie
- Culvenor
- Cumings
- Cumings
- Cumings
- Cumings
- Cumings
- Curzon
- Curzon
- Curzon
- Curzon
- Curzon
- da Prada
- Dagirmanjian
- de Marco
- Debijadji
- Deiwick
- Delbruck
- Denny-Brown
- Doshay
- Dressier
- Edington
- Ehringer
- Ekbom
- Elizan
- Elizan
- Ernst
- Ernst
- Ernst
- Ernst
- Evans
- Everett
- Everett
- Everett
- Faurbye
- Fehling
- Feldberg
- Feldberg
- Fellman
- Fitzpatrick
- Flink
- Flinn
- Foldes
- Foley
- Forrest
- Forrest
- Frame
- Friedhoff
- Friedhoff
- Friedhoff
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Fuxe
- Gajdusek
- Gerstenbrand
- Giarman
- Glow
- Glowinski
- Gomirato
- Gottfries
- Greenfield
- Greenfield
- Greenfield
- Greer
- Greiner
- Greiner
- Groden
- Guyot
- Haase
- Hallgren
- Hebb
- Heller
- Hirschmann
- Holbrook
- Holmstedt
- Homykiewicz
- Hooghwinkel
- Hornykiewicz
- Hornykiewicz
- Hornykiewicz
- Hunter
- Jenckner
- Johnson
- Jones
- Juorio
- Karreman
- Kenyon
- Kirkpatrick
- Knox
- Koella
- Kowlessar
- Kruse
- Kuehl
- Kuntzman
- Környev
- Larsson
- Laursen
- Laverty
- Laverty
- Levy
- Lillie
- Lillie
- Lyons
- MacIntyre
- Malone
- Markham
- Marsden
- Marsden
- Marsh
- Marshall
- Masuoka
- Matsuoka
- McDonald
- McGeer
- McGeer
- McGeer
- McLennan
- McLennan
- McMenemey
- Mettler
- Mettler
- Meyer
- Mitchell
- Mjönes
- Moore
- Murphy
- Mustala
- Myrianthopoulos
- Nagatsu
- Nakajima
- Nashold
- Nashold
- Nayrac
- Neumann
- Nielsen
- Norberg
- O'Reilly
- Oepen
- Oepen
- Oliphant
- Osaki
- Owen
- Pakkenberg
- Pakkenberg
- Patten
- Peaston
- Pelnar
- Pentschew
- Pepeu
- Perry
- Perry
- Peters
- Peters
- Phillippu
- Poirier
- Poirier
- Porter
- Pullman
- Rees
- Resnick
- Richmond
- Robinson
- Rodier
- Roos
- Roos
- Rozdilsky
- Sano
- Satanove
- Sattin
- Sattin
- Scheinberg
- Scherer
- Schnieden
- Schwab
- Schwab
- Scott
- Seitelberger
- Sharman
- Sigwald
- Simola
- Smith
- Sourkes
- Sourkes
- Sourkes
- Spencer
- Steg
- Stern
- Sternlieb
- Sunderman
- Sunderman
- Szanto
- Szent-György
- Szent-György
- Takesada
- Tingey
- Tislow
- Tolson
- Trautner
- Udenfriend
- Udenfriend
- Udenfriend
- Uhrbrand
- Ungar
- Van Bogaert
- Van Bogaert
- Van Bogaert
- Van der Ecken
- Vanderwende
- Vanderwende
- Vanderwende
- Wagner
- Walshe
- Walshe
- Warner
- Warren
- Warren
- Weil-Malherbe
- Westlake
- Whitby
- White
- Williams
- Wilson
- Zetler
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1967
- Field of study